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Complete Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    It isn't about damage from fire, it's more about pressure. Or a powerful combination of both. As I said in the previous post, it would not be original, but Vorlon666 really impressed me with this:

    "He found a muggle weapon called a Fuel Air Bomb. They were immensely powerful and a wizard should be able to emulate them. Trying to conjure complex ordinance was hopelessly impossible due to their intricate parts and pieces. Harry had gone on the Internet and pulled up the following reference:
    This cloud is then ignited and the subsequent fireball sears the surrounding area while consuming the oxygen in this area. The lack of oxygen creates an enormous overpressure. This overpressure, or blast wave, is the primary casualty-producing force. In several dozen microseconds, the pressure at the centre of the explosion can reach 30 kilograms per square centimetres (427 pounds per square inch) – normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch with a temperature between 2,500-3,000 degrees Centigrade 4,532-5,432 degrees Fahrenheit. This is 1.5 to 2 times greater than the overpressure caused by conventional explosives. Personnel under the cloud are literally crushed to death. Outside the cloud area, the blast wave travels at some 3,000 meters per second 9843 feet per second. The resultant vacuum pulls in loose objects to fill the void. As a result, a fuel-air explosive can have the effect of a tactical nuclear weapon without residual radiation. Harry had practiced conjuring a propane fog some 200 meters out to sea and detonating it with an incendio spell. He practiced with different chemical mixtures but always came back to simple hydrocarbons since they were much easier to conjure. It had taken many tries to get the right fog consistency and density but now he could easily do it. He used and incendio spell to detonate the cloud.

    The results had been spectacular to say the least. His biggest fog cloud so far had been about 1000 feet in diameter. He was forced to stop towards the end because he noticed muggle warship coming to scout the coast. It was probably because of the continuous explosions going off at sea. Harry had to admit this simple muggle invention was going to be one of his most powerful weapons in his arsenal. Even a kilometer out to sea he could feel the air blast.
    " (Ascension Of The Scorpion Sorcerer by Vorlon666)

    Now I know that this would not fit into this story too well, but I can dream, can't I? I had a movie marathon after a couple exams the past few days and the BIG BOOOMMMs kind of got to my brain. I know that whatever Jbern will give us will be perfectly integrated into the story and satisfy my current need for violent destruction. Even if it's only inferi heads blowing up. Hmmm... Next movie marathon, stock up George Romero's "Dead Series". Perfect...:axe:

    P.S. And methane is lighter than air. It's propane that is heavier than air.
  2. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    The difference is, I don't care. Harry's had it worse than she will ever know, and he isn't a bitchy cry-baby with avoidance issues. No, Luna doesn't need shit, but she is the one starting all the shit. Sucks to be her and all, but I'm reading about Harry. Not her.
  3. Brooklynight

    Brooklynight Seventh Year

    Jul 1, 2006
    New York
    I finally got around to reading it and all I can say is that I love it. Definitely better then To Fight the Coming Darkness.
  4. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    I sent the completed chapter off to beta. Wow you folks have had a lot of debate over things. This chapter should answer some of the earlier questions. I don't forsee me going the Fuel-Air bomb route, sounds interesting though.... I like interesting.

    The completed chapter should be up in the next 48 hours. Depending on how intense I can make the coming chapters will determine the final length, but right now it is 5-7 chapters from completion.

    When this story is complete, I will concentrate on finishing the last few chapters of TFtCD and then start the sequel. I am working on the start of a 3rd story. I already have chapter 1 finished and hope to have about 5 or 6 chapters done by the time I'm finishing up the other story.

    If you need a tease about it...it's Harry/Fleur...

  5. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Jim you are answering the begging of lots of people in making a Harry/Fleur fic. Just one question is it post OotP or post HBP or postGoF?
  6. The Dark Monarch

    The Dark Monarch Backtraced

    Jan 11, 2006
    Stuck in the bleeding hot desert
    Crosses fingers hoping for ootp AU.
  7. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Crosses fingers for post GoF. It's not done nearly enough.
  8. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    Post Bungle...:devil:
  9. huntedorange

    huntedorange Seventh Year

    Mar 21, 2006
    Gotta go with caitiff one this one, a post bungle harry/fleur would be awesome. brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.
  10. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Actually different Harry, different Fleur, and an entirely different Tri-Wizard Tournament. Chapter 1 starts at the end of book 3. So the answer would be pre-GoF and into 4th year. How's that for not done enough?

  11. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I can honestly say I have never seen that done before.

    Now here is were I would give the manditory warning of "Don't just re wrtie GoF with Harry being smarter and doing theings by himself instead of being leed through it whilest having the same out come as the book"

    But I hardly think I need to tell you this.

    I look forward to it.
  12. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    Sweet Zombie Jesus! This latest chapter was awesome. I got my dose of hot zombie lovin and we got a lot clearer picture of what was going on.

    I never figured that the whole city would be underground in a giant cave, nice twist. I do have to wonder what they'll find down in the tunnels, should be fun. That part at the end seemed like something out of Dawn of the Dead, where they're sitting on top of the mall shooting zombies for fun. It helped that Richard Cheese came on the play list about that time as well.:)
  13. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    Damn, awesome. There's nothing like killing zombies. It's always fun. I just hope that there was someone at the other ruins when the giant Zombie Dragon Head appeared. Maybe Dumbledore, having received Bill's letter, was checking out their past sites?

