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Complete Harry Potter and Death's Incarnate by Shujin1 - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Shezza, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    I fail to see any originality. Its Denarian seried in Greek mythology instead of chiristian crap. Well, shezza, now it's up to you to make us happy (I mean, give us Harry/Meciel romance at last!)
  2. Vorpal

    Vorpal Third Year

    Jul 5, 2006
    Ironically, part of the reason I can't muster as much enthusiasm for this story as Shezza is his own story--I keep comparing Thanatos to Meciel, and finding her a bit lacking. Still, Thanatos herself is a fairly intriguing OC, so that's not my main gripe.

    This story has certain feeling of disjointedness about it, even though the scenes themselves are, for the most part, well-written. Perhaps the worst part of it is that the characterizations are basically skin-deep. About half of what we know of Thana's character, for example, is simply told to the reader rather than demonstrated through interactions (esp. in the first half). And then, when the plot starts to accelerate by bringing different incarnations up the wazoo, I simply can't bring myself to care because none of them mean anything to me and most of them are gone before we get to know them.

    An intuiting idea, a creative mythos, but a rush-job of an execution that ruins it. 3/5.
  3. Vtigo

    Vtigo Second Year

    Feb 20, 2006
    Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN
    Yup its 100% for sure a harry/tha, I sent the author a PM thro ff.net asking if it would be a harry/death pairing and he/she? stated it would be. It's a long way off but will happen.
  4. The Dark Monarch

    The Dark Monarch Backtraced

    Jan 11, 2006
    Stuck in the bleeding hot desert
    w00t. Updated again.
  5. Vincent V

    Vincent V Slug Club Member

    Jul 15, 2006
    United States of America
    Wish I had the patience to write that much in such a short amount of time. :p

    Anyone know if this is going to be a series of stories or just a single one?
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Er, the chapters are fairly short. It takes me 3 minutes max to read just one, it's not a huge deal that the author updates fast. If the stupid cunt would take his time and put it all into one chapter, it would look much better.
  7. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    I agree about the short chapters, but that's not a huge deal.

    I just read this, and while it's okay and readable, I just couldn't get into it like I have things like Shezza's Denarian masterpieces. I'd recommend it, but not crazy about it.

    Certainly something to pass the time, so 4/5 from me.

  8. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    In general I like it, but, if the update rate drops, I don't know that I'll have the patience for it. Voldemort isn't a threat to Harry whatsoever, and it just feels like there's no real conflict because of that. It's original enough, yes, but that alone isn't going to be enough to keep this going. There may be conflict in the future as there are some indications towards that, but, short of a war with deities - which pretty much dooms us to an even more super!Harry - there really isn't anything capable of threatening him. I'll refrain from rating for a few more chapters, but it's pretty much a 3 for me right now.


  9. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    This story overall is terrible. I mean, I liked the idea of Harry/Fem!Death, and the little blurbs at the top of each chapter talking about The Weave were excellently done, but the story doesn't flow. It started out pretty good, but it's tapered down to a 3/5 at best.

    When I read it, everything felt...disconnected. Thanatos wasn't a steady character at all, and half the time I hardly knew what was going on. You know Thanatos "Thana" has a plan for Harry, but it never tells you what so you're left wondering. But then it changes? What was it to begin with? What did Sparta have to do with fuck all? The visualization is terrible.
  10. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Wow, this story has got some wildly varying reviews here.

    I quite liked this, especially early on. I think Thanos is a good example of an OC without being an overbearing Mary Sue. This is distinctly different from most other fanfiction, though I feel there's some similarity with Charlie-dashdot-Blue's work. I never once compared Thanos and Meciel while I was reading, though in retrospect I can see commonalities.

    The only element of this story that I don't like is the recent turn to a romantic relationship between Thanos and HP. If it had evolved more naturally, perhaps in a later story, then I might buy into it. At the moment it's both driving and sinking the story.

    Meh, it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. I definitely want to read more. The story gets a 4 out of 5 from me, though I expect better from the author in future. That 4 is rounded up.
  11. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    Good writing, good story, great mythology... chapters are a bit short, but I like short as opposed to "I'm tired of scrolling down this page" long.

