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Book 12 [Warning Massive Spoilers by Douches are now in play]

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Ryuugi Shi, May 17, 2009.

  1. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    If you have Kindle (or the free software for PC), you can download the book right now from amazon. Did that and read it. Not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. I think I shall let things rest and then re-read the book more carefully and with more condsideration later. I did write some random thoughts below if anyone cares. Spoilers, beware.

    It felt kind of rushed maybe, but then I suppose that fits with the plot. I think I find myself more interested in the aftermath and what happens next. Lots of things changed in a major way, but we did not actually really get to see how those things did and are going to affect things. I wish we had.

    - How did the supernatural community react to the utter destruction of the entire RC.
    - What does the Council think of Harry becoming a WK, divided loyalties and all that.
    - What is Harry going to do now (presuming he will ever do anything) that all his mortal possessions are destroyed and he is WK.
    - What will Harry's friends&co think. What will the Carpenters, especially with what happened to Molly. For that matter what is going to happen to Molly now that Harry has went WK.
    - Etc.

    Some of the scenes felt a bit disconnected. Like how Dresden convieniently just happened to enter Erlkings lair just so we would get to see that character, completely by accident. That and some other scenes felt a bit too contrived and I thought they did not fully "fit".

    I also hope the end is not for real. For me, Dresden is the main character and if Butcher really kills him then I am unsure if I want to read about someone else in the next book. I also find myself somewhat annoyed at the deliberate cliffhanger. Unlike the above questions, this felt just tacky and for a lack of better word, lame. Hopefully the oncoming short story will give us some hints about where the series is going. And hopefully Harry will be rescued/resurrected by someone. I don't really want to wait another year to find out.

    Still, I think on the whole it was a good book. Maybe not the best, but I did read it all in one sitting. There were a lot of good scenes and fun stuff, no denying that. :D
  2. OdinMage

    OdinMage Fourth Year

    Aug 6, 2006
    Yes, I meant that part, but also...

    The fact that Harry and Karrin basically said they were going to get drunk and fuck

    I can't wait to see what happens there, especially since there's a short story coming out soon that I've been told (I sent a message to Butcher with a comment about how you can't get a certain drug in Canada without a prescription and begged for more Dresden lol) is from Karrin's point of view starting about 45 minutes after the end of 'Changes'.

    As for the dead thing, obviously he's not, there are still something like 11 books left in the series (the website says 20 'case' books and then an 'apocalyptic trilogy'), but what the hell is gonna happen? Who was that female voice he heard?

    And the haters can bite me, I like my actual fiction the way I like my fanfic... godly-Harry is what I want to see. It isn't like there aren't enough other gods for him to always be challenged.
  3. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Potential feelings between Harry and Murphy have always been there, Harry has just been too serious about the whole thing for Murphy to feel comfortable with, since Harry ages so much slower. Murphy was always willing to just fuck, Harry was the problem since he wanted more.

    I figure after everything that has happened, and the WK thing and the stress Harry just was not so concerned with a long-term relationship anymore and was more open to a more casual relationship/sex.

    Could it actually develop to something more? Potentially.

    I hope so. My concern is that since Butcher did alter the world dynamic in many ways, he might be willing to go even further and get rid of Harry. Before Changes I would not have even entertained the possibility, but then I also would not have thought it possible that Harry would end up destroying the entire Red Vampire species. Still, I suspect that a lot of readers would not be happy and would give up on the series if that did happen and Butcher must know that. I guess I am just being pessimistic.

    As for the woman, there are several possibilities. It could be Lasciels Shadow Lash returning. It could be Harry's mother. It could be Lea or Mab. Or someone totally new. At this point we are just guessing.

    I don't mind a powerfull Harry, but I don't want him to grow powerfull too fast. Most wizards require centuries to fully master their abilities. Likewise I don't want him to be a god. Gods dont really mess around the world enough for them to be a regular challenge.

