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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Kurufinwe

    Kurufinwe Groundskeeper

    Nov 6, 2010
    Cracow, Poland
    One. If Nott transferred, then it's from Hogwarts.
    Two.There is practically zero information on Nott, so he isn't the symbol of Slytherin. He is OC.
    Three. Your mentioned traits are this of Ravenclaw. Even though Harry was in this house, he wasn't friendly with any of them.
    Four. In this story, Harry is independent, so he don't need more friends.
    So no, Nott nor any other essentially OC. One in story is enough.
    Santi beta-group : http://forums.darklordpotter.net/group.php?groupid=22
    There is about 10 page or more discussion about Potter, and all others reactions.
    RL-real life.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  2. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    1- It was a lapsus. Sorry. Is already corrected.

    2- There is little official information about Theodore Nott, but there is. Concretely, in JKR's official website, where she says planned a chapter that not public finally, and thought it would be the beginning of the Chamber of Secrets, or the Goblet of Fire. Such information is given to understand that Nott is very smart but do not want to demonstrate to others that is very introverted and likes solitude (perhaps because he has a trauma after witnessing a death, probably from his own mother. I say this because when Hagrid teaches thestralls, Nott can see them, and JKR's official website states that his father is a Death Eater widower very old (perhaps, Nott Sr was a classmate of Voldemort)).

    3- The cunning is a characteristic feature of intelligence, and the main feature of the Slytherin house is cunning.
    In addition, the character of Theodore Nott is becoming very popular in fics by the following features (whether created original features by the author or not): He is very intelligent but by being a pure-blood not need boast it (as opposed to making Hermione). He doesn't like the company of people, probably because he is traumatized by the death of his mother, and believes that by connecting with other people, they could hurt him again for any reason (whether these people get to be friends, if lost that would hurt him deeply). Surely, he could become the main enemy ministerial political reforms carried out Hermione in adulthood.
    Given these traits, I think reasonable Nott would be a nice signing for this fic in the coming years in Durmstrang. For example, during the Triwizard Tournament, after investigating the Durmstrang's school program, he finally decided to move there from Hogwarts.

    4- Harry can be very independent, but he needs friends. And the story needs that he has friends. In addition, we must be aware that this story is about how Harry becomes a dark wizard, and may assist in this conversion a new friend who has inclinations toward dark magic. Harry still refuses to use dark magic, something to complain Calypso.

    PS1: Thanks to decipher what the acronym means RL. Honestly, I did not think in that meaning. It was my understanding that in the English language, to use you to that expression, the expression much used was Actual Life or True Life.

    PS2: By the way, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for my initial presentation. When I initially was writing my presentation, my PC freezes. Therefore, I thought I had not posted my message. When I enter the forum the next day, I am surprised that such a presentation had been published, and I did not expressed it the following message (among my lack of knowledge of the fics forums' world, my lack of knowledge on English language, a big headache, and where I'm at about 40 degrees celsius), then say I could not be very coherent. I'm better now, after a nap and take some aspirin.

    I would also like to apologize if I have seemed overwhelming for my question if anyone knew about when they update The Santi's fic. I did not want to pressure anyone. I just wanted that information to coordinate the publication of my translation.

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  3. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Meta conversation crap has been taken to PM.

    Yes, the reactions of the Potters, Nathan, Dumbledore, et al. is something that we're all looking forward to. It's also something which has been discussed several times before. There's over 2000 posts in this thread, so if you want to see what we've considered, predicted, and speculated upon, you'd best read some of them.

    Seeing the same four characters again and again [Harry, Calypso, Krum, and Kira] can get a bit samey, but that won't be a problem for much longer. The TriWizard Tournament is just around the corner. There's going to be more liveliness to the proceedings than the characters will know what to do with.

    The TriWizard Tournament has already been discussed many times in this thread. Many times. It sets up the confrontations for several secrets that the characters are hiding from each other. Especially Harry and Calypso's relationship from the rest of the Potters. It'll be troublesome for the characters and entertaining for us.

    The author's gone to great lengths to break Harry away from all influences and ties to Hogwarts, the Potters, and Great Britain. Why would he want to weaken that by inserting a Hogwarts character into Durmstrang? The Santi sent Harry a thousand miles away to avoid such things.

