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WIP Defiance by Dark Lord Slytherin - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Sesc, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. Darthlawyer

    Darthlawyer First Year

    Apr 22, 2016
    High Score:
    Now at chapter 20 but the story for me seems to try not to be a an over powered Harry does whatever he wants story while being exactly that.
    It uses like many Indy!harry fics wandless magic as a means to make Harry different and more powerful than the rest. Harry meanwhile uses it mostly to show off how badass he is and to pull pranks for which nobody can catch him because he didn't use a wand and nobody can trace wandless magic back to him for some reason.
    Except for the mystery at the start it is a rehash of old cliches.
  2. Athreya V

    Athreya V Squib

    Jul 25, 2018
    Is dark lord Slytherin still active?
  3. Microwave

    Microwave Professor

    Oct 21, 2017
    It's not that difficult to check that he updated a story literally yesterday.

  4. Xion

    Xion Robot Overlord Admin

    Apr 3, 2006
    Defiance has been updated with a new chapter.

    Story Stats
    Chapters: 45
    Words: 201,777
    Updated: 2020-05-23 20:51:28 UTC
    Published: 2017-06-04 09:14:30 UTC
    Previously updated: over 2 years ago

    Brought to you by Scryer story thread updates.

    Edit by Sesc: It's announcing a rewrite, which can be found here.
  5. sombrero

    sombrero First Year

    Dec 29, 2011
    If anyone else hits this thread while on a Harry/Daphne binge like I did, reads the first comments and decide to give it a go because "A particularly well-characterised Daphne." seems like a shining endorsement from Taure, and think a 2017 story probably will meet that praise, I'm sorry to disappoint.

    This story sucks, it's terrible in every regard and especially romance. Daphne has no character, and there is no romance to speak of. She's attracted to power, that's her one trait. Original, I know. And by chapter 3, of course, Lord Harry Potter Black makes her immediately wet because he's wandlessly summoning Death-Horses Patroni out of his asshole every ten minutes. She meets him because her dad asks her to, exchange some epic sarcastic wizengamot politics bullshit quips with him and by chapter 5 they're already staring at each other's lips and making snarky comments about her arse. Then a few lines later we're talking about betrothal of 15 years old, because um... she's hot so why not? Sirius makes comments about her huge rack (breasts), as cool guys do — and Harry loves her because — did I mention she's hot? And that's basically the extent of Daphne in that story.

    To be fair, the genre is not romance, so it's on me for expecting anything.

    As for the rest of the story; mindless Ron and Hermione bashing, invisible-poisoned-daggers that thankfully were never brought up again, Black lordship, goblin shamans, politics, etc — nothing was done well, every scene in the first half made me cringe if not outright laugh out loud. The second half actually gets better even though the worldbuilding gets out of hand along with Harry's powerlevel, but I can't say I enjoyed reading it.

    2/5 overall.