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District 9

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Boo, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    Moral ambiguity? Such a shitty main character is rare. Usually there is at least some redeeming quality, more than fear, ignorance, stupidity, and prejudice. There's no moral ambiguity in spineless bigotry.

    Anyone who has experienced discrimination knew exactly what connections were being drawn, and people who haven't didn't see any justice done, merely the idea that it's just okay to stomp the shit out of other sentient beings as long as they look different, or if you can't profit off them. If they really need this movie to teach them about how badly humans have treated each other, they're hopeless anyway. They used aliens, a concept that can always be fresh and new and full of (not peppered lightly with) high-powered photon lasers, to beat a long dead horse, and then not even really make a point about it. I didn't take anything from this, it just reminded me of humanity's flaw. If you want to make a point, show the change you want to inspire, or its just another Holocaust/Slavery/Apartheid/ad infinitum movie.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2009
  2. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    If he didn't have any redeeming qualities, then why dd he stay behind and save Chris Johnson and his kid. He might have done it for selfish reasons, but he saved them. That's a pretty hefty piece of moral ambiguity right there.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2009
  3. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I thought it was well done and like the fact that it wasnt more flashy. If I want some CGI kizz I'll watch a Michael Bay film.

    As for the turning into a prawn thing, apparently alien tech runs on DNA so maybe that fluid thing contains a retro virus to make it compatable.
  4. Dareycow

    Dareycow Fifth Year

    Oct 3, 2008
    Ah yeah, I'm more of a person who watches a movie, either enjoys it or not. Fuck the message behind the movie.

    Still, I thought that was one of the best main characters out. It gets boring watching movies where main characters have redeeming qualities. That fact that he was a selfish bastard (except for the end) and the way he tried to solve his problems made it more realistic. Who wants a picture-perfect hero anyway?
  5. Dizstance

    Dizstance Second Year

    Aug 27, 2009
    The point was that it was a completely realistic take on an unrealistic situation. If aliens came to earth and they were sick, weak and stupid, I don't think it's much of a stretch to think they would be treated as they were in the movie; that's the point.

    It's meant to be the sort of movie that makes people uncomfortable because it shows the completely negative, and completely accurate, darker aspects of humanity, but it's done in a science fiction forum, which is quite rare.
  6. RustyRed

    RustyRed High Inquisitor

    Oct 14, 2008
    Washington, USA
    Having a main character start out as a douche just means the character has lots of room to grow. I think that's infinitely more interesting than somebody who's already so perfect that they can't change for the better.

    I loved this movie. I loved the world they built around this idea--even if it was ugly and gritty, it was uniquely honest among alien flicks. I thought the visual effects were fantastic (although I had a few issues with the way they animated the prawns... their actions were a little too textbook sometimes)--especially the looming mothership and the alien weapons. But I think the thing I liked best about it was the horror and morbid fascination I felt watching the main character go through his trials. I might not watch it a hundred times like I have Gladiator or Batman, but the ideas in this film are going to stick with me for a long time.
  7. Dareycow

    Dareycow Fifth Year

    Oct 3, 2008
    Dam you! I haven't watched Gladiator in about 4 months now, completely forgot about it. Now I know one thing I'm doing this weekend. :(

    Still, for me District 9 is up there for my favorites. Already want to watch it again and I went twice to see it at the movies (once by myself when it first came out then a couple weeks later with friends.)