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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I did not call you town D1. I PoE'ed and was left with you and some others, then asked your opinion on what I had left.

    I thought you were town for the same reason you claimed you saw me as town. Because you engaged with me for over an hour late at night, and I thought why would scum do that when they don't lose points for not doing so + chance of screwing themselves over.

    You then proceeded to decide I was all of a sudden scum and vote me. You haven't been scum hunting, the entire game for you has been a play-with-your-reads game. You've spent a ton of time talking about how Snowvon was confirmed beyond doubt town then moved him down from there. You've played around with your read of me as well.

    You're a strong enough player to make your arguments/what you say buyable, but overall it sounds like bull. You haven't been solving the game, but you have been trying to mislynch.
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I thought I captured that in my readwall. It wasn't anything specific but I had to reread everyone because of my mistakes before. When I did that I saw scummy things jump out at me which I put on the readwall. Do you have a question about what appears in it?

    And I'm still reading your other long post trying to go in reverse order.
  3. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Look at this paragraph everyone.


    Right, I was trying to unsettle you. It didn't work.
  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Oh and additionally you were a major factor in pushing the lynch on Ika. Just because you hadn't voted him, doesn't mean you didn't direct conversation towards him as a subject.

    I feel like I'm in a situation like last game where I scum read Riley hard and he said so back. Except this time I sincerely doubt it would happen with you and me and you being town.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Answered in the wall I just made.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Okay I'm going to call my client and possibly get dinner...Posts are going too fast for me to read. Be back bit in a bit.
  7. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Do you understand why this being your reason for voting me is really, really bad?

    What in the world is scumhunting if I'm not doing it? Is it NOT reading the game, talking to people, adjusting reads in response to new evidence? Because I'm pretty sure that's what scumhunting is.

    Look I realize no one in this game has seen me as scum but frankly I am NOT able to play like this as scum. Go read TinyHunt or WitchHunt if you want my scum meta. Can I make plausible-sounding arguments? Yes. Can I do half of the other stuff I've been doing here? No. Would I have done half of the other things? Would I have waffled on you over a legitimate point and then semi-cleared you at the start of today? No on all counts.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ----------

    Uh... Am I not allowed to pressure people when they do suspicious things now? Am I not allowed to pressure people who end up flipping town without being accused of "pushing mislynches"?
  8. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    It's not bad because of thinking someone is scum. The problem is that you decided you thought you could mislynch me and so thus I became a "scumread" again.

    I don't really get that vibe from you. Scumhunting also means you're trying to lynch scum and you haven't been on either lynch at the end of the day. You're a strong player. Why are you just watching players mislynch left and right if you're town? Hell, you didn't even vote someone D1.

    If you were town, I'd expect you to be leading lynches. You picked up your pace halfway through yesterday because you thought you could mislynch me, and you were disappointed because noone followed. So you started today again with a reason for town reading me. I didn't bite and scumread you, and now you're forced to try and mislynch me again.

    My fear is that you're playing me, and I don't see any evidence to argue against that. I started this game with a number of solid town reads and since Maiden they've been night killed or lynched (Lyrium, Ika, Titus in a row). I really wish I pushed more for Ika's defense yesterday, but in hindsight that may have just led to him being lynched today anyways.

    What I don't buy right now is you being town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 PM ----------

    Of course you can, I thought Maiden was scum and turns out I was wrong.

    But what I don't like is you pushing Ika + a bunch of players sheeping onto it. Then you throw your vote at me and noone bites. It's the vanity wagon thing you were talking about before. Ika ends up lynched and you're not on the wagon, yet you shaped a lot of players towards voting him.


    I'm getting really frustrated with you this game bud. The majority of your scum reading/posts can literally be summarized as "one of Rubicon/Citrus is scum". Fucking vote one of us or do something useful. Are you coasting on the idea that we'll both survive and thus you can just continue to throw that as evidence you're trying? And then you go and mislynch Ika and what, your excuse is you didn't really scumread him anyways?

    In any case, if one of Rubicon/Snowvon is town, I think the other is scum. They could both be scum together, but I absolutely cannot believe they're both town with Snowvon throwing Rubicon into his scumreads + Rubicon hard town reading Snowvon then shifting with the general public's read of him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------

    What do you think of her play today? You don't think she's been defensive at all?
  9. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I've been townhunting more than usual in this game, that could be the problem. Townhunting = a form of scumhunting where you look for towntells instead of scumtells and narrow in on scum by PoE. When you have a lot of mislynches to spare, it's an effective strategy. I'm probably doing it too much lately though.

    I explained my read / vote / change of position on ika in the wall I made.

    No, I wrote that post on my phone (from a goat farm! Just wanted to mention that) because someone pointed out he wasn't voting and I wanted him to commit to a vote / wanted to know what he was thinking on the top wagons.

