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Batmafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    1) You said suspicious. Suspicious=scummy to me I am trying to get this out so will get exact verbage later.

    2) Did the quote post work? Sometimes this forum messes with my posts. If you need exact wording clarified and that is what you are asking let me know please.

    3) I found it odd that Q judged someone a newbie then came back and asked a newbie question. It was seemingly an expert trying to act newbie like or a newbie with coaching and I was trying to ascertain that. However, Since Q seems to be very similar to me in trying to decipher societal definitions of words versus dictionary version the posts now make sense and he's probably just awesomely different similar to me.

    4) I will get exact posts later but I guess call it a Sloth vibe :) Most games with Sloth I read him right eventually.

    @Lyrium: Thanks! Is 288 to everyone or just Terraine?


    I have a different reading of most words and that is because I'm a little quirky. This is what I usually consider doubtcasting

    Shooting down a player's skill, arguments, or positions based on subtle slight of hand and/or small machinations and words. Can be done regardless of "read" status but is meant to make a player's opinion/argument weaker. For example if Player A and B are scum and Player C who is town accuses Player A of being scum. Player B reads player C as town but tries to use slight whisperings to discredit player C's argument.

    Can also be used in an alignment sense. (E.G. I wouldn't trust so and so they are scummy etc.)

    *nods* Much more developed. Gives me more to go on. Thanks

    Quote (guessing these are Lyrium's and I missed them)

    Oh and just for old times sake and because this is fun.

    All players, heroes, villains, answer the questions in a sentence:

    1. Are you scum?
    2. If you had to place a vote on a player right this instant, who would you vote and why?

    1. Nope....#eternalTownie 21 in a row if CYS doesn't count. March 2014 >> Now regular non bastard games all town. Damn....

    2. Terraine for reasons explained, although I did toss up between Terraine and Citrus who is scummier.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ----------

    Here are some more questions:

    1. What do you make of Sloth? Particularly what do you make of his rainbow changing from post #54 to post #212? How do you feel about his reads?

    -- During my skim read I took it as regular Sloth. I will need to see who changed where and why but tone was Sloth townie.

    2. What are your reads on Atum, Snowvon, Rubicon?
    -- See prior wall not much has changed since then.

    3. Who is Quanksor aligned with?
    -- I'm guessing town atm. Not sure he is scum. I find it quite weird that a lot of people say Quanksor is scum/scummy but votes are distributed like this. Makes me feel Quanksor is a mislynch rather than scum or something fishy is going on.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

    Reread and realized for everyone so ^^.
  2. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Lyrium, my Ter read isn't based on meta, but I'll grant you that she's playing differently than AYAW. That was her first game, though.

    I think the vote distribution is the result of town apathy and lack of coordination. That'll pass, hopefully.

    What do you think of his posts? (As opposed to other people's posts about him.)
  3. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Lyrium, kindly fuck off.

    Since you seem incapable of understanding what I'm taking offense to, please re-read your post again.

    You have several times now repeated the adage that I am not reading correctly/unclear, when I have never indicated that this is occurring. As I have not indicated this, and you refer to it as "the basics", I'm suprised you find it so hard to understand why I take this as a very direct insult. Moreover, you have yet to justify it in any way that has not been responded to in a significant manner - the his_fluffiness bit was tiny, and not worth mentioning, except to disparage me (it had no bearing for my comment, which I reiterated to you) - but continue to run with it without cause.

    However, I am in fact coming to realise that this is in fact more then this - this is by its very nature a game where reading comprehension and use are at the heart of what it means, and your insulting of me in this manner, has been the very embodiment of your own definition of doubtcasting - by repeatedly mentioning me as "not reading carefully" and even "a strange bird", you are able to disparage not only my ability and my play, but also my reads. It would very tinfoily of me to say that this is solely because I have mentioned that I am reading you as scummy, but certainly it hurts the town by belittling the reads of a player.

