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Choice of Games

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Pasta Sentient, May 16, 2014.

  1. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    Did a google and site search yet did not find any mention of this game series for mobile devices.

    Remember those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books from days gone past? Yeah that's what this is essentially. Completely text based games in which choices have a profound effect. Some of them are not the best writing, but I've played several that I have found the writing to be on par with DLP 5-Starred Fics.

    Best one I've played hands-down so far is Sabres of Infinity. Pretty in-depth stuff. Anyways, hopefully some of you will get enjoyment from these games. Their forums also have WIP that have some really great ideas and beta's. Check both the 'Our Games' for official content and 'Hosted Games' for user submissions. I've found the Hosted to be a lot better in quality.

  2. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Oddly enough, I very recently ended up on this site. I played a few of them and one or two I actually liked enough to consider purchasing.

    Not for a mobile device, as mine isn't fancy enough, but... I considered writing one. ^^

    Edit: Choice of the Deathless was the free trial I enjoyed.
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  3. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I saw and played on this website like... a year and a half ago. Have yet to get back on even though I'm on the e-mail list. Also fun fact. In the vampire one I was kicked out of 3 separate towns/cities. Good times.
  4. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Can I read them on my PC?
  5. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010

    I believe so. Just click the 'play online' button for which one you want. Think you have to buy them for full version though. Depends which one you wanna play.
  6. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Yes, that's the only way I've done it. My smartphone isn't set-up to do it.
  7. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Cool can't see Sabre's infinity. Direct link to it?
  8. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Sabre's Infinity

    Let us know if it's good.
  9. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    Sabres of Infinity has some of the best world building in this medium and considering that it was essentially one person creating it...I'd rank it pretty high as great world-building period. Add to that an intriguing storyline with a real sense of risk and I really enjoyed it.

    Some of the Choice games have good worldbuilding, but lack the element of choice. Heroes Rise is an example of this. It's a great story, but your choices have little effect on your character compared to some. Sabres manages to blend choice with great story.

    Some of the WIP that I've played and are enjoyable would be Choice of Rebels and A Knightly Tale. When in Rome looks really good so far, but all of these are in the bare beginnings. Can find them on the forum.
  10. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    At some point, I downloaded a text-based RPG app thing that allowed you to play, like, hundreds of various text based RPG's from a central thingymajig. I think this was during the gen 2 iPod touch era, though. I wonder if it's still around.
  11. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Huh.... you are right Sabres of Infinity is quite entertaining. Interesting world and it really feels like you have a multitude of different options. Only finished the first few chapters so far and it really manages to capture the atmosphere of the eighteenth century.

    If you find other stories of that calibre it would be great if you could post them.
  12. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    I'll go ahead and give a brief review of the one's I've played as well as links to the actual story.

    Official Releases:

    Choice of the Deathless: This is one of the more humorous one's I have played. Essentially you are a necromantic lawyer. The story line is decently developed as are the characters. It's not the most involved story or world built, but for pure fun I give this one a 4/5.

    Choice of the Ninja
    : It's been sometime since I played this one, but I don't remember it being very memorable. It was the generic martial arts/mystic chi story for the most part. There were some parts I remember being confusing. That said, you're a ninja and get all the awesomeness that entails. I give it a 2.5/5.

    Choice of Kung Fu:
    Similar to the above, only difference is it's chinese as opposed to Japanese. 2.5/5.

    Heroes Rise: I've only played the first one of these games, so not sure how the sequel stacks up. I wish I could give this one a higher rating. You play as an upcoming hero in a world where heroes are essentially celebrities like Tom Cruise or Angelina Jolie. It's fun for the most part, but the choices really did not have much impact I felt. It was very rail-roaded. That and some confusion in some scenes leave me giving this one a 3.5/5

    Choice of Vampire:
    This is really definitely one of the better official ones I played. Never got into the sequel, but the storyline is tight and character development reasonable. Only flaw I really had with it was that the writing style made it kind of hard for me to really connect with the characters in game. So I give it a 4/5. Also...not sparkly vampires. These are more based on WOD vamps than twilight.

