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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Darke Gray

    Darke Gray Guest

    I really liked this story up until the end, the last chapter where it has Draco moving in with Harry. I hope that she is not planning on having any Draco/Harry pairing at all, I hate those. I got the hint of Harry and Nic from the past but I still don't like the idea of a gay Harry. Other than that, they story itself is really good, the whole world she created is interesting, you never really think about the other magical creatures and there societies but when you read about characters like Remus and Fenir, you know there has to be some kind of social structure for them. I am also curious to see if now that he is back in England is he going to reconnect with his old friends and bring his new friends in on who he really is? Oh well, I'll keep reading it for now, but if I do see any hint of D/H its over.
  2. Kalissa

    Kalissa Squib

    Aug 15, 2006
    This story is my absolute favorite!

    The writing and characterization are amazing and the detail she puts into magical concepts and social structure are unbelievable. The story keeps getting better and better.
    Miranda says that 'Changes in the time of war' should be the last that we'll see of Voldemort. Further sequels will probably deal more closely with the world she created and move even further away from canon. Even then this is one of the best if not The best HP story that I've read so far!
    The fact that theres no romance is a huge plus.

  3. Rain

    Rain Pirate Navigator of the 7 Seas

    Jun 5, 2005
    Adirondack Park, NY
    Wait, wait, wait. Sequel has Draco moving in with Harry? what? o.o

    And Draco doesn't seem like he's about to die a horrible death or is otherwise tortured?

    Alright then.. I'll just not read this sequel.

    I followed the story for a long time, and just recently read the last chapter, which really didn't hold my attention well. I suppose expecting the sequel to renew my interests in it was just wishful thinking.
  4. Moeed

    Moeed Third Year

    Jun 23, 2005
    Can't really figure out what the fuss is all about with Draco moving in with Harry. He keeps on getting bit by Daray at his leisure and to see a whimpering Draco is enjoyable haha.
    I was peeved as the current chapter focuses on Draco alot but i am sure the next chapter will get the story rolling again, there is mention of a couple of rituals Harry is going to perform for the Necromancy he will start so i'm going to keep my hopes up.

    Go Miranda:) !!
  5. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    I hope that the whole Draco episode ends soon, it's getting very tedious.

    Daray sees Draco.

    Daray bites Draco.

    Harry is disapproving.

    Draco whimpers and runs away.

    That's about the extent of Draco's character at the moment. Besides that, it was an acceptable chapter--nothing special--with mostly filler and a lackluster effort for the battle of the Department of Mysteries. Not a great read, but it kept my attention, and I'm hoping that she updates soon.
  6. Zield

    Zield Fourth Year

    Jun 24, 2006
    Yeah anyone that is scared away by the presence of Draco can come back because his character is very basic as Fuegodefuerza said. I doubt we will see much of him beyond maybe the next 1 or 2 chapters because Harry and Daray think he is a hopeless case and that Mariah is pretty much crazy for having any hopes about him.

    Miranda also states in the author's notes at the bottom:

    That alone makes me quite a bit happier and hopeful. While this chapter wasn't the greatest read it was something that helped alleviate fears and amuse us with a bit of a tortured Draco which is my favorite style of Draco just behind Draco as a bloody mangled corpse.

    So while it's not great it is something decent to read and I give it a 3 out of 5.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2006
  7. Rain

    Rain Pirate Navigator of the 7 Seas

    Jun 5, 2005
    Adirondack Park, NY
    Oh. Thank you. Suppose I jumped to conclusions there? I honestly can't stand Draco, reading the comments people made here about Draco taking a larger role in the fic scared me off a bit.

    Perhaps I'll give it a try after I run out of old updates to read. Recovering my fanfic addiction after months of declining interest leaves me plenty of stories to read. And honestly, the story really has fallen too much in my eyes to be one of those stories I'll go out of my way to read.

    But I agree with Zield, it's decent read.
  8. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    That sounds really annoying. Can't he die or something?
  9. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I grow tired of people who over look rather important parts of chapters like AN’s then complain about a something that happens. As someone already stated the author herself does not like Draco in fact I think she said she hates him but needs him for part of the plot. The last chapter was a bit tedious with the Harry/Draco/Darry interaction but if it was building up to something good I will let it slide.

    I do wish she had elaborated a lot more on the Arteris family’s invasion of the DoM. While she did say they spent a LOT of money and resources that were necessary to break into it, it did seem as if it was still a tad too easy for them. I do like however the way she expanded on the DoM which is one of my favorite things to read in fanon. But as I said she could have elaborated on it more. She treated it as a few passing chapters rather than an exciting chapter which it could very well of been if she kept up her old skill and style which seems to be in decline as she strains to move the plot on.

