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Fucking FF.net Admins

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Hashasheen, May 29, 2012.

  1. Cadence

    Cadence First Year

    May 3, 2012
    Agh, of all the posts to miss...

    Also, a few minutes ago I was checking the profile of a user I sometimes check out, and they had all but one of their stories nuked (they had about twenty, I think).

    Turns out that the reason was that the author used to put one or two lines of song lyrics in a few of their stories, but there is a "no song lyrics rule" because of copyright from the artists and ff.net getting in trouble and blah blah...Problem is, that once a reviewer told the author about it (this was months ago), the author removed all the lyrics. And the stories still got deleted now.

    So the staff either:

    A) didn't even bother to check if the claim in the report was valid.
    B) checked when it was first reported, marked it as "valid", and then for some reason let months pass by to take action.

    So they're either lazy, understaffed, or both.
  2. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Read their rules; the answer is, any one of those things.

    Not Allowed: interactive, chat/script, real person, MST, and etc.

    1. Lucius Malfoy has Aids! - Script format AND plagiarism.
    2. Thinking of Him - Oh, look, it's Tom and Emma! And, this one is still up... Several stories are in the HP section that feature the Harry Potter ACTORS, not the Harry Potter characters. The staff only recently got around to removing a story called "Secret Romance" that was about Emma Watson and Tom Felton engaging in very underage sex. It had been reported as early as February 7th. :fire
    3. Where Is Your Boy Tonight? - Real Person: Rupert Grint/Patrick Stump (of Fall Out Boy).
    4. Dramione meets Feltson - You figure it out.
    5. A Very Starkid Fan Fiction - A fan fic featuring the Real Life actors from A Very Potter Musical. Still up. Still in violation of FFN's rules.
    6. Bellatrix's Daughter - Not only does this illiterate twat not know how to capitalize words, but this is in script format.
    7. Reactions - Script format.
    8. My Immortal: An Extremely Mature Review - As for MSTs, pick any of the zillion and a half stories that pick apart, "analyze", and otherwise comment on My Immortal. They aren't stories, they are the very definition of MSTing, but FFN is either slow to get rid of them, or simply leaves them up, despite them being against the rules (and plagiarism, though I'm not exactly crying over the violations against My Immortal's intellectual property). The linked one is, in addition to being a moronic MST and a rules violation, an unreadable wall of text.
    Non-Story: Lists, notes, polls, announcement, and etc.

    1. 4 words for all - Just a list of character names, each followed by a four-word phrase to describe them. Useless cunt couldn't even capitalize their title.
    2. 100 ways to annoy Voldemort - LIST.
    3. 102 Things I am NOT allowed to do at Hogwarts - LIST.
    4. My letter to the Golden Trio - This is not only an unreadable WALL O' TEXT, it's a letter to the cast of the movies from some starry-eyed paragon of forever alone-dom. This shit all belongs on Live Journal or one of its clones.
    5. Any number of stories that are actually someone just saying "Need help finding a story..."
    Disregard for proper language: grammar, spelling, punctuation, and etc.

    1. Nearly every story on that site. EVER!
    In the wrong category or wrong site.

    1. Easy enough to understand... a lot of people are guilty of slapping their original fiction in FFN's Harry Potter section, because they think a lot of eyes will see it. Sure, a lot of people browse that category, but what they fail to realize is the submission rate is so fast, their story will be knocked back to page 100 in no time.
    2. Sadly, you can't really use this as grounds to report stories that list incorrect main characters. For instance, a ton of stories list Lily-Luna Potter when they mean Lily Evans Potter, and vice versa.
    Rating: explicit content or adult content above current rating.

    1. Ivy's Prodigy - Let's see if the summary says anything about the writer's frame of mind, shall we?
    Well, they're already looking like a candidate for "disregarding proper language", and they don't care what you say about their story, as long as you feed their lust for reviews.

    That, however, is beside the point. The explicit content violation comes in when, in the numerous walls of text this story is composed of, Vernon and Dudley take five-year-old Harry and punch him, kick him, whip him with a belt, then drag him out to the middle of nowhere.

