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General League of Legends V 3.0

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I dunno, Pete's passive whilst Krepo's constantly aggro, they're a weird pairing as they're polar opposites yet they work well together. Krepo's problem is he tries too hard to force things when nobody else is around, he tried to start a fight twice in 5 vs 3 situations. I also think Krepo needs to change his itemisation up. Yes, vision is great, but no coin = no hasty get-away/engage for your team. The vision advantage has done jack for EG every game so far as I can tell and I'm still not sold at all on his Locket as a second item, it's just in such a bad spot as an item I feel.

    Pete does fine, he just needs to be peeled for as I don't think he's mechanically skilled enough to survive on his own, especially given his recently played champions.

    Snoopeh needs to stick to being the tank, or keep to champions he knows well enough - Lee has never been a good champion for him as he showed on his smurf repeatedly. Gragas also seemed to come out of nowhere, regardless of scrims and practise; it wasn't showing. He has bad games but this one was a stinker.

    The team as a whole needs to leave Lee alone; He has no place in competitive meta currently unless you're jungling, and that means being good at Lee - something nobody on EG has thus far demonstrated and I'd rather they stayed away from the champion as a whole. How they let Zion farm up and get huge whilst not warding correctly against Shiptur is beyond me.

    Innox hasn't impressed me at all thus far as he (or EG) either have no idea how the current tank meta works or they're unwilling to accept it, and even then his Mundo was weak. He had the lead in one game and did jack with it - EG just suck at capitalising on their early games advantages that they seem to consistently have recently.

    Pobelter... I dunno. Everyone said he had potential and Curse screwed him but like the rest of the roster, he needs to up his game. His Riven was pathetic, his build was dreadful on top of that (who doesn't get a BT or Hydra on Riven? If you don't have any LS good luck surviving the opening 2 seconds of a fight, let alone diving the backline) and even in their lone victory I don't recall him being that good; that said, I was half asleep watching that game and ideally need to re-watch all 4 games.

    TLDR; EG suck wang at capitalising on advantages and need to step their game up rather than turn into passive farm mode every game - and still finding a way to fall behind.

    Top 4 is do-able for them, they just have to buck up their idea's, stick to what they know early and bring out any 'shock' picks they have in the middle of the season, around week 4.
  2. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    To be fair, EG have been playing passive and waiting for late game for two years now. It takes a really long time to break habits like that, especially when you don't have a coach telling you to stop doing it. Just look at CLG, who are only now starting to actually do what Montecristo has been telling them to do for... what, six months now?
  3. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Finally bought T3 runes and a life steal quint. Games since have been beast mode. Turns out being 'okay' without runes means you're going to do pretty well once you have them ^_^
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    DIG vs XDG. DIG bails early on a baron at around 35% left, not wanting to risk a smite battle with all of XDG waiting over the wall. Cait on XDG keeps attacking baron over the wall, grag ults it, elise goes in for smite. Crumbz goes back in and smite steals, then they get 4 kills and 2 inhibs. 10k gold swing in a minute with baron+2 turrets+2inhibs+4 kills.

    WTF is this amateur league call?

    I'm finally getting back into lol with a game or two every couple of nights and I'm not happy with the gragas changes. He'll be nerfed soon I'm sure and fuck that noise.
  5. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Gragas has already been nerfed on the PBE, I don't remember the exact changes but I'm fairly certain they hit the base damage on his ult & took a chunk out of the ratio. Still think he'll be in a fine spot and a top pick though, his ult's just too good, a reverse Ori ult if you will.

    Worried for EG vs Dig as Dig have looked relatively strong, even if Vulcan fell back into their old ways. That & EG have looked really weak in solo lanes pretty much every game.
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    EG is ridiculous.

    Nidalee with Leona? Really?
  7. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Leona pokes really well with her zenith blade.
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    EG are just clueless. You think they'd have worked out by now the 1 game they had a tank, it went well. Outside that they're still stuck in the 'we're behind, what do we do now?' phase that they never really seemed to shift out of.

    Innox still hasn't proven he's a good top laner yet and Pobelter's just, I dunno. Not that the old EG guys are helping; sending Ez & Leona mid? Against Ziggs? Repeatedly? Do you guys want to take towers or just have a farmfest?

    They need to go back, look at champ select and think; "What the fuck do we wanna do?" because poke doesn't work anymore. Too much hard engage, tanks are the current thing and anti-tanks are slowly working their way in. Outside that, they have GOT to learn to take advantages of any tiny lead they can grasp. They can make Summer split and avoid relegations if they put the effort in now, otherwise they'll be joining XD.GG and Coast in the relegation games.
  9. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    There's really very few good picks against a Ziggs mid, and S3 picks definitely aren't it. Ez hasn't been a good pro pick for a while.

