1. DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!

    Competition topic: Magical New Year!

    Marathon goal? Crank out words!

    Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.

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Work By Author

A place for Authors to get valuable early feedback on their newest works.

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    • Messages 62,415

    Harry Potter Work by Author

    A place for users to post their fanfiction and receive feedback.
    Latest: On the Other Side of the Coin Jul 23, 2024 at 4:55 PM, LilyJPotter
    • Discussions 205
    • Messages 15,509

    Dresden Work By Author

    Post your Dresden Files fanfiction here for feedback. Harry Potter crossovers can go in Harry Potter Work by Author.
    • Discussions 493
    • Messages 20,730

    Misc Work by Author

    Post your stories for all the other fandoms besides Harry Potter and Dresden Files.
    • Discussions 297
    • Messages 2,073

    Original Fiction Work By Author

    A place to put your original writing and get some constructive feedback.
    • Discussions 71
    • Messages 9,569

    Story Quests

    Where no circlejerk has gone before. Collective choose your own adventure stories, either hosted here or elsewhere.
    Latest: Superman: Man of Tomorrow Jan 22, 2024, Arthellion