    Using several Japanese swords they purchased, they proceed to tie Harry to a post, then carve a thousand slashes into his front, turn him around, and repeat it on his back. And, because the author is mentally deficient as well as a closeted sadist, he stupidly mentions, four times, that Vernon specified 250 slashes, but actually only stopped upon reaching 500 - I guess we're supposed to be impressed with his eye-rollingly repetitive cruelty.

    Then Vernon and Dudley both pee all over Harry, hang him from a tree until he nearly chokes to death, and pin his hands and feet to the trunk with several sharp implements, before sticking a katana into the tree under his crotch, sharp edge up, so that it is cutting into his scrotum, in the hopes that gravity will eventually finish what they started.

    Poison Ivy finds him and takes him down, and he mysteriously turns into a girl between the second and third chapters.

    My objection to all of this is, of course, the gratuitous and unnecessary presence of Asian/weeaboo weaponry. :facepalm

    Joking aside, I'm sure there are equally violent (or worse) stories on FFN, but they also probably have redeeming features like -oh, I don't know- a plot, spelling, grammar, a plot, substance, a distinct lack of scenes where a grown woman who is also criminally insane lets a strange five-year-old fruitlessly attempt to breastfeed from her, moments after having mysteriously swapped genders, oh, and a plot.

    I happen to know that various people have been reporting this story for, if nothing else, ratings violations for over a year now, with no results.
    Not the property of uploading writer.

    1. Lucius Malfoy has Aids! - Simply the lyrics of the You Have Aids song from Family Guy, with Malfoy's name inserted at the beginning. And, as previously stated, it's in script format.
    2. Some douche uploaded a transcript of A Very Potter Musical, and it took FFN forever to take it down.
    3. Harry's Life in the Open - Most importantly, this is plagiarism.
    This is also, as far as I know, the story that has the dubious distinction of having kicked off a whole new subsection of "Reads the Books" fics, where Umbridge reads the books to Hogwarts, in an attempt to discredit Harry and Dumbledore and make them look bad, only for it to backfire on her.

    After I first saw this abomination, there was a huge spate of copycat fics.

    This story quotes, verbatim, virtually the entirety of Sorcerer's Stone, for a start... It's probably the most flagrant example of plagiarizing the books that I have ever seen in a "Reads the Books" fic. The amount of quoted text is mind-boggling. That's on top of this basically being nothing more than a "high concept" (I said, laughing despite the pain) MSTing of the books.

    Have a look at chapter two; the bold face sections are quotes from the books. Yes, out of roughly 5,713 words (26,307 characters, minus spaces), the text quoted directly from the first chapter of Sorcerer's Stone makes up 4,609 words (21,061 characters).

    For those curious, the first chapter of Sorcerer's Stone is approximately 4,639 words (21,164 characters) long.

    In short, if you don't feel like paying to read Harry Potter, nancypotter25 is doing a bang up job of pirating it for you, and FFN's moderators Do. Not. Care. :|

    Also, there is a sequel for Chamber of Secrets.

    Songfics, by definition, should be deleted from the site as a matter of course, yet many remain. You should be able to get away with quoting a line or two (say, as an epigram at the top of the chapter), but songfic, by its very nature, involves posting whole songs, which treads into dangerous (often maudlin, always stupid) territory.

    People moan a lot about slashfic clogging up the site and making it hard to find good stories, but shit stories (and NON-stories) that violate the rules clog the site up very nearly as much, and unlike slash, you CAN (supposedly) get rid of them by reporting them.

    And, before anyone asks: I spot most of these based on their summaries, on the increasingly rare occasions when I trawl the HP section for new fics. If something obviously looks like a rules violator, or just something that promises to be so stupid I can't resist leaving a bad review, I'll check and verify.

    I can assure you the last thing I'm doing is looking for Ron Weasley slash, only to be disappointed that they messed it up by making it about Rupert Grint.

    Why in hell do so many people write Real Person fic about Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance, anyway? It's like a disease... :puke:
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  3. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    We went with 'Harry Potter: Hero of the Wizarding World?' in the end. Not going to annoy admins over there, and as an HP story in the same vein as Flashman and Ciaphas Cain, it's appropriate as well.
  4. Kurufinwe

    Kurufinwe Groundskeeper

    Nov 6, 2010
    Cracow, Poland
    Hashasheen, where I can find "Big Fish in a Tiny Fucking Pond"? I am just seeing it for the first time now and it looks interesting.
  5. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    I have a question. Does FFN looking for new admins? Maybe we should have a DLPer as admin. It would turn the site around just by association.