    IMO, this has crossed the line from being merely the result of a aggressive scum-hunting style to being anti-town. Edit: what you have been doing to me is the same as Mathblades definition of doubtcasting -

    Also, in case these are seen as being a stretch too far, I would also argue that Lyrium's actions have also often aimed to stifle discussion. Here's an example:

    This is in regards to the TerRaine-Lyrium fight. Basically, I should stop commenting on this fight - the only time where this is a valid observation in mafia is when it is posted in regards to something the player considers filler, or irrelevant to the gameplay.
    However, this is the post in which Lyrium posts a long analysis of players, listing TerRaine as her only scum-suspect, and eventually voting her. Thus, from her perspective at least, comments on this period should be especially relevant.

    Add to that emotional blackmail (earlier in 158), the endless listing of questions rather then actually scumhunting (I don't view these questions as very useful, because of their listy format - which can lose any useful info - and the way they're asked so generally, and mixed up with useless stuff like "are you scum?" which all leads to cluttering the thread rather then actually finding scum), a very annoying mix of fluff, and, tbh, what I percieve as quite a different style from the filler game and I feel very pleased to go with


    I'll do a bit more on this shortly, but dinner calls.
  4. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    I'm tempted to troll you actually. You weren't reading carefully and I pointed out the two points that you ignored whne you responded to my and Ter's discussion (which by the way you told me and only me to stop discussion which is why I didn't particularly care what you thought). Not reading carefully is a tell and so therefore you seem to be taking offense and getting all crazy mode for no reason.

    Then, you seem to be repeating your play from our last game together. Which I don't even know why you wouldn't have learned something from that.

    Fuck off? Is that really the best you can do? You'll have to work harder, sunshine.

    Bring it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

    Also you haven't voted me, lol lol lol. You just put my name in red.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------

    And Agent Q, you misstated a comment I made to TerRaine asking her to speak for herself and not other players re my playstyle as a question. So no I don't think you're reading carefully or you are misreading.

    I mean let's make this fun, I challenge you to pursue me to my death if you really think I'm scum.

    And if you think I'm playing against the rules then pursue my modkill. I mean that's what I would do.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 AM ----------

    OR STFU, ;)

    Not literally, because that would get you lynched quickly (hopefully) but you know stop being a whiny little brat.
  5. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Could you explain the purpose of this post? Did your opinion change on TerRaine - you certainly didn't feel he'd answered you adequately, so it would seem that you had good cause to continue voting for him. If not, then could you explain why you wanted to devote him regardless - without a better candidate, too? If it did, could you explain why and how?

    Unrelated, if you had to vote right now who would it be? And connected, but dissimilar, if you had to vigkill a player right now, who would it be?

    And what is the purpose of the posting the scum breakdown? I don't see one, but I presume you had one?
  6. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    ...been drinking and about to sleep....but I am addressing this,

    I. Am. Female.

    *slouches off grumbles obscenities about everyone* Every Game.
  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    The purpose of this post? On the surface it was merely to entertain myself. In fact, some of my posts are merely to entertain as this is a game and all work and no play make Lyrium want to die.

    Yes, there's a reason I unvoted TerRaine. I have two theories about her. In one she's scum and needs to be capped but that is going to be hard to do when people like Snowvon and Rubicon (who was wrong last time too) and Sloth don't see it. Therefore, for now I'm operating on second theory until more evidence comes forward.

    If I had to vote right now? I would vote Fishy Justice for not posting. If I had to vigkill a player I would kill either Sloth or Rubicon. Both aren't doing what they are expected to with Sloth's two rainbows being strange and my fall from grace seemingly having no reason. As for Rubicon (and actually Schro's slot) I would vigkill them because my experience with replacements is that they are always scum (except for in one instance and that was on a non DLP site).

    As for the last question, what does that even mean? "I don't see one, but I presume you had one?" Like what does that even mean? What are you asking me? Like if I thought you were scum I would close read your posts and find the post or not mention it?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------

    And if I were the suspicious sort I would start wondering about alignments and you right about now...

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 AM ----------

    Oh and Snowvon, the players who are new or newish to mafia: Agent Q, Quanksor, Ken Kraitos, his fluffiness, Fishy Justice, and Riley.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 AM ----------

    Well, Riley's not new but we don't have a lot of meta for him since I don't think we've been in a game with him so yes Snowvon what do you think of all the new newish players mentioned and the recalcitrant Riley.
  8. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    As I said at the time:

    I personally saw no use from the discussion about a previous game, and at the time of my composition (p111) at least, TerRaine seemed to be very clearly trying to move on, whereas you were still calling up references. Again, I don't care for discussion which was distracting the thread, seemed overblown and without purpose, and was not relevant to the current game.

