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Complete Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    So far Bill has more or less been a nessecary character. He helped Harry away from Britan, he helps train him, and gets others to train him in addition to helping him become his own person. Now as much as I hate to say it Bill's presence grows less and less nessecary as Harry matures and grows in magical ability, skill, and knowledge of how the world works. I say dont kill Bill but if you have to kill him wait until he is basicly a unnessecary character. Bill could have been replaced with others but It wouldnt have the same effect in the story. Or at least this is my oppinion. I would prefer you didnt kill him personally
  2. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Dec 28, 2006
    I for one sincerely hope jbern doesn't give us a chapter titled "Kill Bill." He is, at the moment, the only Weasley at the moment with redeemable characteristics. You would think they would have avoided the Malfoy's little problem with inbreeding . . .

    As for the Harry's little pen pal. . . Luna's female, and as a man with 2 sisters, that is the only explain we've got and its all we're likely to get. It doesn't matter what you do, you can't do anything right (this happens on a 28 day cycle). And the worst thing you can be, is right. Not that Harry didn't foul up a few things here, but then jbern is letting him be rather human. (yes yes, its a good thing I know that)

    And I'm pulling for a little posioning influence from the current Ministry . . .ala Malfoy/Umbitch or the such. If I could drive all my enemy's friends crazy with anger/jealousy or something else, I would.
  3. Daven

    Daven First Year

    Dec 14, 2006
    Usually at home
    I am starting to notice that trend around here..

    All I hope for is some decent action/witty remarks minus the Harry/Luna letters for a few chapters.

    On a personal note, I actually know an Amy Harris and Amy + Water + Soap = Fantasy of everyone who also knows her. But I guess I can live vicariously thought Harry... :wall:
  4. The Dark Monarch

    The Dark Monarch Backtraced

    Jan 11, 2006
    Stuck in the bleeding hot desert
    Dude, Head on over to the introductions section and introduce yourself or be be cursed by the knowledge that all humans are the result of four monkeys having butt sex with a retarded fish frog.
  5. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    That would have been a really funny while also really stupid thing for Harry to write to Luna.

    Luna what is your problem is it that time of the month or something? You are just acting like a little bitch so write back in a few days when your little friend has gone
  6. mjc

    mjc Seventh Year

    Aug 20, 2006

    That is downright suicidal. After all the shit he's gone through, to be done in by a hormonal bitch with cramps? I think not...

    Anyway, there is no way in Hell, that I would piss off Luna, that much...she is a Ravenclaw for a reason (plus she has this thing for odd...she may just find a way to curse something that Harry would rather not have cursed...fleas of a thousand camels infesting Harry's boxers is not a GOOD thing). Lorena Bobbitt ring any bells?
  7. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Wow, Jbern, I just read the 2 newest chapters and I commend you, I really don't have too much to say.

    Luna blew everything out of proportion and to be honest she seemed OOC from how you portrayed her earlier in the story.

    Kwan is my favorite OC ever now, so look for my nomination for the 2007 fanfic awards.

    Hmm... I don't care either way if Bill dies, I like Bill and Fleur in this story so if Bill stays alive, well Bill is good, so whatever.

    If Bill dies it opens up Harry/Fleur, Yay, Harry Fleur.

    I'm still very skeptical about the visible aura, but I'll reserve judgment for now.
  8. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    killing bill at this point is pretty weak. You've established the importance of the Bill/Fleur relationship in the story. At the very most, their wedding could be interrupted by some sort of death eater attack or something. Really, though, Bill is one of those characters that should probably stick around, unless you're planning on killing off most of the characters.
  9. stogi

    stogi Guest

    Great story, I agree that you shouldn't kill off Bill. I'm looking forward to the next update!
  10. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Dec 28, 2006
    Hopefully he'll go to the "all knowing" Bill for advice. (Another reason not to kill him.) Which of course will be a lecture and/or example of "The Power of Chocolate." :wizard:
    (Forget Cheese, that $#!&$ weak.)

    And remember Bill hasn't had his bachelor party yet . . .
    (I wonder what Harry "Have I become a Man-slut?" Potter would do there?)
  11. Slytherin93

    Slytherin93 Squib

    Dec 23, 2006
    I too am against the killing of Bill, although I do love Harry/Fleur.

