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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.

    I think the biggest issue between her and Harry's parents will be that she actively practices dark magic. Harry does too, but they don't know to what degree he does, where as the dark arts are pretty much Calypso's bread and butter. She doesn't have the whole resentment for her family thing going that Sirius did, either.
  2. Provis

    Provis Second Year

    Sep 5, 2010
    Regulus and Bellatrix are both known Death Eaters, and Narcissa married a known Death Eater. Snape is a known Death Eater that led to the death of Lily's parents, but he is allowed into their home.

    You seem to be having trouble seeing the forest due to the trees so I'll come out and say it explicitly: Calypso is not a Death Eater just because she is related to one. The Potters haven't seemed to suffer from the same inability to look past someone's circumstances that you do.

    Snape practices the Dark Arts, and Calypso hasn't exactly been enthusiastic in supporting her father's less savory endeavors...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  3. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Snape isn't encouraging Harry to do so, though.

    While Calypso might not be an enthusiastic supporter, she isn't rebelling. I'm not saying that that's enough to damn her, but it might be in the eyes of Lily and James, especially when taken with other bits they know. After all, this is one of their son's best friends/girlfriend. Overreaction is almost the name of the game, and even if they later realize that it was an overreaction and they don't have ground to stand on, the damage would be done.
  4. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    This hints at what will be Santi's greatest year four challenge, should he enter his version of Harry into the tournament. Canon!Harry's "sucky" performance was good enough for second place through two events. We don't know how he would have done at the third event without the assistance of the others, of course.

    Sure, Santi can get Harry into the tournament with no difficulties at all. And then what? If a lazy, average 14-year-old canon!Harry can be competitive with his vastly inferior spell repertoire, intelligence, and drive, Santi!Harry should clean everybody's clocks. And that's where the problems start: Harry wtfpwning his competition is inherently boring.

    I've been ambivalent as to whether I want Harry in the tournament, but lately I've been leaning against the idea more and more. There's plenty of interesting stuff for a non-Champion Harry, so long as you get him to Hogwarts with the rest of the hopefuls.

    *Harry vs. Nathan conflict? We've still got it. Harry would be somewhat torn between his desire to help his friend Viktor, and the desire to keep his brother safe (which would require helping him, at least in some way. Nathan could probably contribute some hostility too.

    *The "experience" of preparing for the tournament? Well, we already know what this is like from canon and numerous mediocre fics. We don't need it again. But we'll still get some of it, because presumably Harry would help out with finding out what the tasks are, and helping to devise spells and tactics for Krum to use.

    *Harry will still get to do the Yule Ball, the feasts, and most of the other obligatory GoF stuff.

    *Harry will get to observe Karkaroff's increasingly erratic behavior from close range.

    *If Calypso comes along, that adds plenty of interpersonal fun. If not, Harry still has to find a date for the Yule Ball, which also adds plenty of interpersonal fun. His interactions with his former Hogwarts classmates adds a different kind of interpersonal fun.

    *If Santi requires that Harry is in the maze for the third task, he could probably find an excuse to get him in there. If the professors have to navigate through it for safety/regulation purposes, Harry could probably find a way to sneak in if he thinks there's going to be trouble.

    tl;dr: Year Four is a full plate of stuff, and since we've already got Nathan standing in for canon!Harry, I want to see the year from a completely different angle.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  5. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    Given the friends they've made in the past I don't think that Lily and James would be that judgmental with Calypso. They'd probably hate her father, but they should be level headed enough to realize she has a shit family just like Sirius. Plus, Calypso is smart enough to say and do the right things to put Harry's parents at ease. Nathan and Ron on the other hand may think she's like Malfoy and give Harry a hard time.

    Part of me actually doesn't want Harry to compete in the tournament. We're all expecting him to be in it. I think it would be a pleasant surprise to see him not selected by the cup or the age line is still put in place so he has to do something else. Perhaps the schools agreed on other competitions separate from the tournament (i.e. Lie I've Lived) for other students like Harry to participate in. It probably wont happen. There's too much awesome with having Harry compete against Nathan.

    Anyway, I want to see a dark Patronus :3

    Excellent stuff as always.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  6. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    In my mind it's far more likely that the Potter/Rosier issue will stem more from the fact that Rosier is Harry's Dark Arts professor and has unfettered access to him than anything having to do with who Harry dates.

    James and Lily know what kind of magic Rosier is capable of, so any attempt by Harry to downplay the material he's learning in his Dark Arts class will no longer be successful. Secondly, while Snape may have been a Death Eater, he never actually tried to kill James or Lily like Rosier has. Arguing that he's just a misguided follower doesn't hold water here. The man never even renounced Voldemort after all. He was supposedly KIA fighting for him.

    As for taking issue with Calypso herself, I think that Nathan might have stronger feelings about her relationship with Harry than the elder Potters would. After all, he's been going to school with the children of known Death Eaters for years now and not a single thing any of them has done (assuming they stay true to canon) would indicate that they are doing anything other than following in their fathers' footsteps. Nathan is likely to see Calypso as just another Death Eater's kid and therefore an enemy - especially when her relationship with Draco comes out.
  7. Wizardmon0073

    Wizardmon0073 Second Year

    Aug 17, 2010
    So, Snape was not the one partly responsible for deaths of Lily´s parents because he gave prophecy to Voldemort ? This story is AU but I do not think that there was a difference.

