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Complete What Would Slytherin Harry Do? by bigdonadiet - R

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by thisperson, May 29, 2007.

  1. yojorocks

    yojorocks Seventh Year

    Jun 15, 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Very nice and original idea this latest chapter, done in such a way that a true Slytherin would be proud of. Truly a story that pushes the boundaries, breaking the traditional sadistic, insane, and stupid cliche and successfully forgoing the Malfoy/Snape asskissing Slytherin!Harry that we have come to know and hate.

    Superb job. 5/5
  2. thisperson

    thisperson Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Oct 29, 2006
    Full of win.

    The mud fight seemed off, but only by the sheer impossibility of that ever happening. (In cannon atleast)

    Hilarious too, although the jumping around is awesome it is beggining to bug me.

    So much anticipation over knowing what really did happen in the rest of the school year.

    Well loved it, definitely give that one a 5/5
  3. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    That was good. Seems much less likely that either one will ever sleep with him now, though.
  4. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Great chapter, Great Scene.

    But I have one quick question, BigD. Are there any lemon scenes planned, or have you not decided yet?
  5. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    A very fun chapter. Slytherin Harry continues to amuse. Hermione does strike me as the kind of person that stops thinking rationally when she lets her competitive nature get the best of her.

    I always think it's a little spooky when an author's image of a character matches my own so closely. Particularly characters that are hardly described in the books (which is actually most of them) or don't appear at all, like Tracey. Looks-wise, this Tracey matches mine almost completely, right down to comparing her build to that of a dancer.
    Just something I thought was interesting...
  6. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    IMO, lemon scenes would take away from this fic. WWSHD (we should make arm-bands and t-shirts) is completely random and should smut appear, you run the risk of encountering a lemon scene right after reading about eleven-year-old Harry outsmarting Voldy or whatnot. I probably wouldn't be able to get the image of a little kid out of my head while reading a sex scene. Dunno about everyone else, but that just doesn't work for me.

    Though now that I say this, BigD might find a way around this that works for the fic. ;)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2007
  7. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day

    What I had in mind was creating a second story called "Who Would Slytherin Harry Do?", which would stand separate from this one and would chronicle SH's various sexual misadventures.

    I'm also working on a stupid little smutty one-shot featuring a Griffy Harry who's a lot like SH, so we'll see how that turns out.

    Armbands and t-shirts, huh? Depends on what JKR comes up with for book seven. If it's a pussified Harry, I might be right there with you.

    Big D
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2007
  8. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand


    Yeah, *cough*, no fanboying here.

    I give this a 5/5. I actually laughed, which is amazing these days. I also second the call for more News.
  9. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    I wasn't originally going to read this, because of some stupid reason. But, then I read Not Slytherin Enough, and loved it. And then someone told me that it's a lot like this one.

    Big D is a great author, and has once again created an interesting, thought-provoking and appropriately funny fic. Each time I read his stories, I'm surprised by the quality and the thought that goes into each one. They have complex plots and characters, and anything over-the-top seems completely appropriate. Bravo.

  10. MonCappy

    MonCappy Fifth Year

    Jul 31, 2007
    I find this story so funny. My favorite chapter is the one in which Draco gets killed off. I like the fact that the chapter echoes the one with the duel when Harry tells Draco he should not have fucked with him. I look forward to reading the next chapter. I hope the one with Harry knocking Cedric out of the Triwizard Tournament comes out soon.
  11. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Firstly, You're going to want to go post in the intro thread, and read the rules.

    Secondly, the next chapter is in the Work By Author thread and is quite good.

    Thirdly, You really want to go post in the intro thread, and read the rules.
  12. thisperson

    thisperson Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Oct 29, 2006
    ...And fourthly the next chapter is in the Work By Author thread and is quite good.