    Me saying TerRaine made a good point about Snowvon doesn't mean she's town and he's scum, it means I want him to answer it.

    Lyrium explicitly says she thinks I'm town in that post.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

    I'm still struggling to figure out the evolution of your read on me. I voted ika... then I voted you... therefore because it's simply inconceivable that anyone could possibly decide ika was town and you were scum... therefore I am scum trying to mislynch you.

    Does that about sum it up?

    Uh I voted a lot of people D1. I didn't vote Maiden because Sloth hammered first. Would you think I was townier if I'd been on all those mislynch wagons? Or would we still be here, with you using THAT as an argument for why I must be scum?

    I'm sorry I don't play the way you expected me to.

    OR I picked up my pace because I had a moment of clarity and realized you were probably actually scum and I should lynch you.

    ...I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Why did I start today with a reason to town-read you? Because no one followed my read? So I gave them more reasons not to follow?

    As previously mentioned, I was at a goat farm with limited internet access and wasn't able to push your lynch as hard as I wanted to. If I did contribute to ika's wagon, my bad, but I did explicitly tell people I thought he was town and try to start another wagon. So...

    Half of that paragraph is about her play today. No, I don't think she's being overly defensive. Do you? Which posts?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------


    Let's play a game of hypotheticals. Pretend I'm town and you're town. Who is scum? Why? Imagine I've flipped town and you're looking at the read wall I just made... which parts do you agree and disagree with? Why?
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    Starts the game walling, immediately questioning everyone, has clearly been paying as much attention to detail as possible when she was catching up. I like her interactions with everyone -- she's asking questions and transparently commenting on the answers in her posts instead of filing the responses away in her head and moving on. Town.


    I already went over TerRaine in an earlier post. She pings town to me up until her interactions with Titus. It's not damning, just feels weird. Otherwise her scumhutning and analyses are top notch. Slight townread.


    Posts so much like his past games I'm content to say town. As scum I'm almost certain someone would have noticed but I don't think anyone is scumreading him. Don't really have a lot to say here.


    I'm doing both of them together because I find them horribly difficult to read. Based on their interactions with each other (Rubicon switching his reads on Citrus over and over again and Citrus' reactions to that), I'm not seeing this as town/town. I'm paralyzed over which of them I think is lying because they both keep countering each others' points. The only thing that was really stopping Rubicon from getting a Citrus lynch going yesterDay was Titus, and that looks bad with her NK. Insert WIFOM crying here. It's funny because Rubicon actually says to Titus in 1081: "Please stop blocking the path to victory," in reference to his desire to lynch Citrus. For some reason I doubt he'd write something like that and then go on to kill Titus, but WIFOM. And toDay Rubicon semi-clears Citrus as town, asks for his help to solve the game, and now he's voting for him.

    I know I've been casting suspicion without actually voting one of them, and I know that I shouldn't be afraid of being wrong as town. Fixing that now.


    Feels very town. Was blatantly scumreading Titus yesterDay and I doubt she'd NK her with that in the open.


    Really uncertain here. His voting pattern during the first two Days vs. toDay seems off.


    Is he even playing?


    Vote: Rubicon

    Those are my thoughts. I apologize if they're not tl;dr enough for you.

    Driving practice did happen so I had to vanish for a bit. At one point my Dad actually said to me "paralysis by analysis" and I thought he was talking about mafia for a second.
  11. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Catching up...Need some time to read the thread. From the skimming Rubicon and Citrus really went at it.
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Snowvon voting me over Citrus after saying a bunch of reasons to think I'm town and not really engaging with the things I say about Citrus. Shocking. :p
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Promise you'll still love me even when you're dead.
  14. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Uhm...Great...As far as the Rubicon/Citrus debate ya'll are further solidifying my argument that at most one of you is scum but neither really does anything to convince me of townie ness. Mostly by being too defensive.

    Earlier I mentioned we may not even have enough votes to lynch and neither of you seem to care (but Sloth did), which is a bad sign, as ya'll seem more like you are trying to convince me/other likely townies than convince the other that you are town.

    While this is a readwall it doesn't really provide evidence for why you think that way for your reads and is a big "Citrus is scum" sandwich. It is a basic summary of "gut". I have trouble reading "gut" plays so this I inherently don't like as it relies on me understanding your "gut". It may be entirely accurate but it is entirely unusable for me since I don't have the same "gut" as you. Putting myself in other people's shoes and hypotheticals/explanations of them, unless object or code based (meaning not people based) I either get or don't right away or I have to sleep on it and MAYBE get it. There's not enough here for me to pick up your train and buy a ticket for the other players.



