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Half Blood Prince Hate it or Love it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 16, 2005.


Was the book was the money you paid?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Glad I downloaded it.

  1. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    JKR's story got pretty weak right around there. Myself I'd rather think that Tom was sent back to the Orphanage and beaten, thus his evil outlook on life, not just bloodlines. IP82 more or less summed up my thoughts.
  2. Tobang

    Tobang Fourth Year

    Dec 29, 2005
    12th largest state in the USA
    I can honestly say that this is my least favorite book out of the six. I don’t even know where to start with what I didn’t like about it. So I will just make a list:

    1. The thing I hated the most about it is the fact that in the WHOLE story Harry is pathetic and getting beaten on. They show Snape and Voldemort when there in school and what are they doing…gettting perfect grades and inventing spells in there free time. Then compare that to what Harry is doing, worrying about quidich and getting mediocre grades. I guess I was just looking forward to seeing and awesome duel between Harry and voldemort and from what I see of the story so far, unless JK pulls some crazy time travel stuff, Harry is going to win by some dumb fluke.

    2. The Good luck potion. the whole concept of this potion is so horibly unbalanced. Take a swig of that stuff then apperate to where you ‘feel’ Voldemort will be and shoot an Aveda Kedavra curse at him…the end.

    3. The main point of this story was to find a memory from Slughorn to…..what? Dumbeldore already knew what a horexcus was (he had destroyed the ring), and he knew that Voldemort had made at least two (the diary), so what is the point of finding that memory again when simple logic can tell you everything in it?

    4. Dumbeldore using his last remaining strength to paralyze Harry. WTF was the point in doing that, I know Harrys a wimp in this story but he should have been able to take on Draco while he was under an invisibility cloak and everything.

    5. Harry and Ginnys pathetic relationship. All im going to say about it is thatJK seriously disappointed me with the lack of details in there relationship.

    6. The fact that JK is still writing her stories so they are geared toward like 14 year olds, This is perhaps what annoys me most about JK’s writing, she writes about adult topics like how you would explain them too children, it just doesn’t work. She also just skips over whol sections of a teenager’s psyche that would greatly improve her story,like sex and drugs, or for an example, how does someonewho has hadthe life Harry has had never have a single dark thought of killing/torturing someone (im not counting the end of book 5 that was Harry making a rash decision without thinking not planning out a torture or a murder) One example of Harry not reacting properly at all was after Dracos little train beat down on Harry, Harry latterly just lied down and took it, we all know that Harry has a temper in Jk’s stories but yet he didn’t do a damn thing to get revenge on Malfoy. (At least as far as I can remember, I read threw the book once and have been trying to repress the memory ever since...)

    And also Jk is writing huge inconsistencies in her story, in a child book is ok but once you get to adult books you cant have glaring inconsistencies in your story. I’ll give some examples of what I mean incase you don’t get what I’m saying.

    In the first book three first year students make it through a gauntlet of challenges set up by some of the most powerful witches and wizards in the world, I wont give any shit to that because the first book was definitely a child’s book and thus you are allowed to have inconsistencies in your story.

    In book three its becomes apparent that time turners or so common that people are willing to give them to 13 year old girls to help them with their school work, and not only that, two children then use it to significantly change the past, without getting caught or anything bad happening to them (i.e. getting erased from time or stuck in another time). Wouldn’t logic say that Voldemort would then be easily able to get his hands on one of those easy to get time-turners and thus make himself invincible by always correcting the mistakes his plans have? Book 3 is starting to push it, it’s midway between child book and teenager book in my opinion.

    Then we hit book 6 and the proverbial shit hits the fan. I can truly say I hated almost everything about book six except for a few things, (Slughorn and his Slugclub was a very cool idea, horexcus's not bad, I don’t love em but iv seen worse and that one werewolf dude who eats people even when he isn’t hairy, finally an original good villain besides Voldemort.) everything else in the story was very bad, especially how wimpy Harry is. Jk better have some serious hardcore training up ahead for Harry (alternate dimension, time travel, memory swap, Gryfindor's reincarnation, I don’t care just make Harry powerful), I do not want Harry to beat Voldemort by some dumbass fluke or too just shoot some concentrated wave of ‘love’ at him that destroys him, I will be mad if that happens.

    Ok this has defiantly gotten out of hand lol I’ll stop this little mini rant right here.

