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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Haven't been wowed by him, found his dc progression weird, don't really agree with other points against him. Would lump not lynch.
  2. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
  3. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Cobalt, could I trouble you for a readlist?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Newcomb (4): Delphine (#194), Jarizok (#556), Cobalt (#735), Vaimes (#778)
    Shadow (4): Fontisian (#675), Newcomb (#710), Gemma (#715), Waco (#724)
    Delphine (3): Mal (#402), dC (#586), Tom (#779)
    Waco (1): Shadow (#661)

    Abstaining (1): Jan

    Tom (4): Tom (#17), Newcomb (#148), Shadow (#566), Cobalt (#735)
    Newcomb (3): Mal (#402), Fontisian (#725), Gemma (#726)
    Waco (2): Waco (#25), Delphine (#194)
    Jarizok (2): Jarizok (#413), dC (#825)
    Mal (2): Jan (#793), Vaimes (#798)

    Please yell at me if incorrect. Hashtag votalz.
  4. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Stanari what are you doing to get yourself into this game?
  5. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I am in the game. Like, as much as I can be at my current level of sleep deprivation at least. I just need to sit in the water for a bit and watch the ripples spread.
    --- Post automerged ---
    At what point are you planning to drop a readlist?
  6. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Hi Stan.
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Gonna run through some updated thoughts on where I'm at.

    tom - Tom this game is a bit like producing maple syrup - you have to distill down like 15 gallons of sap to get a little bottle of syrup. This isn't necessarily indicative of either of tom's games, but for me, it does hit a critical mass at some point and starts feeling like more of a wolf thing.

    I somewhat like the automerge in #147 where he gives a thumbs up on the votes, then asks about the copypasta. It's something that he could notice as a wolf, sure, but on balance it feels more like if he did after he'd given the thumbs up, it would have been more self-depreciating, or more... laughing at it, or something. Flat asking feels like there was some skin in the game in terms of what the answer was. Definitely a bit of a thin read. A stretch, for sure... partly it's that starting from his first post and reading up in tom's ISO you eventually start to feel kind of antsy to find something you can call alignment indicative. Which doesn't feel like a super good sign.

    Noting that the self-negation of specific meta reads on both Mal in #174 and Jarizok in #178 read a bit like a kind of funhouse mirror version of fighting consensus townreads. Like, noting Mal is trying too hard, then following up with it being NAI, and liking the premise of dC's read but negating the application kind of... yeah. Tom plays his cards somewhat close to the chest, but it doesn't feel quite right to be this outright ... idk exactly what the right word is. Not dismissive, but like... short-circuited.

    I think the mindset behind #212 is a little concerning - the way he's talking about it indicates that he's very aware of not just his lump campaign, but how his lump campaign is being perceived. how seriously people are taking it. Not to say a villager in a vacuum wouldn't notice or wouldn't care about those things ever, but as someone who won the Lump D1 as a witch, you're pretty... aware of how it's going, and thinking a lot about the implications of winning it and how it would look to do or not do things regarding it. Fairly minor ping, but a ping.

    #218 fonti/tom w/w hailmary for postgame cred, get at me. (The alignment is a somewhat serious read, but a w/w fonti/tom world would mean that most of the people pushing on me are villagers, which is something I just really don't see as likely at all, so it's more like a "break glass in case of emergency" thing).

    I think the swipe at Jarizok in #244 makes plenty of sense given his stated read trajectory there, and moreover it's a read that I agreed with in realtime as I was reading along. I also kiiiiinda think wolf!tom puts a little spice on that post, maybe just a little, rather than leaving it that bare. #247 is another mindmeld-y moment. I also think that on balance, it's not quite as easy for wolves to accuse villagers of not believing their pushes. Especially since like, a town!Delphine here generally comes off as pretty... genuine in what she believes. Come to think of it... tom/fonti/Delphine hail mary for postgame cred, get at me?

    I hate myself for wanting to townread stuff like #267, because I know wolf!tom absolutely /can/ make posts like this, I just can't help but almost like... be jealous that he can be that free and easy as a wolf. I'm gonna say damn the torpedoes and give him townpoints for it anyway. "Pure", for lack of a better word. By contrast, I kinda hate #294. It sounds like an attempt to sound light and carefree without, like... having that tonal pureness. "I don't know if that's even a read" is something that reads way more to me like something you'd type and think sounds like something town might say.