    As you may guess I Like this story. It used to be my favorite but has steadily fallen down the list as it matured. But because of the many new ideas an magic’s in it I continue to read it for the creative and interesting story it is.
  10. FalconsWing

    FalconsWing Squib

    Jul 20, 2006
    Yeah, I must agree. At first, I was totally caught up in this story, then it kind of lost its luster. However, I think that the whole "Drace moving in" thing is more of trying to re-connect Rahkesh with Harry.
  11. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006
    The final part where Draco gets to move in with Rahkesh reeks of slash. Waaah!!! I fear for the sanity of all DLP members if this second installments starts to become slash...
  12. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    Rant time:
    It seems like you're deaf. No matter how many times some people yell, IT ISN'T SLASH, others still think it is. Read the fucking author's notes - she says a fucking billion times that it isn't slash. Also read the two posts right above you - yes there: all you have to do is scroll up. Or is that a concept too hard for your goddamn tiny brain to comprehend? Do you know what the post says? MIRANDA HATES DRACO. And for god's sake, use your brain - if you have one. There has been absolutely no tiny iny hint of romance (some sex, but no romance) in the story. Do you know what this means? Apparently you are unable to connect this fact with the fact that she's going to have no romance.

    Rant over.

    Moving on to the moving in of Draco with Rahkesh, I think that it's a good idea. There've been a lot of posts attacking the fic's OOCness; she's trying to make it more HP-centric with that. Sadly, she'll be moving it away from HPverse after this fic.

    The Department of Mysteries attack: Miranda's idea makes no sense. When the vampire family threatens the DoM department (by her account the most formidable part of the Ministry), they don't let it do what it wants and sack the department - which is what they did. Instead, they should say, "Don't mess with us. Mind your own business. We'll handle it. Or we'll give you a list of information about those you want to assassinate." If somebody threatened your company - I'm assuming you're loyal to it - you don't let them have access to its innermost secrets even if you agree with their demands.

    And the Unspeakables should've been able to destroy the team of assassins. Miranda has described the wards in depth - they should be able to defeat the vamps. Let's compare the assassination job in her fic to a real-life assassin's job. It would be the world's greatest assassin team having a job to infiltrate a top-security government department - which would be the most effective and efficient one - protected by things they don't know about with many dangerous items that threaten to destroy it inside. Not just that, but they'd have to kill everyone inside - the best people in the nation working in the department who'd definately know what to do in emergencies with those security items, and who outnumber them by 10 to 1. At least one of them would be willing to detonate one of those dangerous items, thereby destroying the team.

    I'm also really sick of her vampire superiority complex. Miranda must let her vampires suffer at least one defeat. If she has one more attack without harming the vampire side...

    Still, this story was the first great one that I read, and it'll always hold something special in my heart because of that. It has great magics, description, and a great school. I think she should come back to writing about the Akren - there's something really great about it. I've never seen any story have a magical place come close to it's description. And the elvish description - Miranda does a great job with vague hints and mentionings to make them seem mysterious and all-powerful. Her Harry's also resourceful, cunning, and powerful.
  13. Mrjoker10592

    Mrjoker10592 Guest

    this is a really interesting story but i coulda sworn i read somethin similar to this somewhere else on fanfiction.net
  14. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Ummm, crazy ranting man...... while there has been no slash there have been hints that Harry is indeed playing for the over team. Such as him thinking Nic is cute and sleeping curled up against his legs. But perhaps this is just to illustrate the fact that Harry is a mortal Vampire.
  15. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    lol I love reading people ranting on about the story and about "Slash". It really is quite entertaining. Anyway, I have been following this story sense it first came out, and I still see a couple of problems.

    1. Why don't the "Almighty" Vampires just take over the freaken world already? I mean honestly, the way the story is written, mortals don't stand a chance in hell.

    2. With the Elves being even more powerful then the Vampires, why aren't they raining Fire and Brimstone down on the poor world?

    3. Is anyone of Harry's (Rahkesh) friends capable of dying in this fic. I mean, the most that ever happens to one of them, is getting grievously injured, and then quickly recovering.

    I mean, isn't Voldemort capable of anything other then getting fooled and his ass kicked?

    But without those problems to name a few, it is still a pretty decent story, and I shall follow it with interest.
  16. Blackbarn

    Blackbarn Guest

    I started reading HP fanfiction like 5 months ago. A Second Chance At Life was one of the first stories I started reading. I really enjoyed it, but I feel that my 'likeness' to it has gone down slightly as the story has progressed, the sequel included. Don't get me wrong its a good story, I just don't enjoy it as much as I used to.

    And as for the Slash thing...

  17. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Yup, sorry Blackbarn I wasn't trying to say it was slash but I'm pretty sure Harry will love like a vampire.
  18. Vengashii

    Vengashii Banned

    Sep 10, 2006
    If Miranda Flairgold attempted a story where Harry didnt have some sort of god-like powers or training some super secret hidden school of doom and gloom for robbers, murderers, rapists and assassins, maybe I would be able to get past the first five chapters.
  19. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    So many idiots. :wall: I'm too tired to rant, but just for you Darius Darkmon:

    This is assuming that you mean Harry wants to be a vampire; but your post is completely incoherent. WTF does love like a vampire mean?
  20. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    Bisexual...I'm guessing.

    Anyways, the new chapter wasn't anything spectacular. Had a cool fight scene, a little mysteriousness and very little Draco, but that was about it. I'm still enjoying this story, but my interest seems to be waning with each chapter. My only hope for this story is that she gets Harry back to Akren soon.