    I like the characters; they're hard to understand, but they're gods, so that's acceptable. Harry is done expertly in my opinion, and I actually liked the whole Hermione-thing.

    EDIT: I didn't and don't see the comparison between Mecial and Harry besides the fact that they're female and very powerful. That's like comparing Bush and Hitler. In my opinion.

    I haven't quite finished, but for now, at chp. 14:

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  12. Shade

    Shade First Year

    Jan 8, 2008
    Started out pretty damn good, but further it gets into it the worse it seems to get imo.
  13. DoubleE

    DoubleE Third Year

    Feb 17, 2008
    Decent enough. I'm not sure this has the wow factor of the 5/5s, but it's certainly a solid 3.5. Anyways, I've only read the first 15 chapters, but that looks good so far. 4/5 from what I've read thus far.
  14. Shujin

    Shujin Second Year

    Jul 10, 2008
    Big Cheese, America
    Yikes, lots of varying reviews here...but thanks for posting my story Shezza.

    To be honest HPaDI started out as simply an idea that wouldn't leave me alone, like it, love it or hate it doesn't really matter to me but I wouldn't mind advice on how to avoid making the second year book shitty.

    And yea, Thanatos is inconsistent, she's supposed to be "bi polar" between Death persona and her mortal inclinations. Making it a happy and smooth merging wouldn't make any sense.

    And since somehow people see Meciel in Thana, I actually had to go and read Shezza's story to find out what you were talking about. And I'm...not seeing it. Meciel is calm, cool, collected and has no problems showing some form of affection for an asshole *in the nicest possible way* like Denarian!Harry. Thana is impulsive, and rude, like an adult child with way too much power.

    Female invisible friend is just about the only similarity, oh, and makes Harry harder to kill.

    So far I've got for advice:
    1) Longer chapters but not ungodly long
    2) No more disjointed-ness...thingy

    Anything else?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  15. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    The more I read the less I understand... I guess you should stop confusing readers.
  16. Shujin

    Shujin Second Year

    Jul 10, 2008
    Big Cheese, America
    Good, I was going for confusing. It was the original intent of the "disjointed" feel of it but I've made an effort with the latest chapters to cut the vague crap.
  17. Burn

    Burn Second Year

    Nov 25, 2006
    United States
    This story resembles...

    The Incarnations of Immortality octology of books written by Piers Anthony in the seventies. I mean, it really resembles that series. I'm not accusing anyone of anything here, but I think that the coincidence is stunning.

    The Incarnations of Immortality series details the various incarnations of the immortal aspects of existence: death, time, war, etc. Even Satan is one, being more evil than a Judeo-Christian man in flames.

    I think that if anyone likes this story, they should definitely check out the Incarnations of Immortality - those books are mind-blowing. Not as mind-blowing as the Culture books, or the Dresden Files, but easily in the same league.
  18. Scott

    Scott Professor DLP Supporter

    Apr 25, 2008
    3/5 it's confusing but also unique and it's a Harry/femdeath paring which has never been done as far as I know of.
  19. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I'd be surprised if no one has ever crossed HP with Gaiman's Death at one point or another.

    When I heard that this story featured a female Death, my mind turned immediately to Neil Gaiman's character. That's who I'll always envision as the feminine embodiment of Death. Of course her personality is completely different from Shujin's Thanatos.
  20. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    This story has some interesting new characters and mythology, but they mostly seem to exist in order to posture and act badass or give somebody else an opportunity to act badass. All of the action that takes place in the HP-verse is anticlimactic because Harry is basically super!Harry there, and very little action happens in the Incarnate-verse. The other story by the author is the same way. The story he's trying to tell doesn't really fit in with HP, and the time he takes to try to make it fit makes the original story slow and boring.

    I agree with the Incarnations similarities, and recommend the books, with the standard Piers Anthony caveat that he usually gets bored with his series after two or three books and starts cranking out moneymaking crap after that.