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General League of Legends V 3.0

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    The greatest game of all time.
  2. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Oh. My. Jesus.

    What the fuck EG? What the fuck Gambit?

    I have never in my life watched, or participated in, a game funnier than that. I was literally lol'ing irl.

    Edit: Frognivia please. Frogcrank is a beast.
    Edit2: oh god Alex's face during the pause. Zero fucks were given this day.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2013
  3. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    New Skin:


    It's grab is it's tongue shooting out.
  4. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    That plushie. Holy shit.
  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Does anyone know if there is a video of this match somewhere? I need to show it to a bunch of people.

    Edit:Here it is.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2013
  6. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    That game, and the interview with Froggen and Krepo at the end, was the perfect way to end a ridiculously long day of watching League.
  7. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Riot, what the fuck. If you want me to reset my password to allow me to play, at least have the decency to allow me to log in on PVP.net in order to fucking change my password.

    Super pissed right now. "Internal Server Error", the fuck does that even mean?
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    What it says on the tin, problems with the servers. Could be the influx of people wanting to reset their passwords though looking at the time and Riot's general stability (touch wood for EUW) with servers, I doubt that's the problem.

    Kinda made me glad I was up super early this morning and managed to change it before the servers fell over login wise. Was stunned to see them making a password change mandatory but it's once way to stop people whining over the security/panic about it being their details unless they get an e-mail.

    That and the new security features they're working on, don't think we'll see them before the end of the year, or at least the start of S4.

    Edit; Just had someone build a tanky Tryndamere vs a team of squishies and assassins, I failed to see his logic of 'we lack a tank' ... Considering Kha, Akali and Ahri can all dive past you, sure buddy.

    EUW is getting unbearable again as well, with nothing from Riot short of notifications long after the lag's gotten beyond tolerable. Been happening since Sunday, it's not too bad in aram though it has been getting more noticeable - I dread to think what ranked has been like the past few days. Can't even spectate a game currently due to the spectator server falling over and kicking you out.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2013
  9. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:

    When I was doing some loltheorycrafting I realized I had an interesting puzzle with Mordekaiser. Because on Mordekaiser, it's actually possible to do too much damage (because your shield caps out) and your money is better spent at that breaking point on things that keep you alive longer (more hp and resistances, or ms). Anyone else have an interesting problem like that one to work on for fun?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
  10. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Only thing I can really think of is "how much mana is too much mana on Singed".

    Also, did they get rid of Kha'zix's ability to W mid-jump? I tried to do it several times in games today, because it's great initiate in my opinion, but it just wouldn't work. I admit that I'm probably behind the times, but I only just bought him recently. The last time I played him was probably has last free week rotation.
  11. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    They did,. sadly
  12. Daedros

    Daedros Seventh Year

    May 7, 2012
    They patched that out ages ago, when his big changes went through. It was even in the patch notes...
  13. Kaemrynn

    Kaemrynn Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    If you're looking for a good theorycrafting problem, you could look at which item results in better healing for Swain with his ultimate: Spirit Visage or Hextech Revolver/Spectral Wraith. That's the only thing that I can think of off the top of my head.
  14. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I'd have thought both would be good on Swain, to interject aimlessly into this bit - though obviously only one's going to really fit into a build unless you're against double or even triple AP in which case you'd probably grab a Negatron after your RoA and then complete visage after.

    Assuming of course your full build looks something like RoA > Wraith > Rylai's > Void > Visage > Boots.

    Just my rough idea of a Swain build after 4 hours sleep, though you could arguably swap out Rylai's/Visage for an Abyssal if your team's lacking one, I still think it's a great item even if you're the only AP.

    Though going Wraith first makes more sense to me unless again, it's double or more AP on the enemy team - early & cheap AP to go with your RoA stacking, a huge chunk of CDR & Spell Vamp + you should be fighting for objectives by now if for some crazy reason you haven't already.
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Warning: Math

    I don't think i'd ever go wraith on Swain. 550 gold for +30 AP and 20% spell vamp on my teammates vs 10% CDR and 10 mp/5 isn't really a fair comparison. People forget just how useful spell vamp is, even for non-AP members of your team. True, most abilities only get about 7% spellvamp (being AOE in nature) but even still that sustain can add up over time. Spell Vamp applies to any ability that is cast that doesn't involve autoattacks, after all.

    Spell vamp seems to win out fairly often, because Swain's ultimate is AOE, but also hits 3 targets, so while each individual "spell" only gets 1/3 the normal amount, when you add the bits together again you get your full amount of spell vamp.

    The following equations ignore several things, but since they should be the same regardless of circumstances (the amount of damage mitigated by your opponent through defenses, for instance) they don't seem to be relevant and rather muck up the equation rather needlessly. You'll notice that you're doing true damage (because calculating magic resistance is annoying and useless; your numbers are going down the same amount either way), and that I haven't applied any AP to the equations, even though inevitably a spell vamp build will have either 50 (wraith) or 80 (wota) more AP than the spirit visage will. This is because the differences between the two builds will only get larger as you have more AP.


    300*.2=60 health + (300*.75 -the default healing mechanic of Swain's ultimate on champions-=225)=285 health received


    100*3=300 Damage done to 3 targets

    300*.75=225 Health received as a result of that damage

    225*1.2 (healing coefficient of spirit visage)=270 health received

    In rather simpler terms, you can either get up to 20% of your damage in a heal up front, or get a 15% increase of a 75% heal when the bird gets back to you.

