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"A Song of Ice and Fire" stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by purple, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    And Rhaegar actually survived that?

    Edit: Hang on, did you mean to say that Robert fought against Rhaegar or with Rhaegar?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  2. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    As I recall the Rebellion kicked off per canon, Rickard and Brandon getting killed. However one of Aerys's additional kids protested the action before all of the kids and Rhaella escaped to Dragonstone at the cost of a few of the Kingsguard.

    Rhaegar shows up with an army after the Rebels have won their first battle claiming to have rescued Lyanna and proposes that the rebels work to crown him and depose his insane father.

    Since Robert has what he wants he goes with it, only for Lyanna to die anyway. I don't think it's particularly improbable, and I like DolorousEdditor when they're not doing their best to hew to canon for no reason.
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Rhaegar rescued Lyanna from himself? What? The more I hear about this, the less sense it makes.
  4. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    Fought with Rhaegar. On the same team.

    "Rhaegar" didn't abduct Lyanna, according to the story she told Robert. It was the Knight of the Laughing Tree. I suspect it was Rhaegar, though, because Stannis is making a fuss about how Jon doesn't look Baratheon.

    In a nutshell, there were three sides to the war. The Rebels, The Loyalists, and Rhaegar. The armies met on the Ruby Ford and Rhaegar convinced the rebels to fight for him.

    It's not that bad, so far. A couple notches above meh.
  5. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I've made a horrible mistake and read the fic in the meantime and it disgusts me. My only hope for this is that Stannis convinces Robert that Jon is not his son and the Targaryens are subsequently exterminated.

    Or that the Others invade and kill everyone. That's also an acceptable outcome.

    Honestly, too much of this feels... how to put it... forced? Like Cersei fucking around on Aegon and having three children by Jaime, who are yet again named Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella. And the thing with Baelish? Idiotic.
  6. Longsword

    Longsword Banned

    Feb 1, 2015
    Cersei fucking around is one of the least glaring issues. The husband she married was a kid, she had Jaime and feels slighted to not be the queen.
    The starting point is what sticks out. Lyanna manages to sell the story that she was kidnapped by the Knight of the Laughing Tree and escaped.
    Still,this is better than the emo-fest that was Our Choices Seal Our Fate.
  7. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    It's going to be an emo-fest as well, given what Jon's like.

    Anyway, enough about this pile of shit.

    Here, something I read a while ago. One-shot.

    Reap the Whirlwind

  8. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    This Time for Dragons is written by a Targaryen fanboy. The Targaryens are all a happy family, united brothers and sisters, super competent, etc etc. Their problems are minor and their flaws the same. They make the Starks look problematic.

    How surprising that the children of a Pyromaniac psycho came out so well adjusted...

    This is all so unnecessarily contrived to make the Targaryen look good, why? It only detracts from the plot, this mary sueish familty. When this is added to all the other stupid things mentioned above, this asskissing is not even funny, just sad.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  9. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    Yeah it's a bit odd if not a single Targaryen came out touched in the head or become a disappointment. If you look at canon the Targs who had a lot of kids got 1 or 2 good ones and the rest were subpar drunks, crazy or cruel.
  10. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield

    I think the idea is that she left the Tower of Joy right after Jon was conceived and then married Robert immediately. Makes John look like the product of her wedding night. It makes some sense, and at the very least, enough to not break immersion.
  11. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Sure it breaks immersion.

    Because why did Brandon go to King's Landing if it wasn't known that Rhaegar took her?

    Seriously, who would buy the bullshit of "Oh, a hedge knight took me, and you totally couldn't find me, but Rhaegar did, oh and never mind what happened to the hedge knight, just buy up my bullshit and raise my bastard for me."

