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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    God dont even post shit about Ron being brought back to life. The author might be a guest or a member and us not know it(or a member and I just didnt know it). I also didnt like the plague junk it would have better just let the feeling of death be a arch demon or something like that.
  2. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    I like the plague, it gives an unexpected twist to the story.
  3. Zield

    Zield Fourth Year

    Jun 24, 2006
    I think the plague could be very good turning point for this story, if it's used correctly. By correctly I mean to kill of thousands of the akren alumni so that there is some real conflict in the story instead what it is now: an army versus a bunch of barely trained idiots.

    Other than the plague this is another chapter I was rather disappointed in, though most of it is probably due to the slow update rate which makes it harder to shrug off a bad chapter than it was in the prequel.
  4. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Yes the update rate is pretty annoying and it makes bad chapters seem even worse.
  5. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I think the slow updates are effecting the quality as well. When it was weekly or fortnightly updates the plot flowed nicely now it's like she doesn;t know what to do when and is throwing shit in as she remembers it. It is rather depressing. Although the story is not what it once was I am still interested in what happens in the story despite the drop in quaity.
  6. FalconsWing

    FalconsWing Squib

    Jul 20, 2006
    I agree, and I also am glad that there is no side-romance to make the story even worse....I'm still interested in the story. The extreme multitude of characters does get really confusing though............
  7. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    She did post a list of OC's on her bio page. It is names and jobs only though. Be good if she added a bio for each.
  8. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    I mostly like this story, as it uses a large number of different magical practices, and I love to read about more magical 'schools', one such that I hadn't thought about before I found this story was 'thread-magic'.

    A large problem I see in this story, is that all of the creatures that are incredibly superior to the wizards, are superior in Every Way, I'd like to think that wizards should be more diverse and therefore somewhat-decent in a large number of categories, but outclassed in all of them by other species, but the other species should still be weaker in atleast some school of magic, or something. Of course, she hasn't shown much about the 'normal' wizards, so this point may be moot.

    One of the things that I also dislike a lot about this series is how she portrays vampires. I can understand that they're magical, but I don't think that they should be incredibly magically powerful, they may be exceedingly skilled, strong, fast, and intelligent, but I think that they should have some kind of weakness, and the best that I could think of is to have them magically stunted in some way, such as the turning draining their inherent magical power. Causing them to need to take the magical power from other creatures by drinking their blood. Which would mean that long-lived vampires would still be very powerful, but they would've had to expend much more effort to do so, as even an average Britain wizard could probably fend off a newly-turned vampire.
  9. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    It's been updated again and the lattest chapter follows the trend of slowly dragging the plot along with out resolcing anything.

    It's been a week since I read it but from what I remember she seems to have made all Akren immune to it by having them conveniantly having an isolation ward. So now we have a bit more build up to the demon war which may very well give us something that can really hurt these super powered charaters.
  10. DemonDream

    DemonDream Professor

    Jun 20, 2006
    Your closet. Please clean it, I can't move.
    Doubtful. Keep in mind that one of the characters has strong demonic traits, I expect that they will likely do research on him and discover the ZOMG Uber weakness of the demons. Shame really, this world has so much great development, and it is ruined by her obsession with Vampires and overpowered characters.
  11. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    As good as this fic is, i'm getting pretty bored of it. One thing i really don't like about this fic is that there is no balance between the powers that be. Vampires and elves for example are like uber battle gods, not one to be messed with.
  12. Nox

    Nox First Year

    Jan 11, 2007
    Have to agree with Oujou (How the hell do you pronounce that?). I really don't mind wizards being weak and useless because I consider most people to be weak and useless myself. Basically this is just turning into a 'let me show you how awesome vampires are' fic.

    She could atleast make the Headmaster human. I don't think her race have been revealed yet. This fic looks as if it will soon grow out of control, which is a pity since it was really enjoyable to start with. The author just doesn't seem to have a concept of limits.
  13. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    Umm. I am pretty sure that the headmistress IS human. On her profile she has a list of charecters, and a small description. Such as "Alley: Female student, whole family went to akram(sp?). Good with any weapon".
    The headmistress is listed under human.
  14. The_Banisher

    The_Banisher First Year

    Oct 9, 2006
    The vampires I felt were explained fairly well ... maybe I'm missing something. The older a vampire becomes the more powerful said vampire becomes ... makes sense, if you live for a 1500 years then you are more than likely going to know things that were forgotten by people with more average life spans. We still don't have a fucking clue about half the shit the ancient cultures of our world did (Mayans, Rapa Nui, Pyramids, etc). The younger, born vampires still have more power than your turned vampire because of simple genetics ... two people with high IQ's have a 3/4 chance of turning out a child with a high IQ, no reason to be different for vampires. Turned vampires just get fucked over early on ... the elder vampires culling them perhaps? She also explains that the average everyday wizard can be powerful and not totaly fucked, it's just the bigoted europeans that are going to get reamed. The plague adds in an interesting plot twist and also allows the reader more background information on the demons and the war between demons and elves. The only real issue I have with this story is the extremely slow updates ... she seems to be getting a bit off track because of them.
  15. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    The main problem with the damn vampires is that maybe 1 out of every few 10000 has the power to be equals with them. That is the problem we have with the vampires. The elves are basicly unbeatable with the only humans having anywhere near the power to even be considered within 2 leagues of them being the headmistress and Harry. And only vampires that have been around for a couple thousan years can match them either.
  16. werewolf

    werewolf Backtraced

    Nov 12, 2005
    great story,sequel too
  17. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Wow, the amount of thought that went into that post is staggering.

    As to the fic itself, yes she's taking the fixation on vampires too far, but she does write it well. She strays away from the story a lot, and I imagine she will stop updating in the next few months but for now, I'm happy to continue following it.
  18. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    It maybe true that the older the vampires are, the stronger they get and i fully agree with that. However there are limits to something like that. Even a new vampire who can be over 1000 years can be just as strong as a master vampire.

    For example, Anita Blake series has a vampire dating back to the days humans were just evolving millions of years ago. And he faces with a gifted vampire (can't remember the name) who was only over 1500 and a master vampire. Even though he is young, he held his own against this guy. Thats saying something. Laurel Hamilton knows there are limits but this one seems to go borderline dbz in power wise.

    EDIT: Just imagine having a vampire millions of years old in Miranda's fics?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  19. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    I see a large problem with that, from the viewpoint that vampires continually grow in strength. A millions of years old vampire's powers would begin to slow in their increase as they age, but wouldn't completely stop.
    I hypothesize that the 1500yr old vampire had an evolved form of vampirism. I haven't read the series, but that is the only plausible explanation I can think of, disregarding other external events that I couldn't determine without reading the books.
  20. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Not that it matters as this is a hypothetical debate but the vammps in this fic are said to of been created (The first ones showed up) 5000 years ago. Most vamps are said to die from their magics imploding. The 2 really old vamps we see are exeptions to the rules they are the BEST bar none. They are both also masters of a really dangerous art (Blood magic) just like Harry is.

    It was said there have been two other in the past with Harrys skill in Bloodmagic but they both died due to accedents using it.

    Most of the Master vamps in this story seem to be around 1000 years old IE farvo. With a few older but they are very rear and probably die to at a very slow rate to be replaced by those under them who manage to survuve past 1000.