    I absolutely cannot wait for the next update. Hope it's soon :)
  12. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    If Bill died neither Harry or Fluer would go into a relationship with each other out of respect for Bill for quite awhile (Like a year+).

    At nmost they may find "Comfort" in each others arms once and thats it.
  13. mjc

    mjc Seventh Year

    Aug 20, 2006
    Yeah, but at the hands of a good writer, you would need a new monitor after that once...meltdown would be inevitable.
  14. gadriam

    gadriam Second Year

    Sep 30, 2006
    Ah, but the monitor would die for a noble cause.

    Besides, i don't think i'm the only one dying to read the Weasley family reunion, after Bill spirited Harry away and lied to Dumbdore and the Bunch of Stooges.

    Bill is in way too deep dodo to kick the proverbial bucket just yet. I hope.

    It would be much more fun to have Flour tease H-boy to a gonad meltdown.


  15. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    I'm half hoping that Bill brings back a 'Pet' and Harry stay's missing. I wonder what luna would do if she was one of five people (Bill invites the other two cursebreakers) to know that the 'Jaguar' isn't what it seems.
  16. Thorn

    Thorn Professor

    Jan 3, 2006
    Oh I can't wait to see the Weasley family reunion. The Jaguar pet thing might be good too... Nah. It needs to be the whole big family squabble thing. I wonder where Charlie will stand in it though? Any plans for the oldest Weasley Jbern? I can't really see Arthur standing for it either. He kinda owes Harry a bit of a debt doesn't he?

    I really look forward to the next chapter. Are you going to skip past the fight because we already read it in the first chapter or are you going to go over it in more detail?

    As for the killing Bill thing. It won't work. Bill is hardly striking me as infallible Dumbledorish in this fic. As much as Bill is teaching Harry and mentoring him, Harry is protecting and saving his ass(Though I think Harry is getting the better deal, Curse Breaker lessons AND multiple looks at Fleur in her b-day suit). Killing Bill in any near chapter would be impossible and just plain bad writing. Theres too much interaction that still needs to happen between Harry and him.
  17. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    ya know, I'll probably get strung up by the unmentionables for saying this, But considering the attachment all of the reviewers seem to be feeling for Bill, It might actually make decent sense to kill, or at Very least cripple him.

    Before you all start yelling at me think about it for a moment. Outside of Harry who do we probably have the most emotion invested in for this story? Bill right? Therefore anything that happens to him gets a big response out of us.

    It's one of the reasons I hate HBP so much. The readers had a great deal of emotion invested in dumbledore, (No matter how hard she tried to screw it up.) and she did his death absolutely no real credit. I didn't make sense, there was no dramatic last reveal, and he didn't even get to go down fighting like a warrior should!

    Anyways, to sum it all up, "Jbern, If you Kill off bill you better have a DAMN good reason." :cool:
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2007
  18. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Dec 28, 2006
    It would be a rather poor way to reward "He who saved Harry from G-slut."
  19. Alexeyy

    Alexeyy Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Nov 14, 2006
    About whether Jbern would decide to off Bill or not, my guess is, everything works as long as it is written good.

    Like :jokingly:, imagine Harry taking Bill's body to the Weasleys and dumping it right at their feet. And then demanding the fulfillment of all of their debts to him. That would be quite shocking and properly evel :muahahahaha: And then he could curse them to hell and back, just for kicks. kek

    The bastards deserve it. And the irony of getting to know one good Weasley, only to lose him, and having to return him to his treacherous family. Like, "Oh, sorry. Here's Bill body. He was a good guy; the only one who didn't Obliviate! me, didn't dose me with potions, didn't lie to me, and actually felt bad about stealing my money. Oh, well."

    So, whatever you'd do, Jbern, it would probably be good. :)
  20. Lucas13

    Lucas13 Second Year

    Jun 22, 2006
    True.. But so does Ginslut and that didnt stop the bitch... :cool:


    I dont think Bill should die unless you have a REALLY good reason to kill him... like if all this that is happening: Harry escaping the love potion, the memory charms, coming to Brazil, etc... was also a part of Dumbledore plan to train Harry and Bill knew it all along... or something like that...