    Your process of elimination answer seems good, but almost too perfect. Half of me says I should be listening and the other half goes he's scum he's scum. The rest of the posts are seeming to try to prove your towniness. And in the last part of the post Lyrium doesn't say you are town, she says null and maybe town but maybe not. It feels like you are trying to manufacture answers that I'd like to hear versus true answers?

    @Sloth/Monochrome: Thoughts wanted please? Are you getting a townread from this or are you getting the trying to please town feel?

    https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=724449&postcount=1343I saw it....I don't quite get what I'm supposed to see.

    Lastly -- why is your vote on Snow if you are so convinced Citrus is scum? Are you saying the only scum team is Snow/Citrus? This happens to be one of Sloth's arguments which makes me wonder potential sheep?


    Why are you being so defensive right now? Rubicon at least has the possibility of a lynch. However last check I saw you had 0 votes are you. Why are you so afraid of Rubicon's arguments against you? Rubicon didn't succeed in a convincing argument earlier with more players and 0 people have voted now...:/

    I can't find a readwall for you either. It's like you are more convinced that you have to convince people that Rubicon is scum rather than give us reads or scum hunt. It's the same thing that caused me to think Titus was scum and I explicitly called her out on no readwall.

    You demanded a readwall of Snow so now I'm demanding one of you. Names town alignment and evidence please.

    @Snow: You seem to think that Rubicon will die? Why?

    It looks like a Rubicon lynch may happen but I've got a sinking feeling something is off in my gut and I can't place it.
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I knew someone would take that post seriously.

    MathBlade if I'm flirting with somebody it's probably a fluff post.
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Oh yay! You're "family" :D I didn't notice the flirt sorry.:nyan:
  17. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Snowvon: I take my games seriously. When I put this much effort into something, I don't appreciate people completely disregarding everything I say and #YOLO voting me. The context of your vote is awful, so you could just be scum, though.

    Every single read on that list is backed with a concrete reason. I don't think I relied on gut even once. What are you talking about here?

    Okay... I'm trying not to sound exasperated here, but... "almost too perfect"? You asked me a question and I answered it. You admit the answer is consistent with my play and explains what you thought was off. :?

    Scum-me would have shot the fuck out of Lyrium if I thought she was the Seer. I don't think I've ever shot someone for having a "leaning town" read on me and I don't know why I would.

    I think the first sentence is good - uncertainty about scum QTs seems honest esp. with the rest of her play.

    My vote is on Citrus. Is Sloth saying Snow/Citrus is the only team? I don't think that was his point.

    I'd guess it's either you noticing how town I am or food poisoning.

    More votes on Citrus.
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Seriously though, I'm not sure where I'm giving reasons for you being town? That paragraph was assuming Citrus is town.

    I'm mostly divided between you two, so I just made a choice. Calm down.

    I will admit that I skimmed most of your back and forths with Citrus to get that post out. I will also admit that I feel like I'm going to make the wrong choice no matter how much reading I do. But like I said, you both counter each other so neatly I'm having a hard time finding anything concrete for one side. If you dislike my vote, that's your issue. But I'll go through both of your posts again since there's still time before Night. (It's tomorrow at 5:30 right?)

    And for the record, :p doesn't convey srs posting.

    I can tell.

    I'm not disregarding it, I'm just confused by it. I'm shit at concrete reasoning, but I do believe you're scum, so I'm voting for you. Sorry you don't like it.

    But let's be real here. If you're town and you don't get lynched, you're probably getting shot toNight. You said so yourself before.
  19. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011

    "I'm doing both of them together because I find them horribly difficult to read. Based on their interactions with each other (Rubicon switching his reads on Citrus over and over again and Citrus' reactions to that), I'm not seeing this as town/town."

    We agree on this much.

    "I'm paralyzed over which of them I think is lying because they both keep countering each others' points."

    I don't think he countered my points at all, actually. He completely disappeared after my last set of questions to him.

    "The only thing that was really stopping Rubicon from getting a Citrus lynch going yesterDay was Titus, and that looks bad with her NK. Insert WIFOM crying here."

    I'm still the only person voting Citrus. The resistance to his wagon is because he's scum. I wrote a couple paragraphs about why Titus kill makes sense from Citrus.

    "It's funny because Rubicon actually says to Titus in 1081: "Please stop blocking the path to victory," in reference to his desire to lynch Citrus. For some reason I doubt he'd write something like that and then go on to kill Titus, but WIFOM."

    i.e. reasons I'm town.

    "And toDay Rubicon semi-clears Citrus as town, asks for his help to solve the game, and now he's voting for him."

    ...and do you not understand the progression of my thought process there, or...? Because I explained it a lot. Me evolving my read in response to new evidence is not me being scummy.

    Then lynch Citrus with me and if he flips town and I'm still around tomorrow do whatever you want.
  20. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    I'm not following what this means.
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