    That being said, there is no question that Harry is a LOT more powerfull now than he was during the first book. If that continues, Harry would presumably be near SC level or even beyond at the end of the series. Hopefully.

    Heck, he did just wipe out all Red Vampires in the world. Even if he took advantage of the pre-arranged ritual, I still think it is a truly humongous thing.

    That is actually the one thing that I found disappointing about the book, I think this was not dealt with enough. I mean Harry wipes out RC, and then we cut to an exposition where we are clinically told what happened and the results.

    I guess I wish Harrys accomplisment here would have been shown more. For example, I would have loved a scene with Thomas&co fighting and suddenly all the vampires die. Or a scene where Harry walks out with Maggie and tells the shocked audience that he just wiped out all the Red Vampires in the entire world. Or the reaction of Eb to the end of the war.

    I mean the RC has played some role throughout the entire series, the way they were written out seemed to fall a bit flat to me. A 4000+ year species wiped out from the world forever. I really think it deserved more reaction and aftermath than it got. What do you think?
  4. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It seems to me that how it ended was how Kincaid told Harry he would do it.
  5. LittleChicago

    LittleChicago Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 3, 2009
    Taure: Thank you, glad I wasn't the only one to think that way.
  6. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    For those worried about the possibility of Dresden staying dead, I direct your attention to exhibit A.
    Lash hasn't shown up again, and she exists solely in Harry's head. If she still has a part to play, that means Harry survives.
  7. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Thanks Sol ;)

    Spoiler Alert! Mouse is cool.

    Also /agree Taure.
  8. JohnThePyro

    JohnThePyro Headmaster

    Mar 25, 2008
  9. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Yeah, but this is hardly a unique thing. Kincaid is unlikely to have a reason to go after Harry, and shooting a wizard from a long range is a trick others know as well. The crazy priest in the short story tried that aswell and nearly got Harry.

    The question of the shooter is a complete mystery at this point. It could be Fix, taking out his opposing Knight the only way he could. Could be someone related to the Red Court getting revenge. Could be a White Court vampire who is afraid that Dresden will take out his Court (the only one left) next. Could be Marcone, or really anyone.
  10. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Right, fuck spoiler tags. If ya'll haven't figured it out already, book is released in certain places, and its gone on for 6 pages or so. Im tired of highlighting shit. Also, its in a spoiler warning forum as well. Deal.

    You have been warned.

    Data: I don't want 5 pages in reply, so I am going to put this simply. Its called the DRESDEN FILES. Butcher won't kill the main fucking character, the protagonist, the guy whom he writes in first person for, off. It. Simply. Will. Not. Happen. (Also, Taure just said it happened how Kincaid described, not that kincaid did it)

    For the aftermath of what he did to the RC? We never hear of the aftermath of what happens in the book it happens in. Its always afterwards, when the news has had a chance to travel. It's been a day at the most, since they finished them off. Shit needs time to get through. I expect next book will have some good scenes covering this.

    On that note, I just have this happy little picture in my head of McCoy walking into a room with the senior council in it saying "Sooo... the RC stole Dresden's daughter. He got a little pissed of about it. Yeah... he killed them all."

    As for Harry getting too powerful? He's just as powerful as he was in Turn Coat, pretty much. Every powerful and impressive bit of magic he did was through either ritual, his wiping out of the RC, or through tapping a ley line, his gravity bomb.

    I don't ever see H/M happening. It'd be a one off, heat of the moment thing i'd say. I mean, after what they'd just been through...

    Either way, my impressions of the book?

    Fucking epic, loved it.

    Murphy honestly did seem a tad overpowered at the end of it, and i'm surprised im the first one to bring it up, though divine possesion is always an explanation. I fucking loved her challenge to the Lord of the Outer Night however. "Face justice Almighty!" Pretty epic scene in my head at this point in time.

    Mouse was pretty sweet, Lea as well.

