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DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!
Competition topic: Magical New Year!
Marathon goal? Crank out words!
Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.
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Introducing for your Perusing Pleasure
New Thread Thursday
Shit Post Sunday
Hells Radiance M
Title: Hells Radiance Author: Angel of the Godless Rating: Mature DLP Category: Other Fandoms / Naruto Pairing: Sakura/Naruto Status: 38 chapters completed 2 chapters away from story completion Summary:AU Fate can be a twisted thing, some only exist in hate. Sakura was one of those, a container of the most feared demon in history, hated by her village. Lost in the darkness, she tried to find a reason for living. Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3341014/1/Hells_Radiance This story...