    He has Calypso. Nott wouldn't be able to keep up with any of the four kids from Durmstrang. His education is a long way behind, and Harry's as much as said that he doesn't have time for friends. Harry's time is completely taken up with the three friends that he does have and most of that is spent studying with them. Somewhere in there he might fit in time for awkwardly romancing Calypso.

    Harry's unlikely to make time for a stranger from Hogwarts. Nott would be a constant reminder of a place and time that Harry would rather forget.
  4. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    I can offer two possible interpretations; either I'm too lazy to actually follow through on this threat, or it's too amusing to watch a whole new conversation spawn about whether or not the post justifies a necro.

    It's probably a mixture of both, but I wouldn't count on it being that way next time as well...
  5. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009
  6. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008
    Fuck you :awesome
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.

    Fair idea what helped Harry start going "dark," and it sure as hell wasn't his parents this time.
  8. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009

    Beginning a sentence with instead, you explained the old way, then started the new way in a different sentence. Delete the and(didn't know how to do a strikethrough). That's one way to quick fix it, or you could reword some of it.

    Seems too campy, I'd consider replacing it with maybe his new style. It borders on blatantly telling the author Harry has changed, when before it was more showing, with Calypso. After that the discussion between Calypso and her father easily reinforces to the reader he has changed.

    Missing word.

  9. X Kronos X8

    X Kronos X8 Fifth Year

    Jul 8, 2009
    There was something that didn't make sense to me when I read the dueling scene....

    Without hesitating, Harry slashed his arm across his body, firing a cutting curse at his opponent, who had to duck to avoid it. Stepping forward, Harry launched into a minor spell chain. A cutting spell, banishment charm, and stunner flew from his wand before Bernice could so much as rise up to her feet. Her rushed Protego absorbed the first two spells, but was quickly brought down by the stunner.

    Before she had a chance to recover, Harry sent a bone splintering curse at her crouched form. She attempted to dive to the side in order to avoid, but the spell caught Bernice in the ribs, causing her to fall to the ground grasping her side in pain. Harry's quick stunner rendered her unconscious, and ended the duel immediately.

    If the Stunner indeed was the spell that got through her Protego, and hit her, wouldn't she have lost consciousness? If you are stunned, you are knocked out upon being hit with the spell, so how would she be able to recover from it if the spell hit her? Especially sense at the end of the duel, his stunner ended the duel immediately? Or was it that the Stunner only brought down the Protego, and didn't affect her in any way?

    Other than that, seeing the Triwizard "arc" was something that I was looking forward to. I am interested in how you plan on portraying the Hogwarts student's reactions towards Harry, as well as seeing the thoughts of other characters on the changes that have occured in Harry's character. I am also looking forward to the explanation as to why Kakarov broke his agreement with Dumbledore, pertaining to the punishment of Harry, especially when it is the time period in which the mark is reacting more to Voldemort. Perhaps Kakarov is still loyal to Voldemort, and plans to rejoin him, and that is what gave him the confidence to break their agreement.

    Glad to see an update on the story, and the wait was worth it.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2011
  10. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Awesome. We finally see why he turned dark and the start of the tournament, I can't wait.
  11. logiccosmic

    logiccosmic DA Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Well we know who is going to die very, very, very messily when Harry is out and proud.
  12. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    The subject of the sentence is the Protego Shield not the girl who casts it, so the Stunner spell only brought down the shield.
  13. X Kronos X8

    X Kronos X8 Fifth Year

    Jul 8, 2009
    Thanks for the clarification.
  14. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    What I really liked was such a physical motivation for the change. for a person so intellectual, so associated with academics and 'soft' subjects, it really had to be a new experience to really have a major effect. The sheer pain of the encounter, as well as the humiliation, was a bracing experience for a story that perhaps had focused too much of Harry's mental accomplishments.

    The Tri-Wizard Tournament, in much the same vein, includes an element of rivalry, personal competition that brings more emotional impact to the story. Hopefully it'll inject some passion into the rational Harry.