    Frankly, my least favorite part about this book was probably the WK thing. I honestly hope to god that his being shot, and hopefully dying, removes that from actually taking place. I've always loved Dresden because of his independence, and while Sanya's speech gives me hope that it may not actually be as binding as I feared, I would hate to see his free will slowly squandered.

    And on the note of Sanya, fucking love the guy. Butcher truly does characterization wonderfully. Also, in this vein, Tilly was an absolute pleasure to read. Could be the new Murphy, police help kinda thing?

    As for what happened to Susan? I honestly don't think there could of been a better end for her. Completely happy with that.

    I need to stop coming back and editing, I'm just blurting out random bits as they come back to me. I figure i'll just end it with this.

    Final edit... Martin: As CheddarTrek put it, triple agent for the fucking win. Well played.

    The end? I have only one bloody thing to say about that...

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  11. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Still not read any spoilers, but I have the e-mail saying my book has been dispatched today so I'm happy & can wait untill nxt week, thanks to this now lousily timed bank holiday.
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Like Ellisande, unhidden spoilers ahoy:

    Now I've got some sleep, time to do a proper review.

    Overall impression was that the story was good, if a bit predictable. Most of the length of the story was taken up postponing what we were all waiting for and what we always knew he was going to do: accept one of the offers of power he'd been given.

    Stylistically, there were a few irritations. There were too many instances of the author winking at the reader, IMO. That whole extended section where they were discussing LotR, for one. It really broke down the characterisations, in my mind, and the 4th wall. There were a few other irritations like this, where Butcher would, right in the middle of an action scene or really tense stand-off, write a joke in brackets as an aside, which really didn't work for the pace. Overall, I think Butcher tried too hard to maintain Dresden's humour throughout all situations, and I don't think it worked. After spending pages telling us how furious Harry is, how serious the situation is, how much he's only just holding back his anger and wants to start laying down hell on everyone... and then to have him make a few wisecracks and waste time having a discussion about who's who in LotR... it just didn't work.

    Sure, he makes jokes at appropriate times when his own life is on the line, like when he needs to stall for time or get someone angry. But making jokes when his daughter's life is on the line? I'm not a fan.

    I also didn't like Mouse talking. It was just one of those things that shouldn't be done. Also didn't like his armour and Susan's dress, how they were pretty much a free lunch. Especially when they could have been avoided by saying that between TC and Changes he had beefed up his duster, or something.

    These problems all reminded me of the kind of writing that you see in fanfic, rather than published works. They're... indulgences, which editors should catch.

    Anyway, that's what I didn't like.

    The rest of it was cool.

    Odin was pretty awesome, though I totally guessed who it was <_< I was a bit confused as to who the Lords of the Outer Night were though. Odin said they were retired gods, but at the end it was clear that they were ancient vampires. Vampires who had achieved godhood via being worshipped? Whatever the case, they were very disappointing compared to Odin. A real big deal was made of them in the build-up, but in the end they were just silent spectres who didn't do much.

    I liked the destruction of the Red Court, though I would have liked to see the White Council's reaction to the fact that Harry did it. The moment it was mentioned that the alter was a primed crossbow ready to be used against anyone was the moment I thought "here it comes". I thought he was going to use Arianna's blood to do it though.

    Susan's death was cool.

    I like the fact that he accepted the position of Winter Knight. I hope he doesn't wriggle out of it quickly (assuming he lives), and we get to see him, for a couple of books, in this role. I also liked his recounting to Mab of all the different shit he could do to gain power - up to and equal to Mab's own. And we finally have confirmation that he does remember the shit Lash read in Kemmler's book.

    With regards to the end of the story, it's very vague. I still think that it might be Kincaid - the telephone conversation with him and Ivy earlier seemed to indicate that something else - something bigger - was going on with them. Or it could be a Winter Knight thing - he will surely have inherited enemies with the position. Or Marcone. Or another plain vanilla moratal with a grudge. I find it unlikely that it'll be anyone too "mystical", because sniping him isn't really that style. The method of assassination seems to limit the people it could be. Or, I guess it could be someone entirely unknown.

