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Complete Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. Duke

    Duke DA Member

    Oct 17, 2006
    Absolutely awesome, thanks for making it before christmas - it made my day.
    Great chapter like always...scratch that - more so than always =].

    No real comments on it just now, beyond thanks and Merry Christmas!
  2. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Thank you Santa Cl...Jbern!

    My best ever Christmas gift.

    I love you. Seriously.
  3. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Oh and Merry Christmas to everyone, but especially to you.

    Edit: Sorry for the double post. Merry Christmas.
  4. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I love the cover up and how the local aurors knew not to ask to many questions.

    GREAT to see someone using lifes debts. In TFtCD you used them to great effect and here you are using them in a different but still great way. Good to see Harry come up with the idea to exploit it also rather than having Bill tell him they can use it to their advantage.

    I love the Luna relationship in this story. It fits in so well and doesnt seem at all forced like many romances do. To often to authors add romance just to add readers or reviews or some of their own perverse self insertion fantasies.

    I didn't like how you said Amanda might not be dead from the curse. I get the feeling you added that because of the talk in the tease but the idea that the curse can't work when it hits someone doesnt sit right with me.

    If someone is unable to preform the curse they say the words and nothing happens if they can it forms into the green spell. If said spell hits you you die no "Gee that curse didnt seem to work on me just got a bit of heart burn"

    I don't like baby sitter Harry and him sitting with Katrina. I had really hoped they were packed off to another country to never be heard from again. Maybe I am just tired of the clingy bitch and the annoying brat (You can be grateful I don't have my own family) but they are really gratting on my nerves. I guess the fact that I hang around DLP suggests I don't have the white knight syndrome were I have to have her saved and happy. I was honestly rooting for her to die. But hey I am but one person and the use you had for her as a fuck buddy and then a way to reach clarity was great so I won't bitch to much since you probably have some great ideas for her.

    When Harrys cloths dissapeared I so expected Bill to walk in just then an see Naked Harry with Fleur still tied on the bed and curse Harrys nuts off (I really seem to have a thing for castration, it would be nice to see it in one of your stories). On a related topic if you know any good fanart artists a picture of said moment would be nice.
  5. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    I like the way Harry and Luna's relationship is evolving. It's rare to see fanfiction where characters are intelligent; here Luna seems to be pretty smart. Harry's too.

    Statistically, 65 percent (If I remember right) of womens prefer to go out / marry with dumber men (lower IQ). And statistically men prefer the contrary, going out with more intelligent womens.

    If I hadn't sold my graphic tablet I might have done that.

    * need to buy the Wacom Intuos 3 A5 *
  6. MadBiologist

    MadBiologist Second Year

    Dec 6, 2006
    Geneva, Switzerland
    When I first stumbled into your story, I had a hard time with the second-person narrator and I gave up reading the story. After having seen the numerous glowing reviews, I tried again and I was glad I did, because this story is really awesome ! You have introduced so many new ideas about different branches of magic, like wards and animagus, and a great cast of OCs, that it's really amazing.

    For the last chapter, I don't have anything to say except that it's good. I am waiting impatiently for the next chapter and finally having all the events in Chapter 1 explained. I am also eagerly anticipating Harry's return to Britain and his confrontations with the Order of Phoenix and his former friends.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and sorry if I sounded like a fanboy.
  7. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006
    Great Chapter once again. Probably one of the best presents i got this christmas. Anyway, I would like to commend you for your cast of OCs. I never thought a fanfic author could create so many fantastic OCs in a fic. You proved me wrong.
  8. KubYnator

    KubYnator Second Year

    Dec 24, 2006
    I don't read first person stories.
    I am so happy that I broke this habit with this story, because its an awesome story!

    And it get better. The latest chapter is my new favorite chapter.
    The only downside is, that one need some time to get into your new chapters, as there are this many ocs.
  9. gadriam

    gadriam Second Year

    Sep 30, 2006
    Hell yeah.
    I think i've said it before, but you do blow me away on a fairly regular basis.

