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Bond, James Bond.

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Darkmakr, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. HardcoreHobbit

    HardcoreHobbit Second Year

    Oct 17, 2006
    They're right. There are virtually no gadgets in this film. It's the first James Bond story, he doesn't get given stuff yet. The only things he gets are a PPK, an Aston Martin (with no gadgets and stuff) and Eva Green (Who is really fit, IMHO).

    I apologise now, I've had a few drinks.

    My opinion on the Bond cars... the last proper Bond car was the original V8 Vantage that Tim Dalton drove. I forget which of the 2 films this was. I think it was A View To A Kill.. but I might be wrong. It was the one with the skiing and the like.
  2. The Dark Lord Squash

    The Dark Lord Squash Denarii Host

    Aug 28, 2006
    Cardbord Box inside your closet
    The best bond car by far was the one in Goldfinger. It's even in the Spy museum in Washington D.C now.

    I do like that they are toning down the gadgets but it seems a little to extreme, I mean, he is a spy.
  3. Darkmakr

    Darkmakr Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2006
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    I'm making a wild jump here, but how many spies out there have jetpacks and laser watches?

    Truth of the matter is that most of them don't have much more then a gun a bunch of passports and enough cash to complete the job. Most of them have families. I like this bond, mainly because he actually has to think to get out of a situation unlike taking off his belt and using it as a rope to escape crazy russians.

    And we last saw the DB5 in tomorrow Never dies, when he pulls up to MI6.
  4. The Dark Lord Squash

    The Dark Lord Squash Denarii Host

    Aug 28, 2006
    Cardbord Box inside your closet
    How do we know that a spy does not have a laser wach or a jetpack? It's not like it's going to be something that the goverment would want you to know that they have.
  5. Darkmakr

    Darkmakr Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2006
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    I dont know but something like a jetpack would get out quite quickly. or at least i think it would.
  6. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    Lets just face it people, JAMES BOND RULES AND WE LOVE HIM!!!

    Apart from that, hey he might not have gadgets in this film, but hey it's all good! He will just have to use his head instead of his dick.....
  7. Darkmakr

    Darkmakr Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2006
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    That's what i'm hoping... you don't keep making 21 films without doing something right.
  8. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Hmm. All James Bond needs is a car and a PPK. About time they did away with all those gadgets. Some were okay, like his watch in Goldeneye and that exploding pen, or even that remote control for the car, but it started getting silly.
  9. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    James (Potter) Bond.
  10. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Connery's the best, but I've read some reviews of this.

    They have ALL been glowing. I'm in. I am SO going to check this shit out. Its fucking JAMES BOND MAN!

    Its a fucking event in and of itself. I'm totally there.

    "Bond. James Bond."

    Can't fuckin' wait.
  11. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    I'm of the opinion that Brosnan was the best Bond. Now I know a lot of you will scream, but I put him just a notch above Connery. Simple reason: He has charisma like no one else does. When Pierce Brosnan pushes a man off a building, sees him get impaled on a spoke or something and says "Hm, I think he got the point," ... well, you know he's perfect.

    Not to mention that he's a perfect fit for the role. He acts culturedly, with the right amount of boyish glee that makes him fit the role perfectly. Connery was good for the same reasons, but his features and acting could be a little blunt at times. Moore, Lazenby and Dalton...I can't believe Moore lasted so long, he was terrible! I can't watch a Roger Moore 007 movie and not turn it off. Lazenby and Dalton were a waste of time, they were just wating for someone of Brosnan's skill to come around.

    Now...Daniel Craig. He's fantastic. Utterly brilliant. Everyone on these forums needs to watch Layer Cake. It's along the lines of Snatch and Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. It's a brilliant movie, and Craig's acting is phenomenal. I've got more than just high expectations for Daniel Craig, I honestly think he has the skill and charisma to be the best Bond yet.

    I dont quite agree about John Cleese. Ever since Monty Python, he's played nothing more than the bumbling fool of the movie. For someone of his repute, what the fuck was he even thinking agreeing to 'star' in Charlie's Angels? And in fucking Garfield? The man's insane. He's ruined every last bit of his reputation with me, and he's doing a shoddy job in the Bond movies. Q is supposed to be reserved and cultured, so that he can actually pull off being able to chide Bond, who's charisma is supposed to be overwhelmingly successful. John Cleese once again plays a dumb fuck, stuttering about, glaring insipidly and generally treating Bond as if he were fucking jealous.

    M...I like Judi Dench. I think she pulls off her role brilliantly, so I'm fine with it. Being a bt of a canon whore when it comes to Ian Fleming, though, I'd rather there was a new, male M, since the female M doesn't happen until later. Oh well, no harm done, she's still great at what she does. And SHE can chide Bond brilliantly, unlike John fucking Cleese >_<

    /me loves Bond, if you couldn't notice.
  12. Darkmakr

    Darkmakr Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2006
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    I know what you mean with the boyish charm or having the right thing to say. One scene that comes to mind is the car chase in TND, where he releases spikes to pop the wheels of the car behind him, and he goes Aha!, and then the car tires pop up again and there's a look of wtf! that's not supposed to happen!

    John Cleese, fuck he fails as a Q. Too bad, but it'll be good to not have one this time around. give the producers to find a good older english actor that can really be disapproving of the boyish bond.

    Brosnan had charm, but i'm looking forward to this new bond, and the restart it's nice to see a very young inexperience bond.

    I'm looking for tickets to see it in my last few days here in Britain, but i know i'm seeing it the day i get back.

    EDIT: I just saw the best fucking movie of the year. Let alone the best Bond movie. Who'd a thought the best bond movie out there would be the one based off the book that started it all.

    I don't want to ruin it, and i don't know the what the deal here with spoilers is, but generally if you don't know, it's best not to post spoilers....
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2006
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Just got done watching Royale on the PC, it's the fucking heat, gonna go see it again in the theaters later this week to show the appreciation that they didnt fuck it up
  14. HardcoreHobbit

    HardcoreHobbit Second Year

    Oct 17, 2006
    It's 2.30am. My screening finished at 1.45. This film is F**king fantastic.

    But my god... did they have to do that to the Aston?
  15. fantasyfreak

    fantasyfreak Fifth Year

    Aug 8, 2006
    meh probly won't see it one he is BLOND there is no excuse for that second and most importantly for the past 2-3 Bond movies the charecter has been drifiting to far away from the original Bond imo
  16. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    ..hence the reason they started over O.O
  17. Rainstorm

    Rainstorm Fourth Year

    Aug 5, 2006
    Watched it last night in the cinema and loved it. Relatively few gadgets, excellent action scenes, amazing freerunning scene and a load of other things that I wont go on about and ruin it. All in all, very good to watch, but why did they do that to the Aston...some things just shouldnt be allowed!
  18. Darkmakr

    Darkmakr Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2006
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    They had to do it. it's how he gets the damn car originally, they also had to make it clear the Bond is the best player in the service.
  19. mcatrage

    mcatrage Raptured to Hell

    May 16, 2006
    Awesome movie,

    Not a lot of action but we finally have some character development. What they did for Bond is like what Batman Begins did.

    The end seemed a little fast paced compared to the rest of the movie but it was still a very good movie. 7.5/10
  20. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    This movie is fucking fantastic. I saw it with some friends yesterday, and I loved it. The movie has some choice lines in addition to being an awesome spy flick. And who gives a fuck if the dude is blond? He can act extremely well. Also, there are so many twists in this flim its hard to keep track of them. Everyone should see this movie.