    Woman's voice could be Lash, Mab, Lea, whoever his killer was... anyone.

    Finally, his Mother's thing with the Ways... did anyone get what the downside of that was? We were told that it would likely have a cost, but I don't think we saw it in the story.
  13. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    The biggest bug for me was the scene with the Erlking. Not because it was bad - it was awesome! - it just felt unneccesary. It existed only to keep Harry and Susan held up for a bit, but that could have been done simply by having them in the Nevernever. But hey, if you're going to have unneccesary scenes, might as well make them kick-ass, right? I was also a little disappointed that Maggie was little more than a Macguffin. I'm sure we'll get more of her later in the series, and I totally understand why we didn't get any interaction with her...but yeah.

    As for Kincaid's method...fuck, hadn't even considered that. Although I doubt it was Kincaid. You'd have to have Ivy turn against Harry then, and I don't see that happening. And yeah, he's not dead. Not going to happen.

    Overall it was seriously awesome, but not perfect. And he references 'The Princess Bride'. What's not to like?
  14. Nuhuh

    Nuhuh Dastardly Shadow Admin Retired Staff

    Nov 12, 2006
    omg, yes, she's dead and gone. Finally.
  15. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Finished the book at 5am last night and as anyone on irc wil tell you, I was fucking squeeeing. It was beyond epic. The single best book of the series, even blowing Dead Beat out of the fucking water.

    I agree with Taure's above point. The first thing I thought of at the end of the book was Kincaid. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense at the minute but if it was him I'll send a fictional character a thank you note for stopping Dresden and Murphy fucking like jackrabbits.

    It started off epic, it finished epic and the whole way through was epic.

    The only part of the whole book that dissapointed me was Murphy. I get it, she's some sort of new age fucking angel who is a bastion of righteousness. I don't mind that as long as she keeps her holy vagina out of Molly's territory.

    There were little hints and large hints of Harry/Molly throughout the whole book and then BAM. Molly is just written out almost completely.

    Maybe Butcher is reminding his wife that he won't cheat on her with some hot adoring and young fan. I don't care. I want Harry/Molly.

    Taking up the mantle of winter knight... well that's pretty awesome. Mainly because that's literally what we expect to see in Fanfics, not in canon. It's the first real sign that Butcher isn't going to let us down like Rowling did.

    The real point of this post is what I expect to hapen next. A massive timeskip.

    The way I see it, Harry dies in Lake Michigan and Mab was like, "Hold up, I'm not finished playing with that yet."

    Skip 5 or 10 years and resume with the book designed to bring Harry back into the world at proper. Everything will have changed. Murphy will be older and therefore undesireable, the world will be vastly different in the absence of the Red court. Harry could be regarded as a sort of legend in the white court, at least among the younger members.

    The most important bonus of all, Molly will be a fully capeable and fuckable wizard in her own right. Maggie was old enough in Changes to have memories of what happened in Mexico and she's bound to be curious.

    Maybe Maggie turns up to someone like Her great grandad (Lulz) of Ramirez and asks for help.

    Cue finding Harry and breaking him out of the deal. An older and much more asskicking Harry.

    There's a fanfic in there somewhere.
  16. Mindless

    Mindless Big Boss DLP Supporter

    Dec 31, 2006
    United States
    My shooter theory? It's Maeve.

    Think about it: Harry just picked up the Winter Knight's mantle, and firmly set himself on the side of Mab. Add that on to her picking up Lea, and Mab's suddenly grabbed a lot of power all in one go. Maeve's been more or less running scared of Mab for a while now, and when she hears about this...

