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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Yes Bisexual, Now let me go over this simply, No harry doesn't want to become a vampire, I applaud you on you on that excellent observation. He doesn't like the submission to elders or anything. But notice through blood rituals he faster and stronger like a vampire, has telepathy like a vampire, like guys and girls like a vampire. Harry doesn't become a vampire but is turning into a mortal version of one, all the peaks to a smaller extent (except immortalilty) but without the whole submission to elders, lust for blood, hyper competitiveness for survival, you get my point, at least I hope you do, if not re-read the story and try again.
  2. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Yeah new chapter was okay but felt rushed still she is better at writting fights then most authors (Jbern is the only one I can think of who wirtes really good ones and is still writting at the moment) At least it is good to see the new story finally heating up. It sounds like the next chapter is going to be a discusion about magic mostly (Death magic, horcrux, animagus) which while not magic should be good because she always has really good ideas about magics. After that should be moving into some more good action, demons ect.
  3. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Yeah I know this is a double post but their is a new chapter so blah.

    Ok no fighting this time after the big demon melle last chapter (I wonder who got the bodies) This was mainly about the destruction of the horcrux. Now this story IMO has been going down hill but this chapter reminds me why I still read it. Miranda is good at writing fights but it is her original magics and use of magics that continue to pull me in. She has created an whole new world almost which you either love or hate (since it is no longer really potterverse) I love the way she describes the Bloodmagic chamber and the destruction of the Horcrux.

    Next chapter she hinted at Harry sparring with the elves in thunderbird form and maybe Basilisk... which I really want to see. To often do people give Harry an animagus form and then do nothing with it or just have him fly around for fun a few times which is a complete waste of time.

    Harry giving the thunder bird control of his body and mind so he could confront the elf... wonderful good to see him getting in touch with his form and using it in the ritual to. I wonder if he will start to use the Basilisk in the same way.

    I do however not like how uber powerful the elves are... I mean Death dragons that once destroyed the whole world... another uber powerful race to add to the mix.

    Still worth a read. Not great like it once was but I will continue to read it.
  4. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    I think that one of the problems with the elves/vampires is that they are so overpowered. People are angry that people like Dumbledore or Voldemort are not close in power/skill to the older vampires like Namach. What people sometimes forget, and don't like even if they do remember, is that these races are Immortal in the sense that they do not age or have a natural lifespan.

    If that is the case a wizard who is born nearly equal to Voldemort/Dumbledore in intelligence and magic power would naturally totally outclass him since Dumbledore, no matter how powerful, has only a wizards lifespan to learn new magics. WHile this would give him a lot of power, a being that could literally devote centuries to a single branch of magic is going to know more than him and quite possibly exceed him in power.

    And I do agree that the story has been going down hill, however this chapter was fascinating. Magical discussions or exploration in her story fascinates me.

    edit: Spell check is your friend
  5. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Story isn't going down hill; the whole setup of wizarding world being just a pain the the vamipre world's ass is what's keeping this fic down. But that whole aspect had been there since the beginning of the story, it is only now that it started interfering with the believability of wizards vs vampires war. Once it's over with, I presume all the aspects of HP world will be put aside and balance will be restored, in a way.

    But anyway, what keeps fascinating me about this story is that how ever good Harry gets, Miranda keeps reminding us that he's still only in the lower middle part of the food chain. In all other stories, Harry becomes a demi god after few years of training. He IS a demi god here too, but so are the others. Thus, instead of slacking around and showing off his cool powers, Harry is always forced to keep working on himself and learning new stuff... Refreshing.
  6. Wisdom's Mountain

    Wisdom's Mountain Sixth Year

    Sep 23, 2006
    The West Coast
    True, but in this story Harry will never stand a chance at becoming the most powerfull because he isn't a vampire. In this universe, vampires are overpowered: they have no faults. Yes Harry is good in Blood Magic, but he can't fight a vampire because they're too fast and strong.
  7. Palver

    Palver High Inquisitor

    Aug 4, 2006
    But Harry now isn't human either.
  8. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Harry drank dragonblood but in didn't make him stronger unless I'm mistaken. Not to mention the Thunderbird and Basilisk kind of even it out.
  9. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    well HArry is chaning from human. The author hinted at Harry gaining powers with a magical charged mind. Also the dragonblood gave him an advantage in bloodmagic/necromancy/soul magic
  10. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Soul magic,and necromancy, the vamps generally can't do that. But yes the Vampires are so overpowered it's getting ridiculous. Then the Elves come along and there more powerful than Namach. Still one of my favorite stories though.
  11. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    Hit the nail on the head. Absolutely hit the goddamn nail on the goddamn head.

    I've been trying to work out what it is that I like so much about this story, because I'm sure that the magical theory, no matter how interesting and well-thought-out it is, isn't it. But ip just nailed it. The most attractive aspect of this story is that Harry is never going to be the best; it's inconceivable. But no matter how impossible this is, Miranda's Harry never gives up trying to be the best, and this ends up as a fantastic Driven!Harry story. Thank you, ip, for putting my overtaxed mind at rest.
  12. Anarual

    Anarual Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 25, 2005
    I personally love her stories , the only thing that is kinda frustrating is that it seem's that the existence of the whole human + wizard population depends weather or not they piss of the elf's or vampires ... if they do it .. WHAM ! a few hours and the world is destroyed..
  13. Kalissa

    Kalissa Squib

    Aug 15, 2006
    I totaly agree it is rather annoying at some points.


