1. DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!

    Competition topic: Magical New Year!

    Marathon goal? Crank out words!

    Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.

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  3. Introducing for your Perusing Pleasure

    New Thread Thursday
    Shit Post Sunday

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  1. BottledEntropy
  2. Toujourss Pur
  3. Cirvante
  4. Dark Syaoran
  5. Lindsey
  6. Peregrine 2K
  7. swallowdance13
  8. Sesc
  9. Sesc
  10. Sesc
  11. BolshevikMuppet99
  12. stayintheloop
  13. LinguaManiac
  14. Sataniel
  15. froper98
  16. Peter North
  17. Peter North
  18. Jocelyn24
  19. iamnotreal
  20. Odran
  21. racer
  22. Ghosthree3
  23. Lucius Rex
  24. Prancatius
  25. Zilly Sawdust
  26. Sesc
  27. blizzarrrd
  28. Averis
  29. Dr. Strange Lulz
  30. CosmosGravitation
  31. Lungs
  32. Cxjenious
  33. Arrowjoe
  34. Zennith
  35. Andro
  36. Voice of the Nephilim
  37. ChuckDaTruck
  38. Xiph0
  39. Vorpal
  40. Pyromaniac
  41. knothead
  42. ulkser
  43. The-Hyphenated-One
  44. thisperson
  45. arkeus
  46. Brooklynight
  47. ip82
  48. Lord Osiris
  49. Lord Osiris