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A author who hates FF

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tobang, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Nah the backlash of HPB has nothing to do with fanon. I know tons of folks who loathe the book for its needless filler, plotholes, bad writing, and shipping that pops up out of nowhere, that have no idea a fanfiction community exists online. It did nothing to advance the books to where they should be, and now JKR has written herself into a whole so large that book 7 would have to be 3 times the size of OOTP to cover things well enough.

    Most of us have had major problems with Dumbledore being manipulative once we got to the end of book 1 and saw his ultimate security being circumvented by 1st years, two of which knew nothing of the magical world prior to a month/day before school started. CoS made it worse, it just snowballed from there. I had issues with Dumbles since then, and I only discovered fanfiction about 2 weeks before OOTP came out.

    Most of us hate Ginny as a character, it's got nothing to do with her being a whore in fanon, it just stays as an injoke. Her slut status in fanon is just bashing of such a poorly written destined-to-be-with-Harry Lily-clone. Her status as his eventual chosen one was blatantly obvious in CoS. Her being ignored up until the end of OOTP, where she was only included to balance out the 6 (H/G, R/H, N/L) and then suddenly thrust as Harry's girl didn't sit well with fanon writers. I'd bet money if she was better written, and not forced down your throats alot of us would have no problems with it. Her current bit of aforementioned Lily-clone, along with her status as TBWL celeb stalker doesnt help her case.

    You really are far too impressionable, lol. My dislike for Hermione started in PoA where she goes behind his back with the Firebolt, and the fact that's she's a horribly obvious plot device to use to introduce ideas without a ton of backstory (JKR paraphrased)

    Ron's jealousy is another stupid idea in fanon, but you either see the little hints of his jealous nature, or you don't in canon. Ron jealous I can easily believe, but Ron/Hr as spies for the Order/despicable ppl? :shock:

    Um.. Snape usually is a bastard all the way around, unless you go looking for Severitus/mentor fics, which there are some, but it's not horribly widespread I wouldn't imagine. James I'd describe as a showoff, but from what you see in Canon Snapey wasn't a innocent victim. Folks write what they want to, would your perception of canon chance b/c of the slash H/D fics out there? No? The why would it possibly matter what fanon does, as long as the person sitting behind the monitor isn't a bit of silly putty that thinks anything written on a fansite should raise of lower their expectation s that the canon writer will do it?

    Which would make sense on a nice msg board, however this is one for a buncha evil twisted folks who brutally honestly review things and discuss ways to make things better, it'd be pointless to not remark on something totally screwed.

    Slamming that idiot author who pretty much didn't really have a point releasing what she did I have no problem with. She bashed the community many of us support/play in/write for, she deserves whatever backlash she gets. Considering I've read most of the best fantasy/sci fi books out since I learned to read, and I've never heard of the women, says to me she's just a insecure twit who wants someone to pay attention to her. Is there even any fanfiction of her novels online?

    (on a side note, on a torrent with "Any and all worthwile books released 1980-2004" she's not included. This thing has pretty much any book released that is worth more then 5 seconds looking at that were printed in English. She's not in it, lol.)
  2. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I was actually waiting for Midknight to type it down, he's the best at this step-by-step bashing/dethroning/analyzing stuff, lol.

    I'll just say this - Yes, I agree to an extent to that whole 'fanon overshadowing canon' theory. Example: If you're lost in a desert, a piece of stale bread would seem like a feast to you. And if you'd just had a nice meal, you wouldn't give it a second look.

    Perfectly logical, right?

    But the question is - why should we be happily eating stale bread just coz it's labeled 'canon'? Should we all close our eyes and ears to any alternate suggestions, just so the shit that JKR serves would smell like flowers? I think not.

    Authors would spend their time better by reading fanfiction and collecting the best suggestions to incorporate into the canon, instead of whining how no one likes their crappy plots and characters coz some anon guy offered much better solutions for free.
  3. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Yes, a lot of people on this site do call her a slut, without any precedence. It's just a way of them displaying their anger at all the HG fluff that dominates fanfiction after HBP. I don't like Ginny, I don't hate her. I just wanted her to stay in the backround, like she always did. JK made a horrible mistake by downplaying her in the rest of the books, then making her Harry's first girlfriend in the 6th book.

    Yeah, after that one part in GoF when Ron was jealous, everyone took that as a sign that he was a jealous bastard. He never showed that jealousy again, but people still view him as such because of fanon. That's one of the major things that irk me, when authors just throw away a 5 year friendship just because of one instance. For some people, it's apparently hard to differentiate between canon and fanon.

    Yes, we had a discussion/argument about this a few months back. Click this link: http://forums.darklordpotter.net/viewtopic.php?t=675 to see what we said. It drives me insane when I see Harry suddenly start to love Snape, but detest his father.

    Well, she's insulted us, she must expect that people will get incensed by her article on the evils of fanfiction.

    I can like a story, but still hate the author and curse at him/her. Like the author of the fanfic story A Year Like None Other. She's extremely arrogant and never takes criticism well. The story itself is good and well-written. It's not like I want her to stop writing, but I still call her a bitch.
  4. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    The missed point is that the interest and differences between fanon and canon are reciprocal. We can continuously analyze and discuss canon primarily because of fanon. Without fanon, the years between books would be boring, and our interest in the books severely crippled.

    The fact that much of fanon seems pissed about HBP is all the more proof that it is fanfiction that makes us care. I wouldn't spend more than an hour or two wondering about Snape's motives, nor caring that JK either turns him completely evil or tries to inexplicably redeem him as a misunderstood good guy, etc... But if I'm writing a fic, I need to consider why and how my interpretation of those characters are motivated. Ditto for reading fanfiction.

    Without fanfiction, you wouldn't ever question most of the choices and directions the future or follow-up books go in, and the authors that fear that sort of analyzation are simply not storytellers that interest me. It's cowardice through copyright.
  5. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005