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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    There are a handful of references to Greece in this fic and I thought I'd point them out. They're easy to miss given how spread out they are throughout the fic.

    1. Kira Megara's very old, distinguished, and mocked [according to Calypso] family is from Greece. The Megara's have a reputation for not having special magical talents.
    2. Transfiguration has its roots in Greece.
    3. Grindelwald's Room contains Greco-Roman columns.
    4. Wizards came to rule the Ottoman Empire in the 10th century in this fic. The Ottomans ruled Greece and Crete for about 500 years. The Santi got the date wrong though. The Ottoman Empire wasn't around in the 10th century. It didn't begin until 1299. The Byzantine Empire [aka Eastern Roman Empire] ruled Greece from 440AD until it fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, some thousand years later. The Greeks gained sovereignty from the Ottomans about four hundred years later in 1830, and Crete joined them about a century after that.
    5. Harry's portkey for his third year at Durmstrang has the password "Crete".
    6. The Rosier's have a summer home in Crete. Romulus allegedly spent most of his summer there, leaving Calypso at their main house.
    7. There is an Athens Academy of Magic. Calypso alleges that the Megara's are "continually rejected" from the academy.
    8. Calypso was a nymph in Greek mythology. According to Wikipedia: Calypso is remembered most for her role in Homer's Odyssey, in which she keeps the fabled Greek hero Odysseus on her island so she could make him her immortal husband. According to Homer, Calypso kept Odysseus hostage at Ogygia for seven years. [Thanks, Pirazy!]

    These might mean something, or perhaps not. Much speculation can be made if you've a mind for it. The Ottoman Empire ended in the 20th century, between WWI and WWII. How did that affect the wizarding world? Grindelwald? Transfiguration has its roots in ancient Greece. How ancient? The Minoan civilization [27th century BC to the 15th century BC] was the first advanced European civilization until the Thera volcano destroyed Crete. Where does the old Megara family fit into Greek wizarding history? Of all of the places in the world, why do the Rosier's have a summer house in Crete?

    What's so damn special about Greece, Santi?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  2. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    I just read the last chapter for third time, and I can only define one way: Fantastic. :D

    As for the debates that have formed after the last publication, this is my personal:

    The way Sirius was describing Calypso for Potters make a mental picture of it is, the look completely normal. I see no negative intent to describe it as a member of a pure-blood family. However, it seems strange that nobody here asks Harry which is Calypso's surname.

    As for the Calypso's gift, I just see it is a valuable book with only a very valuable book, with extensive content within; including dark magic's theory.

    The Santi have been splendid loyalty relationship is created between Harry and the house-elf Kreacher. This should be crucial for the future development of Harry, then he will have access to obscure books during his stays in England.

    I also loved the way Harry did the spell Aqua Eructo. The spell is easy to conjure, but very difficult to master. You have been perfect, The Santi. Besides, that way it combines with the Crabbe's Fiendfyre (Who can believe that Crabbe can be a magician something competent)

    I also loved how The Santi have increased the relationship between Harry and his godfather. During their lessons, Sirius could look at him as the son he always wanted but never had.

    The broom that Harry has given to Viktor was a detail, and who knows if Harry manages to place the charm of a Firebolt with others closer to the Sirius' bike. And the way that Ron had to swallow his words, it was great.

    The main issues to be resolved in the next chapter should be the place where Harry will stay during the Quidditch World Cup Final. Is Harry will be in the private compartment for the Viktor guests or sit next to his brother and parents? Are the tents of the Potter, Weasley, Malfoy (I guess that Calypso will stay in the tent of his uncles and cousin) and Krum (That way we could finally see Viktor's family. I'm surprised not to see Viktor's family in Viktor guests' box during the semifinal in Paris) will be together?

    As for the absence of Romulus, I think he is immersed in preparations that Lucius made ​​after the Quidditch World Cup final, or he has been contacted by Wormtail and Voldemort. However, that Dumbledore holds the Marauder's Map is a major blow to the plan of Voldemort in the fourth original book.

    EDIT: Yak has discovered what is very interesting. Perhaps The Santi might give us a big surprise coming from Greece.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  3. Dark Raku

    Dark Raku Second Year

    Oct 2, 2010
    it really doesn't seem that an important question though, his family have known about Calypso for a while why would they ask that now of all times? Seriously, is knowing someone's last name really that important?

    Which would make it absolutely ridiculus. Do Not Want.

