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DF Fanfic Ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by ParseltonguePhoenix, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    He could make a pretty good éminence grise no matter who he sides with. Magic's coming back to the world and he'd be more able than anyone to help a ruler or ruler-to-be adapt to and take advantage of that, as well as being able to tip a few scales with fireballs when it comes down to the wire.

    Basically what I'm saying is that he needs to adopt Arya and make her Queen of Everything :colbert:
  2. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    I suppose a situation like that would strengthen the already existing Merlin comparisons.
  3. Ravnius

    Ravnius Auror

    Feb 4, 2013
    South U.S.
    Hot fucking damn. You sir, win all of my internets for the day, for conceiving of that awesomeness.
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    The long winter is a result of an imbalance of the faerie courts?

    Dresden fails the trial in Summer Knight/quits while he is ahead, Rashid sends him to suffer the future of imbalance that he wrought.

    I haven't read the books, just watched the show.
  5. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    Its more likely that Faith becomes a practitioner herself, learning lore and legends. Possibly even joining the order of the cauldron or paranet. In a fan fiction story, faith became a minor talent, and was the one who bank rolled the few that opposed the formor after harry was gone.
    I can totally see her building her own life, aimed at magic. Building her own place. SHe could potentially start her own version of the paranet.
  6. CBH

    CBH Sixth Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    Something that might be interesting to anyone who wants to write about this is that unlike what's seen in the show, this is how GRRM describes the Others in an email to a comic book artist:

    I was planning to use this in a fic I started planning but never really got off the ground about Dresden being sent to Westeros by Mab. I wanted to wait until reading Cold Days to start it, but the new information about the the Courts kind of ruined what I had planned and I eventually lost interest. Might still try to write it eventually because there are a couple of scenes I imagined that I really want to write. Was even playing with the idea of Ferrovax appearing in Westeros to bring the story to Daenarys. Magic does come back into the world with dragons after all.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013
  7. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    The way I see it, an easy way to get Harry there post Cold Days is to have Mab send him there. The reason for this is that somebody (or something), has been stealing the power of Winter somehow and using it for their own purposes, and she wants Harry to go do his investigating thing, and then to deal with the problem. And as for stopping him from being retardedly OP with magic, the same way that he isn't in the books. Harry doesn't want to go around casting magic everywhere because people will ask questions, and well, using ice based magic isn't going to make him any friends up in North, especially if he mentions that he works for the personification of Winter itself.
  8. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    If you take the Dresden from the last book... Dresden would be the song of ice and fire. It would be epic.

    I was thinking that as the world gained magic again, it allows other creatures to start forming, as well as the bridge to the nevernever. Mab sends Harry to lay his claim for winter (as Westeros tends to be for Winter while Essos is for Summer), as well as increase his skills as a knight.

    It would be hard for Dresden as well, because he is not exactly subtle, and you need that in politics.
  9. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Molly can tag along. Actually, she could be the one sent for training instead of Harry in order to learn subtlety and the political game. And while she's treading softly, Harry can be the big stick when (not if) things go tits up.
  10. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    There is a horn, that is said to be able to destroy the wall of ice in the north. What if a similar wall that the Winter court maintain and defend could be similarly destroyed, it does appear to be crystal, but due to winter it may be transparent ice?
    wildlings could be wyld fae aligned, while the eastern continent was a summer fae strong hold. using soulfire could he make the magical steel and glass in the series.

    I was just thinking if Mab really wanted to train harry up. The world of the Kingkiller chronicles would be great, they have a university with similar magic. their naming magic allows not just power over entities but the world around you to be manipulated. imagine the effect he may have using fire, iron, stone, wind ect. it is hinted he affects beings by naming them.
    his sympathy was always said to be good i think. so as they teach how too use sympathy in a battle situation only improves. graduates get a talisman defense against magics using blood, hair or any personal matter. So long as he doesn't kill humans, then he wont be breaking any laws. also, if he learns how to copy those rune based sympathy goods, then he can near modern utilities.
    Imagine if he introduces bob to the archives, all the collected knowledge in one entity, he could potentially revolutionize magic on both worlds. if he altered the blue beetle to run on sympathy, no more magic issues.
    Due to the dangers of namers and shapers, it would be a reason why the fae sealed access to this world to the nevernever somehow?
    killing use this world magic does not really corrupt, so potentially a weapon against humans available.

    seeing as he has to pay tuition, either mab gives him funds, or he will be desperate for funds. there was a mad doctor who wrote medical tomes, 4 of his books were said to be destroyed in fire and lost. Could harry pay his tuition for as long as he likes if he gives them 1 or all 4 books? mab seems the type to have books written by a mad serial killing medical researcher.

