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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    3000 years old is a very one vampire but still 500 years is still a while. thats 1 sixth of your life thats a pretty good bit of time. And yes the angels arent her greatest idea. I would like to see a fight between an elf and Namach but they would probably use animgus or magic she just pulls out of her ass from no where.
  2. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I THINK she is human because it never says she has any of the charecteristics of the other species.
  3. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    It says somewhere that she is human and she is portrayed to be very powerful.
  4. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    The headmistress is said to be a mortal, I think its said somewhere in the fic, and the authors profile has a list of new charecters and the headmistresses name was under mortal.

    I think it was chapter 22 of 'A Second Chance at Life' that when Namachs Lizard got in a fight with one of the professors salamander, she silenced everybody but literally pushing her magic out. It was said to be overpowering, more magic than Harry had ever felt. THis puts her at least on the level of Voldemort and Dumbledore, and probably higher.
  5. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    Probably? There is no way they are even CLOSE to her. Look at how horrible Hogwarts is compared to Akren. Harry's been at Akren for one year and already he can defeat large numbers of Death Eaters alone, including Bellatrix who was "trained by the Dark Lord himself". He can probably beat Voldemort one on one as well, or at least come close.
  6. Zield

    Zield Fourth Year

    Jun 24, 2006
    I agree with TheIllusiveOne here she is far more powerful than either Voldemort or Dumbledore, if our guesses on Harry's current power/abilities is correct.

    That's from chapter 28 of the first story, and gives us an extra bit of information about her power other than the Marluck/Namach fight and the fact that she is the headmistress of the best school on earth.
  7. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    She is very powerful for sure how powerful in relation to other people we don't know unless we see her fight some. Yes in this story Hogwarts is shown to produce very substandard wizards but both Voldemort and Dumbledore have been shown to of traveled the world to pick up extra knowledge and been shown like Harry to be able to easily take on large numbers of enemies with apparent ease. Both Dumbledore and Volemort are very powerful and skilled wizards both inside and outside europe. I doubt there would be many mortals who could best them. Maybe a dozen or so, people like the headmistress and Harry who we know are the best of the best.
  8. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    just because they say dumbledore is one of the best or best mortal in and out of europe doesn't mean he is.

    the headmistress from what i read says she is really powerful, and given the vauge answers to some of her powers shes an...enigma.

    who knows, maby shes got some crazy ass healing powers that gets her to live a long time and over the time she became uber witch with god like power. or maby shes an avatar of some god or something. meh!
  9. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    And that unfourtunatly is what I hate about this story.

    Voldemort and Dumbledore are bitches, There was a war before this one and the way vampires are portrayed in this story, some would have gotten invlolved. Gahd, the Head Mistress is an extremely under developed character.
  10. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    We need to seperate power from skill. While there are ways to incress you power with stuff like blood magic and age it is pretty constant. Dumbledore and Voldemort could well be two of the most powerful mortals alive and more powerful than the headmistress (Probably not but still...) but they don't have the skills she does. Her voice magic is said to be huge, Dumbledore seems to have a bit of this power but very under developed compared to her. Dumbledore and Voldemort both temd to use magic to fight only, they stay pretty much still (I am taking this from the ministry duel) and use no other weapons. People from Akren like the headmistress and Harry use a wide range of skills and use their magic in ways that Dumbledore and Voldemort don't giving them a huge advantage.

    Both Dumbledore and Voldemort are VERY powerfull for mortals even Namach said so. But they lack the skills to use it or in Dumbledores case the won't use certain types of magic and fighting.
  11. Jaypallas

    Jaypallas Squib

    Oct 22, 2006
    I really like her concepts of magic (thread/voice/blood/etc.) and that there are many different magical races, but the overly powerful vamps suck. I think every race must have a drawback and with vamps it's usually the sunlight ... but that's a joke at her story ... and all the hints, that elves are ancient beings and even more powerful ... wtf.
    The newest chap is a real plus concerning powerbalance. The headmistress is a human, but she said to the auditorium "I taught most of you" (or something similar) so she has to be immortal too or really slow aging.
  12. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hmm. not sure how old she is, however in the first story she had been headmistress for thirty years. Not sure how that would place her age.
  13. pontfirebird73

    pontfirebird73 Third Year

    Aug 7, 2006
    New Jersey
    I would say she is about 60 years old. If she graduated akren at 21 and has been the headmaster for 30 years that puts her at least 51. So whatever she did after graduating, which I am sure will come up at some point would determine her age. Miranda has been increasing the presence of Aelfly progressivly throughout the story.

    That aside this is one of my alltime favorites (the other 2 are seemingly abandoned... Hero Triligy by joe6991 and POT by rosswrock).
  14. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I was thinking more of 100ish for her at least. I really want to know how long the average akren mortal lives with the better medical care and magic to keep them alive longer. I wonder how long Harry will live for with the help of the dragons blood his animagus forms which might lenghten his life and necromancy which may make him immortal like Voldemort ie he wont grow old but can still be killed.
  15. pontfirebird73

    pontfirebird73 Third Year

    Aug 7, 2006
    New Jersey
    I would have to agree since his DNA is changing and he is no longer human he may live for a very long time. although I can just see Namach turning him to save his life or something after all a master at blood magic like him would want a "natural" as part of the family so to speak. which is probably why when he destroyed the cup he was the only vamp around incase something like that did happen. Not to mention I would imagine Rakesh's blood wouldn't affect Namach like any other vamp do to his animagus form.

    Thats enough speculating now, I just pray this story doesn't become abandoned. It is so good that I have read it multiple times.
  16. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    If Harry doesn't end up becoming immortal in some form or another I will be severely disappointed. Especially considering the fact that many of the main characters are immortal. (Daray, Silas, Namach, Daray's grandmother, etc.)
  17. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    I would say the Headmistress is probably the most powerful mortal for now but by the time Harry gets her age if shes like a 100 now He will be by far the most powerful mortal at the rate he is going. I just keep thinking that shes gonna do something like give him an even more powerful animgus form. In the 1st one they said that for the more powerful magically creatures they developed a form to balance out the power. i just keep thinking shes gonna give him one that the both his forms are there to balnce out.

    The age he will probably live longer than most but I see him dieing not becoming immortal I mean why would you want to live forever. Once you have done it all theres not much left.
  18. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Cause you can still choose to die once you have done everything. Namach is 3000+ and he still finds life interesting. Harry should be immortal and if he does get sick of life he can go to the demon realm take as many of them out as he can then be killed.
  19. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    i don't know about that. if i were an immortal then i would really enjoy life rather than trying to survive. not a very happy life for anyone is it.
  20. pontfirebird73

    pontfirebird73 Third Year

    Aug 7, 2006
    New Jersey
    I could picture him teaching bloodmagic alongside namach at akren.