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WIP Adrift in A World by Miss Whiskers - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by AbyssalDaemon, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. Okay, forget the rest of you.

    Sree gave me a 5/5; that's all that matters.
  2. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005

    By the way, do we ever learn what happened to the Harry of the alternate world? I was looking for it, but I couldn't find it.
  3. The Harry of the alternate world.....

    He died--(rechecks chapter) the same time Sirius's girlfriend (the Sirius of the new dimension) died.

    "Voldemort had apparently not considered the Killing Curse as enough insurance of the child's death, so had incanted a complicated ritual that completely eradicated the boy's soul; Harry Potter couldn't even be a ghost, let alone have his soul go towards the others that had passed on; if a portrait had been made of the small child, the Auror coldly explained, even that would no longer be animated.

    Harry Potter hadn't just died, he ceased to exist."

    - Chapter 11 - Completely Unexpected
  4. Zulu

    Zulu Guest

    This fic was actually one of those that I ritually checked every week to see if it updated or the author (Miss Whiskers) decided to start a new one. So imagine my elation when I saw that it updated today especially with a "title" as "The End of It." Sadly that took a nosedive when I saw the small author's note on top. This only got worse when I scrolled down to the author note at the bottom and got to her reasons. I do not deny that there are a lot of reasons why writers today decide to stop writing but needless to say I was both disappointed (that the fic was abandoned) and angry at her justification/rant. Still I can't deny that it was good while it lasted and wish her the best on her self-appointed goal in bettering the world...me...I'm sticking to my $10 a month and will be continuing reading and writing fics.

    the link to the last chap with the note: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2987160/21/Adrift_in_A_World
  5. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Well... at least that's better than becoming a religious fanatic, like that other girl... Although, not by much. :)
  6. Rainstorm

    Rainstorm Fourth Year

    Aug 5, 2006
    That's annoying. This wasn't the best story but it was an interesting one and a good read. I'm not going to bitch about her choice though, if she doesn't enjoy writing the story any more then it would end up a pile of crap anyway.
  7. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    On a lighter note, the reviews for that last chapter were rather amusing.
  8. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005

    Oh what the fuck.

    Better the world? Get out of Texas then and go somewhere where people actually do need help. >_>

    Meh. It was good while it lasted. You never see any of these fics finish. Jono is the only one in this genre that ever finished one, and that was just part 1.
  9. -twitches-

    I'm fifteen; I'm working on the getting out of Texas part!

    Besides, what with food drives and the donation blankets----it seems more productive to do that than finish a story...

    ...which I'm still planning to do, mind you. It'll just take a little longer...
  10. Nuhuh

    Nuhuh Dastardly Shadow Admin Retired Staff

    Nov 12, 2006
    Oh well, community service and all that is good. I am not too cut up about the story not finishing, it is a familiar disappointment. It was fun while it lasted.

    As far as whisker's choices, sure go ahead and do whatever rewards you. You feel like making a difference, enjoy it.

    And things like fanfiction, fiction, watching TV etc are all self serving distractions or entertainment. They have a place, when we need to let go etc.

    Hey if you applied the measure if doing something is helping anyone then there would hardly be any downtime.

    Either way, real volunteer work, and no not pussy cleaning the park and talking to lonely geriatric home inmates; that doesn't count. Find something where you see people really starving, really dying, really reduced to the most base motivations and choices - now that is an eye opener and life changing.

    So good luck.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2007
  11. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    You're young and your heart's in the right place, but it sounds like you went about this all wrong. The author's note you left made you sound awful and insulted pretty much anyone who read it. Wanting to do more is fine. Deciding that you've wasted too much time on fanfiction is something many of us have hit the wall doing 90 and realized.

    But it sounded like a snap decision that you were guilted into. And what you need to do is find a balance. If fanfiction is a hobby for your free time, then maybe you shouldn't spend so much time reading or writing, but to suddenly cut ties and insult the thousands of people reading your story? Sigh. You're young and your heart's in the right place.

    Now for example, me, I can appreciate the fact that thousands of people read my fics and get enjoyment doing so. That is something I'm proud of. The fact that it keeps me from snapping and shooting everyone in my office is a bonus. Not to mention all the lessons learned in the process that can get applied to other aspects of life: repeated practice and you're a better writer, you gain an eye for detail, grammar, and spelling, you no longer worry over having to write a brief, proposal, dissertation, or essay, as well as gain an open mind for creative thinking, and then also you connect with lots of people with similar interests.

    While this may not be as culturally important as living in a mud hut and administering AIDS vaccinations to emaciated children, doing that would not suit me at all. I would be miserable no matter how 'rewarding' that kind of work might be. Now acting like a pro athlete, strolling in for a weekend tour to raise awareness, that I can handle. And then I might end up being influenced by that in my writing, in turn spreading the word that way. Putting it in literally and clubbing the message down their throat would make for a shitty fanfic. But there are subtle ways to push your own political leanings and still write a humorous adventure fic.

    Either way, your life is yours and you got to do what it takes to make you feel fulfilled. But saving the world isn't everyone's job. Sometimes your part is just to entertain a portion of it. Maybe even entertain the ones who are saving the world.