    I was a little disappointed that we never heard how many inferi Harry managed to kill with his golum, though.
  14. gadriam

    gadriam Second Year

    Sep 30, 2006
    I got blown away even without Cheese! That image of the Hero of the Wizarding World, Holy Harry himself, sitting in a clocktower in a cursed city talking about family with the American Psycho while rekilling dead things while of course being safer than he would be with the Hoggy Bunch, it's just so incredibly surreal it'll blow bloody anyone away. The idea to petrify the flying necromules was bloody brilliant and hilarious. He's sure learning some inventive tactics on this trip. Sometimes he reminds me a bit of some guy on vacation. :)
    Collins accidental Reducto seems strange though. A formulated curse can't really be accidental, can it? If he had created a "magic bullet" or some kind of similar effect it would be different. Ah well, he's probably just wrong about that.

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
  15. Thorn

    Thorn Professor

    Jan 3, 2006
    I loved this chapter. It was just so damn hilarious.
    "Damn! Hack Horny!" Has to be one of the best lines in any fiction, and the thing is, they pop up every where in your fic. I was happy to get a glimpse of the city that their in, gives a good mental picture of the shit their in. It was also good to get some characterization of Collins in. Everyone expects him to be the first one offed, but now I'm not so sure.
  16. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    I didn't have a problem with that, fuctionally it's not so different but personally I would have called it an accidental piercing hex. From GoF the reductor took a good chunk out of the hedges and caused a small crater, not so appropriate for a simulated gunshot. It's alot less subtle.

    Incedentally it occurs to me that the gang is about to get very rich both in gold and goods. "Phoenix Expeditions" is primarily interested in the Horcrux so it is likely the curse breakers and hit wizards were promised a cut of the gold as incentive to take a lower salary. Having the combined wealth of a large city to distribute among six people and some goblins, everyone is about to be loaded. As in retire early loaded...

    This is also a good opportunity to equip Harry with anything you want in the "rare and valuable" category since items important enough to be kept in bank vaults are likely very rare or perhaps unique. Or they are family heirlooms. Who knows how useful the long lost "Jaguar's spear of uber-whomping" that was last used before the Jaguar/Eagle prophecy could be against Volde...

    If they can ever bring down the master ward that keeps respawning the necro wards (which should be high priority if they expect to stick around for a while), this could become the perfect safehouse/smugglers-bolthole if Harry needs to run again. Hidden, abandoned, and pretty easily defended (any cave system this large will have side tunnels or secondary chambers). Honestly it is doubtful that anyone other than Goblins will ever live there again. Dead cities don't just spring back to life even if they are rediscovered, and since they don't want to advertise to Voldemort that they've found it they probably won't break the secresy wards. Harry should keep it in mind incase he ever needs a place to hide.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
  17. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    Read one of those a while back - The Secret Diary of Fleur Delacour, aged 16 34 by fledge. Nice but not too nice, lots of plot-ends that are left hanging in mid-air , angst and a few cliches. Well, I have faith that you'll do better.
  18. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    Great CH 18! the beta bas in a hurry, over excited or both, cuz there are a few more mistakes than usual, but otherwise all is good. Though I should mention that now I really need to see George Romero's "Dead Series".

    A few questions cross though my mind:
    - why would Voldie break through the ceiling?
    - where would he had placed the Necro Wards?
    - what was the attacking force that wiped out an entire city composed of?
    - considering that it was an entire tribe that was wiped out, if the goblins receive proof that it was Voldie, would they make any move in retaliation?

    Pondering, pondering...
  19. mjc

    mjc Seventh Year

    Aug 20, 2006
    I think I can come up with an easy answer for why go through the ceiling...why waste the time needed to bust through all the wards/guards/etc on the stairs?

    My guess as to where the master Rune for the Necro wards is...the same place the Horcrux is.

    What attacking force?

    It is underground....cut off the air supply and in a short period of time you have lots of bodies for the Necro wards to work with...and then lots more bodies...and so on (kind of like the Energizer Bunny stuck in some weird ass cloning machine).


    Fun chapter...
  20. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    I suspect #2 answers #1. Likely the skylight charm had a network of siphon runes and control runes throughout the city to ensure both continual flow if some we damaged and no local "dead zones" of magic in the city. As Bill told us way back when sometimes you do just enough damage to break the scheme so you can either put it back later or set your own trap. Likely Volde powers the secresy wards and necro wards from this same network of runes in the city. Thats what I would do, and place the rune scheme for the necro wards either in the middle of town square (where the hordes of inferi can gangrape you from every direction) or at the top of the cavern (tough to find and leaves you open to the necro-dragon and abraxans, as Harry found out flying and cursing is difficult).

    I would say the attacking army contained at least one dragon, since if the guard dragons from the bank got out, why don't we see goblin inferi? Odds are it was dragons, trolls, and maybe vampires. It's unlikely that he would bring Death Eaters on a trip to where he planned to hide his horcrux (something that was apparently a big secret or else someone would have known). Dumbles must not have known untill after GoF since the time after his discorporation was the perfect time to track them down and get rid of them without interference. If people knew, other than RAB, why didn't Lucius bring Volde back alot sooner? The Death Eaters must have been completely in the dark, as as the Order, so they didn't attack the city. We can confirm at least one dragon, no death eaters, possible Vamps (a dark cave counters their weaknesses), possible trolls.

    Goblins going to war? Thats a fun idea, especially as Bill works for Gringotts and Harry has good cred with them. Maybe if he told goblin leaders the prophecy and promised some other things (DE gold, Ministry lobbying, whatever) they'd team up with him. Could be fun, a new Goblin rebellion with a technically immortal (till he kills Volde) wizard dishing out the pain on a badly corrupt UK...