    #340 is the kind of post I associate with tom's towngame - it's taking initiative to do something, and finding a somewhat unique angle. If tom had been making post like this a lot more, I'd feel a lot better. But this is kind of the essence of the maple syrup thing - tom's posts where he's like... following a lead and talking about it so are so damn sparse.

    Agree with the trajectory of #373 and the previous two tom posts towards dC - it feels like a smooth, organic progression and makes plenty of sense given dC's flightiness this game.

    I like the understated frustration in #490 and feel like it makes a little more sense coming from town!tom.

    I dig #604. It's exactly the kind of nuance I look for when I'm reading tom - notably, he's looking at Jari, bouncing off something fonti said, but also trying to worm his way into what saying that thing he agreed with means for fonti. It's a multi-angle kind of read that reads genuine to me.

    The whole series of posts around #618 are something that I'm very consciously steering clear from. They're something that I might have townread someone for before - like, the freeflowing setup thoughts and what they indicate about how someone's approaching the game mechanically always come, from me, from a "scum are tuned in to the mechanics because they have to be" which turns out to not actually be true.


    Noticed this; especially the timing/non-description of some of tom's votes. Wouldn't mind an elaboration, would accept "I'll talk about it at a later date."

    I'm coming out of this ISO feeling worse about tom, tbh. There are some town markers to be sure, but weirdly enough most of them come /after/ I took my first look at him and came away kind of mildly liking him. It's a body of work thing. It really is noticable when you read his posts in ISO how little actual content there is. Which, like I said at the beginning, is not out of tom's townrange, but is concerning.

    I'm more convinced than ever that tom is the ideal Lump here. I could use a softcleared anchor to bounce ideas off, and if he's a witch this is probably going to be a somewhat hard push to focus down on like, D3-D4, would rather just clear it up now.


    Went over some brief dC thoughts last night. The general concern I had with how flighty/bouncy he's been compared to how much he's repping a kind of "I'm aimless, what do I do" thing is mostly me being confused more than it is thinking it's indicative of anything, is the side I'm coming down on.

    Wondering what this was in reference to.

    #450 strikes me as a bit odd coming from someone who just went "oh, you know what, I was townreading Mal too easily" and voted him right after fonti's case. Like... asking Vaimes if fonti's case was bad. Not, "do you think it was bad" but "was it bad", like he didn't super have an opinion of his own. Actually strikes me as a bit TWTBAW, since, like... surely that would occur to you as you're writing it that you just voted that person and it looks bad to ask if the case on the person you just voted for was bad?

    #777 Going to reiterate the "if it's performance art, it's good performance art" thing I said about dC earlier. If he's a wolf this game, I think he's going to be pretty easy to catch because this style kinda lends itself to just hitting a brick wall. On balance though, I think he's much more town than not.


    Kinda want to skip Jan in the interest of time, because the odds of me lynching him D1 approach 0%, but I'll do at least a quick skim to re-verify my thoughts here.

    I like the thought process behind #208. I'm not sure I'd agree with the conclusion that Mal would have thought about the situation that way, but I like the way Jan's trying to get into Mal's head, and specifically the way he's knocking down what he sees as a bad w/w read, which is something I associate more with Jan's towngame.

    Speaking of possibly bad associations, let's talk #410. I used to have a meta read I was tooling around with, like, maybe a year ago, that town!Jan's jokes were funny, and wolf!Jan's jokes were kinda forced and/or flat. I mostly discarded it, probably because it's kind of a shitty read that depends on my mood as much as Jan's, but this post reminded me of it. It's the kind of... laconic humor that I associate with Jan's towngame. Still a shitty read. Kind of personal bookeeping because if Jan is in fact town I might pick that read up from the trash can and dust it off and kind of remember it with nostalgia, consider making it part of my repertoire, then chuck it back in the bin where it belongs because it's still a shitty way to read someone.\

    In the context of Jan scumreading Jarizok, #436 is remarkably even-keeled and inquisitive. Super hard to see that at a partner, and in the world where Jan knows Jarizok as town, I have a hard time seeing Jan being able to make a post like that without it coming off as at least faintly mudsling-y, and I'm just not seeing that here.

    Not gonna link these posts, and not gonna talk about them that much, but the Jan/Gemma spat I think is a) pretty obviously not w/w, and b) more indicitive of Jan's towngame than not, especially with the way he backed off. Reminds me a bit of Jan v. Sotek in the WH Invitational.