    And wasn´t he the one casting Sectumsemptra on James while in school ? I would argue that Snape was/is more dangerous to Potters because he is now apparently trusted and "reformed" than man who dropped from scene in 1979 (as far as I remember) and now we have no real understanding of his motives.
  8. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    How would Lily & James even know that Rosier is alive? Calypso won't come and say "Hey! My father is alive, after all, so your aurors can start hunting him again lololol!".
  9. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    Well, there are numberless scenarios for Harry's parents to find out whose daughter Calypso is ("What's your name sweetie? Who're your parents? You're British and a pureblood, why didn't we hear of you? Why're you going to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts?" and many many more). And he will have to introduce her eventually.

    I'd be more concerned with Harry's reaction. Which may range from teenage 'But I LUUUUURVE HER' to 'Go screw yourself you judgemental pricks'. I just hope it'll something more untypical.
  10. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place

    How awesome would it be if you never ever posted on DLP again?

    Though to keep on topic Santi probably will change the tasks to make them harder or add new ones. Simply because the regular three are so overused and boring. A better challenge would be making new challenges and tasks similar to what Jbern did.
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I think KrazQ knows that -- his point, unless I'm mistaken, is how will they know that her father is alive. Unless he shows up at Hogwarts himself I suspect Calypso will keep that to herself, and he's already assumed dead, so that might stay quiet.

    The Potters reaction to Calypso herself could go either way depending on how things are introduced. Given the background that Sirius has they aren't likely to exclude her based on name alone, but if they find out that she is a supporter of using the Dark Arts and that her father is alive (and she supports him as well) there could be issues. Hence why the discussion shifted to discussing Rosier Sr. at some point.
  12. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    Ahhh, yes, but unless they lie and change Calypso's last name (not a particularly effective method) there's no logical way to explain her existence. Her father was supposed to be killed in 1980 and her mother's pregnancy was a secret. Besides, there are other ways for Harry's parents to easily, or even accidentally, find out the truth. Draco Malfoy knows Calypso and I'd find it eerily out of character for him if he didn't taunt Nathan for his brother's cahoots with an evil and violent practitioner of the Dark Arts, like Calypso (once the aforementioned ties become his knowledge of course).

    As I said there are countless opportunities for the truth to come out. I can't find a logical explanation for Calypso's lineage remaining secret for long.

    PS. Megara knew all about Rosier, therefore it is understandable if one assumes it is common knowledge in some circles (and not necessarily Death Eater ones).
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  13. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    They were in hiding for ten years to prevent anybody getting near Nathan (or Harry, I suppose) so I doubt they'd be happy to find that the girl who insisted she wasn't spying on Harry is a Rosier. They might well be convinced that she's trying to get close to the family.

    This. Snape's now on their side and Lily trusts him, as does Dumbledore. Sirius was disowned, so his family has fuck all to do with him now. And as Luckylee said, Remus didn't ask to be mauled by Greyback.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  14. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    Anyone else thinking of Dark Lady Molly? :lol:
  15. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    I did, but then I imagined the Dark Lord Jamie Oliver and I hurled...
  16. Shymer

    Shymer Third Year

    Aug 21, 2010
    Calypso is born in december 1979. You fail.
  17. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    Jesus, man, chill. I knew that, it's stated in the story when Harry confronts her, nothing new. But, how is what you said relevant?

    Her father was supposedly killed in 1980 (meaning he's dead, you know, as in not living) AND her mother's pregnancy was a secret (extrapolation, after her brother's death her father had no other progeny), she shouldn't exist, yet here she is. Two independent happenings and what not.

    Man, learn to read.

    On other note. Even if Harry's parents are open-minded and liberal hippy yuppies, there are some things they would not allow. And their son putting himself iin obvious danger by associating with a well known Death Eater, even if through his daughter, is not something they would allow. They would not disown Harry or other such tripe but they would try to make him distance himnself from Calypso.
  18. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    gbbz. You say you know that Calypso is born in 1979, you say her father was supposed to have died in 1980, and yet you can't see why people are saying that these things aren't mutually exclusive?

    Yes, no one knows that he produced another child. But most people would think "Oh, well, how about that. He must have knocked up his wife before he died" before they jump into theories about how he might not be dead after all. I think that's the point that... whoever it was, is trying to get across. If she'd been born more than 9 months after his supposed death, that'd be different (and I'm taking you guys at your word on the dates, as I don't remember them).

    So they don't need to change her name to keep people from jumping to the conclusion that her father isn't dead. Granted I'd expect there to be questions/rumors/speculation, because that's how things go, but the conclusions people jump to aren't set in stone.
  19. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011
    Whoa, all this discussion makes me more anxious for the next chapter. Everybody is having their own idea of what happens next. I will add mine too.

    I would say that Santi suprises us by canceling the Triwizard tournament and arranging a Harry/Calypso/Kira/Fleur foursome.

  20. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    Okay, but then with whom was she living? The Malfoys? The Blacks, as in Andromeda or Sirius? Since she was sent to Narcissa for tutelage that would make her Calypso's only high socialite relative, probably one of ther closest relatives.

    It doesn't matter if he died in 1980, or 1981, or 1979, or 1066. The fact is he was supposed to be dead. And yet he is taking care of his daughter.

    Let me explain:

    When Calypso meets the Potters, she will be asked questions. One of them will be about her parents. But apart from devising a whole new identity for Calypso, complete with surname and some family history, I don't think they'll (Harry and Calypso) be able to maintain the decption under any serious parental scrutiny. Clear?
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