    Well, he will sit with his parents. Unless Vicktor meets him before the match - I really doubt he would have time - because it is his parents who got him the tickets and not Vicktor and they probably wouldn't get a Private Compartment. He will obviously spend most of the time with his family - they share a tent. As for Calypso, she was left as far as we know on her own, so she might be on her own there too. Who knows?

    How'd you figure that?

    You forget that Peter knows Dumbledore has the Map, he will tell Voldemort and therefore Voldemort's plan for the Tri-Wizard Tournament will undoubtedly change due to that.
  4. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    I always thought it was because Greece was the origin of Western Civilization (because we don't know much about the Minoan civilization. They don't seem to have been Indo European, they don't seem to have influenced the Phoenician alphabet, etc.).

    The other civilizations who had writing before the Greeks were all Eastern: Egypt, Phoenicians (including their colonies like Carthage), Mesopotamia, the Indus valley, the precursors to the Achaemenid Empire which came to rule 45% of world's population for a few centuries before being conquered by Alexander the Great and breaking up upon his death almost immediately.

    So in a Euro-centric view of history, civilization began with Homer in 9th century BCE, not with Solomon in 10th century BCE, or Sargon of Akkad in 23rd century BCE, or Narmer in 32nd century BCE.

    A picture. For comparison, Socrates lived c. 469 BC–399 BC.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  5. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    What I mean is that none of the people ask him. If a person has a son, who later discovers he has a girlfriend, who confirmed only by first name, it is normal for the father or mother (mostly mother) asked him for the girlfriend's surname.

    It was a hypothesis. Nothing more.

    To which I refer is the possibility that Viktor send a ticket for Harry by owl to encounter Calypso and Kira.

    Although the truth, I think the best scene that could take of the stadium is as follows:

    James manages the presidential box tickets for your family (including Sirius and Remus), which also are the Weasley (thanks to Ludo Bagman), the Malfoys (thanks to Minister Fudge), which are accompanied by Calypso; and a Barty Crouch Jr and hidden under an invisibility cloak, accompanied by his domestic elf Winky. And in that scenario, all presented (except Crouch Jr, obviously) to each one. The face that each one will be able to not have price. :devil:

    As we know from canon information that JKR has said, Lucius Malfoy prepared in advance of its curious procession, along with his former comrades, to be held after the Quidditch World Cup final (the chapter that JKR doesn't published that dealt with the Nott's visit made ​​to Malfoy Manor, was conceived both for the start of CoS to the beginning of GoF). In this situation, I imagine that Lucius will be with his brother in law Romulus (his son was killed by Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. This should be considered for Voldemort's plan, if Romulus participates in the plan).

    True. However, this will test any plan of Voldemort. But, I believe that any plan of Voldemort to get to kidnap Nathan must include the identity theft of "Mad-Eye" under a Polyjuice Potion by a Death Eater that Dumbledore does not suspect of its stay at Hogwarts (for example, the real Barty Crouch Jr's name is identical to his father, Bartemius Crouch) or, otherwise, do the identity theft of Mr. Crouch by his own son, trying to take advantage of the invitations that Dumbledore do to stay at Hogwarts.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  6. Dark Raku

    Dark Raku Second Year

    Oct 2, 2010
    Is it? Huh...OK then.

    But why would he now that Harry had wrote to him telling him he already has tickets?

    Why must any plan Voldemort uses follow canon? The end result could be the same, the method could be different. The Map, as far as anyone knows, cannot be tricked, therefore why would any Death Eater be at Hogwarts in disguise? It would be utterly stupid on Voldemort's part.

    Harry and Nathen are twins, they share the same blood, so couldn't Voldemort's plan be terribly simple - he doesn't need Nathan at all. He has Harry. All he has to do is make sure Harry gets to the Cup, which with Harry being at Durmstrang will be far easier than getting Nathan to the cup.
  7. masteraleph

    masteraleph First Year

    Nov 7, 2008
    1) Voldemort used Harry's blood in GoF to negate his mother's blood protections. I'm not sure that would work here, since there's no indication that BWL Harry has said protections.

    2) Go back and look at the chapters involving Quirrell; Voldemort thinks to himself that Harry would be a good Death Eater. It's rather unlikely that Harry would want to join Voldemort if Wormtail has just sliced his arm open to bring Voldemort back.
  8. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    It's not about the blood. It's about the protection that's carried by the blood. And I believe only Nathan has that protection.

