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Disney Princess Mafia: The Revenge

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Pretty sure agreeing with me means losing your mind.

    I'm sort of meh about my reads overall at the moment.

    I'm very confident you're town. I have a town read on Fonti that's sort of weakened a bit lately though hoping her explanation about where she's at with you strengthens that again. Have a weak town read on Jan and even weaker ones on Vaimes/DC, weakish scum reads on Koalas/Waco with Beruru just bouncing around in my head a lot right now. Which means outside of my read on you there's nothing really concrete I'm bringing to the table which isn't great?
  2. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Is it bad that I'm finding it weird how little you seem to be ~working with people~ over talking about your own reads a bunch? Or am I just not understanding what you meant when you said you wanted to do that more here?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Why did the fonti read weaken?
  3. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:

    Not really had much opportunity to bounce with people. Waco/DC mostly AWOL, Koalas/Vaimes to a degree are too. Jan/Fonti seem to be sort of wanting to hold things and play this day slower/go into things later and I'm happy to do that with them which mostly just leaves Beruru and yourself. Think I've had a few discussions with you already about reads and think I've got a decent idea of where/why you are where you are on most reads.
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Sure but you haven't really tried / looked for opportunities, am I wrong?
  5. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Went to bed last night expecting to wake up and see her having posted that she'd locked you in as town for fairly similar reasons that I did...which didn't really happen and she had you more in a ~nullish area on her list.

    It's very plausible that well your relationship puts her in a position where she's not going to be able to read you like she would any other player (Not sure I'd be able to be unbiased if I were in either of your shoes and would probably rely on others to tell me the others alignment) but if she didn't get There I'd have expected her to interact a little more with you to resolve it or question me about my town read there or something and the lack of that isn't great. But yeah, like I said, her running through her read/thoughts/reasoning on you should resolve most of this.
  6. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Mashed keyboard. Deleted because DLP.

  7. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Think you'll find I've asked Jan to ping me when he got on to talk about stuff but he's trying to minimise how much time he puts into the game which is fair enough given I'm trying to do a similar thing. Also in a waiting situation with Fonti re; her reasoning on Vaimes/Yourself and with Vaimes about his Koalas read.

    Not really much more I can do at the moment?
  8. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017

    What would you think if I voted you right now?
  9. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    That you were trolling and or high?
  10. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Assume the vote would be serious.
  11. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    IMO it wouldn't be though?

    Not sure what the point of this is.
  12. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Eh. There's stuff missing from your play. Went back through your ISO and think my reasons for townreading you were weak.

    Don't want to talk about it actually, need a break from the game for a bit probably. Need things to sit and thread to move without me and I'll figure out if it's just paranoia later. Maybe I peace out until closer to deadline.

  13. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Uh, okay? Certainly something we're going to have to talk about at some point though because you're one of the last people I'd have expected to hear the word "paranoia" come from inside this playerlist. Break from the game is fine though but "peace out until deadline" is a no go, Waco/DC/Koalas/Vaimes /should/ start posting more soon and I'd like to talk with you about them when they do so.
    --- Post automerged ---
    (Oh and when I say 'talk about' I moreso mean post-game)
  14. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017

    I am paranoid as fuck in general and you saw me even get paranoid on Nacho/Tammy of all people, granted it lasted for like a few hours and was caused by a Prism tunnel but still.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Also, I know when I need a break from the thread to get clarity and this is one of those times. Idk how long it will take.
  15. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    I typed up a decent sized response and then deleted it since eh, it's really something that can be talked about postgame rather than bringing it in here and you can have Many Shrugs instead.


    Heading to bed shortly but hoping to wake up to a lot more content from other posters, nearing the half way stage of the day phase. Not being the happiest with my own reads and still having very little idea where most players headspace is really isn't ideal.
  16. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Ok. Love you.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Oops, meant to say "hate" there.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Someone remind me to remove Gemma and Regfan from the ignorelist in an hour.

    I just really want to read the thread without the part that does so little for me to solve the game.
    (and ignoring a user removes their post from the thread - hype!)

    Should be around if people have questions.
    --- Post automerged ---
    @Koalas - can you explain the voting vaimes when font is in the game?

    I could see this as a weird quip because Koalas knows Vaimes is town and knows Vaimes will be cleared down the line (Fonti being one of the most likely people to clear/defend vaimes)

    The other reason would be that voting Fonti is better, but Koalas didn't vote her (or anyone) himself.
    Unless there is a known history of Waco voting Fonti when entering games, in which case it could refer to that.

    Obvously random jokes are a thing, but I don't see any context for it.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Feels fake in context.

    Those are the only things he said about Fonti at the time.

    And the second post there makes it clear that he has to be talking about fonti with his death tunnel comment at the top of this post.

    I made the crucial mistake of not seeing this and then prodded him right after which resulted in his jokevote on me.
    I would love to see if his behavior was going anywhere.
    Too late now .. tired me fucked it up.

    I think Koalas got an easy time entering the thread this way, but those things are weird and noted.
    We'll see what he does in the future! (Which is the past now, but rereading is like timetravel.)
  18. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Here is my headspace Reg. Am not going back to look at thread or ISO's so keep that in mind.

    Think Waco's thread presence has been pretty inconsistent and maladjusted; it's been mostly pop-ins and I don't think the way his thoughts have progressed makes very much sense at all. My first vote on him page one was actually a serious vote, felt the way that he came in and dropped an RVS vote then peaced, then came back later again for just a moment, no real investment in the process there made more sense with him being mafia.