    I'm gonna cuts this one off too, as I can already feel this becoming a bit of a long post (insert "understatement" joke here). I came out of this feeling still pretty solid about Jan, though not as solid as I thought I'd be feeling, if that makes sense. There's enough here that I like, and little enough that I dislike, to write him off for D1, easy. Don't take this read to the bank and hardclear him, though.


    Not going to go super in depth on my read of his initial posts, but the point I made about the overall vibe feeling like he wanted to be seen as active but was casting around for things to talk about and just kept pivoting to things that had nothing to do with this game, stands. It's even more obvious when you look at his posts in isolation, FWIW.

    117 definitely has a TMI'd Mal town flavor. The read is just so... ephemeral. "Believing in someone's intent to solve" is the easiest and most hot air thing you can say about Mal's posts. Like... it's Mal. Can you seriously imagine Mal coming in and going "imma just shitpost this game, glhf". He always has or represents the intent to solve. It just reads as Jari scrambling for a reason to townread Mal's morewords.gif. #139 expands on that, but the actual meat of the post has zero contrapositive flow - no indication that there's any thought about what Mal's new/concise style would look like from a wolf. Like, the progression is basically Jari: "Mal is serious and looks like he's gonna do things." Waco: "Mal always looks like that." Jari: "He's laser focused and concise, though, and that's what I think the natural evolution of that would be." Which is just like... o... kay? I buy that somewhat as a thought Jarizok legitimately had, I do not buy it as a reason to throw Mal a townread.

    Still think that #349 is a pretty classic way that wolves talk about unconventional / hard to read players. It's born of laziness, I think. Yes, villagers can do it, but wolves have to fake so much shit anyway, piling on having to read someone who doesn't really fit conventional mafia language and thus isn't able to be just kinda... "shit out a bunch of mafia lingo, that's town right?" and actually make a coherent read on a Seppel/tom-type they already know is town is just... hard. Thus you see a lot of wolves just going the kinda vaguely baffled /shrug "tom is tom" type reads.

    Villagers are more likely to see such players as a challenge, wolves just want to avoid them, for the most part.

    #413 features a townread on Waco that's pretty much impossible to dispute, discuss, or do anything with, making it Super Useful. Like, if you're actually going to make a read that Player X has an alignment-indicative content/gif/content ratio, you'd better be ready to come at me with some hard data because brother that something zero people are going to go verify. The "Fonti reading Mal opposite to myself is par for the course" line I also take issue with. It's inserted into the post with no preamble or analysis, just kind of "random comment" style. It just... there's a lack of any indication at all that Jarizok either a) cares what this mean's about fonti's alignment or b) cares what it means about Mal's alignment, or c) is thinking about the situation critically.

    I do somewhat like #416 and #420. I think that in a wolf!Jarizok world, the realization that he didn't really answer the question is something that he just shrugs and ignores, or if he says it, then tries another attempt at answering. The middle ground at "oh well at least I said something" reads fairly tonally pure.

    #556 combined with #602 is extremely incongruous. Read 602 in the context of Jarizok talking to someone he is currently voting for. Especially this line: "
    Considering that and the fact that I’m the easiest lynch to get this game, why waste thread pushing me D1? There’s people you can actually read here, and you can get the lynch on me any day?"


    Coming out of this not really moving the needle on my previous read. Would lynch.

    @DC, if you're still wondering why I don't want to Lump Jarizok, the answer is that I think he's too mafia, and not middle ground enough (plus the thing I said earlier). Lumping a witch isn't a bad deal, but you still lose the double vote and the Priest to it. The ideal Lump is town that would have gotten mislynched. If Jarizok is town, he is an ideal Lump. I just don't think he's town.


    Here's my read on Vaimes:

    Note: do not read if you're not Vaimes

    Vaimes I love you and you're so fun to play with but you cannot imagine, in the depths of my soul, how sick I'm getting of this particular tune with you. Get. on. my. level.

    I appreciate the things you've been saying about my play this game, kind of running as an intermediary or whatever, and you've been generally accurate and correct.


    I think that if I can get to reasonably certain town on you without you straining a muscle all over the thread, you should be able to get to reasonably certain town on me without me having to do the same. Which I am doing, currently in this post, and if you wolfread me for one second after you read this, lolyou. I haven't rolled wolf in over a goddamn year, you know I can't make this post as mafia, now step off.