    As to not reading carefully:

    A, 1 point, B, I responded immediately and explained why I had stated what I did. You never responded to this. If you mean the playstyle, I responded to that earlier.

    I don't have a crazy mode. If I'm getting personally offended or aggravated, I do something else for a while, I don't let it affect me.

    And I just explained why I found that insulting.

    Honestly, you take swear words way too seriously. Especially given I swear way less then most of this board (in general, if not in mafia).

    What did you think I ought to change about my play from previous games?

    Explained in P236. Honestly, do you read carefully? Because you sure as hell don't respond to half the stuff I post, even when much of it is at you.

    Do you have any intention of responding to the legitimate points brought up in my post?

    Not to mention the description that I found some of your attitude/language insulting (which you asked to bring up).

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

    Sorry. This was probably me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

    Read context. It was asking if you had a purpose to it - I presumed you did, but I couldn't see a purpose.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 AM ----------

    Yet later you say you wouldn't shoot her - does that mean that the second theory is stronger, independent of their reads? And why would you abandon thinking she's scum just because other people don't see it? You don't have to vote her, but it doesn't seem a reason to stop thinking she's scum.


    ---------- Post automerged at 02:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 AM ----------

    Oh and Mathblade seems quite townish, like her entrance thus far.
  9. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    It sounds like you've played with the meta I've been used to before hopping on DLP. This creates a lot of problems as DLP's meta is different. I'm "virtually" hanging out with my ldgf but I think I'd like to point out some things you may not be aware of. A lot of the items you mention as concerns would be accurate back where I played in RL but Lyrium uses these same things as town tells. I don't have samples handy but yeah to a certain extent DLP to me is backwards and I have to remember that in my posts.

    Tomorrow or in a few hours depending I would like to put something together a bit more formal. In this case a lot of what you're pointing at is likely Lyrium being frustrated.

    @All: -- Will get to the rest of the thread when I get to Q.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:15 ----------


    I agree with most of your post except about replacements.

    Every game I have replaced into on DLP (and other sites) was town.
    {Excluding weird cult race that took over defunct game which technically was and was not replacements and that was 3P not scum.}

    I dare you to find a scum game of mine on a forum. It doesn't exist.

    That being said I think I get your reasons for some of the fluff questions you are asking. If you have any more questions fluff or otherwise ask away. I agree Terraine is likely scum but your argument for me seemed hard to follow in places. Maybe try summarizing?

    I would recommend treating Q like me. Q seems to be extremely literal in some instances. This isn't a bad thing but isn't a good thing it is just how I operate and see similarities.

    Lyrium's town game involves asking these types of questions to get chat going. Lyrium is usually pretty chill but has some righteous townie anger when poked like now. Similarly I believe you are town because of how you are reacting right now. Even though Lyrium is committing a major derp by wanting to shoot me *facepalm* it isn't entirely unexpected because of how S dude started out.

    Similarly because Lyrium is an instinctive player sometimes she doesn't go through the thought processes we do. She does what I call stream of consciousness in her posts with very little editing. She caught me in CYS when I was third party with a simple question.

    I have discovered that this board acts a lot like people here in California although most of you are East Coasters in that you must seek to listen and try to understand before commenting. Then after people may build a trust in you.

    Likewise with Terraine I feel she is scum and Lyrium is town. If by listening I discover something else or something to fix I am better off. Lyrium rarely curses even when cursed at so she definitely seems like townie anger to me.


    Long ramble done back to regularly scheduled programming

    To do tomorrow:
    Sloth read walls changes and why. Analyze more than tone.
    Give a breakdown of gut read Quanksor town with reasons
    Any additional responses

    If time:
    Terraine Citrus interaction
    Rubicon Citrus interaction
    Map out Terraine potential partners see if it matches prior wall or if something is up.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:34 ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 ----------

    Used to happen to me too Ter. It will go away eventually more than likely....
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Catching up again, will update readwall(/facepalm @readlist last time :\) later today.
  11. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Don't get me wrong, I do not hate the fluff, nor do I have any disdain for it or you. I just find it suspicious. If you do it all the time, well, it might just be your quirk, or it might be having an additional function here.
  12. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014

    Coming back later for more but this stuck out to me.