    I just thought we had a moment going there Mr. 5'3"
  13. Lhefriel_Medies

    Lhefriel_Medies Fifth Year

    Apr 15, 2007
    Fourthly, don't minimod. I don't think that this site actually cares nearly as much as the others do, but the mods have a job, which the ones on this site perform quite well. It's not yours. If they had a serious problem with it, they would state it themselves; no need to take it upon yourself. And everyone makes small errors when they start; forgetting a rule or two, making a superfluous comment, accidentally pointlessly necroing a thread... etc. It's something that happens. Notify by PM if you really want to, and there's not a whole lot of purpose in sounding quite that callous and omniscient (not sure of word choice here, but I'm fairly tired...). I don't know who you are, but you shove and proceed to rub information in newer people's faces, and while I don't know about the other members of this site, it's really getting on my nerves. If someone is a complete dumbass, then, yes, they merit statements such as that. But doing it constantly throws off newer members of the site, who most of the time become useful contributers once they assimilate into the community. I know a lot of you regard is as a trial or something, but... Lighten up a bit. Really, even if someone isn't the best of posters when he or she immediately starts, people grow. They figure things out. And sometimes, they become a valuable members of the community. Do that shit when retardedness actually begins to ensue. Posts like this waste space and detract from the continuity of the thread. And yes, I am aware of the slight contradiction, but I've seen this dude do this thing at least three times (though the people deserved in a few of those, but nonetheless...), and I figured that I needed to get that point out there. PM would work, but I figure that a few others come to mind that could get something somewhat significant out of this as well... Sorry for this massive block of text in the middle of nowhere, though.

    And while I WOULD write a review to make this a bit better, I've loved everything that BigD has ever written, and he's one of the ones who really gave me, and still give me, some faith in the fandom again, after seeing disturbingly massive amounts of Preggers!Draco fics on FF.net. There shouldn't be ONE of those, let alone the 100+ that there are. So it'd probably end up sounding like fanboyish mush, though I will give an attempt. But he's a great writer, and maintains a really consistent level of quality thoughout his fics. The fact that he's diverting his imagination and wit to something other than senseless smut and reasoning for it creates an extremely nice fic for all audiences, with wit and sarcasm aplenty. A lot of nice character dynamic, and I love a lot of the interaction he's created in the few chapters that he's written.

    And I've think I justified it too much already as it is. Just saying that it's BigD again should easily be enough for this fic to merit a...


    There's the possibility of a 4.5, though that would depend really on mood and peronality. The lack of plot currently kind of puts me off at times, but the constant laughs and amusement I get from reading this make up for it. Most of the time. If one's feeling... offset, and looking for something to relax with, this is probably not it, so that may detract from the rating a bit. And it's a ridiculously strong and well written 4.5 at any rate, which easily justifies rounding up as far as the rating system goes.
  14. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Actually I was being nice. Jesus christ some people are such pussies, fucking whining about everything. Grow a set, seriously.

    Not posting in the intro thread has lead to quite a few serious flame sessions so I normally warn people before it can happen. Members here do it all the time, as much as we love a good flame sesh. Helping out new members is a role of being in any community.

  15. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I love when new members lash out, it gives me such a good view of their personality.

    D; Don't forget Daphne now. -glares.-
  16. Lhefriel_Medies

    Lhefriel_Medies Fifth Year

    Apr 15, 2007
    Mmm... You have a strange way of being nice. Something like 3 lines of text without justification, with some sort of almost diffident attitude. If you want to help someone, you really could do it without being an arse. Like actually saying that you're trying to prevent a flame session, etc. Also, posting in the intro section can often lead to a good flame session as well. If someone wants to be judged by his ideas rather than his person, I really can't see anything wrong about it. Progress begets progress.
  17. The Fine Balance

    The Fine Balance Headmaster

    Jun 8, 2006
    But the fact that your are essentially spamming in the thread of another Author... don't you think that provides good basic for negative judgment?

    You could have made an intro thread and venerated Big D on a Diet's there as a easily as you did here. It's a facet if your personality that you like Big D instead of DracoLover, and nobody would have raised any objections had you shifted this rather large argument there.

    But you didn't.

    Progress might beget progress, but Progress for Progress's sake must be discouraged, :p

    Anyways, enough with that.

    Big D: Amazing, as always.

    Is there any chance, however slim, that you might continue the Harry/Lily/Petunia Time Travel fic?
  18. Aleydis

    Aleydis Guest

    ROFL... This author has a wicked sense of humor.
  19. thisperson

    thisperson Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Oct 29, 2006
    Not a very good way to introduce yourself...

    /me shrugs.

    I thought it had been updated :(

    But it is an awesome story, hopefully big D will write more soon.
  20. Voice of the Nephilim

    Voice of the Nephilim Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    I haven't seen anyone comment on it, but BigD posted a new chapter back in December. Short chapter, but good, rather showing how Neville diverged from the canon one.