    Besides, you're young and your heart's in the right place. You stupid bitch.
  12. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    *Sniff* That... *sniff* That was beautiful, you perverted fucker. :)
  13. Nuhuh

    Nuhuh Dastardly Shadow Admin Retired Staff

    Nov 12, 2006
    I feel so motivated and inspired by that bit Nonjon, can you be my costumed hero?

    Bringing entertainment and laughter to the emotionally and lulz deprived everywhere.

    No fallen hero bitter enough to cheer up, No sacrificing saint melancholy enough for Nonjon The Entertainer's power of amusement.

    A salve to the waited shoulders of the world, Nonjon!

    The All-American Hero of Playtime


    ^This had me in tears. :)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2007
  14. Element

    Element Seventh Year

    Jan 20, 2006
    Of course, you can accomplish this goal in many different ways.

    On topic though, I don't agree whatsoever with basically telling your entire readership that what they do is pointless, but good luck with that whole helping people thing. If you can enjoy it, great. Listen to nonjon though, he is old and wise, and you do sound like you've been guilted into it, and this was a knee-jerk impulsive action. Pity about your fic.

    Also, 'stupid bitch' bit had me rolling in laughter. :p
  15. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Rofl, nonjon.

    And Element, I don't think nonjon will appreciate you calling him old, rofl.

    Whiskers: When I said get out of Texas, I also meant out of the US. You won't make a bit of difference in a 1st world country. Go to Africa or something if you really do want to help someone. And ffs, you're 15. What are you going to do anyways? Go to a soup kitchen and spoon out food in the line? Oh sure, you're making sure the homeless guy gets his food a few minutes faster. Good for you, you've made a huge difference in the world.

    From what I gleaned from your A/N, you feel that having fun, or having a hobby is wrong, while there are people in the world that are homeless and dying? Ok then. That makeup? Stop buying it and give that money to the homeless people. Your computer and television? Sell them now. You can use the computer at the library if you need it. Stop paying money for your internet and cable. Give that money to shelters and charities. All those nice clothes and shoes? Same thing. That bed you sleep in? How can you sleep comfortably while there are people on those cold streets? What kind of cruel, sadistic person are you!? You like restaurants? Fuck that, you can't eat nice food while there are people starving to death. School dances? Senior Prom? HAH! College? Fuck that, go to the Peace Corps. See where I'm going with this?

    All summed up: You're a 15 year old kid who isn't going to make a bit of difference in this world. Have fun giving away all of life's luxuries in order to make yourself feel better that you're better off that many people.
  16. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007

    Shhh He's still naive enough to believe he'll accomplish something productive with his guilt tripping sister. Don't spoil the awesome surprise, that everything he did was as pointless as the fic he gave up writing to do it.

    Also don't mention that Santa doesn't exist. Oh dammit I did it again!
  17. I'm not giving away luxuries (technically I don't OWN them, so that'd be rather difficult to explain to my parents); I'm just trying to use them wisely.

    Rather than writing ten pages (points to self: slow typer), four friends and I refilled the city food pantry, which was nearing empty. Yes, I live in a relatively small town, and a food pantry isn't all helpful, but compared to one chapter?

    There's no comparison.

    And I don't think having hobbies are wrong; community service IS a hobby for me, one that just gained more relevance than writing fanfiction.

    Let's see ---- I don't wear make-up, I don't watch TV, I get shoes and clothes passed down from my mom or sister (or go second-hand shopping); school dances, I donated at the swing dance which was funding a girl with bone disease; but I get your point, Sree.

    I just think that every bit of community service helps.

    "When I said get out of Texas, I also meant out of the US."

    Yes, that's also part of my busy schedule. I need to save up money, either for the organization so others can go, or so I can go.

    "Don't spoil the awesome surprise, that everything he did was as pointless as the fic he gave up writing to do it."

    Miss Whiskers implies female; kind of obvious, unless you've been plotting with wishesanddreams, who calls me Raphael. :confused:

    And dare I say that you're agreeing with the theory that there are more important things than fanfiction? Or was that just a cheap shot?

    And I don't have a guilt-tripping sister, she won in a battle of logic. :wall:
  18. Kyle_Dodge1

    Kyle_Dodge1 DA Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Portland, Oregon
    I don't think the review I left was harsh enough. I tried to spare MW's feelings. But the more I think about it, the more stupid that community service excuse sounds. Homeless people in America are the laziest fucks ever. They sit on corners and beg. It is disgusting. Real poverty is much worse. Restocking a food kitchen for hobos is not really as noble a cause as MW makes it sound. There are the occasional hobos who actually are trying to work or can't find opportunities (mentally retarded people). The vast majority are drunks, druggies, etc. who wouldn't know hard times if they were hit in the face the emaciated body of a Rwandan orphan. Hard times are the Jews in the cremetories of Buna and Auschwitz.
    Sorry for the rant guys. :wall:
  19. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
  20. Kyle_Dodge1

    Kyle_Dodge1 DA Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Portland, Oregon
    I feel like an ass of stupendous proportions.
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