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DLP unmentionables: H/G fics you may be able to stomach...

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by nonjon, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Wow, that was the ending to the Psychic Serpent Trilogy? That sucks. Now I'm glad I haven't read that, and I probably never will.
  2. Syn

    Syn Fourth Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    i remember trying to read through Barb's trilogy.

    couldn't do it.

    i knew going in that it was going to be H/G whatwith that prophecy and all.

    but it was the ron/hermione that killed it for me. i hate ron.

    and having ron sulk around like a lost puppy while his buddy is slagging it up with his soulmate is weak effing shite.

    and then ron and hermione reunite in their "one true love" all the while harry's swimmers are leaking out of herm's hooha.


    at the time, i didn't really give two craps about ginny. but i did like hermione enough that even if it wasn't going to be a harry/hermione pairing - at least it shouldn't have turned out to be this weird cuckolding nonsense that i could never see the hermione in my mind doing.
  3. Quack

    Quack Second Year

    Jan 3, 2006
    I think a long time ago I was gonna read Barb's fics. Now I'm glad I didn't. Selfless!Harry sucks.

    I like the supremacy thing he has going on in Bloody Whiskers. And yeah, I hate when training drags on too much too. Some stories focus too much on it and hit around 50k, and school(using Harry Potter example) still hasn't started.

    I still haven't read your Naruto story. I think I was waiting for it to hit the 20k part or something.
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    That would be tonight, this chapter is almost done so check back late this evening. I've finally found the motivation to write often again that I'd been lacking the last several months.
  5. Rain

    Rain Pirate Navigator of the 7 Seas

    Jun 5, 2005
    Adirondack Park, NY
    Oh, I can't wait for tonight then! *smiles*

    Definitely good news.
  6. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    If you want a happier ending... or at least happier than a magic-less stupid-arse idiot Harry you can read Dryad's further down the road sequel to the end of the Triangle Prophecy trilogy called "The Return of the Gryffin".

    It made me feel better about Barb's horribly disappointing ending. Not a ton better. But a little.
  7. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Too bad you can't change the fact that Harry, with all his skills, experience and training, had to beat Voldemort by giving him a WWW candy.

    When I first saw that, I was like WHAT THE FUCK! I mean, you could train a monkey to do that...
  8. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I finally found a fic worthy of this topic.

    The Letters of Summer by kokopelli
    Word Count: 198,983
    Summary: Summer after 5th year - Harry gets his act together with a little help from some friends. A/U to HBP.

    During the summer after 5th year, Harry is being trained by a mysterious old wizard (Dumbledore's collegue of sorts, just not a pussy like him). He learns a bunch of cool skills and new magics on some exotic tropical beach and gets to flirt with a hot latin bikini-wearing assassin chick (the old guy's other apprentice). At this point, this was one of the best fics ever for me (that was long time ago, though).

    And then... dum dum dum : Ginny steps in! She learns all the skills Harry had learned, turns into his soul-mate and then they both become dragon animagi and torch few dozen death eaters just before the start of a school year.

    Eh, this ended as just another step in building my hatred for Ginny... but really, other than that, the story was great.
  9. Quack

    Quack Second Year

    Jan 3, 2006
    Awesome. I've been wanting to read it too! xD

    Damn, I was gonna check it out until you pointed that out IP82. I hate stories that force their favourite pairings into it. >< I mean seriously, what kind of teenage boy would trade a latin bikini wearing assassin for a poor flat useless redhead girl. It just doesn't work! Most males of any age would keep the latin chick, fuck the soul mate shit.
  10. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    But thats so far away..it's like 5 hours away...i can't wait that long...*starts rocking back and forth*
  11. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Urgh, I can't stand fics that throw Ginny into all the training Harry's getting and making her almost as strong as him. I mean, Dumbledore waited 5 years to train Harry, why would he just train Ginny for no reason at all?
  12. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    harry flirts with a hot latin bikini-wearing assassin chick on some exotic tropical beach. Why wpuld you go for ginny...this is a hot latin bikini-wearing assassin chick...a hot latin bikini-wearing assassin chick...I mean what more can you want?
  13. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Seems like he abandoned it though, it was my first favorite fic. I did go back and read it though and now it just seems average and cliched, however he did start a lot of those cliches..
  14. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    However (sighs) we would harry actually go for a good looking chick?
  15. PsyckoSama

    PsyckoSama Groundskeeper

    Jan 11, 2006
    Ironcially enough, that lump of shit is the first fic I actually gave up on part way through. I just could not stomach it any longer...
  16. Social1st

    Social1st Guest

    And thats my review :>

    I followed Kokopelli's work for a time - it was interesting .. till it got too much.

    Thats one of the reviews i sumbitted

    I wasn't aware of your story for some time,so I only recently read it.Saying that,I shall be brutally honest with you.

    The story as I see it..

    ..is nearly perfect on many accounts.From a technical point of view (grammar,punctuation,narrative) it is nearly outstanding.The action scenes are interesting & exciting,transfering the feelings and emotions of the characters to the reader.
    The words of Mike spring to mind ; "Incorporates some novel magical concepts and has 4 very well crafted OCs".It could not be truer.You have done something only a handful of authors do ; you have evolved the Magic.In my mind,Magic is a most important part of the HP universe and only a select few choose to explore it(seriously anyway).The OC's are magnificently well developed,not falling once into "STU" stereotypes.The story flows smoothly,leaving the reader in a pleasant haze of good reading.
    But not everything is perfect however.There exist some things which bothered me while reading,and without too much prologue,here they are;

    The amount of fluff.It is vomit-inducing.Seriously.There were times when I literally had to stop reading because the fluff assault made me gag.I don't mind H/G,(I'm an all-shipper,really) but the combination of the ship and the sickening amount of "sweetness" I didn't enjoy.AT ALL.

    Some of the dialogue(mainly between H/G,H/Hr,G/Hr).I found myself rereading some dialogues and saying "This cant be true..".Simply put,I thought that the "wit" the characters try to show is a mockery of true banter.I kept reaching the conclusion that these people aren't 15-16 year olds,but 11 year old children,trying to sound witty and intelligent(and failing.Badly).It's a shame,cause the story trully shines at other parts.



    How's that for sugar coated poison?