    Hell I am already spending several hours a day reading fanfiction, could spend that time nuking fics which goes against rules. It would be my pleasure. :sherlock:

    Also Warlocke I am reporting all of that list maybe more reports forces admins to act.

    edit: Now I have reported all of the stories which in your post lets see how long it will take for admins to delete any.
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  6. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Pretty much only on the TFF forums at this point. I'll be honest, it was about five thousand words in five chapters and pretty poorly planned and written .
  7. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Not to sound like a noob but what the hell is MST?
  8. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    MST = Mystery Science Theater. They were the first guys who really refined riffing as an art, and who every modern internet critic rips off now.
  9. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    As Silens Cursor said.

    The thing that also burns me is that, in addition to being plagiarism (some cases quite extreme, like Harry's Life in the Open), a large portion of "Reads The Books" fics are, in fact, just another form of MSTing.

    The people that write this stuff quote from another person's work (JKR's), and then have their characters make comments on it. For many of these 'stories' that's literally ALL they do, with a character uttering a few pithy words in response to multiple paragraphs of text quoted directly from JKR.

    By definition, most "Reads The Books" fics violate, at the very least, two of FFN's submission rules, both of which are supposed to be grounds for deletion.

    And, yet, how many of them are on that site, now? :mad:
  10. Estrecca

    Estrecca Guest

    There have been reports of folks contacting the FF.net admins by e-mail and having their stories restored, if the authors change things to fit the existing rules.

    You might want to give it a try. It'd certainly be less of a bother than reposting the whole fics.
  11. Cadence

    Cadence First Year

    May 3, 2012
    Somebody has been making a table with statistics of deleted stories:


  12. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    It should be ten times of that.

    For some reason they go after good stories more often, :nazi bad stories left alone.
  13. serenadeofhatred

    serenadeofhatred First Year

    Jan 29, 2012
    How do I e-mail the admins? My story was deleted as well.
  14. Doctor Whooves

    Doctor Whooves High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2011
    Not sure it'll help much, mate, but FF.Net provides a support email address here.
  15. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    Is anybody here also annoyed by FF's new layout changes? The silly icons on the left really slow me down scanning through the mess to find something because it breaks the reading flow.
  16. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    They spend all that time adding useless pictures and smartphone functionality and shit, then they probably spend three minutes a month on quality assurance.
  17. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Now this takes me back to 2006. This isn't new. That year, they nuked a whole lot of stories - stories that a lot of us here on DLP read and many we didn't. You've all seen the icon posted in this thread. FFN Nazi - Good Fic? Delete!

    They don't bother checking. If they have enough complaints, it goes in the pile and when it comes time to clean house...

    I'm fairly sure this was one of the driving forces behind creating Patronus Charm, even though it didn't go online for many years after. And one of the reasons that Bornagainpenguin started gathering stories - many of which are now lost because of the purge - and placed them in the Archive.

    Most authors will repost and ignore any warnings. Some will take their stories elsewhere. Some will quit writing all together. And some blatant violators will be missed completely while others with hardly anything wrong will get pinged.
  18. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    So I woke up and checked my FFN updates. There were a whole bunch of them. All of them author's notes, saying that the FFN admins are planning on taking down all(?) stories with lemons.

    Fucking cunts.
  19. blob

    blob Seventh Year

    Jul 29, 2011
    Ah, for fucks sake... It was one of the things that would alert you immediately that the fic is a piece of shit.

    @topic - frankly, I'm not surprised. There is a metric fuckton of stories on ffn, and I doubt that every single report would be checked, even if briefly. Doesn't mean that it's good, but nothing unexpected.

    Also, on a rather unrelated note - why are there small avatars (normally found on author's pages) next to stories? How do I disable this bullshit clogging up my display?


    Sooo.. since most good stories have at least a few descriptions of spilling guts and the like and details a good story make, it's supposedly against the rules now?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  20. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...
    Hey, those are some good guilty pleasures.