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Characters you love to hate! (besides Ginny)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord North, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. DaytonDeusBlack

    DaytonDeusBlack Seventh Year

    Aug 26, 2005
    Mumbai, India
    The GOF movie portrayed Ron true to his character and if you've watched it, it'll just increase you're hate for him.
  2. SmacksKiller

    SmacksKiller First Year

    Oct 19, 2005
    Bend, Oregon
    I was really disapointed with Tonks in HBP, in Ootp She's this fun loving girl an one of my favorite character and suddenly she does a complete 180 and that really annoyed me. I'm a great fan of Ootp Tonks but I just want to smack the one in HBP
  3. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Yeah I've watched it, and I think it's more or less spot on of him. It's just simply easier for me to imagine all those strange coincidences of them two hooking up as him being a star seeker.

    I mean look at the way he liked Krum, he idolized the guy. The the second Krum liked Hermione he did a 180* and loathed the dude. Did he hate Krum because Victor was his best friend's competitor? Hell no, it had nothing to do with Krum being a contender for the cup.

    His issues in GoF were all about Harry outshining him again, and seeing his reaction to Vickie, I infer from that, that he is one jealous, insecure twit, whose opinions sway the second something affects him in a bad way.

    -Edited for clarity.
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    ...Just out of curiosity, how does Viktor Krum liking Hermione have anything to do with Harry outshining Ron? I'm not trying to disagree with you, just asking for clarification.

    EDIT: Okay, never mind. I get what you're trying to say now.
  5. realmess

    realmess Slug Club Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    New Jersey
    Oh, canon Harry makes me mad at times. That 'Dumbledore's man' quote had me snorting. Dude, he would not make it in Slytherin [unless he actually grew a brain*snorts*]. I didn't like him in OotP, but HBP made it into another dimension. Please. He's pathetic there. Somebody should take care of this kid before he wastes his potential. Wait-Dumbledore did. *snort* That's another character I can't stand. He manipulates Harry so well, but yet does not teach him a lot. It's like he wants him to be dumb!grh!

    Snape- well, I don't hate him. I pity him, and would probably have a great time pissing him off with 'correct but slightly unpolite' answers. He's the bullied kid who turns into the bully himself, and I actually hold Dumbledore responsible for most of his behavior. At least he is competent.

    Malfoy- can't really hate him, but I'd love for Harry to beat him in a duel, or something. I like the fictions when he's friends with Harry, as there are more interesting dialogs between Malfoy and Potter than there are between Potter and Weasley. Ron Weasley. I don't like Ron, but at least you know what to expect. It's Hermione who gets on my nerves way too much. She's such an overachiever, and she likes to 'feel important'. I can't forget how she was 'discussing' Harry with Dumbledore. In secret.

    While I'm at it I should mention that there is one character I loath with a passion, and it's Wormtail. That rat deserves to die a thousand deaths.
  6. Mrriddler

    Mrriddler High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2005
    Somewhere high, somewhere low and somewhere in bet
    I pretty much don't mind stories that bash Ron, Hermione, Draco or Snape, big four pretty much. That said, I have to say that much is influenced by fanon, particularly Ron.

    True thing, I actually was going through books 3-5 (mostly 5) to find cannon ways to bash Ron and Hermione. Well I got enough to do it to Hermione (the following rules thing along is enough for me to do what I need to do to ditch her) but I actually had trouble with Ron. I mean you see all these stories where he let's his jealousy take over when he's prefect and quidditch head, but that's not exactly true. In the 5th book, he kind of goes out of his way to defend Harry. The scene where he uses his position as prefect to defend Harry before Seamus stands out. And in that scene, I really disliked Harry of all people, since he was suddenly a whinny 15 year old. Just my two cents.

    That said, you really would hate Ron in the movies. Holy crap, the guy's a total bum!!! Just look at him. Even if he never said a single word, you would think of him as a glory hog standing beside Harry.