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Complete Demon’s Feign, Merlin’s Pain by Nuhuh - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Nuhuh, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. lucis

    lucis Seventh Year

    Jun 27, 2009
    Awesome chapter. I particularly like the Gatekeeper and Voldemort. And just the council agreeing to peace, in general. I look forward to the sequel. I know it will take place in HP verse, but I'm hoping to find out about post-peace HP-WC interaction. Also, the interactions of HD and Ancient Mai.

    Also, amazingly, I feel sorry for the Merlin.
  2. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    I don't...he got off easy. He could have had to face a fully healed (and extremely pissed off) Harry Potter.
  3. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Potter would not of done what Riddle did. That was much the point of his release of Ridde. Riddle played with his victims, he enjoyed their suffering. Harry Potter would of just killed him.
  4. desinys

    desinys Squib

    Jul 24, 2016
    High Score:
    I found this story after falling in love with Shezza's Denarian trilogy, and I must say I am a little disappointed. I liked this story, but that's it. I somehow got the impression that this story was one of the elite ones and maybe my standards were simply too high when I started reading it, or maybe it's the fact that I haven't read or seen the Dresen files. Either way, I couldn't really connect with the story and in the end had some trouble finishing it. Before you all attack me, let me tell you what exactly is bothering me.

    The narration is hard to follow, which makes the story very tiring to read. I get that Harry is a little insane and Dresden doesn't exactly have the most straightforward way of thinking, but that doesn't add up well with first person narration, somewhat confusing events (I found the beginning very hard to read since the narration wasn't exactly easy to follow and there were many new characters introduced simultaneously), and a structure resembling stream of consciousness. Although the writing style really fit some of Harry's scenes, most of the time it made the text seem sloppy. Due to the style of narration, reading requires a lot of concentration, which isn't exactly a bad thing on its own. It just means the story has to be very engaging in other aspects to keep reading it interesting and pleasant.

    I really liked the way Murphy was introduced - I had a good idea of what she was like after a couple chapters even though I hadn't heard of her before. Unfortunately Harry's and especially Dresden's characterization was left on a more superficial level. I feel that the first person narration was intended to make the characters seem more personal and closer to the reader, but it didn't work for me due to the confusing and overly relaxed flow of events and thoughts. I also would have wanted the dramatic scenes to be emphasized a little more - more often than not, I had been waiting for something to happen, and when it finally did, all the drama and tension was just cast aside. I reread my favourite scenes and tried to enjoy them as I usually do, but I just couldn't help but feel that the author had just wanted to sort of be over with them. I'm still a little bitter about how neither Harry or Dresden confronted each other properly and even the tension between them was more of a side note. I get it, they both liked Murphy, but still, there could have been some drama at some point to make the relationships a bit more interesting to follow. I feel like the author was only concentrating on the plot and forgot about all these little things that makes the story not only a good story, but also exciting to read.