    (i know this thread is a 'no spoiler thread' but im pritty sure anyone whos on this site and reading this has by now read the book or never will, forgive me if my asumption is worng)
  3. Lord Supremo

    Lord Supremo Second Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    The Right Hand of God
    Well, no, I think Indo is right in that Moody must have a certain level of power, since "half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him," but I haven't seen any evidence that he's neccesarily second only to Dumbledore. Personally, I think Moody's probably a damn good fighter, but his paranoia gets in the way nowadays. Kingsley Shacklebolt is probably the person you don't want to piss off in the Order, but, really, JKR hasn't provided enough of a backstory on any of the Order members besides Lupin for anyone to know much of anything
  4. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I've lifted the spoiler warning on this thread, but please try to keep this thread smaller, it's more for just simple Yeah I hated it, brief summary style posts.

    For in depth ripping apart of it, please use http://darklordpotter.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=545

    I'd love to see you all add onto any major points I missed in the chapter by chapter disection.

    And at the rate JKR is going, Harry will be riding the short bus/broomstick shortly. All she did in HBP was screw the story, waste the entire year on nothing (much like OOTP) and make Harry out to be a total wuss. To quote JKR and then myself

  5. Thorn

    Thorn Professor

    Jan 3, 2006
    I didn't like most of it...I did however throughly enjoy the end of it. The last scenes had my mouth open, predictable or not.
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  7. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    Pokemon....I think the series is going to turn out more like Inuyashi....which i still don't like.....but I don't know exactly what you expected from an actually Harry Potter book instead of fanfiction.....I fully expected this.....So I don't think it's as bad as alot of you guys do....meh
  8. SushiZ

    SushiZ Auror

    Jan 9, 2006
    Island of Time

    Well, i got the book on the day it came out except i got it cheaper in Europe cause i was on vacation, had it finished the next day.
    I think it was worth the money but many things were done wrongly and there wasn't much detail and action. UNlike OOTP where the books is so god damn long and drags on, this one is short. we learn hardly anything about Lilly potter, Harry doesnt train in the summer, still worries about petty little things such as quidditch and waht guy Ginny is fucking at the moment insetead of getting his head down and studying, i mean who gives a shit about the quidditch cup when there is a fucking war going on?
    and the school ends up closing any way. The pairings were fucked up from the begining of the book, i mean can u get any gayer, Harry liking a red head just like his father. I think it would have been better if he went out with some Slytherin than the stupid Gryffs. I was dissapointed in many aspects of the book like how Ron and Hermione kept ignoring Harry's warnings and then try and kiss and make up again at the end of the book, OH boohooo. The 7th book better be detailed, since she isn't contnuing the books, then all the loose ends have to be wrapped up by the end of the next book.
  9. Aura

    Aura Seventh Year

    Nov 28, 2005
    In front of the monitor...
    This book is even more horrible than CoS. It's riddled with with plot holes and inconsistencies. My favorite part was when Dumbledore died... :twisted:

    The thing i like most about the book was the sectumsempra spell and the idea of Horcrux. JK makes it out to be a good vs evil story, giving horrible motivations of V becoming evil. ip82 made an excellent point there.

    Meh... All slytherins are evil! Get over it you mudbloods! (FYI:sarcasm)
  10. Violent Seas

    Violent Seas Sixth Year

    Jan 1, 2006
    the US

    :cheers: i hate dumbledore, and it made the book so much more interesting....[/quote]
  11. chronic dragon

    chronic dragon Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    the thing that ticked me off the most was......it mentioned defense against the dark arts class maybe 3 or 4 times. he's gonna beat voldemort with magic not by using a potion. he learns a couple spells. also after not noticing the slut for 5 years all of a sudden a monster apears in his chest when he see's dean kissing ginny. a 13 year old slash writer can do better than that garbage of a "love" plot. i thought beastality was illegal anyways.
  12. Lord Dragon

    Lord Dragon DA Member

    Nov 22, 2005

    i hated book six not worth shit :twisted:
  13. Tinder

    Tinder Seventh Year

    Feb 3, 2006
    I hated a great many things about the book... but one in particular really riled me up, and it wasn't to do with the book being boring or poorly written or Harry being a pussy.

    The whole portrayal - firstly of the Gaunt family, last descendants of Slytherin etc as a bunch of dirty hobo retards, and secondly of Tom Riddle as simply being 'born evil' or something through no fault of those lovely kind orphanage people (inconsistency with him desperately not wanting to be sent back to the orphanage for the summer in CoS, anyone?) made me want to tear the book into pieces.

