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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    SR flipping town would have cleared you, yeah. I didn't consider important enough to include in the overall list, because I figured you'd bring it up to clear yourself if I died and he flipped scum, shrug.
  2. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Will open by saying that I'm unlikely to be anywhere near as active as I normally am (Outside of maybe weekends) with my current work situation and schedule and that I'm mostly here as an emergency replacement and to play with NewBcomb. I'm also likely to end up playing this in a more wall type way (Sorry Vaimes, I promise if you actually read them I'll pretend to listen to your reads too) rather than constant live interactions for a few different reasons that I'd rather not go into but I'm sure a few of you may be able to guess. That said I've been following along (Have read the entire game outside of a small section of D1 that I might just have to bite the bullet and go back and read) and think I've got a very good grip reads wise here though SR flipping town sort of throws a little bit of a wrench into it, I thought yesterday might have been W/T with him as scum and thought if that was the case there'd be a lot of information to read into there later in the game.

    Currently very confident that all of Stanari, Tom, NewBcomb (Ashamed to admit this isn't a read I had until near the end of yesterday, I refuse to take all the blame for this though, also on NewBcomb for being bad, in fact so bad that he totally deserved the sort of scum read I had on him :/), Vaimes and Yeti are town, would eat a hat if any of them were ever scum here. I can and probably will go into reasoning behind all of these reads at some point but would rather focus more on the ??? slots given there's quite a few of them and the people I think are likely scum here with the limited time I have. If people badly want me to run through reasoning behind why one of those players are town earlier though let me know and I'll go over it but I'm pretty confident that putting those people to the side for the rest of the game and lynching outside of them is a winning play here.

    I also think that Jarizok, Tshaih, Miner and Wei are probably town here but those reads are significantly weaker than the ones listed above and for the most part I want to actually be going over these players ISO's myself again to solidify or reconfirm these reads since they're mostly based around "I remember thinking they did something/had a few posts that felt town" rather than actual hard solid logic, I think there's a decent chance I'm wrong about one person in that list but hopefully not more than, suffice it to say that I'm not hugely interested in lynching inside that list so if anyone thinks that someone there might be scum would greatly appreciate them actually stating so and putting forward reasoning as to why any of them are scum. I will go into my reasoning/thoughts on this pile in some depth after I've had time to do the rereading on them that I want to do though but again priority is the complete unknown and scum read players given the game size. With those flips there...I probably should actually go into them a little earlier than I'd have liked.

    Putting those 9 players to the side leaves; [sJan[/s], 113, Culth, Dya, Fable, Owner, Fonti, SR and Vira, I think there's minimum 4 scum inside those names, more probably 5 and would be nicer if all 6 were actually there but that'd be admittedly slightly ambitious. In there I don't have many lasting thoughts about 113, Culth, Dya or Fable at all, actually remember very little of all fours posting so will be taking it upon myself to reread those four players ISO's when I get the chance, would appreciate others thoughts/reads on that grouping in the meantime though because my thoughts on them effectively end up being "Shrug PoE scum??" which isn't ideal given it's highly likely there's at least one townie in there.

    Moving on to Scott, I'd initially strongly town read Scotts interactions with Stanari and thought that some of what he'd put forward was unlikely to come from a newer player as scum especially with how it felt like he really believed in his scum read there but the posting in the latter parts of his ISO is rather troubling and I've not liked Owners entrance at all thus far or specific players treatment of this slot. Wouldn't go as far to say that I think the slots scum or anything like that but I certainly don't think people should be ruling it out to the degree that seems or seemed to be the case and if a certain few flips happen like I think they might I'd probably recommend that this slot gets a proper looking at then. For now though I'll probably just wait until Owners caught up and try and get a firmer read on her then. I'm in a similar spot with Jan in that I initially had a strong town read on him and was completely happy with putting him to the side due to his claim but haven't really liked his play since then and for raisons think that it's plausible his claim here is fake, not really interested in lynching him anytime soon or forcing him to claim a mason partner but I would like to see more from him and hopefully actually get a better feel for him here.

    Then we hit the trio of people I think are ranging from probably? to super likely scum inside Fontisian, SR and Vira. will go into these in my next few posts.


    Stanari, Vaimes, Tom, Newcomb and Yeti are most certainly town here, Jarizok, Tsaih, Miner and Wei are probably town but much weaker than the other 5 names listed. I have very little thoughts on 113/Dya/Fable/Culth other than "Maybe PoE scum", initially town read the Scott and Jan slots but has been trending downward as the games progressed and now in a "Not really sure, can see worlds where they're both alignments but probably slightly more where they're town?" spot with them and am rather confident there's minimum 2 very probably 3 scum inside Vira, Fontisian and SR and think we should be lynching inside them today.

    Or I suppose I could put it in this fashion;

    Town (S->W): Stanari, Vaimes, Newcomb, Tom, Yeti, [Large Gap], Jarizok, Wei, Tsaih, [Gap], Jan, Owner
    Null: 113, Dya, Fable, Culth
    Scum (S->W): Vira, [Gap], Fontisian, SR.

    Where the only placements I'm confident about being right are is the first grouping in the town and the entire scum grouping.