    I need you to be able to read me as town without me having to try so hard. It's stressing me the fuck out and saps the fun out of what was supposed to be a lazy loleffort game. If I literally have to effort to get townread because that's just My Thing, then I'm going to burn out for longer and longer after every game until I'm just a withered husk.



    Somewhat like #151, as I find fonti playing traffic cop to be more indicative of her town game than not. Not that it's at all a difficult thing to fake, but a ping nonetheless.

    #399, her Mal case, is the first time there's really some meat to dive into. Tbh, I don't love it. It feels a little IIoA-y - there's more narrating what happened with some general notes of skepticism / disbelief, and it's a pretty wordy post for what essentially boils down to "Mal doesn't care about the questions he's asking."

    Could see this as an attempt for wolf!fonti to like, rev up the engines somewhat, but... ok there is definitely an element of comedy here considering how fonti ended that exact post, but it there's, uh, and element of TWTBAW here.


    Man I felt dirty just writing that.

    There is, though. Fonti as both alignments follows a pretty normal pattern of like, short disengaged posts, a few random pokes, and then a medium length case on someone 1/3-1/2 of the way through D1. Her wolf cases have more bite than this, on the whole. Gun to my head, this is town!fonti kinda trying to psych herself up / get into the game.

    #567 combined with #572 is another thing I associate with fonti's towngame. I couldn't back it up with examples, but I feel like I've seen her do that "pre-case mic drop" post as town a fair bit, and not a ton as a wolf. That whole kind of... "boom, scumread" <small gap> <elaboration/explanation>.

    There's also the non-trivial fact that I agree with the content of the read.

    #500 probably spews a few people town if fonti is actually a wolf, but that's a bridge I'm not going to cross at the moment.

    I like the Waco analysis in #682 and #687. They're reads going in different directions, which on a surface level is hedge-y, but it doesn't super read like that, it reads more like genuine thought. Like, I don't really see a Waco Agenda even when you mix these two posts together.

    She's right, you know.

    Not going to fall into the trap of townreading that for it not being the way I think wolf!fonti would approach me knowing I'm town. Not going to.


    I'm kind of surprisingly reading fonti as moderately town here. I'm nearly universally at light town on fonti every single game, regardless of what alignment she actually ends up being, and I'm like... 25-30% stronger town here?

    It's been a while since I've been pocketed by scum fonti, maybe it's time to get the band back together.


    I bit the bullet and went back and looked at Owner's Market, and I'm... maybe a little concerned. I think what pinged me is that Waco is taking like, "campaign for Lump" literally. And it's, uh. Kinda similar to the way he was playing in Owner's Market (as scum).

    Which, yeah.

    I know it seems like somewhat of a lulzy read, but it's the kind of similarity I've learned to listen to.

    Just remember, I caught scum!Vaimes for using the phrase "I'm sad" at me and comparing it to the way he'd used the same phrase as a wolf in a previous game. So there's that.

    As far as Waco's actual content goes...

    Don't super love #181. It's picking at what amounts to like, meta-spec from tom. I don't really see Waco getting anything out of that inquiry.

    #350 is decent. I mean it's nothing, but I like the tone. It feels like... town!Waco feeling his oats and having fun. Not sure I see a real good reason why he couldn't post it as a wolf, but it just feels town.

    I also like #595. I like the exchange with dC. Generally going over Waco's ISO has convinced me that he's not w/w with dC, meaning in the world where Waco's a wolf he's talking to town!dC and he just... Waco has a specific thing he does when he focuses on one person as a wolf and if it were anyone this game it would be dC and it doesn't feel like that. The wolf version of this is more like... snippy, sarcastic, blustery? Whereas I get the impression in this post and elsewhere that he's actually trying to sort dC.

    This post actually feels a lot more like that, come to think of it. Echoing fonti that it does seem like the potential is there for this to be like... overblown in a wolfy way.

    #669 is like 350 above in that it just feels like... loose and easy. Dunno if he makes that joke about Cobalt as a wolf. Doesn't feel like it, but, eh.

    Yeah some mixed feelings here, and I'm taking that Owner's Market thing perhaps more seriously than I should, but... think I'm just gonna yolo town on Waco? I bet I can catch him D2-3 if he's a wolf.