    I'm jumping straight to the Lunar Lander. I see a bad moon rising, and the name is Lovegood. I would advise him to go all frank and straightforward, and that's what i believe your Harry would do. As i've said elsewhere, he's grown a big pair in Naval Bronze. Have him semidetail his exercises with Karina, Lauren and sundry, and tell her to shape up or ship out. If it's done with gravity and affection i'm pretty sure it'd work. If he does try, i'm sure it wouldn't though.

    Like "I'm someone who wants to be your friend, and possibly more. I'm also someone who's done a lot of things, including loving, kissing and killing. But i'm first and foremost me, and you know that. I really want us to move forward from here, but it's entirely your call."
    I'd bet she'd call. She can't afford not to. She knows Luna Lovegood has exactly one friend, and even if she's trying to create a distance between them she wouldn't dare to call the bluff. Harry is sneaky enough to figure that out by himself, with all the low cunning you bestowed upon him. His new predator self should help him.
    " Hunt female. Female not in heat. Female playing games. Playing hard to get and wants you to chase more. Boring. Find other female, one in heat."
    (ye gods, i'm writing FanFictionFanFiction.)
    He should ask Sanchez for advice. Don't laugh!
    Fleur is überperfect, and Luna is messed up. Sanchez should be able to tell Harry more of what makes Luna tick. Sanchez is a cursebreaker, and since she's alive she can't be too stupid, right? The big problem would be to have Harry ask the Playtroll centerfold about his lovelife. Hilarity ensues!
    The really great take would be to have Karina find the journal and write a Great Big Flaming Defense of her loverhero. Great ball's of fire!

    Keep me baffled!

  10. The Dark Monarch

    The Dark Monarch Backtraced

    Jan 11, 2006
    Stuck in the bleeding hot desert
    Excellent! Bravo! Bravo!

    Whenever harry refers to people as meat, I picture steaks with stick figure legs and arms sometimes.
  11. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Whenever Harry thinks of people as "meat" I always think of HK-47 referring to humans as "meatbags."
  12. Therio

    Therio Guest

    I tried reading the story for the fist time today, and barely made it through chapter 1 and gave up. It seems like an interesting story, but the perspective it is written in is just too confusing for me. Sorry.
  13. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    When I read meat I think of Madagascar with the lion seeing everything going from zebra to meat on legs with strips aroung it.

    On that note the Penguins should have been in Slytherin.
  14. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Nah. I disagree. The lead penguin Skipper was definitely Slytherin. Kowalski was probably a claw. Private seemed like a Hufflepuff. Rico, hmm that's a tough one. In the bonus feature on the DVD he's always ready to blow something up so he can be the Gryffindor.

    With a 4 year old, you won't believe how many times I've had to watch that thing.

    Thanks for all the positive comments. I pale at the thought of Harry asking Sanchez for advice on his love life. It could be a good scene though. I am especially pleased with all the reviews of the Other Characters in the story.

    As for the curse on Amanda, I left it vague on purpose. Remember Fake Moody said that the class could probably try it on him all day and he might get a bloody nose or something to that effect. Really I was just setting up the Princess Bride reference for Harry checking to see if Amanda was "mostly dead".

    Luna and Harry's relationship is set to boil over soon - as in next chapter.

    Therio - Sorry you didn't like it. The story may not be for everyone.

    Happy Holidays,
  15. Duke

    Duke DA Member

    Oct 17, 2006
    I said it before and I'll say it again, but great chapter! Can't wait till next one!