    I am rather interested to see where she will take the story now that she introduced the elves. Their appearance was not completely unexpected since they already turned up at the ministry once and there was a lot of talk about them whenever demons came up but I did not expect them to be so insanely powerful. On the other hand those two can be an exception to the whole race: their best warriors or elders etc. I'm rather hoping that is the case here.

    On a brighter note Miranda said that the whole "Draco mess" the people had been complaining about will get resolved in the next chapter or two. (His character had been rather dull in the last couple of chapters.)

  14. Zield

    Zield Fourth Year

    Jun 24, 2006
    I am still enjoying this story a whole lot, I just love all of her original theories on magic and it's different branches. I'll agree with IP that the one thing holding it down is the insignificance of the wizarding world. Though my problem is more with the elves than the vampires, because I don't think we have seen a real representation of the vampire race as a whole, we don't know how powerful the average vampire is. The reason I say this is because all the vampires that we have met through the story have either been Ancients/Elders, the Ateres clan who are supposed to be the world's best assassins, and then the Akren students and since Akren is supposed to only except the most Elite i'll say that we haven't seen a fair representation of the vampires. Oh and the one vampire in the past but i think he was like 500 years old. So with just this knowledge i would think the average vampire would be more like Saul(the Malfoy like vampire who was killed my Namach). At least that is what i'm hoping and that's a bit what it seems like when you read the little bits of news in the story talking about the masters killing off 200 vampires in a single night. But i do think she needs to introduce some sort of weakness to them because the ones we've seen seem invincible.
  15. While I know this may be posted somewhere in this thread, I don't feel like slogging through 12 pages and the search didn't bring up anything. Does Miranda Flairgold post the fics anywhere other then FF.net? 'cause I can't access the site at all right now.
  16. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    It wasn't working for me either before but it is now. But no, I don't think she does, at least not on FA, HPFF or Ficwad, possibly a Yahoo group?
  17. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    Well, I finally got around to reading chapter 4 and it was interesting....

    While I will agree on the fact that the author does have a remarkable talent for making things interesting, and coming up with damn good theories on magic, I must admit this story is getting a little retarded.

    I mean, why can't Harry just ask "Namach" or even a damn elf to take out Voldemort? I mean, he can promise Namach he will become a Vampire if he will go out and hunt Voldemort down.

    As for the elves, while the idea of the Thunderbird coming out and taking control of his body in order to fight against the elf was cool.....GIVE ME A BREAK! She seems to be trying to see how many god like fucking creatures she can through in, and say this one is even stronger then the last. I mean honestly you started out with the Thunderbird being all powerful, then Namach and the Ateres family show up, and say "Your Thunderbird/Basilisk is a puss compared to me. And now the Elves show up, and they have creatures which have destroyed the entire population of the earth and everything on it, as a fucking animagus!

    If you ask me, every animagus in the world (both elf and wizarding/vampire) should be infected by some magical kind of "Madcow disease", and be driven insane. In their furry shall wage a full out war on themselves, destroy each other break the last seal on the world, and let demons storm in and win. Thus the story ends, Voldie/Harry are dead (as well as everyone else) and we all are happy.
  18. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    New Chapter.

    No action but a lot of politics which while she is very good at writting does get a little boring. On the plus side she is building up to next chapter where the whole of the akren alumnie attack europe. The discussion about the species is always good.
  19. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    That Akren scene has everything good and bad about her story wrapped up in a paragraph. Amusingly, the good aspects of the story are the bad aspects of it.

    Bad: The constant new ideas that differ this story from Harry Potter.

    Good: The constant new ideas that differ this story from Harry Potter.

    Edit: The time it takes for her to update is becoming increasingly long indicating a lack of interest - I think this time it took several months. Any bets on how long it'll be before she abandons this story? I think it's dead by the beginning of the school year in 2007.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2006
  20. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Nah she will sontinue it but very slowly. She may wrap it up sonner than she planned. She once said she wanted to continue the plot for several years after Voldemorts death. Now I think she will take care of him and summery up the rest of his years at akren and thats it.

    She also said this chapter took 6 weeks to do cause she was planning out the next few and said she will get several done over the holidays.

    I have been thinking about the power structure going on in the story, Elves while very powerful (To much so in my opinion but meh) aren't a big problem cause it was said they have almost nothing to do with our world unless demons get involved and to check up on us. I personally look at them now as gods. They are all powerful (Or may as well be) no one could really beat them (Maybe the top member of each species could take out a weak one) but they don't seem to really care about the world so it doesnt really matter. Vamps tend to keep to themselfs and either kill each other or die in an accident ie Bloodmagic.

    Now I think a good mortal wizard like Harry could adventually take on any other member of any other species adventually (Remember he has only had 1 year of good training and is 18 years old not much compared to a fully trained 300 year old fae or werewolf) only immortals are really powerful and they are rather rear so I don't find it as much of a problem as I once did. I think the thing most people have a problem with is Harry is not number one and could never really be. Most people here are used to Harry being the best.