    Pretty obviously town, I think. Not gonna go over it, it's basically that if he was a wolf who knew I was town, the approach he's taken to me this game is pretty bonkers. And the fact that the MathBlade-adjacent Jetpack To The Island Of Conclusions logic is pretty squarely a feature of his towngame.

    Cobalt, I'm gonna do you a big favor here and break a personal rule of mine for just a moment: The way you're reading into the fact that I'm ignoring your case on me is a pretty good example of why I'm doing so. I don't engage with people I'm scumreading about my read on them, and I don't engage with people who are scumreading me about their read on me. This post is already much too long, and I'm not going to overstuff it further by going on a long theory tract, but if you're curious about my reasons for this stance, feel free to skim Acionyx's ISO in WitchHunt12, or the QT I had mentoring Vaimes in the Bare-Bones Basic.


    Saw as I was writing this that Stanari subbed in, which is pretty :thumbs.

    Hi Stanari, be town, etc, thanks. Saw you asked me a question; let me know if this post doesn't answer it <3

    Someone mentioned liking Delphine's #241 and in retrospect I kind of agree. I went back and looked at a few things, and I think I may have underestimated how much Delphine, like, is familiar with me or at least has read my games and style. It's, uh, not a symmetric thing, (which I realize sounds terrible, sorry Delphine. Let's play together more and eventually I'll get there?). In that context, this post makes a lot more sense, whereas I initially read it as kind of overblown in a wolfy way.

    #308... still feels overblown, tbh. It was such a minor thing to have that strong a reaction to. Kinda felt like rattlesnaking.

    I didn't catch that little bit about me in #437 until just now, but I actually like it in the context of the read she was trying to give my copypasta. The phrasing of "haven't gotten anything yet", like, implies a flat null whereas as a witch I think she'd be pressured to either double down or pivot off that initial read, not just like "I saw a thing, I had a read, we talked about it, now I don't have anything."

    #439 and how she talks about projection is definitely something I can buy as genuine here. I also think the expectations she was putting on me for understanding her meta make her earlier thing about me make more sense, even if they're.... kinda unfounded. (Which, again, sorry.)

    Coming out of Delphine's ISO feeling surprisingly better about her. Not quite sure I'd lock her in as town, as she wasn't exactly... present/engaged enough to really feel that town energy shining through, but I no longer would consider her a PoE scumread, and more of a "yeah okay seems reasonably town, grading on a curve of a small amount of posts" read.

    (I can't believe I have three of these left to do. Thankfully I did them ordered by post count so the last few are short. Hey, also, bonus, if anyone asks me how I picked the order to do these in, they obviously didn't read this huge post and are probably wolves who just skimmed it for their name, groaned/cheered as appropriate, and then wrote me off as never getting lynched this game.)


    Don't.... super want to read too much into #493, but most of the time this would be more villagery than not. Ish. @fontisian @Jan is this the kind of post that Gemma wouldn't blink an eye at making as a wolf? Like, most people might make this kind of post under a fair bit of pressure, as a wolf, but it takes a certain kind of person to really kind of... twist the emotional knife like that, this early in the game, as wolf, off very little pressure. If we can talk about this in a way that's constructive, great, if it's something I should just drop, feel free to tell me to piss off, too.

    Might have to go back and look at the timing of #706 and see how many votes I have. If this is post-Cobalt thread entrance, probably a bit less good, but if it's pre, then I kind of like it.

    #759 feels.... grounded. The Waco read isn't really an evolution, more of a restatement from before this, but it reads as like.... boiled down to the essentials. In a way that makes me believe it's a real read. Like she's not just rehashing what she said, she's kinda... working it down to a core level, eh yeah I'm starting to just literally ramble at this point.

    Also feeling moderately better about Gemma. Less so than Delphine, but I do have the beginnings of a read here now. The reason to scumread her slot is pretty obvious - she's very much nibbling around the edges of the thread, not making waves. She has a stated reason for this, but like... yeah. She sounds generally reasonable/agreeable. In the event that shadow and Jarizok are both town, I'd take a hard look here, as that would mean wolves were under no serious pressure D1 and... her play kinda fits an archtype.

    I'd say suuuuuper light town for now, pending potentially talking with fonti/Jan about that one post.

    Definitely fine giving Stanari a phase pass.


    This super reminds me of how I pocketed Cobalt in TH5.