    I just read this Twilight/DF story. It fits well, and it is actually pretty good. THe wizards joked that these vamps were the ROSE Court, due to how they are a mix of red and white traits, blood drinkers but incredibly beautiful. I was just thinking, which three/four types of fictious vampire strains would best fit with the dresden universe?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
  11. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Dresden/ASOIAF crossover.

    There are many mortal worlds which border the Nevernever. Dresden's Earth is one of them. Another is the world of ASOIAF.

    The world of ASOIAF is strongly influenced by the Faerie courts. Mab is the Great Other, Tiatania is the Red God. Their powers wax and wane with the long seasons.

    Now, something is changing. Dragons have been born again, and they present a great threat to the balance of power. With the dragons, the agents of summer - most of them unaware that their actions are in service of Titania - could utterly destroy Mab's hold on that world. With dragons, the risk exists: were Daenerys to bring grown dragons to the Wall, the Others, Mab's servants, would be laid to waste.

    Enter the Winter Knight, Harry Dresden, sent by Mab across worlds to kill Daenerys' dragons. He enters via the North and must find his way to Mereen where he will kill the dragons for Mab.

    But when he finally gets there, he will find that the Mother of Dragons is not all Mab portrayed her to be. She's young, righteous, and beautiful. And she may be in danger...

    What's that, Harry? A damsel in distress? Whose dragons you have to kill?

    Hell's Bells.
  12. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I wonder if Dresden could use soulfire on those dragon eggs to awaken them. In the books there are tales of ice crayons, man would live a new pet.
  13. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    0.o.....Im....Im just not even sure what to say to that.
  14. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I've had a million DF/ASOIAF ideas all with the same sorta thing going down. So I decided to write a bit of one in here. Just for you, Taure. Except the Dresden/Molly mentions. That's just for me.


    There comes a time in your life when you're faced with an insurmountable wall.

    Today, mine was literal, made of ice, and so tall it rose higher than the grey clouds in the sky. Looking to the left and looking to the right did nothing to make it seem like the wall ended; it became smaller and smaller into the thicket of forest to the left, and then was enveloped by rocky cliffs to the right. Insurmountable, all right.

    I leaned on my carved wizard's staff and let out a steady breath, which appeared in front of my face and froze in the air. Gooseflesh erupted on my uncovered face; I may have been the Winter Knight, a mortal instrument of the Queen of Air and Darkness and of the Unseelie Fae, but cold got to me after a while. Blistering cold even quicker, with sharp winds as harsh as razor blades to the face, and layers of snow threatening to swallow my feet whole every step I took. I'd been out in the snow for nearly six hours, and it was making me yearn for curling up on my comfiest couch back home in front of the fireplace, with my girlfriend by my side and all the worries of the world forgotten.

    But I still had a job to do. Go south, Queen Mab had said. Go south after I arrive in an alternate world that she and Queen Titania had some kind of real estate in, and then find and kill three dragons. Creatures that shouldn't have been born to the world any longer, their arrival creating an upset of the fragile balance that kept Mab or Titania's influences from beating the other. It wasn't like back home, I knew. Mab had power to stop invasions from the Outer Gates back home, and Titania the power to keep Mab herself in check, but here in this world, there was something different at work. Something Mab wouldn't tell me. Shocker, I know.

    "Go south she says," I murmured to myself, and began walking towards the giant ice wall, using my staff to pull myself forward. "You'll get to come home after killing three freakin' dragons, she says."

    Once I'd arrived here, landing on my ass in a snowy clearing with nothing but the clothes and weapons on my person, I'd oriented myself with a little silver compass Mab had given me, and started walking. There had been snow, trees and more snow, but the most curious thing hung in the sky, a blazing red colour burning into the drab blues and greys. It was a comet. Maybe a signal of my arrival, a literal hole burnt into the fabric of this world for me to slip through, or maybe a sign of dragons. Back home, Dragons were powerful creatures, among the top of the list of things I wouldn't want to tango with in a dark alley, even on Halloween, the window of time they were mortal. I'd met a dragon once. It was scary. Scary not in a nightmare-inducing tentacle and teeth way, but in the realisation that this thing would find squashing me as effortless as clipping its fingernails. I'd dealt with a lot of creatures like that in my day, but Ferrovax was one of the ones still living.

    And even though Mab had assured me the dragons here were weak for a time after their birth, I couldn't look at the red comet in the sky and call it a good omen of their "weak" powers.