    Lyrium never says she DOESN'T think I'm scum. She's been pointing out her "2 theories" theory on me for days.

    And there's plenty of reason to abandon a vote on someone (for now) even if you still think they're scum.

    If there's not enough strength on a wagon even if you're 100% sure you know someone is scumfirmed...if no one else (especially stronger players) are seeing it it's a wasted vote and you can use that to find other players.

    Her unvoting me but still thinking I'm scum isn't really suspicious. Town does it all the time.
  13. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    @Riley #270
    No problem. I was expecting someone else to answer you sooner to tell you the truth.
    I assume that the roles have been divided out via RNG. This means that there's a ratio of 5 scum : 12 town. Each person carrying a little under 6%. Statistically there's a better chance that we're going to have more mis-lynch's then real lynch's. This means that there's going to be less town and more roles are going to be announced. I see hard data as much as a benefit as pushing and prodding in the sense that we can sometimes see connections between players and formulate opinions, but relying on it seems like a poor decision.

    @MathBlade #277
    It was a response to a question that seemed like everyone else glossed over.
    I'm not sure what PBPA stands for, would you mind letting me know of the acronym?
    I assume comf!bias is confirmation bias. I'm also not entirely sure what this is meant to mean. It would be great to have an explanation for it as well.
    I also would like to know why Fishy is ranking lean scum when you give him a null read. I assume it's part of your instinct but I would still like to know.

    @Lyrium #296
    Mathblade seems like she is trying to catch up on the game thus far which is good. We'll have another person to go over old posts to see if they can find anything out. Fairly active, and me reading through her posts seems pretty straightforward, with the exception of a few points which I have listed above.
    Schrodinger seemed to not be posting much, not really responding to much in his posts. MathBlade however seems to be posting very forthright, sharing all of her thoughts on each player. And trying to respond to everything in turn.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:17 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

    Also. I like to hyperlink posts. Should I quote them instead?
  14. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    That's the point of PoE'ing, I'm only doing it if I'm confident enough or else it literally is just wasting my time.

    Role PMs were out already when the thread was made. And it's a pretty good reason actually. In situations like that scum tend to not want to post openly anyways especially when it's avoidable AND his wording doesn't really feel right if coming from a scum PoV.

    Nope, finally town actually. I'm literally sick of rolling scum over and over.

    But glad to see your opposite-Citrus-read-senses are still working :p

    I would like this from you too Quanksor.

    Because of a specific post you made.

    I'm realizing the PoE Town strategy works a lot better especially early on before we have a scum-flip to work off. Granted Fontisian is good at reading me these days, but she's literally caught me in a game or two recently by just PoE'ing more obvious people and then pushing lynches in the remaining pool. Plus it's a lot easier to find obvious!town than scum, especially D1 when not many posts have happened yet

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 PM ----------

    Good to see Mathblade is town (oh hey, I called Schrodinger town. PoE is OP)
  15. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:

    Again, I never said the unvoting was suspicious - that was fine once she explained it. What I found questionable was that she stated that she would shoot someone else (and for little more then meta reasons, too) rather then you at that moment. Again, I'm willing to unvote someone if it isn't getting much traction, but forced to take a shot I would still go for my strongest scumread, rather then someone else.
    I find it suspicious because I read it as taking the opportunity to abandon suspecting an unpopular target, and because the targeting of a replacement seems to point to her not having any actual scumreads.

    Phone post. Only up to the quoted point.
  16. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    This is the post, to be specific Lyrium
  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    The Fishy was a mistake on my part. I went through my initial paragraphs and accidentally put him in the wrong section.

    PBPA = Post by Post Analysis

    Doing a PBPA lends to confirming what you already think. For example if someone thinks a player is scum before doing a PBPA then more than likely they will interpret the posts that way. Sort of like if you get told a person is awesome before meeting them and then they do something you like it reinforces the idea they are awesome rather than being a new opinion. It could be quite possible you never would have noticed that thing or would have noticed a potential backstab. This is why conmen and conwomen usually have a partner, someone to make them look better.