    Don't think his read on me is very reasonable but I don't think it's impossible or even super unrealistic for him to be town having the read he is. It's the nuances of the read that I think are worse than the read itself; it progressed weirdly and the way it's continued with him not really doing anything hasn't been pretty. That said, think there's a very plausible explanation there in him just being very disengaged as town, not really reevaluating, suffering from a bunch of confirmation bias and tunneling badly off it. Think there are a few indicators that actually point to his read on me being something he's actually thinking through even if poorly and think that if he were mafia here he would probably be putting more effort into what he's doing rather than just completely slanking in the way that he is.

    My read here might be muddied by ~site meta~ since that's not something I'm familiar with and it's possible that not really caring is something that just comes from mafia here rather than being more null or even vaguely town indicative; if he's mafia unless he's with someone like Jan/fonti he probably sees the game as unwinnable so that might factor into things? Really unsure on that aspect of the read, could also just be playstyle / real life / circumstance factoring into things?

    What I liked from Koalas at the time I told fonti he might be town was his poke at you for not giving him towncred or something and his posting around that; I didn't really /love/ anything he said but was ok with what he was posting, he was giving thoughts in a way that felt natural and tbh I think I was mostly happy that he was doing /anything/ at that point since I've felt really frustrated here that the slots I'm looking at lynching here are exactly the slots that I looked at pre-game that mafia would need to mislynch to win since over half the playerlist isn't really mislynchable. I liked Koalas' opening at the time that happened as well mostly because he was more "engaged" and hanging around.

    When I went back over it all though earlier today I just, don't really get what he's doing. I don't think his opening is anything, he doesn't produce any real content until his second pop-in and I actually dislike a fair few of his posts, the thing of it just being as easy as dC/Beru and stuff around that, his manner there feels almost purposefully ambiguous in terms of whether he's serious or joking and think there's some fairly obvious mafia motivation there if he's voting Beru wanting no consquences, can say "lol was joke" or "yeah actually" later and get away with either. The attitude also just generally prevents the game from progressing if no one's actually stating Serious Reads.

    That take is kind of supported by how he enters thread next? It's not until then that he's explicitly serious and complains about thread having gotten serious. Still doesn't seem to take anything very seriously and the way he's commenting on stuff + the things he's commenting on all feel very irrelevant and don't understand what he's actually doing in the thread there if he's town or how it's helping him solve the game.

    Also his interactions with fonti are weird as fuck and his Beru read is ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I don't really get why you're not townreading Vaimes but I don't actually have any meta experience with him? He just feels... alive here and I don't think he would be alive at all in this game almost regardless of who his partner is. Bunch of his thoughts feel really genuine and unnecessary and I don't feel like Vaimes is the type of player to just put out ~unnecessary thoughts~ as mafia. Maybe I'm overestimating how bad he is as mafia but from what I've heard he's kind of a dead fish as the alignment? I've actually liked his posts by their own right and think I'd be townreading him to some degree here even if I didn't know anything about his meta.

    As far as dC is concerned I just... don't understand at all what he's doing or has done. He's a complete question mark for me and I don't understand his issue with activity. It's presumably a RL thing so fine? But feel like his thing of "ugh the thought of coming into thread makes me groan, reading along know what I should do but unable to perform" makes more sense coming from mafia? Idk what level to read him on though, and the actual way he went about saying that didn't feel like frozen mafia in any particular way so am not really inclined to give it credence. Don't have any real issues with the slot's actual content which... leaves the slot at just confused null for me.

    My thoughts on Jan haven't really changed much from where I was at wrt "probably tunnels on me differently as mafia"; think his play has been bad but not necessarily wolfy? Was kind of noting to myself that if he was still scumreading me at a certain point he's probably just mafia but think there are also ~things~ not related to this game that make it actually likely for him to just loltunnel me as town, so I'm kind of meh about it. Feel like his weird focus on Waco maybe happens a little differently if he's mafia but that's not a strong point.

    Beru is a mess and I've talked enough about her already, think we're in sync on this read.

    Don't understand fonti, don't understand why she moves her vote off Beru on Waco, her tunnel on Beru didn't feel town motivated, didn't feel like she was trying to read Beru, was just throwing a ton of shade on them + dC and felt like she was throwing a lot of chaos in a very intentional way which I think is obviously something that carries a bunch of scum motivation. Don't understand how her Beru read has progressed at all and her thread presence outside of that has been... really empty. Tbh even that push has been pretty empty.

    Like there are worlds here where the above makes a ton of sense with her being town but there are certain things I'll need to see to believe in those worlds. And if I don't see them then I'm probably going to be left very confused, unless she does other things that outweigh all that to the point I can forget about it.

    Makes it even more difficult to parse those early pushes because I think it's possible that she's playing differently with me here, don't know how that would affect her exactly but it's something I'm kind of thinking about. I know she's behaved erratically before knowing I'm her audience so that's a thing.

    I could probably talk for pages about my fonti read but I really need to not do that. I want her to be town very badly and I want to stop being stupid if we're in that world and that's coloring things a bunch. Need help.

    And. Meh. Don't get her read on me at all.

    Your response to my paranoia was Good.
  19. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I want to talk about dC not playing his more wacky playstyle, but I remember him mentioning being low energy later on .. so I think there is no point to it for now.

    Just thought that talking like this about his other playstyle makes him look bad in the game because he is not doing it now.
    More of a "things most weak scumplayers are afraid to point out because of possible backlash"-category.

    You could argue that he talks about his wacky town & scum play, which makes his play right now out of the norm for either alignment.
    Meh. Just thoughts.
  20. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Yeah a vote happens I think.

    Vote: Koalas