    But I digress. I had a wall to climb. Or destroy. I hadn't decided yet. Up close I could tell it was in fact ice, rivets of water running off the structure like tears, and, sure enough, it was cold to touch. There was a faint sensation through the ice too, the tiniest spark that told me there was magic there. Old magic, and different than my own. Curious, but I didn't dwell on it. I could sit out here and try to find a way to undo that magic, maybe control it or manipulate the ice to make me a door if that's how it worked, but that might've taken years to figure out, and I wasn't eager to live in the snowy forests and eat pinecones for that long just to satisfy a bit of wizard geek curiosity. I had scary dragons to slay and a maiden to return home to. So the age old question was: Do I climb the wall, or make myself a path through a potentially really thick ice wall?

    Climbing would've been a good option if I had some spikes, the right footwear, and maybe a dozen potions and the right magic to prevent me from plunging to my death. Making myself a path would involve force and a lot of hope I wasn't going to cave myself in as I went through. My new shield bracelet - birthday gift from Molls - could protect me well enough as I did my Andy Dufresne impression...

    A low growl interrupted my thought, and I pivoted on the spot, staff raised and Fuego on the tip of my tongue. The growl belonged to a lean and sinewy wolf, its russet-brown pelt covered in snow and its teeth bared in a territorial way. Its eyes were glowing.

    For a moment, we stood off like the climax of a western movie. Had tumbleweed existed this far north, it would've rolled past. Then, the wolf bowed its head, and stepped backwards a step. Then bowed its head again. The bared teeth went away, though the eyes kept their eerie white glow. It stepped back again.

    "I'm supposed to follow you, aren't I," I said. "You're not exactly a white rabbit, just saying. Do you have a way to get me past this wall?"

    The wolf said nothing.

    No duh, Harry. It was a wolf.

    "You're not a werewolf or anything, are you?" I asked, just to be sure I wasn't making an ass out of myself by talking to it.

    The wolf took another step back. With a sigh, I stepped forward. The game continued, our steps matching, until its back was near to the forest I just left, and I was wondering if it was a female wolf and my stupid chivalrous moments were extending to lupine women too. But I kept going.

    The moment I stepped into the forest proper, I knew I shouldn't've. I heard the song of metal slicing through air, and jumped back just in time to avoid my upper chest getting a bad case of sword embedded into it. The wolf growled again and jumped to my left, while the sword and its owner appeared in front of me. The sword belonged to a man, of average height and less-than-average hygiene, with a long nose and pig-like eyes being the only visible facial features, as he was covered head to toe in furs and pelts, a mismatch of colours and style aiming to keep him warm and nothing else. He'd been hiding behind a tree, of course, and his wolf had led me to him. Stupid traps.

    "Wait!" I cried, before he or his wolf could strike. My left hand was raised, and I could get my shield bracelet working within a second should things go down, but I wasn't eager to get in any fights yet. I'd just got here. I hadn't even burned anything down yet. "Wait."

    The man waited, half-crouched and sword pointed at my belly.

    Mab had told me there were humans here, their technology was still around the medieval times - the good ol' days, Mab had all but said - and I hadn't brought along my boomstick for reasons of not wanting to scare everyone. So seeing a human wasn't a surprise, but I hadn't expected to have one try and kill me right away. By the looks of him he wasn't a knight or anything, but for all I know he could've been a King in these here parts. Either way, I could ask him for some advice, maybe find a way to cross the ice wall, and see if he could give me some food. Diplomatic approach time.

    "Hail, friend," I said calmly. "Does thouest, uh, know howeth to... No, wait. I am Harry, and thee are?"

    The man said nothing.

    I resisted the urge to quote Monty Python, and pushed on, "The wall of ice, southwards over yonder. Is there a way to cross it?" Again, nothing. "Verily?" Nada. "The wall. Uhh, wall-o." I made a gesture with my hands that either conveyed giant ice wall or his mother's breast size.

    Finally, the man shook his head. "Crows and their fancy talkin'. You scoutin' for Mormont?"

    Crow? I looked down at myself. No feathers. "Uhh, is scoutin' for Mormont a bad thing?"

    "It's a thing that might get you ate by my wolf," the man said. "Before I gut you."

    "I'm trying to cross the icy wall," I said firmly. "I don't know what a crow is, and I don't know who or what a Mormont is. Or who you are."

    "I'm free folk," the man spat. "I oughta carve my name on your head when I leave it for the Old Bear to find."

    "I don't think the Old Bear would know whose head it was," I said. "Or your name."

    The man's eyes narrowed. "Any last words, crow? I'll remember 'em later when I need a laugh."