    This particular Lyanna should have been quartered by horses and her bastard drowned at birth.
  12. Captain Trips

    Captain Trips High Inquisitor

    Oct 24, 2008
    Poor Bastard, couldn't we just let him grow a little before sending him to the Night's Watch?
  13. Longsword

    Longsword Banned

    Feb 1, 2015
    One does not quarter a person using horses; dismembering is more like it.
  14. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    That's exactly what quartering means.
  15. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Final word on that Time fic. Characterization is not, by any means, good. Cersei is an even less complex version of her, while retaining everything bad for no reason even though she has a husband that adores her and treats her like a Queen. The Prince are all Mary Sues to a bigger or lesser degree, Danny too, Shiera has her personality talked about all the time but is never shown, Jon is an emo, Jaime character gets murdred and is replaced with a mix of Cersei and Theon, and so it goes.

    Correction: This Jon is a huge angsty bitch. He should name himself Werther.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  16. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    That's a DolorousEdditor thing, Jon in his other fanfiction 'Our Choices Seal Our Fate' was angsty as fuck as well.

    Anyway, not my cup of tea.
  17. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Glory for Traitors

    This is an interesting AU story.

    Ned is sent to the wall to prevent a civil war. However, it is not the typical "Stark-wank" you often see. The main bulk of the story takes place 5 years after the first book, and everything is still shit. You can feel how close the realm is to imploding on itself.

    Spoilers for some of the changes:
    - Sansa is Queen to Joffrey, who is sleeping with Margaery.
    - Robb no longer believes in honor, and has been in a loveless marriage with a Frey as he never met Jeyne.
    - Ned Stark is not trusted or well liked at the wall.
    - The wildlings are being slaughtered, as Robb refuses to allow them to settle on the Gift as his Lords won't allow it.
    - Daenarys said fuck you to slaver's bay and burnt the cities to a crisp.
    - Iron Islands are in the midst of a civil war.
    - Who the fuck knows where Stannis is.
    - Myrcella is married Arryn and is becoming quite like Cersei due to Lysa's insanity.

    I'd give it a 3.5/5

    The writing and some characterizations are a little weak, but it gets a higher score due to the creativity of the story, and having me want to continue reading it as I want to see what happens.
  18. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Why the fuck would Margaery be mistress to anyone, let alone Joffrey?

    A daughter of some minor house, I can see that. But a daughter of a Lord Paramount? Margaery, at that?


    All of that - everything about that fic is fucking awful.
  19. VanRopen

    VanRopen Headmaster

    Apr 22, 2011
    Los Angeles
    >"that’s why ser Meryn Trant had to beat her every time the king wanted to bed her."

    >"But Lady Margaery wasn’t a maid anymore. That rose had ready been plucked from the bush. It was known in all Seven Kingdoms that the Tyrell girl was sleeping with Joffrey. They didn’t even make an effort to hide their liaison, strolling at times at Maegor’s Holdfast right in front of Sansa. Varys reported that they had also a hideout right outside the city where they sometimes met during whole weeks."

    >“Stop, please!” Myrcella Arryn didn’t allow herself to cry. Lying on the bedspread, with her face half hidden in the pillow, she could feel her skin starting to burn where Lysa had hit her. From the corner of her eye, she saw her mother-in-law moving towards her menacingly.


    Edit: aaand, I just realized, how is he fucking Margaery if he can't get it up without violence? What, Olenna just decided she would let him being a monster slide?

    >"The Queen of Thornes took her time getting up. When she did, her lips curled in a wicked smile. Her eyes, with a certain hunger, evaluated Sansa’s breasts and waist."

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  20. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    For now.

    Sansa has a child, he is the heir. Margaery will not be Queen even if Joffrey were to die. Instead, she decided to be his mistress (and even willing to play into his fantasies) in order to gain power, which is working. The only people Joffrey listens to are Margaery and her brothers. They are all gaining major positions in court. Also, if you keep reading, you will realize Sansa is pregnant again, and Olenna knows that the child may not be the kings.

    It's really not that unrealistic (regardless about how much Odran rages), even in ASOIAF. After all, Lyanna, a daughter of a Lord Paramount went off with a prince (not even the king) and probably became his mistress. Yeah, she may have been kidnapped, but I don't think most people believe that.

    It's an AU. Characters are different.

    It's not the greatest, but it's better than the majority of fics out there. I really don't get the rash hate to almost all the fics that have been posted in this thread. DLP doesn't rage nearly as hard for fics recommended for HP. So what makes ASOIAF different?