    Would appreciate if someone post-breaks this so I can actually throw down my next post without Vaimes crying too much.
  3. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Thanks for your opinion.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Yeah, see, I think both of those slots are town and you're scum.
  5. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
  6. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Alright fineI'll just spell it out for you in a sec, you guys are no fun at all. ;-;
  7. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    I skimmed hard af to try and intake as much as I could but it wasn't really internalized I just remember you said him mentioning it felt townie and I don't think it did.
  8. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Well I'm glad Reg won't spent the entire Day saying he's still catching up.
  9. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Will dedicate this entire post into going into my strongest scum read by far; Vira

    Her very early game posting and questioning came across as rather awkward in that there was very little follow through on the questions and nearly no actual reads and stances from herself shown, this is a trend that continues throughout the game; really suggest people open up her ISO and actually track the progress behind her questioning of players because it's just...not there and I think throwing out questions is one of the easiest things to do as scum whereas town when doing such are generally doing to to improve or amend their reads and the result of question is noticeable. I also don't actually think the point someone made about "She forgot you don't have to read yourself" in Post #59 is a bad one, it's probably not the strongest thing in the game but it certainly doesn't come across well.

    I thought her Scott ISO thoughts in Post #839 and vote felt very contrived in that it feels like "Scum picking someone they think they can get away with voting and compiling reasons to justify it" rather than her genuinely scumreading him, I also think regardless of his alignment he's a very easy person to pick to do that to in the early game. I think Town!Vira would be deciding to take a look at several other players before focusing on someone she's unaware of and is new to the game.

    Her unvote on Scott when he replaces out in Post #2125 leads towards her fishing to throw a vote down in the GH/Cuth type direction, then attacks GH for "Voting the top wagon" in Post #2138 and moves to vote him in Post #2238, it's a progression that screams scum motivation and shows practically zero actual individual thoughts on the game herself, it's a very hypocritical vote and just feels like trying to find somewhere easy to place her vote.

    I think her analysis and reaction to Koalas claim in "Wouldn't he claim something different as scum" in Post #2138 is a very unnatural type of reaction for town to have there whereas it fits how I expect scum to be acting a lot in that they know he's telling the truth and want to try and semi-defend to look good later on while they have a guaranteed mslynch available in GH there. I also don't really believe for a second she thinks that mafia would be more likely to claim cop in an Eido game, she's very aware of mod meta.

    You then hit her D2 reads list which a few people have pointed out the issues with but her Post #3204 really just sums up all of my issues with her play throughout the entire game, the turnaround on Koalas is very scum motivated and there's no real depth to any of the reads, there's very little differentiation between the town reads and if she was in a situation where she was somewhat town reading the entire game you'd imagine there'd be some frustration from her or her working towards actually getting reads but there's no intention shown for that at all which makes her frustration with people classifying her as having no scum reads feel very fake. Like lets take a look at the actual reasoning in that post, Fonti has feelings about lynching someone? This was shown where? This is a thing since when? And how does that explain the town read on her before any real wagons started? She thinks Scum!Jari would be more active and doing things so he's town? But she's been scum with him when he hard lurked for several days? Huh? Vamies in the null area because she's not seen a scum game of him? These are just completely empty reads and reasoning that scum throw out when they're unsure what to do and the reads list feels very similar to her WH one where I started to scum read her.

    It looks like RL hits her pretty hard during D2 but there's equally minimal actual reads shared there until she gets around to her SR ISO thoughts in Post #4426 which you'd think would end with a SR vote but it doesn't, she remains fairly unphased by which one dies. Important to note that she's around for a few hours before the deadline but has very little actual impact towards getting reads and gamesolving, chimes in when Tom attempts to CFD her with a "Have you mentioned me before??" in Post #4462 which is a super slimy and scum motivated of attempting to decredit someone pushing you and then lurks until 2 minutes before deadline where she goes the "EVERYONE ON KOALAS" thing in Post #4555.


    The constant questions she throws out with very little follow up and very little reads created from them is a rather significant scum tell, as is her treatment of both Scott/GH throughout D1 and Koalas/SR on D2 and given these are the only real people she's focused on throughout the game that's a huge issue especially given 3 of the 4 people have already flipped town. Her reads list, reasoning, lack of scum reads and lack of attempt to actually find any scum reads just don't come from town here at all and is absolutely where we're lynching today.

    Vote: Vira
  10. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Thanks for your opinion again.

    I have 0 clue how SR flipping town would have cleared me ?? Isn't it only clearing if you think he's TMIing if he flips scum to have TMI'd?
    --- Post automerged ---
    LOL at trying to shade when I've produced more content while catching up than you did all of D2.

    You started this game and have made no pushes. Fix that then talk big.
  11. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Reg, you're going to have to explain the Newcomb and Yeti reads.
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I think hyperfocusing on people doing perceived derpy things after he won as a wolf with that is town, or at the least the natural continuation of WH for town.

    Is this the read you think I have?
  13. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
  14. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Sure, I'll get around to those tonight probably. You should read my huge case on Vira and vote her here though.
  15. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Feelsbad I'm not on the readslist, but I'm probably in the Jari wei tsaiah group based on your wall of text beforehand.

    I'm having some trouble with the Vira scumread, mostly because her play this game does not resemble either her town or scumgame that I've seen so I really don't know how to read it. Can you explain why she's scum?

    Also, if you could explain why fonti's like... the lowest on your readslist that'd be nice. I mean I guess she's failed to live up to our bargain, but at the same time I don't think scum!fonti tries to powerwolf without bussing anyone in a game this large?

    That's probably self-defeating, but w/e.
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I didn't direct that post at you??? :/
  17. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    oh hai Reg

    I cannot believe tom got nightkilled on DLP.
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    I took what he was saying as "derptells are valid/town do them" when he had just spent a game trying to derptell as a scum so it's not so much your read, maybe we're interpreting what he said differently.
  19. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    JK about Vira.
  20. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm pretty sure he was like "THIS IS A DERPTELL AND I HATE IT" but I'd have to check.