  10. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Doublelift just contradicted himself playing Ezreal today too, and he's still doing the S3 build for whatever reason, I dunno, he's in his own world. Ezreal suits Pete's style but, Caitlyn's arguably his best carry. At least Krepo didn't try and force too many fights on his own this time, or whilst being severely out-numbered.

    Yasuo would work but he's disabled this week because they're playing pre-hotfix where his ult just locks people up till they die. Why they can't apply a hotfix to the Tournament Realm is beyond me, something about it fucking with the stability's what I heard but still.
  11. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    In the non-Tourny Realm though he's been wrecking tanks like nothing.
  12. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Well, he's designed to. He gains 50% armor pen against bonus armor and given as how the majority of tanks have 3~ armor items, he destroys them. Also works against squishes regardless because hey, 100% crit chance with an insanely low CD Q. Would love to play him but I fear the skill ceiling, even if he's almost a free win recently in Solo Q.
  13. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    I also don't understand why EG don't play any tanks, especially when Snoopeh is such a good tank player. I want to see him stop taking early game playmakers like Lee Sin and Vi and start playing support tanks again. And I don't necessarily mean Amumu, there's also Cho'Gath, Maokai, Nautilus, Sejuani, Skarner... yes they all have 'weak' early games, but fuck me it's not like he's doing anything with that early game strength now.

    At least on a tank he could power farm the jungle, scale into an unkillable sack of hitpoints and crowd control, peel for Pete and maybe win a team fight.
  14. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    To be honest, his skill floor isn't that high. Q is automatically set to smartcast so there's no fear there. His E is targeted, W has a decent skill floor but once you get remotely decent with it, you become the playmaker, blocking ultis and stuff. And his ulti has weird timing, but once you get it down, it is glorious.
  15. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    The main problem I have with playing Yasuo is positioning and timing the dashes to take advantage of the utterly broken mobility.
  16. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I imagine he's easy to get a grasp on, but hard to master. As someone who plays pretty much tanks exclusively I can see me going in when I really shouldn't, but eh, I need to start playing normal draft mode games and practising there assuming I can get the lane/champion I want. Normal games just seem too... Annoying as practise.

    Regarding Snoopeh, I dunno. He should play a tank but tanks are all weak early so he's liable to getting one of his early buffs stolen, counter-jungled or just outright killed. I think Vi would work, they just need a lane he can actually gank. They had 0 synergy with the Vi jungle yesterday short of Leona, and good luck ganking an Annie as Vi unless you blow everything as Leona.

    Synergy seems to be their problem, they don't have a clue what they want. They build some kind of 'poke' comp with Nid and Ez, I assume Zed and Vi were meant to just instantly kill someone and Leona to lock up anything going for Pete but I just... You can't play a poke comp and engage or hover around on your own near Annie's flash range.

    Fingers crossed they pull out another win today against XD.GG because if they don't, someone needs to go back to their house 4 hours away or wherever it is, slap them and tell them they're doing it wrong. That or fire whoever's currently being their analyst/coach, assuming they even have one.
  17. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    You think there's no synergy between a Vi and Zed? That's basically a free kill once they both hit 6, look at the TSM/CLG game, Vi is designed to get your midlaner fed. The problem was that all the early action was in the side lanes tower pushing and by the time Snoopeh was able to focus on the midlane Pobelter had already started splitpushing.

    Honestly I don't think there was that much wrong with their strategy in that last game they just had the problem that all Nidalee, and to some extent Ezreal, teams have, once you fall behind you're fucked. They needed to get ahead early which is why they picked snowbally mid and bottom lanes but Dig outplayed them with the fast push in top that got them through the tricky earlygame for free.
  18. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    What I meant was there's no CC outside of Vi & Leona, which in all fairness can be all the CC you need in a teamfight if you've poked people enough. Especially when ganking a Ziggs. I mentioned it on reddit yesterday, if Dig 2 vs 1 Nidalee, especially if Innox goes AP Nidalee then they're going to have some real problems getting into the mid game with a positiong that they'd like and lo and behold, Dig 2 vs 1 and actually pushed harder than I thought they would getting to inhib tower in like 6 minutes.

    I think they just need to go back to basic, solid picks that they feel comfortable on and play out the game as normally as you can without trying to force anything, which they were great at yesterday for the most part. The problem was they didn't know what to do come mid-game and just got caught out with Pobelter split-pushing.
  19. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I think that Eg, and a lot of other teams have been overestimating the effect that the tower changes would have on the viability of 2v1 lanes. They were obviously expecting standard lanes considering they had just about the worst possible lanes for 2v1.
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Do SKTT1 players ever stream? I use Twitch mainly, but thought that maybe some streamers don't use Twitch services.
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