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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ravage, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. SushiZ

    SushiZ Auror

    Jan 9, 2006
    Island of Time
    Actually the C2's on FF.net, if you sort them by largest archive, number one will be some sort of slash. It goes on and on and never stops.
  2. This_Ancientz_Dream

    This_Ancientz_Dream First Year

    May 17, 2006
    Panhandle of Northwest Sunny Florida.
    I can deal with a certain degree of slash between adult characters, but what kills me are the stories where Harry and/or the other involved male character(s) (Or fems for femslash) aren't old enough to care about sex to begin with...or they shouldn't be anyway.

    No offense to anyone who is underage, but who looks at someone at the ages of 11 - 13 and instantly knows they love that other person so much that they must be soulmates and hop into bed to have wild monkey sex?

  3. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Ah yes, wasn't that one of Fangalla-Marie's where Harry up and said no? She writes hilarious stuff.
  4. Syn

    Syn Fourth Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    i always thought it was fangirls who aren't so much into the male/male sex as it is girls who twist harry's character into a feminized version so that they can write from a POV they align with.

    and then of course since they think draco is like super hot ftw, their feminized harry gets to pair with their dreamboat.

    not sure why they don't just write AU's where it's the girl-who-lived instead...but meh.
  5. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Well, penis envy of course. Every one wants one, and those privileged few lucky enough to have one just can't stop touching it.

    So I'm told.
  6. Mahotsuai-Sama

    Mahotsuai-Sama First Year

    Aug 17, 2006
    ....Gagetown NB
    I would have no real problem with slash if it were well written and didn't contain any fluff. I can barely stand the mushy tripe thats written for heteroes let alone for slash

    Possible solutions for slash teenagegirlsfanfiction.net Slash and HG for all of the ugly little girls who wish to fantasize and experiment in a safe enviroment,
  7. SSC

    SSC Guest

    Yup, I went searching a bit, and it's indeed one of Fangalla Marie. Long live Eppy! (for anyone who's interested, you can find it here. The best Veela!Draco ever)

    Yes, that's the worst. Now, I admit I do read it every once in a while (HP/LV has its perks)... Fluff is awful. Of course, there does exist well-written fluff, but it's the same as slash: you really got to search to find the good fics. As soon as Snape tells Harry "I never hated you, it was only a role to play. Can you forgive me?" I start getting worried.
  8. Kari Black

    Kari Black DA Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    12 Grimauld Place, London
    I know exactly what you mean SSC. I like slash ( I can stand almost any pairing ), but the fluff you see in slash fics is just insane. I mean half the time I attempt a slash fic, I end up trying not to laugh. Some of the things the characters say...*shakes head*

    Of course, Severitus and Sevitus are even worse for fluff. I mean I can't tell you how many times I've seen the whole 'Snape knew he was Harry's father and was under a spell to hate him'. It drives me nuts.

    Of course some of the problem is may be none of the fangirls have read any well written books to begin with. There were only three people (including myself) in my English class that would admit they actually enjoy reading. Honestly, when I have to talk to some of the people at my HS, it really makes me fear for the future of humanity.
  9. MrINBN

    MrINBN Unspeakable

    Jun 3, 2005
    Portland, OR
    Almost no one I know says that they enjoy reading. I know quite a few people, and most of them say, "No, I hate reading. It's boring." Well, reading is usually boring for those who can't use their imaginations. And I see that as a sign of stupidity.

    Reading makes you smarter. It expands your vocabulary, gives your brain a workout and exercises your imagination. The only downside is that it's time-consuming.
  10. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States