    Quite apart from anything else, it runs completely counter to one of Rowling's favourite moral themes: that 'it's our choices that make us who we are'. Harry might be a Parselmouth - but don't worry, says Dumbledore, you chose to be a good person. But Riddle never gets that choice - he's just plain evil.
  14. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Couldn't agree more... Actually, your oppinion is eerie similar to my post from page 4 of this thread...
  15. Tinder

    Tinder Seventh Year

    Feb 3, 2006
    I think it's quite clear that you have been using a time turner illegally in order to steal my arguments. ^^
    Seriously though, if I went around actually reading threads before I posted in them then I'd never get anything done. As it is, I've read your post now - it was a lot longer and more involved that mine was, that's for sure - and well... it bears repeating!
  16. Dr_Jos

    Dr_Jos First Year

    Oct 30, 2005
    the best book in my opinion was goblet of fire
    after that it went downhill
    in the HBP there are no intriges (spelling?)
    and the magic of the four first books with their great plot is missing
    i could see Dumbledores death coming from a mile away
  17. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    predictable dumbledore death, was anyone surprised when he was finally killed off? but the book lacked the necessary training for harry's survival, what's he going to do, find the horcruxes and "stupefy" voldemort then cry as he stabs him with gryffindors sword?
  18. Lord Harry

    Lord Harry Guest

    I've to say I'm lot dissapointed in that book. I don't mean it doesn't have any good things. But it unnecessary humiliate Harry's character. Such as in the meeting with Malfoy in train, At the battle with Infaries.etc. And also I hardly called it a HP story because it has more DD than Harry, besides, not only DD is there, Harry is accepting himslef as DD's man. I don't mean to say him to become someone like Minipulate me!die harry stories. But someone like the story of Earth's Emissary by Madeyes. My idea of Harry is loving(caring not romance), tough, indipendent(light, but not surrending to others) and powerful. That's the image given to us by previous books.

    And another thing is in HBP there's absolutely no Adventure for Harry. All things are done by DD, even Harry couldn't threw away Infaries. that wa too done by almost dead DD. What a shame.

    And other thing is in This book there're lot of irational things. Such as Luck potion. I mean, any one could drink that rediculous thing and go against the best dueler and win the game. What's the meaning ot that? And anyone could also go agains LV with that luck potion. What's the hell!
    And if Jo used such crazy thing in seven book to destroy LV, I'm certainly going to send a flame.(I'd prefer a howler, but I can't do it as a muggel)
    Where's the Brillient Jo I saw in earlier books ?

    And I predicted DD's death at the end of the book in February,2005 and post it in my forum in Leaky Culdron with prooves. And HBP didn't give me the mysteriousness as given it GOF or even Ootp. And also at the end the pariring with Ginny is sappy. Specially the part which says "She wouldn't expect me any thing less than that". It's almost as their romance was years old one. But it's not and only a month or two.

    Well those are the bad side. The good things are , I like the begining of the story. It's great. Truly Jo's work. And even in other rest of the book writing is brillient as usuall.

    And this book has somewhat developed the character of Harry. Especially it depicts in the situation he argues with new MOM.

    Another thing is it's devoide of the gloomy environment of OOTP which had more than enough Nightmares and such things. And also in HBP Harry uses his brain, And notice things very smartly. But unfortunately Jo has decided Harry should not get powerful than he was at GOF. I din't see his powers growing from there. I don't know how she is thinking of destroing LV. ( I hope it's not my kissing him untill he can't breath). I mean in HBP it says with more than enough details that LV has gone beyond mortality and he is almost now a god or may be a demone. How is Harry going to kill him when even DD couldn't , not to mention with those Horcruxes things.

    Think people, he has to find four of them (which took years for DD to find only one or two) and then destroy them which cost one hand for DD, and to finaly destroy LV. Great, ah ?

    I think it's enough I rambled. Just lost my fury.
  19. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    Well, I've never read the book, and from the rave reviews for it, I'm pretty glad that I haven't.
  20. Lord Harry

    Lord Harry Guest

    Another thing I remember now (I forgot the things which I hated in that book months ago when I was reading) is in 5th book DD says he didn't make Harry a prefect because he now has too much responsibilites. Now then what about this year Quidich captancy. Isn't it a extra burden ? Such a hipocricy!

    And now I've read this whole forum and I agree with lot's of things you guys say. But I always greatly respect her for creating HP world for us. But also critisise for destroying it's quality by herself. Such as worrying about Quditch while whole world is depend on you. Without even taking even littly try to fight. It's really selfishess that doesn't match for Harry's character. And what about even in DADA Hermione is getting great and Harry going down. Is Harry or Hermione going to defete LV ? I won't surprise if someone said it's Hermione. And I agree what was said about Slytherine line. Jo seems to forget the fact that even the worst demon has a good side. In Riddles Bio, it's really like he became evil because his family line. Really hipocritic.