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Complete Grim: A Fairy's Tale by belleradh - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by CaptainG, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    There's an excessively long post Here on direction and some questions people have. Also a note on the Ch.7 rewrite. Expect that tonight.
  2. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    All Ican really say is that I like the chapter and I wonder what Harry's response is going to be.
  3. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Don't make Ixi's scar too ugly, I don't want to support Harry/Ugly!Girl pairing!

    I like the second version much better, especially the Prophet article.
  4. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Of course it updates without me checking. Great chapter. I especially liked the Hunt.
  5. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    I don't really see it being a problem, considering the placement.

    And hey! Scars can be good, I have tons.
  6. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    I really enjoyed Dumbledore's thought process. I like how his attention is divided - so he keeps jumping to erroneous conclusions in regard to Harry.

    Also digging Harry further embracing his fae nature. It's so nice to see a non-human Harry that doesn't turn into a sex-maniac vampire.
  7. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Sure, but can you imagine a cute scar? Because, you know, Ixi is supposed to be cute. That's how I imagine her, at least.

    Ah, forgot the obligatory "update soon, please!".
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  8. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    @Kensington: Oh wow, that image will be with me a while. Grimm!Harry pulling a !Leatherpants moment in the Great hall, and needing a space-expansion charm for the broom closet... guh. Mindbleach.

    @ Krzaq: No worries, she'll still be cute. Though no promises on the pairing thing :p

    On an unrelated note: should I post Grimm on PatronusCharm? I've not done anything on that site and wonder if it's 'prefered' to FFN or if people really just don't care much.
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Updating my review rating to a 4/5 from an earlier 3/5 (when reviewed at 5 chapters).

    The only reason it hasn't moved all the way up to a 5/5 is that there are still some parts where things are a bit... I don't want to say boring, but something about some of your passages just makes me start skimming instead of reading so I can get to the parts I find more interesting. This tendency both occurs less often and for shorter periods of time than it did early on though, so yay for that. It's fairly minor though, and if I could I'd give it a 4.5/5.

    Harry's characterization is great for who he is in this story. We can still see hints of the Harry we know from canon, but he's a completely different person in this story. I also liked that you actually provided a good reason for the Dursley's being more arseholish in your story than they seem to be in canon -- Harry's Unseelie nature was affecting them. Rede and Raith are still fresh and interesting OCs, which is hard to pull off but you've managed it.

    The scene where Harry led the hunt was spectacular. Top notch writing there. I liked also that he "looked like Maeve's own" afterwards, though it wore off. Good stuff, and I can't wait for another update.
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  10. lightwater

    lightwater First Year

    Nov 23, 2008
    On the note of houses, I actually think Hufflepuff would be the most logical in this case... From what we've seen so far, loyalty is Harry's greatest trait right now. He's more calm and collected, and I can't see him having fits of reckless courage and bravery. Even after the Fae were attacked, he managed to calm himself down--he's not impulsive. Similarly, we have not seen anything in the story so far that would make Slytherin or Ravenclaw a good fit. Remember that continuity is very important... his actions up until now don't indicate a huge ambition or calculative streak; there haven't been any indication that he has a thrist for knowledge either. It simply makes sense at this point in the story for him to be a Hufflepuff. After all, isn't the whole premise of the story based around loyalty? Loyalty to his human side, or to his fae side?

    I suppose it doesn't matter what house he is in too much as long as being sorted into a specific house doesn't suddenly make him become more brave, cunning or knowledgeable just to fit into that house.

    On pairings, I definitely can't see any HHr here. Like many others have said, her bookish and naive nature make her incompatible to Harry, who just takes things in stride. On the opposite end, I can't see a Harry/Ixi here either. The main reason is simply that she doesn't talk! At all! Whenever she's mentioned its always just that Ixi sits on Harry's head or how comforting a presence she is. Her development has slowed down a ton, if there even was any in the first place. There's nothing written that shows a real bond between them. You just kind of state that there is one.

    To this end, I support Harry/Rede. She's gotten a lot more characterization and is a fresh, interesting OC. She has a lot of intimate interactions with Harry and has a lot of screentime. You could play with the fact that she is a Redcap and has a twin brother a lot too. They get along well together but aren't attached at the hip. This pairing seems the most natural to me, just because there isn't any other plausible option right now.

