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DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!
Competition topic: Magical New Year!
Marathon goal? Crank out words!
Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.
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Introducing for your Perusing Pleasure
New Thread Thursday
Shit Post Sunday
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WIP Bloodlines
Title: Bloodlines by mcknz.blck - T Author: mcknz.blck Rating: T Genre: Romance/Drama Status: WIP Library Category: Romance Pairings: Harry P. & Daphne G (I think) Summary: Harry's friends abandon him after his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire. He finds an unexpected ally and an underground secret society that shows him that not everything is what it seems. Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8818451/1/Bloodlines So far it is a good read and I like the way it is going but I also think...
Specific Harry/Daphne Story
Okay this has been annoying the hell out of me. I swear I have been looking for this story to reread for at least 12 hours and I haven't found it. The basic premise of it is is that Harry kind of moves out of his friend's lives after Hogwarts (nothing malicious but they just kind of move on with their lives but Harry can't). It starts off with Harry being completely wasted and Draco ends up taking him to his manor to try to sober him up and help him, I don't remember specifically why he...
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