    I loved the way the fight played out - no superman Harry impermeable to all harm and able to kill (or worse - incapacitate) with a wink, or possibly a quirk of the eyebrow. Strategy and surprise - the two eSSes of combat =]. I can't see the animagus form winning over a wand in a straight fight but you rarely ever are (or should be) in a straight fight. The one shot the other guy doesn't know you have is usually the one that does him in - especially if he doesn't know you are there to begin with. The one thing I'm slight dissappointed - very slightly dissappointed - about is that the Harry didn't use any of the things in his checklist fromt the previous chapter during the fight or afterwards. I mean those healing potions would have come in handy and I'd love to see the spears of flaming death in action. The glove isn't really practical, neither are the broom and the cursebreaker specs but he definately could have used the potions - unless of course one of the curses broke the bottles. I suppose the amature cinematographers could have taken them of his person while he was stunned like Amanda did with the money, but I imagine they would have wanted to leave most of it on his person so it wouldn't look suspicious when the aurors showed up on the scene. I mean a corpse with empty pockets is kinda strange.

    Bill & Fleur - one word - kinky. Another one: funny as hell. Well make that three or four if you count the first one. Poor Harry - pasty is such a traumatizing word.

    So is Harry gonna get his vengeance on Kwan? Some form of vengeance at least? Or has he outgrown his suicidal tendencies? Nope, can't have, I remember the prolog.

    Love Harry & Luna interaction. Love ain't roses - more like brambles, all thorns and hot blood and if you get too far in it's never certain which is going to hurt more moving forward or back...errr...right. Luna's situation is exactly what I'd expect from the wizarding government. Kinda surprising that Fudge didn't try something like that, but I suppose the Quibbler is small and weird/crazy enough that it would fall under the radar. Yeah I can feel things comming to a head - I wonder how it'll happen. It would be great if Karina got her hands on the journal, but I just can't picture Harry turning to Sanchez for love advice. Just the thought inspires shudders of fear and laughter. But yeah it certainly has merit - I mean there is probably more to Sanchez than comic relief. I'd love to see some of Harry's gun training simply cause there's been so little Collins interaction. But we now need more animagus answers too....
    Can't wait till the next chapter!
  16. Feanor

    Feanor Third Year

    Sep 25, 2006
    When I first saw this story, I tried to read it, but I was turned off the story by its unusual point of view. Managed to read the first chapter and then ran away. However, after seeing how everyone worshiped this story, I decided to give it another go. I have now read all of it. My conclusion: you are a god.

    The slow but constant improving of Harry's skills was masterfully done. I liked how you made him work for every bit of skill he now has (Kwan's teaching methods own).
    The OCs are especially interesting; they add to the atmosphere. Be it Kwan's comments in bad English, or Sanchez's character and behaviour.
    The wards and their making/braking are very well detailed. It is nice to finally understand the defenses that they represent, instead of "you'll be safe under the blood ward, bye bye" that we see in canon.
    The part I liked the most was the animagus transformation and later Harry's fights in his animal form. The inside look on a predator's mind is breathtaking.

    Final grade 5/5. Another fic by you that can be easily considered as one of the best in HP fandom.
  17. Hey! I love this story. Keep it up.
  18. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    I liked that chapter. That Harry's not begging Luna for forgiveness is marvelous. But then, you aren't some crappy, sappy writer of uber-fluff. I look forward to the next part.
  19. The Silent Knight

    The Silent Knight Seventh Year

    Jun 8, 2006
    Hey. Just wanna say how much like the story. I tried others with this kind of perspective before and they didn't work, but you've got it just right. I love it all, especially Harry's interactions with Hack and his animagus moments. Keep up the good work.
  20. slasheh

    slasheh Seventh Year

    Nov 9, 2006
    okay, just a short post from me, since i just read the latest chapter.
    I REALLY admire you.

    okay, now to the serious part, the road harry has traveled in your story was at some points confusing, and at other points disappointing on some levels, but in the end (since we have now come full circle) it has been far better than i anticipated when i read chapter one.
    You made a brave choice when you started this story, by utterly confusing every single reader with your first chapter, but i think it has paid of well. So far this has been one of the most unique works i have ever read (both in fanfiction and in original work) your characters (and in a way they are YOURS and not JKRs anymore) have taken a life of their own, and are truly fascinating to read about.

    Good work, and i hope you keep on writing.