    "Just tell me if there's a way to cross that wall without climbing it or destroying it. I'm fine with both, but if there's an easy way to get to somewhere warmer, I'd like to hear it." I tightened the grip on my staff, and put a bit of power into my shield bracelet. "And then you can leave, report back to whoever that you saw no one and be happy that I let you live. Unless you also know something about dragons, in which case I'd like that too before you leave and report back to whoever you saw no one and be happy that I let you live."

    Realisation finally set in for the man in furs. "You're not a crow."


    "A crow would know Icemark's the closest garrison on The Wall. South east from here."

    I didn't relax. "Thanks. I'll just be on my way, then."

    The man brandished his sword. "You're not a scout, but I am. And scoutin' work makes a man and his wolf mighty hungry."

    Of course it did. "It doesn't have to be this way," I said. "Just go your way, and I'll go mine."

    That just made him smile, showing in the crinkles of his frost-bitten cheeks and lighting up his cruel pig eyes. "Meat tastes better when they beg, just 'fore the end." His grin slipped, his body unsprung, and the wolf to my left lunged all at once.

    A shield of bright light erupted around my left wrist, the wolf's front claws suddenly snapping back and breaking as they collided with my shield. The beast let out a howl that shook me to my bones, though it didn't stop the wild man from advancing, swinging his sword like it was a fly swatter. I brought my staff to bear and cried, "Forzare!"

    The burst of unseen force pushed into the man's chest, knocking him back a step and giving him pause, as if I'd winded him. I growled out another Forzare, directing it to pin the man against a nearby tree. Force hit him again, but he didn't even flinch this time. It was like I'd slapped him. I hadn't meant to slap him. I'd meant to push him, punch him, knock him out.

    My stomach dropped, my head felt light, and I could hear a strong rush of blood flooding my veins.

    The wild man had been surprised, shocked, and afraid after receiving a taste of magic, but when the second spell did nothing, he grew bold. He moved again, the sword jabbing towards me, and I was so shocked from my failed spell that I didn't move. All energy had left me suddenly, and my concentration faltered on the shield bracelet, the shield disappearing quicker than it had appeared in the first place.

    Thankfully, Molls had included a special surprise when the bracelet was deactivated. Her best magic was illusionary, and her best spells before becoming the Winter Lady had involved harsh, disorientating lights and sounds. One Woman Rave had been her signature, and a compressed version lasting all of three seconds burst out every time the shield disappeared, intended to distract and blind any opponent who had beat me down enough to cause the shield to falter. It was a last gambit kind of move, and since I knew it was coming, I knew to close my eyes. The wild man and his wilder wolf, however, did not. A screeching sound ripped leaves from the trees, and bright flashing reds and blues and greens burned out all other colours at once, leaving only blistering white. I could hear the wild man drop his sword and cry out in fright, and the wolf scamper off into the forest, and, still blinded myself, I swung my staff like the big wooden hammer it was, and caught the wild man in the stomach. He fell to the ground with a soft oomph, and I kept him there by pressing the staff against his stomach, pinning him to the ground.

    Check and mate.

    I opened my eyes to see his were still shut, and looked around for the wolf. It was gone, and even if it came back its broken claws and face would give it pause before attacking me again. All I had left to do was take care of the man in front of me.

    I picked up his discarded sword, and held it to his throat. His eyes opened, and they were full of fear. He pissed himself too, steam rising off the snow as warm urine hit it. Ugh.

    "I'm going to leave now," I said carefully, quietly, dangerously. "You're not going to follow. You're going to go in the other direction, find your wolf, lick your wounds, and then report back to whoever you're scouting for that you never saw me. Understand?" He nodded his head rapidly, and I pressed both sword and staff deeper, almost penetrating his furs with the former. "Nod harder," I growled out, and he did.

    Satisfied, I let him come to his own feet, take one glance at me with his sword in one hand and my staff in the other, and then run away as fast as he could.

    Sword and staff. Huh. I'm Gandalf'ing. If I liked hats, I would've wanted one to complete the look. I doubted Molls would've approved a long beard, though. I turned the sword over in my hands; it had nothing on my old sword cane style-wise, or one of the Holy Swords I used to have, but it was sharp and would make for a better deterrent than what look liked a walking stick. And, if my failed second Forzare was any indication, my staff and blasting rod had just become pieces of wood.

    So with my magic was on the fritz... I might have to kill three dragons with a sword instead. I should've brought my shotgun. Freakin' Mab should've warned me. She probably knew my magic wouldn't be as compatible with this world, didn't she? The first spells I'd done had been like turning on a tap before the water starts spluttering brown and then stops. There's an initial burst, enough water to fill half a glass, but then there's nothing.