    #668 is prickly in a wolfy way. "Go ahead and shade me more" is like, #3 in the top 10 things wolves say under pressure.

    #647 is the tail end of the Waco exchange. Not buying the conviction, especially the "even more sure" line. I'm like... 90% sure that there's always exactly one wolf between Shadow/Waco.

    677 is just shade on Waco, not an actual reason that "not playing with a serious tone" is more likely to come from one alignment over the other.

    At least half of the player comments in #677 are not actual reads and are just like, "things that happened."

    Yeah. Still think shadow is quite >rand wolf here. So much of his game feels surface level. Like, if I actually accept that his initial comment about copypasta wasn't specifically making reference to my meta (and it doesn't read that way to me at all, but whatever), then the thrust of that entire point is like, "people who do a thing as town a lot are going to do it as a wolf." Which is so banal as to border on kind of insane that it was that big of a thing to begin with.



    So, like...

    I can pick out a few things I've liked from Mal. He didn't awkwardly RVS, I somewhat buy his read on me, though the Caph comparison is kind of a stretch? I somewhat like the way he was going for like, "freshest takes" as a catchup mechanism.

    Compared to his overall engagement or activity though it's kinda.... immaterial.

    Gun to my head, Mal's town and just kinda... not digging the game, or something? Pretty hard read to actually run with, though, given things.

    Anyway, updated list:

    Vaimes | Cobalt






    Would bet a fair bit on Shadow/Waco not both being town, think we always hit one in that pairing.

    Would be pretty shocked if we didn't hit at least two by shotgunning through Shadow-Waco-Jarizok-tom.

    A little ~concerned~ Delphine is that high and Gemma that low. I think that might be wrong, but that's what feels right at the moment.

    I want to lynch either Shadow or Jarizok, and Lump tom.

    I would accept Mal as a Lump if tom doesn't work out. Have a kind of unjustifeid gut townread on him and I kinda want him to get soft greencheked because I feel like he'll use the Lump and try to actually do things and maybe get into the game that way.

    Well, that was a great use of my time, writing that. Mafia's fun. I definitely sign up for games and have a lot of fun. I just need to keep reminding myself of that in moments like this.
  8. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Hi Newcomb! Am town.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Also hi Jari!
    --- Post automerged ---
    I only read the Delphine section but you didn't, uh, answer the thing I wanted to know.
  9. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    If you think I'm writing a single word tonight after that, you're off your rocker.
    --- Post automerged ---
    pfft okay fine what do you want to know
  10. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:

    Walk me through your process here? Like a sentence is fine.
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    So in The Office, I opened doing Awaclus copypasta and Miner's like, "I'm 90% sure this is town Newcomb" and I jumped on him for throwing out a fake read based on meta that wasn't actually meta because it wasn't actually me, like really obviously. (We'll ignore the fact that I relented on that read later, thank you.)

    I opened this game with an Eido post from that "I'm the Priest" FantasyStrike game, and Delphine read me as being tonally off. Like, I absolutely don't do copypasta for anything other than my own amusement and the amusement of cool and sophisticated people who see the value and humor in it, but her reaction to it was like... it felt like swinging at a bad pitch. Looking for a reason to have a read vs. having a real read and/or thinking about the thing you're commenting on critically.

    I've kinda backed off that read now; ISO'ing Delphine gave me a better understanding of where she was coming from and I can kiiiiinda see her PoV if I tilt my head a bit.
    --- Post automerged ---


    Alright I'm seriously out now.
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Thanks, lolyou and good night.
  13. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Just checking in, my relief at work was over an hour late due to the storm, and I just got home, saw dC and now Newcomb dropped some long analysis posts, and I'm falling asleep just looking at them, so am going to shelve everything until the morning.
  14. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Well that’s a lot of effort from newcomb.
  15. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I guess what I'm really asking is...what similarities did you see between Miner and Delphine?
  16. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Excuse me, my writing has been called "page turning".
    "Pulled a Miner" wasn't really meant to be that... specific? More like the general shape of what he did vs. the way he did it or the deeper mindset behind it. Surface level, react to a copypasta post in a fake way.
  17. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Lump: Jari (dun, dun, dun)
  18. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    But what was fake about Delphine's reaction?
    --- Post automerged ---
    (If stupid question, ignore. I'm very sleepy.)
  19. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
  20. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Hmm, I went back to check the Delphine section and I misremembered the chronology but also [blank staring at words].
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