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Disney Princess Mafia: The Revenge

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    1. No, she wouldn't. She's her own person, she has a strong townread on von, or had one yesterday, and she's not going to lynch him just because I said so. You are aware that that line of argument is wrong.

    2. Ok, the move to diffuse blame is a point. But it still avoids the issue that town!von tends to shine when under pressure, and that would have a decent chance of backfiring on me. Also, in this world both you and Gemma are town and around to push me for it. Not a reasonable play you would think I would do.

    3. Wow, and yet of the two of us, the one who has voted the other is you. It's almost like I've given you every single benefit of the doubt.

    4. No, I've also been clearing dc, just, btw. And I've tried to clear von, but you made that impossible. Nice work. And if clears on bears and gemma are the only things you can get out of all the notes and things I've taken, then you aren't trying in the slightest.

    5. Fuck off. I'm not doing it to clear them, I'm doing it to narrow down worlds and figure out what two man teams are viable in a game that may go to a final 5. And since up to this point, there's been almost nothing happening in the thread, continuing it was more viable for figuring out the game.

    6. You just completely avoiding the issue, are you fucking kidding me? Who's my partner, Jan? It's not Gemma, it's not bears, it's not dc, and it's not von. Who the fuck am I defending so we can win together tomorrow?

    7. That's the whole point of doing this whole thing, you insufferable tall person. Something that I might pick up as unalignment indicative can be wrong, but the cumulative count of potential unalignment things and their strength across all of Day 1 is incredibly unlikely to be. Scum interacting a little bit is precisely the thing this approach is designed to root out, and you would fucking know that if you were paying it the slightest bit of attention.
  2. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    1. Because fluff bulling a disappearing act for that long is more a town!fluff thing than scum!fluff.

    It was not him not reacting within a minute. It was him not reacting within hours upon hours.

    From my experience town!fluff lives his life and checks into the game sometimes, while scum!fluff is more an active part of the game.

    It was not a hard townread, but a thought that I wanted to observe in the next 24 hours.
    But the work he did later made me doubt the read.
    Which is what I said or wanted to say with the bears thing.
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    No, fuck you.

    I don't think he's scum. I'm leaning town, though not as strong as Gemma, bears or even dc. If he's town, I need to confirm it and clear him from the poe to ensure a win, and you deliberately ruined my chance of doing that.
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I am a tall person. that is true.
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Sidenote to remind everyone of this, since I just scrolled past it.
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    Also, Jan I wouldn't describe what you're doing as trying to clear people in the poe so much as trying to make sure there is no poe.
  6. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I do!
  7. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Your partners could be

    dC - his read on you made me throw up just a little bit.

    Fluff - you had this early d1 townread on him (i think) and then pushed the waco lynch hard against the koalas wagon.
    - you could lynch a partner here for cred OR try to get me lynched late in the day when you know I am asleep because I have work monday morning. Gemma dies in the night and you have a chance to win tomorrow.

    or worlds that we would lose to either way.
  8. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Wait, are you seriously talking about this? You posted it after 1am, he probably went to sleep.
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Everyone is town? Hooray!
    --- Post automerged ---
    Yes and no.

    He made a post a second before. and fluff normally stays awake fairly long.
    At least that is what I see when I go online in league at weird times.
  10. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    dC starting pushing for a lynch on me and stoking paranoia just before the eod1, after hard townreading me prior to that. He then flipped back to townreading me, felt doubt, townread, doubt, etc. You don't seriously believe he's a viable partner.

    You literally just said you thought fluff was town. Also, I'm trying to kill him. Also also Kalas did the thing with Regfan d1, where Reg townread my push on bears and Kalas was like "what about me, I was mindmelding with font." I'm pretty sure you were the one who pointed out that Kalas probably wouldn't do that to a partner?
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    He made a post five minutes before. That's enough time for a guy to go offline. The point is that saying "ooh, he didn't respond here, that's carefree and towny" is absurd.
  11. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Oh Gemma. Big sorry for this game btw.

    Like .. I think I made it really annoying for both of us and when I wanted to stop I only was online when both you and regfan were talking and it just got worse. :S
    I need a bigger game to handle both Regfan and you at the same time.

    And fonti is right .. my play is directed by my emotions not my alignment, which is why reading me is technically a bitch and no one should ever read into my emotional state to clear me.
    But I am taking every bit of towncred that I can get at this point.
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    And "worlds that we lose to either way" is dumb and pointless, and you are going to damn well talk about you actual thoughts there instead of casting a paranoia net. You're especially going to talk about scumreads in the clears, by the way, because if you're town and correct and you do the "well, I thought they were scum, but I knew no one would listen to me so I didn't say anything" I will stab you.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    It's a fluff thing. You wouldn't understand.

    The truth is that I feel like I am the only person that is capable of reading fluff and it makes me look at stupid small stuff.

    I think he said that he would be here all day or something like that .. and that is why I thought him leaving right after and not reacting was a towntell.
    But I might be wrong on that one. There was something more to it in his post he made right before that.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I am not pushing on Gemma today.
    I am done with this. I will have nice calm collected and fun conversations with her, but I won't touch her in any other way for now.

    She will just die tonight and with that the little devil in my ear will cease to exist. Easy as that.
    Or she won't and I will actually face that demon tomorrow.

    Bears d1 got town later on. I agree that her d2 was pure lacking and underwhelming while waiting for other people to do .. anything.
    But like .. there are aspects to her late d1 play that I have not seen from scum bears (which I only know 1 game of).
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    The upside is that yelling at fonti in written form actually brought some life to me and the game back.

  14. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Is it bad that this is making me think Jean is a wolf.
  15. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Looking at the fluff things, give me a moment.

    You're responding to half the point again. If you're not considering bears and gemma, then you need to explain why the things that mean I am not scum with dc and fluff are wrong, or you need to admit that I am town.
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    Yes, because we're not hydraing.
  16. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Not if you explain why!
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    This is why I thought fluff leaving there and not reacting for so long was a towntell, because as mafia he would try to be a bit more involved.

    Techncially he said "east coast" afterwards, so it could refer to the daytime, which would make my thought irrelevant.
    But like ..

    "I am here all day"

    5 minutes later


    Is more likely town!fluff than scum"fluff. It is stupid any annoying. But it is a thing.
    If he went to bed and I misread that initial statement then it might be a nulltell.
    --- Post automerged ---

    Fonti and I yell at each other and you think it is scum theatre?
    That is so nice of you!
    --- Post automerged ---
    I have to look at the whole dC thing again.
    Can't judge that without looking at it.

    Koalas was unlikely to be your partner for the cred part or rather for the amount of early interactions with you.
    Ok. I remember that!
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    Will look at the dc thing after I wake up. I need to try to get more sleep because tomorrow will be a long ass day.

    And if I don't try that now, then I won't do it at all.
  18. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    The only time I've ever seen Fonti get legitimately angry was in Full Moon Hunt when Sotecaphbear dragged her to the gallows and forced her head into the noose. All other times weren't genuine anger, afaik.

    If Fonti is actually mad for real this time, do we all have to have a conversation about our feelings?? I don't really understand why Jan is so upset either except that most of yesterday was taken up by the Reg and Gemma show which was incredibly annoying but I don't know why it would tilt him so much.

    I need to see The Lore.
  19. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm not reading font as "angry" so much as "frustrated"?
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    That's at 8 am the next day, aka 7 hours after he didn't respond to your question. He was sleeping. Are you talking about something else?
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