    For a moment I stood in the forest where I'd nearly died six hours into a trip to another world, and tried to do some more magic. I felt so tired since I realised what had happened, like my magic had been lying in wait happy as could be, and then as soon as it was used it developed depression, cancer, whatever else. So I was standing there trying to bring it back around with a Flickum Bickus, the first spell I'd ever done. I tapped into my Winter Knight mantle, hoping Mab's power of this world would give me a boost. It didn't, but the rest of me kept trying. And trying. And trying. And -

    A tiny flame flickered into existence on the tips of my fingers.

    That was enough. The tap dripped once, telling me it could drip again. Maybe if it took me a while to reach the dragons, I would have enough in me, just in case. Maybe I wouldn't need to use magic at all.

    Bah, who am I kidding. Hell's Bells, what had I gotten myself into? Dragons, wolves, icy walls, red comets, magic weirdness, swords and wild men. This was like a campaign on one of the games I used to play with Billy and Georgia's werewolf gang, back in the day. Those never ended well for me.

    And so, with that cheery thought, I started off towards the ice wall again. The moment I crossed it, I'd have another, hopefully figurative, insurmountable wall or two to cross.

    What had Mab called this place again?

    "Westeros." I murmured to myself. "Welcome to Westeros, Harry."


    Quick Notes:
    - Timeline wise, Harry arrives a bit after the dragons are born, maybe a few days at most. So the Night's Watch is doing their big impressive ranging thingie at the start of the second book, which is why the wildling guy was scouting out them from the flank, and why he'd think there'd be crows hanging around. Obvious, but I thought I'd clarify here just in case.
    - In Westeros, the Red Comet signalled the return of both dragons and proper magic to the world. The idea is that Harry's magic is on the fritz because the world is still trying to get used to the idea of it again, but it would build steadily as time goes on. In my mind it's like the only way to crossover either HP or DF into ASOIAF world, by nerfing them a bit at the start and then letting them build. In HP's case, I'd probably have him learn Westeros-esque magic to compensate, while DF's less potentially hax magic can just develop as time goes on.
    - How would things go from there if I actually kept writing? If it's a whole odyssey to get to Dany only to realise that, ruh roh, she's a damsel or whatever, then Dresden walking into Theon's occupation of Winterfell would be pretty funny, as well as having an adventure in Greywater Watch (Duelling different magic weirdness with Howland Reed before they become bros? Who knows). And then he'd get lost in the Riverlands, because every ASOIAF character gets lost in the Riverlands. It wouldn't be this thing of Harry meeting every canon character and every canon event happening as is; I'd change shit if his presence means changing shit. I don't believe in rehashing, and even though ASOIAF divergences are harder than most, it's not that difficult if you're actually a writer whose done these sorts of tiny details before on your own worlds.

    As for any other dynamics... I think Jaime and Dresden hanging out for a bit would be great, but then I'm biased and love me some Jaime. Depending on the timeline he might end up bumping into Brienne on her journey - or Brienne and Jaime on their journey - and I think they'd have a like-minded sense of honour bromance sorta thing. It's probably easier and smoother to simply get Dresden out of Westeros and to Meereen as soon as he crosses into White Harbour, and in that case, make his trek to Meereen the crazy one ala Tyrion in Book Five, but that's probably not as fun. Speaking of Tyrion, Harry could end up bro'ing up with him too when they're in Slaver's Bay. Not sure when Harry and Dany would meet up, but before Dance With Dragons is done and the whole Knot gets too crazy sounds best. Anything to save mah boy Quentyn. I imagine Dany's young age would be close enough to Maggie's for Harry to get all protective and stuff, and whatever goes down with Mab's plots and Titania's plots and the coming White Walker apocalypse and blah blah blah... Plenty of options.

    But yeah, just thought I'd be a tease, maybe give some other people some ideas to actually do this if they wanted.
  15. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Good shit, Matt. :)
  16. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I meant to say ice dragon, in my last post, and that man would love a pet.
    What exactly is the magic in westros, I know some of the uses, but little about. The system.

    are there any Dresden stories involving nephlim, it would be cool to see them using soulfire magic.
  17. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Fuck you Matt, now you have to write more or we're gonna hound and beg you till the end of time.

    And the entire time we'll be jonesing for more like a heroin addict.
  18. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
  19. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Shezza's story hints that the really OP wizards like Voldemort and Dumbledore are nephilim, I think. I'm probably going to be using references to them in my own story at some point.
  20. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    See I can't even be mad at that because I love scrubs.