    So bam. She whacks Harry, presumably because he's already killed a Lady of the Courts and he's known to fuck up everything in his way somehow. There's probably a power play against Mab going on while he's cooling in Lake Michigan now.
  17. Delirium

    Delirium Fourth Year

    Jan 13, 2008
    +1 This would fucking rape. Not sure how likely it is to happen, but the idea is full of win.

    Also: Fucking Cliffhangers

    EDIT: The more I think about this the more I like it. If Butcher doesn't write it someone had best write some fanfiction about it.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  18. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Now that i've slept on it...

    Couple of questions/ideas. I presume that Odin is a member of the Grey Council? Almost certain, but I can't be fucked rereading it yet, need to give it some time to settle.

    I'm also with Taure on the Lord of the Outer Night. However, you must remember that Lea's armor prevented a lot of their will effecting both Harry and Susan, Bob saved Murphy, and the rest were more inconsequential, and didn't matter so much. However, retired Gods... I guess that is technically possible, I mean, didn't they put themselves up as the Mayan gods? Been worshipped so much, and accumulated power, etc.

    Also, I actually thought that Dresden was going to use the Red King in the bloodline curse, I didn't realize until the end, that it only went up the Bloodline, so that the newest Vampire would of been the ideal candidate.

    The more I think about it, the more respect I have for Martin. He sacrificed EVERYTHING, he sacrificed the good guys, he sacrificed the bad guys, he died a traitor in everyones eyes, so that he could complete his mission. This fucking guy deserves so much more than he got. Without him, the Red Court would still be alive, Harry was simply the tool he used. Go fucking Martin, seriously.
  19. Bukay

    Bukay Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 8, 2006
    London, England
    Just finished the book.

    IMHO, the best book in the series so far.

    Seeing McCoy tossing his power left and right: hundreds dead per attack, a temple razed just like that, awesome. I always thought that he was a grandfatherly figure to Dresden, but in name only, not literally.
    Now that I think about this, it just might be that Dresden is a direct descendant of Merlin, the original one. If we can assume that since McCoy is Dresden's grandfather as well as his master, we can safely assume that McCoy's master might have been his father/grandfather. Now Harry safekeeping Amoracchius is an irony, as it seems that those swords just stay in the family. Following this line of thought, I expect Dresden to surpass his elders.

    When it comes to Susan I deem it a fitting end.
    Knowing Dresden, even though he knows he was manipulated into that situation, he will beat himself up for ending her cursed existence. End what an ending it was...

    My favorite scene was the one just before the final showdown, where Lea is jumping in joy as she is allowed to turn everyone into dogs (hellhounds??). When I read Mouse speaking I literally fell of my chair laughing.

    As to the ending, I am more inclined to believe that it was Marcone or Fix trying to snuff Dresden before he fully comes to his power. Jim Butcher said that one of the stories from Side Jobs will take place 45 minutes after the last scene of Changes, so we will only have to wait till 26 October to know what happened.
  20. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Oh god just finished the book.
    Fuckin Epic.
    Best Dresden book released.

    Harry became the fuckin winter knight. How awesome is that?
    Martin was superb. A cool triple agent who sacrificed everything just to kill the Red court.

    Susan's death was a total suprise. I thought that Ariana would have been the sacrifice. Sanya characterisation was superbly done.
    Anyway what exactly is Mouse anyway. We have Lea calling him a demon in the book. So is he a tibetan monk dog or a descendant of a divine spirit or a demon or what exactly.
    I didn't like the part about McCoy being Harry's grandfather. Why does there has to be a connection between every hero and his mentor.
    So we finally get to see a god. Odin was ok,though I would have liked to see some more of him.

    So what will happen in the next book. Like Seratin said, I would like to see a major time skip. Them maybe we can get to see some Harry /Molly. I think it would have to be Kincaid who hit him or maybe someone entirely else like the Drenarian's who wanted to just kill him before he became more powerful. The was obviously Harry's mother talking through his amulet or else it was just a hallucination.

    Anyway now I have to wait an entire year to see what happen. How cruel is that?