    Hosted Releases:

    Tin Star: This is one of those that isa little different in that it is historically based. Very little is needed to create a world since it is based in the old west. That said, there are lots of choices available that have impact. Also the characters are decently developed. The towns and villages you visit feel a little underdeveloped, but for the most part it is do able. I give this one a 3.5/5

    Way Walker University 1&2: This series is probably one a lot of the people here on the DLP will like. It's very well developed as a world and backstory. In actuality, the author himself is writing a real book series based in this world. Not quite certain what the premise will be for the books, but the game is very Harry Potter-like. In a fantasy world, you choose your race and special talents to be sent to a school where you will learn to use them. There is a conspiracy in the background. All in all really enjoyable with some humorous characters. Of the games, this one felt most like Harry Potter in premise. Also a link to the sequel: Link. I give it a 4.5/5

    Sabres of Infinity: I know I've fan-boyed over this one in previous posts, but this is the creme of the crop. Sabres blends fantasy, realistic warfare, great characters, a robust stat system, and meaningful choices into a great game. The setting as a young officer starting out is impressive and you really get the feel of being an officer as you advance through five years of military service. One of the best. 5/5 Also a sequel is in the works.

    WIP Releases: These are ones currently being worked on in the forums. They are nowhere near done, but playable to a certain point. Enjoyed them so far.

    A Knightly Endeavor:
    Set in a fictional world based on medieval Europe, this has been one of my favorites so far. The story is based on the premise of being a son of Gentry and working your way as a squire and eventual knight. Then onto being a noble. So far the game only goes to chapter two, but they are very detailed with different paths to take. The stat system is still a work in progress, but makes sense for the most part. As a work in progress I give this one a 4.0/5 with potential to go higher.

    When in Rome: This is based on being a low-born person making his/her way to Rome and accomplishing their chosen goal. So far things are still being worked upon. I'd put the quality level at about the same as Tin Star. So 3.5/5. It will probably stay at that level but might go higher.

    Choice of Rebels: This is one of the darker and grittier ones I have played. It gives off something of a Braveheart vibe only in a deep fantasy world. So far there seem to be three origin stories and two sets of caste to choose from. The story is very intriguing so far and the world has been brilliantly created. That said, I'm somewhat confused about some parts and that is part of the WIP I feel. So 4/5 for me.

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  13. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Choice of Romance

    You are an young and poor noble (man or woman) in a low fantasy setting (which is clearly based on Spain). Thanks to a reach uncle you have the chance to visit the capital and work,conspire,romance, murder your way to your dream. Be that simply being rich, or being in love or maybe even the throne itself. It offers a lot of freedom and some very interesting choices, sadly it doesn´t reach the depth of sabres of Infinity.
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I've been playing through Sabres of Infinity and I'll gladly add to the list of recommendations. I've died twice already but am doing better this time around. It's a nifty game with a lot of different paths you can take.
  15. Antix_Shadows

    Antix_Shadows First Year

    Feb 15, 2009
    I've been playing these games for at least the last two years or so, and i've enjoyed them quite a bit, I'm not so eloquent as to be able to give adequate reviews of them, but i've played and finished just about all of them. I could give my opinion on specific ones if anyone requests it though.
  16. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    I'm torn on COR. It offers a lot of choice and interesting world building, but honestly I feel like I'm in a slash fanfic even as playing a straight male. Like I cannot remember for certain who said this but here is a basic paraphrase:

    "My problem with slash FIcs is not the slash but the poor characterization of the male gender. Typically, slash Fics emasculate male characters in their descriptions. Males who would normally be called thin are called slender. Descriptons become very effeminate making the male character a female only with a male body which is poor writing and I'm sure offends gay males who are anything but feminine."

    So yeah..my problem with COR is that it was almost certainly written from a female view then gender swapped with very little change to the story thereby emasculating the male characters.

    Still good world building though the final villain came out of nowhere really quickly. So 3.5/5 for me.

    Of the ones out, I think the closest to Sabres you are going to get in terms of quality would be zombie exodus or way walkers. The author of sabres is set to release a new game soon though called Mecha Ace. Sci-fi Mecha genre with human pilots rebelling against the Human empire.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  17. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    This and its sequel are the only choice of games that I'd played before. The first one was entertaining enough for a playthrough or two and as I was unfamiliar with this sort of game the choices actually changed more than I expected. I'll give it a 4/5.

    I thought the second was significantly worse however. For one thing the choices had less of an impact than the first and from what you've said that's even worse than I thought. For another a couple of the characters seemed to have had rather dramatic personality changes between the games despite no reason being given. As I played them in the same afternoon it was rather off-putting. I'd give this one a 2.5/5.

    I'm definitely going to try out some of the other ones you've listed, thanks for the recommendations.
  18. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    Mecha Ace has been released. Made by the same person who wrote Sabres. About to play now.


    Edit: Mecha Ace was fun, but not quite to the quality of Sabres. Prolly has something to do with it being an official release and constrained by the publishers, but still a 4/5. It lacked the epic scope of Sabres, but the characters were interesting and the endings were interesting.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  19. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
  20. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008