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WIP Blindness by AngelaStarCat - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Peter North, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I think the world-building in this is fucking fantastic.

    Granted part of that is because it's doing a lot of what I have planned to do in my own long fanfic (which I've been talking about writing for years, so ymmv). The exploration of different magical creatures, their rights, and the concept of "Master of Death" is perhaps one third of my own planned plot line. Finding another author who not only managed something similar but did it well has helped me tweak my own ideas, different though they may be.

    And the thing is... you all have some valid complaints about there not being an aggressive plot line. It's an intellectual exploration story rather than an adventure, action, or drama.

    But I'm not going to knock it down for that because I think that's what it set out to be. The author isn't trying to tell a ripping adventure plot and failing, they're trying to tell the story they are succeeding with. Reminds me of some comments in the "Strangers at Drakeshaug" thread, about the story doing what it set out to do, even if that type of story isn't up everyones alley.

    There are things I wish were different about this story, but it hit a lot of the right notes for me even if I wish there was more plot movement. 4.5/5
  2. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    Echoing what Cheddar said. This story is absolutely enjoyable, more than the average time waste fic. I'm never the best person to critique the technical writing of a story but there was nothing in that department that stood out to me negatively. The world-building is excellent and builds realistically on top of canon, while integrating very well with the changes and new things the author has introduced.

    The author says herself that the story is a chronicle of their lives and boy does it do it well. I find myself genuinely caring about the research, particularly into souls and the hallows. The new antagonists are being introduced slowly, carefully and in a very believable way - in fact, a far less fantastical way than the whole HP/Voldemort prophecy.

    My one criticism is that perhaps thusfar, Harry hasn't been greatly challenged enough. Based on his power, the reader rather expects him to pull through of every circumstance. He has weaknesses that he's known about since very early on, but they've never once been used against him - perhaps this is being saved for later in the story.

  3. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    As I said in the other thread, it's so different to have a story where the struggle is with the main character's own morality, and it's fantastic here. It's so different than your usual run-of-the-mill Potter story that I'd probably like it even if it was only half as good as this.

    There's a small part of me that wants Hermione to die (or at least get seriously injured) just to see what Harry unleashed would be like in this universe. She's clearly the only thing keeping him from just doing whatever the hell he wants, and without her, he really would be the 'Master of Death'.

    As an aside, anyone else see a parallel between this story, and that "Other People's Magic" one that someone wrote a few years back, found us here, and had a tantrum and ripped it down after people were giving him shit about it? This is like a very well-evolved version of that, kinda-sorta.
  4. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I wouldn't give this story more than 3/5 overall but it does have some really cool ideas. Everything about souls is great.

    In particular, it's the first fanfic to describe horcruxes in way that makes sense to me - that a person's soul is "broken" when they experience extreme trauma or commit horrific violence, the same way we might describe a person as broken in the real world. I like this a lot more than the canon explanation about "splitting" the soul, which never clicked for me.

    Also an interesting take on house elf rights - something that's almost never handled well in fanfiction.
  5. Fudoutoku

    Fudoutoku Fourth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 6, 2011
    Holy fuck this is so good.

    The beginning is a bit weak, Voldemort is just a side show that's largely irrelevant and I can see why people would take umbrage with that. But fuck, I couldn't give less of a shit about Voldemort, the Master of Death and afterlife shit is absolutely great and weird and fucking terrifying holy shit fuck the stone.

    I don't understand how this community has this at 3 stars, this is a solid work, easy 4, 5 considering how the Master of Death lore has been developed and how Malfoy ended up. It also just updated.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  6. dhulli

    dhulli The Reborn

    Nov 10, 2013
    Yup 5/5 for me as well. Unique and interesting.

    Revising down to a 4/5 because of the science stuff that's all too simple
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  7. The.Snorting.Hat

    The.Snorting.Hat Second Year

    Jun 4, 2017
    It's under Fidelius.
    High Score:
    I actually thought it started out well.
    Then it went on. and on. and on. and on. And the plot dissolved into super!Harry muck. And everything returned to dust.
    The story doesn't really have a purpose. It's like a never-ending essay about the author's perception of magic, starring Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

    3/5 at the max for holding my attention till the current page.
  8. Dubious Destiny

    Dubious Destiny Seventh Year

    May 3, 2018
    This was my favorite Super!HP story. There were parts of it I didn't like, some of the cases in point being Voldemort's first 'death' and Hermione's political 'Lets help muggles!' activism. Exploring of patterns,especially that of Deathly Hallows was brilliantly done.