    Great chapter again. I've always liked the idea of Harry (or someone else) experimenting with charming a broom. There's just so much potential for Charms and magic in general and it's nice to see it's being put to good use.
  9. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Perhaps because Harry prefers to watch the game with his girlfriend and not with his family (for example, due to a family discussion that may occur in the next chapter before the Quidditch World Cup final. Perhaps, because they discover Romulus's spell list) and he knows what might occur at the stadium if his parents, his uncles or his brother discover that Calypso is a Rosier.

    This is not the fact of following canon. It is because to remove large obstacles. Mad-Eye Moody is a serious obstacle to Voldemort, but his Death Eaters to narrow and impersonate him would be the best way to study the situation for any eventuality arising out of the Dark Lord's plan (and bearing in mind that could use his own advantage the Moody's magical eye).

    The resurrection potion requires the parent bone, flesh of a vassal and the blood of an enemy. Since Voldemort knew Harry, he wants Harry to become a Death Eater under his command. Therefore, Voldemort doesn't interested at all that Harry is the enemy he needs for that potion.

    Moreover, we note that an enemy Voldemort look that enhances the strength of his new body. And his best bet is Nathan, being the cause of his downfall. Not to mention that Nathan should have the protection that caused him to bounce the killing curse (We do not know if Harry also has that protection).
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  10. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    What protection? There's no evidence that Nathan has the blood protection which Harry has in canon.

    1. Lily is alive and well. She didn't sacrifice herself for the love of her son, Nathan. That was what gave Harry protection in canon.
    2. Harry and Nathan's muggle grandmother [Lily's mum] died instead. She was under the Imperius when she was AKed and never really had the chance to sacrifice herself.
    3. Quirrel wasn't destroyed by Nathan's touch. Dumbledore did a last minute rescue of Nathan and the Philosopher's Stone.

    That said... something reflected the killing curse from Nathan's forehead and into Voldemort's chest. Maybe Nathan does have some sort of blood protection, but it isn't at all clear that that is the case. The events in this fic aren't backing up that theory in the same way that canon does.
  11. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    Do we know Calypso and Draco are first cousins? They could just be "cousins". Considering how small British pureblood society is, we can estimate that all purebloods share an ancestor no more than x generations back. I guess x is 4 or 5. For all of Europe, x is much larger, going as far back as the Roman Empire, perhaps.
  12. refury200

    refury200 First Year

    Apr 23, 2011
    a dark crappy hole that is unfortantly my apartmen
    Aside from numerous spelling mistakes, your wrong. Voldemort knows little to nothing about Harry aside from him being the BWL's brother. Nowhere does it say he wants to recruit Harry and at this point in the story it can't even be assumed. Get your facts right, learn how to spell, and stop making nonsense postings or GTFO.
  13. Darth Mage

    Darth Mage Second Year

    Sep 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  14. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You're wrong. From the second chapter:

  15. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    His spelling is ok. His grammar is deficient, but he has the kinds of errors that indicate a non-native speaker, not a native speaker too lazy to write correctly *cough*.

    It is true that it is hard to sound smart when you are not proficient in the language. How many languages do you know as well as you know English, refury200?
  16. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    Hmm, I should really read the entire story again. I didn't remember most of that at all.

    Still, like you said, there has to be some kind of protection. However, if Voldemort never found out Nathan still had that protection (like he found out the hard way in canon), he might not even decide to use Nathan for his ritual. That would make the whole GoF plot unnecessary.
  17. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    Take your own advice.
  18. refury200

    refury200 First Year

    Apr 23, 2011
    a dark crappy hole that is unfortantly my apartmen
    Im universely hated. This is the happiest day of my life.
  19. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    This line might need a once-over, you're making it sound like the entire families have been invited when it's actually just Ron and Hermione.

    Plus Calypso herself, the beauty who seduces the hero with the intent to marry him.

    *Hops on the mock-refury-bandwagon* "unfortantly", it appears you've shot yourself in the foot.
  20. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    It is very possible. However, I believe that Calypso and Draco are first cousins ​​because I don't believe that Romulus send his only daughter to some distant relatives, but his immediate family (excluding himself). So if that is the case, can only be by the late Mrs. Rosier was Lucius' sister. But, there is also the possibility (which as I said, I do not think it's the right one) that Calypso call them as her uncles, like Harry called Sirius and Remus as his uncles.
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