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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Attack of the Clones by Lord Merril - T - Star Wars

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Zevrillion, May 25, 2005.

  1. sincostan

    sincostan High Inquisitor

    Jan 7, 2008
    From the opening battle and Voldemort's redemption, even the narration feels trite. Admittedly, I have only read a little bit of SW/expanded universe, and I think the philosophy behind the Force is as poorly conceived as Harry Potter. This is much less excusable because I don't think of the former as being written for children. Despite that the story's quite pleasant to get into, though as the story goes on Harry's overfilled skill set and soul bond with Padme are a little nauseating. I do like that though Harry's involvement seems awfully convenient for plot purposes and therefore contrived, this is not a complete rehash of Episode II. Also this is the only HP/SW I've read, and I'll take it on good faith that whatever I pick up in this category will be terrible, particularly because I have no intention of seeking any others. This was simply because I like BioPlague's stuff and was curious what all the tearing up was about.

    3/5. Completely vanilla. I actually rated a 4, but wrote the last sentence in my postcript, shuddered, and changed it.

    PS How the hell does no one notice Harry come out of nowhere and uses a wand, albeit rarely? The dream sequence with Hermione, his love, was really bad.