    That isn't to say that there aren't circumstances where the spirit visage isn't better, but rather that as long as you're teamfighting or fighting the opposing champion where there's at least 2 minions, the spell vamp will win out as seen below (.75 is the % of damage you get back on health when your ult hits a champion, .25 is the amount you get back for hitting minions):

    Spell Vamp equation:

    300 Damage dealt to 3 targets.

    300*.2=60 health from spell vamp.

    (100*.75)+(100*.25)+(100*.25)=125 health from ultimate effects

    60+125=185 health total received.

    Spirit Visage:

    300 damage dealt to 3 targets.

    (100*.75)+(100*.25)+(100*25)=125 base health received.

    125*1.20=150 health total received.

    That isn't to say spirit visage is useless; it provides it's passive, plus health (to allow you to sustain longer, or outlive burst) magic resist, and CDR. If these are all stats you need then it will obviously be a superior build than the spell vamp one (for instance, where you are getting bursted down too quickly to heal). One instance I believe a spirit visage build is stronger than a spell vamp one is in a duel with no minions around:

    Spell Vamp:

    100 damage dealth to 1 target.

    100*.07= 7 health regained from spell vamp

    100*.75=75 health regain from Swain's ultimate

    7+75=82 total health regained

    Spirit Visage:

    100 damage dealt to 1 target.

    100*.75=75 health regained from Swain's ultimate.

    75*1.15=86.25 total health regained.

    Given that at the spirit visage also provides 4 health per second (4.8 with the passive) you win up at 91 health regained every second your passive is up, which is about 10 hp more.

    Overall there isn't a significant difference in terms of HP received, but with spell vamp you can also get health back on your other 3 abilities (QWE) albeit at the reduced AOE/DOT rate (although in the case of a Q that lasts 3 seconds you break even, and if your E lasts for 4 seconds you come ahead, strictly speaking).

    TL: DR Spell vamp wins in everything but the 1v1 duel by a small margin. Getting both isn't really efficient though, since 60*.2=12, which will very rarely save your life. Although if you are getting the spirit visage for the other stats (HP,CDR, and MR) then it won't hurt, but it's definitely nothing to write home about. All of these numbers may be inflated by your AP, and deflated by their magic resist, but overall for the best sustain you get spell vamp, because it provides more oomph for your spells, and you get to heal off all 4 of your spells, instead of just the one.

    @Mana on singed:

    The mana you get will scale with health (Which scales with defenses) and with the on-active proc of Archangels (shield=20% of current mana) so it will always be better to get more mana because it double dips to add to your effective health. I don't know enough Singed builds to really make a strong basis for calculation, but I do know that with the exception of magic resist, there is a mana (and thus health) giving equivalent of a defensive item.

    Given that with a relatively simple build (Mercs, FH, ROA, and Seraphs) plus ult Singed's defensive stats are:

    3298 Health (3948 )
    3150 Mana
    172 (+65) Armor (237)
    55 (+65) Magic Resist (120)
    Manastaff shield at full mana:630

    If you proc his manastaff shield and then his ult (so you don't lose .2*150=30) you are running around with (for 3 seconds) 13304 effective physical HP and 8685 effective magic health. AKA mana is king on singed.

    TL: DR -the sequel-: Mana has a 1:.45 health ratio on Singed. More health is pretty much always better because you can get mana with defensive stats attached and Singed has a defensive steroid.

    p.s. Did no one ever realize for ADC you can trade 2 bonus damage on minions and 5% execution damage for 3% lifesteal and spell vamp? Whivch at level 1 with a Doran's blade is 12 health a hit (as opposed to 9). Going to try it on graves next time I have to ADC, but it's a huge boon for characters who want to win the lane early, or have huge autoattack modifiers (looking at you draven)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
  16. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I think going for the 21 in offense is almost always better. It gives much better kill potential in lane and even on a late game carry it scales really well. The only way I could see the going for the lifesteal as better would be if you were really worried about surviving lane, but even then I think you'd be better off going for block in the defensive masteries.
  17. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    If you're going 19/0/11 to take Vampirism in Utility, you're giving up the 36-138 health, 5 armor and improved Cleanse/Barrier you could get from Defensive as well as the two points you need to take out of Offensive (Executioner and either 1.5 flat penetration from Sunder or the 10% attack speed after crit from Frenzy. Dunno where you pulled Butcher from).

    The early game durability you get from Defensive is way too good for me to ever give up. Not for a quint and a half of Lifesteal.
  18. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Graves doesn't really need to run the defense tree in the first place, and having the mana to spam Q lets you really crush lanes.

    P.s. 36 health and 5 armor is gained back in 3 autoattacks.
  19. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    It's honestly pretty simple choice for Swains that need to decide what item to get. If you need to be tankier, get Spirit Visage. If you want more damage, get the Spellvamp item. You guys can crunch numbers, and I'm sure there are differences in the healing numbers. But in the end, they serve different purposes as a part of the build, and it's better to figure out what role you need to play in the team.

    Also, I don't know about you guys, but 5% increase damage to people under 50%, and flat armor pen is really good. 3% lifesteal might seem nice, but it really doesn't do that much. If we are just going for gold value wise, just finishing off the Offensive mastery tree is far better. Just run some lifesteal runes if you need it.
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    People play Swain? XD
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