    It occurs to me that both suggestions I just made were reasoned out from "...simply because there is no other choice." It seems that the story is writing itself almost, and I'm not sure if this is necessarily a good or bad thing. Good, because it flows. Bad, because it gets predictable. Either way, great story, keep it up!
  11. Orm Embar

    Orm Embar Auror

    Mar 18, 2008
    On the shores of Selidor
    First off, I'd just like to say that I enjoyed the latest chapter immensely. You wrote a good battle/massacre scene, and you managed to patch up the plot hole that was Dumbledore's rather conspicuous absence. You've done well with writing filler and introducing new characters, something that's notoriously challenging outside of Hogwarts. I look forward to seeing how your Harry copes with the revelation that he's a wizard.

    Still, bringing your Harry into the standard Hogwarts environment may prove difficult. Hopefully you have some idea of how to manage it, and can maintain the level of writing you displayed in the last chapter.
  12. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    Slytherin would be an interesting house for Harry depending on how you reveal to the world about Harry's Unseelie nature. If the Slytherins try to shut him out because of it, you could have Harry try to prove that Unseelie is if not equal, better than Purebloods to an extent...
  13. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    And then they'll hate him twofold, because not only is he a half-blood, he's some kind of half-creature :p

    I don't think it really matter's what house he's in.. doesn't seem like it would be a very major part of the story. He's going to be an outcast no matter what house he's placed in.
  14. psihary

    psihary Groundskeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    ... I've got a polar bear for a neighbour...
    This ^^ ... and after the last two chapters, with his growing dislike borderline hate of wizards, I can't see what would make him want to join in to live under the same roof as one of them.

    Perhaps a quest for knowledge, which Maeve could see as beneficial and stress upon him the importance of learning all of his powers, or simply another place to live in since Dumbledore could very well tell him the shack won't be available for him and he has to move in the castle(though the last could hardly hold any ground).

    Pairings?! Why is everyone talking about pairing when he is at the age of 10. Think in terms of friendship relations, of which he should have none simply because of his nature.
  15. Demons In The Night

    Demons In The Night Chief Warlock

    Jan 11, 2008
    Yeah seriously. Why do a lot of authors force pairings when the characters are only 10-11 years old?

    The only pairing at that age should be Harry+Hand, but you really don't need to even imply it. Actually, please don't.
  16. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Nice, grats on your post count!

    And yeah.. None of that going on. I have many, many fond memories of childhood friendships that involved everything from trying to suck the wasp venom out of my friend's fingers to napping on someone's lap in the sun, and I think we accidentally set someone's boathouse on fire. Close friendships do not equal romances.
  17. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Su Li is alright, being as close to canon as it's possible, but I really wish you called football "football".

    As for the rest of the chapter, it's simply amazing, as always. Hermione felt a little (or maybe a lot) too social, though.

    I wonder what will happen with the twins once Harry enters Hogwarts. Will they just keep invisible?
  18. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    I plan to humanize Hermione and a few other characters a bit as I go. Was never really satisfied with how shallow many of them were managed. She specifically always seemed to me like a mouthpiece to rule, rote and regulation before. Not to mention JKR's admitting she used either her or Dumbledore to explain things, when needed. It's the same with Ron, when you think about it. Fanon sucks that way.

    The orientation thing is a heavy step AU really, and combined with later elements should settle her more into a familiar mold, but also with some reasonable 'outs'. I dislike how one-dimensional people make their characters. Trying hard to break out of that, since one of my strengths is character development.
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Hermione seemed a bit too mature.

    In the books, she has a certain kind of maturity, but also a good amount of immaturity, in that she mistakenly believed maturity to be the same thing as constant seriousness. In taking that away from her and making her much wiser/sociable, you're making her more perfect, not less... more one sided. The value of sociability and friendship, IMO, is something she has to learn as she interacts with people, rather than something that she just knows because she's super!Hermione.
  20. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Beh. I was hoping to counter her high intelligence with a lack of empathy, essentially an overbalanced personality. Something to compliment her apparent personality but also give a reasonable basis for being what I need her to be later.

    Certainly don't want her coming off as a perfect character. Counterproductive.

    I'll go back and scan. May need to emphasize that lack of empathy a bit more.
    Oh, and no that's not to compliment Harry. More to irritate him.