    Either way is fine as long as you are consistent. I have noticed sometimes people don't follow links or sometimes don't read long blocks of text. You may want to give yourself a boost to your readability by planning it in advance. Since it seems like you have you are fine.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 ----------

    Now that is a very good point....

    I am very interested in your response Lyrium.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

    Hmmm maybe Citrus isn't eternal scum to my eternal town but that post... *thinks*

    Still to do Sloth and Quanksor thought drops this evening.
  18. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Sure, I have two theories regarding TerRaine. The first is that she's scum, quite obviously. I'm trying not to fall into the trap of reading everything she does in a way that fills that theory (for example her lack of response to questions but posting to say that she will be posting later on as supporting she's scum). The problem with playing off of feels or instincts is that they can get screwed with and right now I may be conf!biased.

    My second theory involved a read of her as a particular role that may (slight chance) make sense with one of her posts. Obviously I have not interest in delving into this read due to the Riddler and scum.

    Therefore, in the case that Snow, Rubi, Sloth are not scum and are correct why would I shoot someone that there was a chance did indeed have that particular role?

    Finally, if TerRaine is scum and I continue to have that feeling for her then I intend to pursue a lynch to the ends of the Earth. Just need responses to some of the questions that have been adding up.

    Also Agent Q, you seem to twist or misinterpret my words which idk what that is about but every time you do I will call you out on it.

    Oh and I'm trying to reconcile my read of Schrodinger and his slot and MathBlade who is playing 180 to how he was playing. I don't always feel the need to point out townie things because scum have access to everything in here.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

    Any links to TerRaine's town games other than Werewolf would be helpful or feedback from those who've played with her in the filler games, as town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

    Kento, hyperlinking is fine but if you're responding to something particular maybe quote it? I do love hyperlinks, makes it easier to go back and forth.

    My feeling towards Quanksor is that he isn't scum. I mean that would be a hell of a scum slip so therefore I'd like to see his response and reads (do a rainbow love). He seems to be the counter wagon to TerRaine (and his fluffiness seems like another person playing this part).

    First day ends on the 13th and these are the people with votes on them (based off last VC and quick reread may have missed something):
    his fluffiness

    1. I hate this vote spread, it sucks.
    2. Let's begin to consolidate, anyone with a vote on someone needs to
    a. Why do you think this person is scum? Point to a post or some tangible evidence.
    b. Who do you think might be aligned with this person?
    3. Give your reads on all the above players


    ---------- Post automerged at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 PM ----------

    People who aren't voting (which includes me):
    1. In the list above who is scum or scum team?
    2. Put a vote one someone or state two people you would like to vote

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

    OH and in the case that we have a No Lynch situation due to vote spread and apathy:

    What are your thoughts on No Lynch?
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Too long didn't read.

    Two potential teams emerging:
    Lyrium Snow Aekiel Quanksor
    Terraine Sloth Rubicon Citrus

    However those are in direct contradiction with my reads and theories so I want to see people post a bit more. See if I can figure out which pattern it likely is.

    How I came to these conclusions is in the too long didn't read section below.



    Really??? Talking no lynch with 5 days left. WTF? Seriously my initial town read of you is evaporating of you with these last few posts.

    Secondly if someone isn't answering your questions you can pursue them for not answering them. If memory serves you've done this before with me. So why you wouldn't shoot Terraine or at least pressure at this point is weird.

    Because you are posting things that aren't making sense with my initial read I'm unvoting for now because whoa.


    Your questions and answers:
    1. I hate it too but it is early in the week.
    2a. I did have a vote before your post and stated reasons for Terraine but both of you look like scum now and considering how much you have been fighting with Terraine both of you being scum is unlikely. I'll answer the unvoting questions too.
    2b. If Terraine was scum I'd think Terraine and Citrus definitely a combo but considering that it looks like I'm being sheeped I'm going to go mum's the word on the rest and see what pops up because of that.

    Terraine and Lyrium -- Been discussed ad nauseum moving on to rest of the question.
    All besides Nemrut -- Not much has changed since last wall. I'm overdue for Sloth/Quanksor thoughts which are at the end of this post.
    Nemrut -- Moving towards town read with the last post.