    The fic sounded a bit like HPMoR in its explanation of using scientific methods in magic. World building was near perfect imo, but Riddle got lost in the efforts.

    The "Humans are special, having souls" anthropocentric part was irritating.

    I lost interest around the chapter where Hermione began to cajole Harry into releasing magical remedies to muggle markets. It was too common a cliche to overlook, and combined with the other cliches to erase my interest in it.

    Rating- 2.5/5 down to 2/5
  9. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    I’m pretty sure that’s pulled from Dresden Files as that’s a pretty central theme.
    Essentially, this. What Blindness ends up being is a so-called “rational” fic that dropped most of the annoying pretentiousness of the type.
  10. kinetique

    kinetique Headmaster

    Aug 16, 2013
    I don't know what ailment causes certain authors to write with more point of view changes than a shonen manga, but it's infuriating.
  11. Bernd

    Bernd First Year

    Feb 2, 2017
    Lauer Höhle
    High Score:
    I have mixed feelings about this fic.

    Firstly, the premise of a story written from the PoV of a blind protagonist... is actually delivered. The prose is above average standard, and the unconventional approach succeeds in describing a world of magic without sight. This completely averts the tendency of fanfic writers to rely on awful clichéd characterizations, eg, "the raven haired teen" or "the bushy haired witch". The writing reads like a kaleidoscopic synesthesia trip when Harry uses his super Soul Vision, which makes it unique and rather enjoyable, especially when it comes to the eldritch presence of the Deathly Hallows. Each of the chapter titles is thematically linked to colors.

    However, at the end of the day, the plot is slow and stagnant and basically boils down to "Harry's Social Justice Journey for Universal Non-Human Rights". The prose is good, but the story itself is nothing more than just another dressed up Indy!Harry fic with a side-serving of Superpowers and Rationality. If you like those fics, you might like this, but be warned -- Voldemort is more like a prologue than anything, and quickly falls to irrelevance once the story starts into the creature rights journey and unnecessary romantic side-plot with Hermione.

    Yes, I found Hermione's character annoying by the end. At first she makes an interesting guide to the wizard world, a muggle-raised foil to Harry, whose expectations of the wizarding world fails to match up to what the muggle world offers. By the later chapters, she's become a millstone (or a "Morality Leash" to readers who don't care for pragmatic protags) who participates in a tiresome wash-rinse-repeat dialogue with Harry every time he attempts to study his powers or defeat villains and she scolds him for going evil or whatever.

    This was the moment when I got tired of SJW Hermione's shit.
    -- Chapter 25, Ripples of Brown Light

    Context: Harry and Hermione want to give equal rights to werewolves by writing an academic paper on lycanthropy and publishing it in the Daily Prophet. Hermione gets into a big argument that werewolves Are Just Like Us, disregarding all their prior research laying out the facts that werewolves literally lose their minds and go bloodthirsty during the full moon.

    Holy shit, this was the moment I had no words. I can't even

    This fic is more politics than action, with some romance that is as dull as it is unnecessary and only serves to inject pointless angst.
  12. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    This story finally finished. I'm quite glad, it's been a long time since I've enjoyed an update and was just coasting to see if things got interesting again. Started out pretty decently, by super Harry standards, and completely lost its way.
  13. A Lizard By

    A Lizard By Any Other Name

    Feb 11, 2014
    On a rock under the sun
    Very technically well written and enjoyable. Unfortunately, the author chose to write about something pretty boring and sorta just coasted for 300k words. I didn't feel anything in particular when reading this story and if I wasn't reading it when the author updated the final chapter I most likely would have dropped it forever and forgotten all about it.

    I still don't care for Hermione (in any story, to be fair) and their romance was way too vanilla for me. Just super perfect, together forever, fluffy yadda yadda.

    3/5 for keeping me interested enough to read it all the way through but being otherwise unremarkable.