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FF.nazi Admins just piss me off...

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by bornagainpenguin, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. Project Dark Overlord

    Project Dark Overlord First Year

    Jun 17, 2006
    That is not always the case. I have personally dealt with the plagiarism of my story, the other fict has received numerous reviews well into the 3,000's, however no one has ever stood up for my rights (some have even turned the tables saying that I am the plagiarist), though I have dealt with the author (and now have a hilarious string of correspondence), that story remains despite toeing the line with me on numerous occasions, and 'borrowing' from numerous other sources such as 'Darkly Treacherous'.
    Next point, it is listed among the Fanfiction.net rules that good grammar should be observed, and on Fanfic.net there are stories that have numerous reviews/flames, and have been reported numerous times, these ficts remain, even though they are widely known for their violations.
  2. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    Bad is different from Nonexistent Grammer.

    There are no rules against a badly cliched story with horrible plot.

    I would also think that plagarism would be a higher priority than spelling.

    Furthermore, FFNet says that they recommend the use of a spell-check, but they have no specific rule against grammer/spelling mistakes. They merely say that readers will have an easier time reading it.

    The reason stories like 'My Immortal' stay are because they are controversial and highly read. Sure, people hate it, but that doesn't stop them from generating traffic at FFNet to review/flame/read it. Seeing as its only 'crime' is bad writing and spelling/grammer, they aren't going to delete it. They would if it was plagarized.

    And Admins aren't going to stop traffic - it generates money. This is also the reason why things like slash are so prevalent - it's popular among fangirls that come on to FFNet and read. It makes money. That's why the argument "They delete good/popular/well-liked stories!" doesn't work. Admins want to keep popular fics. They can't if they find a violation to the rule.

    But they're not going to surf through pages of absolute crap to delete. No one reads them. No one is going to object to anything they have. FFNet has to prune off the violations people actually notice.

    Fanfiction.net is popular not because it has good work - it's popular because anyone can come on and write something. No one would use it if had 'Quality' minimums. If you couldn't write because you weren't good enough, how are you supposed to improve?

    Quite frankly, I'm tired of people bitching out FFNet. Yes, the Admins aren't always fair. Yes, it has alot of slash. Yes, not every fic is good.

    If it sucks so bad, why don't you try running a free fanfiction site with hundreds of thousands of fics and manage it with so little people?

    Are you going to delete fics that attract readers and make you money? No. You are not. Because running a site costs money. I can understand all the complaints if FFnet was making billions and billions and funded hundreds of people to check through all the stories. But they don't.

    I think they're doing a good job overall given the circumstances.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  3. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet

    My reply, having only now found the topic is this.

    If it was, at any time, posted and copied word for word without permission from another author, its plag. Whether they remove it or not, isnt the point.

    And IP is a fucktard. I predict that he would throw the same hissy fit any of us would if it happened to him. Its probaly simply that I am biased against him after all the shit raised in the past, but blah.

    we can say faggot but limiting slash to the MD section is wrong? Fuck you.

  4. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Could argue that it isnt english... because half the words arent. That means its in the wrong section. :)

    Yeah, I'm grasping at straws.

    And Vash, lol. What? Your avatar and sig kills my brain.
  5. Acelin

    Acelin First Year

    Oct 3, 2006
    I could be wrong here, as I also haven't read FF.net's rules in a couple years, however didn't they make Slash against the rules at one point and time, thus leading to the creation of AdultFanfiction.net?

    A Plagerism is just that, Plagerism. Wether he deleted the chapter, and apologized or not. The fact remains that at one point and time, he stole another person's work. Some of the Fanfiction.net writes are aspiring novelists, what they write in their fan fictions helps them build up to a real novel. Once you steal that person's work, it is tainted and thus is a step backwards in their goal.

    Basically what this long winded rant is about is that once plagerised a work is tainted, and should it be seen again on the website then doubts will exist.
  6. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    They never made slash against the rules, slash is the heart blood of FF.Net. There would be hardly be any stories archived if that were the case.

    What they did was make NC-17 stories against the rules, hence Adultfanfiction.net.
  7. Slipher675

    Slipher675 First Year

    Sep 16, 2006
    While I do agree with this, sometimes people do require specific things that other authors have written so their story can advance in the way they want it to. When I had attempted to write a story I felt I needed Egyptian Flame's ideas where it came to training with different groups of people to gain skills. So I e-mailed him and asked if I could use it. I figure if they agree to let you use it then it really doesn't matter. If that dipshit had thought of that then we might not even be having this chat. Or at least not about him.
  8. Acelin

    Acelin First Year

    Oct 3, 2006
    Why borrow another author's ideas? If you can't think of major plot points before writing, then why write that particular angle at all? It would be just like reading another's work.