    ---For people who aren't voting
    1. I think scum would be smart enough to avoid everyone being in a major suspicion list. Narrowing the thought with that question is sketchy. I'm still trying to see what the fuck is so wrong in my reads.
    2. Already done earlier as I'm mixed up about Terraine/Lyrium mix up now.

    Sloth thoughts

    Rubicon was missing from post 54. Possibly Sloth Rubicon collusion? Rubicon/Sloth did not "come at each other" as implied.
    IMO it's either an honest mistake or indicative of a Sloth/Rubicon pairing.

    If it's an honest mistake potential argument about Lyrium + Snow makes sense. Very little interaction between the two.

    I noticed I missed more Lyrium questions *sigh* Looking back at those she is seeming to encourage Aekiel to be more townie. (Lyrium Snow Aekiel?)

    I humbly disagree with Sloth's argument that Titus is not a good player. She is my RL sister but she consistently pulls wool over people's eyes as scum. Her town game could use some work though. However as her sister, this should probably be noted it is extremely biased.

    Most of what Sloth posted makes sense and is helpful in the second wall.

    This to me implies a potential of two scum teams:

    Lyrium Snow Aekiel and Quanksor
    Terraine Sloth Rubicon Citrus

    Both of these teams are in direct contradiction with my reads though as they contain someone I believe to be town...UGH. :/

    I want to see how people react to these teams and see where my reads and/or these potential teams are off.


    Quanksor thoughts

    Quanksor seems to be targeted as scum in nearly every game I play with him. (If not every I'd have to look.) I think because of that most people have an inherent scum bias towards Quanksor.

    I think people pushing Quanksor are doing something very anti-towny:

    Here's why
    1) It could be possible that Quanksor asked a lot of mechanics questions to the mods at the start of the game. The mods would never confirm or deny this usually if it was pre game.
    2) It could be that Quanksor is Nightwing.
    3) It could be that Quanksor is scum plotting for trying to figure out how to navigate against Nightwing.

    Right now the way Quanksor has stayed mum about it rather than brazenly defend against it sends more of a town tell to me and more than likely option 1 than option 2.

    Aekiel doing it to Quanksor makes some sense though if Quanksor and Aekiel are both scum together. Terraine had a major push towards Quank and Lyrium (if time serves) so if Aekiel is scum, Aekiel doing it gently would make more sense thank leaving it up to chance. Memory don't fail me, usually Aekiel is more blunt and forthright so this is odd.

    Therefore if Quanksor is scum then Aekiel is likely scum. If Quanksor is town, then Aekiel is likely town and keeping an open mind.
  20. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    MathBlade, look at my town games I usually bring up no lynch. In that Spirits game I brought it up day one and lo and behold scum had certain reactions to a no lynch as did town. I would like everyone to respond to that question. And with some people posting at the rate they are (as in barely) its a possibility.

    I'm waiting for TerRaine and Snowvon to respond. I've been noting when I see them on this thread and how long and what their response is or fluff post is. I'll gear up to antagonize them when I'm good and ready.

    As for TerRaine, why wouldn't I shoot her? Well 90% scum chance and 10% town major power role chance make it seem like I would rather shoot someoen I think is associated with her and if they flip scum then I can get her lynched properly in thread. Does that make sense? If not then I don't really care, it makes sense in my head.

    I actually came to the same mechanics conclusions as you did for Quanksor but I didn't want to post it out like that in case scum had misssed the two roles that Quanksor may have slip hinted himself as.

    Things that annoy me as of now are Rubicon and Sloth's lack of presence. Citrus' lack of scum hunting and the fact that TerRaine and Snowvon are both checking out the thread consistently at least when I"m on but not posting. Too many people aren't really posting and that is a negative for town.

    I usually can read Snowvon well but he's not been responding to stuff and both he and the other one mentioned RL so trying to be careful re Mod rules.

    As usual, I'm okay with 1 vs. 1 and questions and pressure so keep it coming.

    I need to reread Sloth's second wall post but something about it (in addition to him dropping me down to the middle without much reasons other then my tiff with TerRaine) struck me as off.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

    Oh yeah

    Vote: Rubicon

    How's it going Rubicon? In the words of Fontisian, be useful.

    Also is TerRaine your scumbuddy? Why or why not?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

    TerRaine\Snowvon alignment - what are your thoughts on this MathBlade?