    For the chapter, though I really did like the plot device, I don't know if the detention really carried enough impact for a reader to believe the change in Harry. As a character, he has always been very stubborn, and the way it was written, I felt the scene didn't really convey the humiliation and pain Harry would need to have felt in order to change him. They were there, but not really emphasised, and for what seems to be such a momentous event there isn't as much detail as I would've liked.

    Also, just for clarification, how much time left to go until Tri-Wizard? Two chapters worth? I think third year is close to being done, but I'm not really sure.
  15. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    I actually had the same thoughts as Berkeley. The whole torture/detention was a good scene, but for it to have such a big noticeable change in Harry's behaviors felt strange. I think the reason the reader feels like this is because Harry's thought process weren't mentioned. The only possible reason for Harry's behaviors to change (that I could think of) is if some very personal memory of his has been violated, and the reader don't know what it is yet. But, there were no hinting of that at all, so it's probably not the case. Another reason is if Harry was such a proud individual, that the embarrassment of being whipped and having someone go through his mind can change his behavior that drastically. But the story hasn't really developed Harry as a character that is proud to that extent.

    Anyways, the rest of the chapter read fine for me and I loved it.
  16. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009
    @Berkley and tragicman.

    The strength and impact of that scene was how we didn't see his thought processes. No lowered head, no fist-clinching, no raging DBZ style. We just saw the after effects.

    As to the scene not being enough to change him? I'm sorry, what? His mind was raped as he was whipped like a dog. His body was immobilized, and he was completely helpless. For someone as driven as Harry is, and everyone telling him how skilled he is, to have all that stripped away in the span of a few minutes, has got to be a traumatizing experience.
  17. Elelith

    Elelith Squib

    Oct 15, 2010
    I agree with the previous posts, although the punishment was harsh, I didn't think Harry would turn into a dark zombie creature inside. And I hope there are some repercussions for Karkaroff issuing the punishment.

    What I found surprising is that Calypso couldn't pinpoint the reason for Harry's weirdness, especially since the detention was her fault, I would assume she’d probe into the punishment etc. Also, didn't Ivan see Harry was not the one at fault? I'd have thought he would relish in punishing both, instead of only Harry.
    I am hoping Harry does not suffer a 180' inside personality change, and that he will still shows Harry humour & enthusiasm.
  18. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    I thought of Harry as being rather tough, and while he does experience terrible pain, I don't think it would break him. Also, mind raped? He does rifle through his mind, but as I've said, maybe the intention was to show that, but I didn't really get that impression. The memories ol' Ivan sees aren't pleasant, but Harry doesn't have anything horrible like the death of his loved ones to flash back to, its all just sad or melancholy instead of horrific. And while I can believe it as an impetus to become paranoid and suspicious, the scene didn't have the emotional impact I expected from a story of this calibre.

    And I do hope Harry doesn't change completely, as his characterisation as a smart, kind of witty, kind of awkward guy is one of the biggest draws of the fic, though I do agree that if Calypso was actually his friend, I think she should have been able to see that immediately after a detention with Mister Torture he becomes incredibly paranoid, and she should be smart enough to connect those dots.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I doesn't matter what memories Ivan saw, but the fact that someone broke into his mind when Harry didn't want him to (unlike his training with Snape). It violates him and is enough to change his outlook on many things. Physical torture unlike anything he experienced before only add to this.

    Anyway, a great chapter and finally the Triwizard Tournament is coming. Can't wait for it.
  20. Wakesetter03

    Wakesetter03 Muggle

    Jan 26, 2011
    Indeed I agree with the idea that the lack of the emotional thought process, and therefore the lack of emotion in the reading perspective gave more power than if The Santi were to go down the 'woe is me' approach. The idea that someone as controlled as Harry is in this story losing control more than justifies his change, and I can gather that his state of mind has changed a lot more than is let on.

    Personally I think The Santi has thought about this chapter a lot, and the insight into the sort of punishment that goes on at Durmstrang somehow avoids being cliched but at the same time it fits along the general thought process on how it would be like. I also like how Ivans character is portrayed. Whilst the punishment can be described as vindictive, (especially with the legilimency element) it seems that Ivan isn't a total sicko.

    Just my 2 cents.
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