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DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!
Competition topic: Magical New Year!
Marathon goal? Crank out words!
Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.
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Introducing for your Perusing Pleasure
New Thread Thursday
Shit Post Sunday
SURVIVOR: Graveyard - For Whom The Bell Tolls [Tribal Council]
Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Lexicat, Jan 19, 2014.
- #garoucreativity #bendovervamps
- bite the pillow zenzao 'cause my power rankings are going in dry
- cracked has gone over to the dark side - like republic21 sorry m8
- cracked is the kurgan oh fuck
- disclaimer: lexi may steal the souls of any players
- everybody hates cracked
- fleshlings
- highlander voice>there can be only one!</highlander voice
- lexicat will somehow win when not even playing
- luckylee bitched out
- meow said the lexicat
- mfw zenzao kills good guy crackedmind
- no obs y?
- sparkle on cracked and thanks for the lulz
- team edward
- the anti-mohawk has been scalped
- the garou won't know what hit them
- vampires ftw
- we're banging the vampires doggie style
- why u do dis lungs
- wry you do dis ponytin
- zenzao meets an unfortunate end by cracked
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