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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Heh, I started reading it when I saw who the poster was and skipped the rest.

    @KrzaQ: I thought about it, and unless he chooses the vow words pretty carefully there is still a way to wiggle something out of the deal. Not saying it would happen(and remember, we are still not 100% sure what is going on Calypso and her father) but is still a possibility.

    But honestly, I just liked how determination to prove himself lead him to put himself in a (however unlikely) peril.
  2. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    This is exactly what I'm expecting to happen.
  3. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    I pretty much agree with this. How is allowing Calypso to cast a spell on him so that he can enter any different than asking Victor to drop his name in the Goblet?

    If the point of this whole ordeal was for Harry to find a way to enter his name on his own merit, I think we've missed the mark.
  4. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Since Harry is still using a loophole, the daring and reasoning is covered as it was previously.

    Courage will be more than covered, considering the amount of pain Harry will endure.

    Magical Prowess is the trickier one. I assume that Harry will be the one to make the Aging Potion, so there is that. I suspect that Harry's occlumency will have a greater role in this plan's success than is being said here, plans don't work like expected after all.

    Besides I am sure all of Harry's attempts will be considered in the Goblet's decision. That Harry can do the ward at all says something about his Magical Prowess.
  5. Dark_Phoenix

    Dark_Phoenix Squib

    Jul 19, 2011
    That was rather chilling and foreboding. I actually think this might make or break their friendship here. Although Calypso seems to want to implant a false memory, an unbreakable vow is something else. Also, i don't really know if viktor would actually do that either.

    But i do like that analysis of the champion. The goblet needs to perceive you as a champion, inasmuch as you need to perceive/believe that you are a champion as well. Brilliant,really.
  6. Dwitty

    Dwitty Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    May 12, 2006
    I enjoyed it. Short, but sweet.

    I did anticipate the key to bypassing the age line and using the goblet would be more a matter of sacrafice and showing trust in another than it would be Harry's skills with magic. Didn't think this would be how though, of course. It could be said to be cheating, but that's a traditional part of the Tri-Wizard cup too.

    Good stuff, Santi.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  7. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    With the magnum opus of DLP (or The Santi as of yet), it is hard to say something new. People are sitting all day and analyzing the next move, so it's a bit too much under the magnifying glass. The chapter (the part of the chapter) was good, a tiny bit weaker than usual, but all in all a good one. Then, the before-mentioned glass comes into it - every choice made or hought off is analyzed too much and the chapter seems weaker than it is.
    With months (i dunno, maybe years for some crazy people? I never seem to track the time properly and I still havent read the whole thread) to think about how Harry is entering, we would have been slightly disappointing with most of the solutions.

    If he entered with the help of Krum, we could say that it hadn't been Harry-ish, that this Harry would have found a way to prove himself more - and just putting it in with the hands of the others is too simple and boring.
    Collapsing the age line with the one of his - we might find that it's a bit stretching the possibility of the situation - Harry is talented and strong, but he isn't more powerful than Dumbledore.
    If he used everyone's help to blast through, we would count it as not his achievement. (It would still be awesome to see him cast Avada on the line repeatedly. Everyone would be staring in shock and harry could go "You know, it's illegal only when used on people.")
    The same with any other options considered and mentioned.

    If the current Legilimency plan works, I think it's kind of ok... I mean, can you honestly say that you have a better idea, so that it would prove Harry better and worthy of championship?
    There must be Occlumency used and Harry should have to struggle to reach the cup (at least there should be a fight inside) - I would count that as a great achievement for him.
    It is threading the thin line of weather Calypso's help counts as help or not - because he is both drinking the potion and trying not to have his brains fried. It's more of a push, that doing the work for him, even it it's the most important part.
    Bonus points if it happens at the last minute before the champions are revealed. When everyone is starring at harry, who steps over the line, tosses a small piece of parchment in and collapses in shivers, bleeding from his eyes (you know, the usual film psychic stuff). And then, everyone still not understanding what happens the goblet chooses his name. ;D
    We'll see the truth sometime later, I guess.

    A small note on age lines - I for one subscribe to the school of interpretation that says that the age line doesn't exactly measure your own age, so the interpretation we are given fits my thoughts. (There was some half crappy fic which told that it measures the age of the soul, and the idea was that harry could cross it because of the piece of Voldemort inside of him. That doesn't work here as only Nathan has the soul.)

    I think that's the gist of it. Now engaging the lurking mode till another update. :D

  8. Kalypso

    Kalypso Second Year

    Jun 17, 2011
    I for one liked the chapter, esp. that Santi picked up our ideas on beating the age line and shots them all down-I found this very funny.
    And of course Harry acts a bit "rough" and cold in this chapter, he is under a lot of pressure and extreme stress and I think it foreshadows Harrys future development as a character. He is getting more and more determined, cold and ruthless.

    And his solution with the false memory is quite ingenious, I don't remember anyone mentioning this in the thread.

    I can understand that Harry is accepting Dumbledores advice and refuses the easy solution, I doubt Calypso will have a chance of being picked as champion with this trick esp. since it wasn't even her idea.

    But Harry would have a really good chance with this approach-he is willing to endure a lot of pain and open himself up to another, the plan is intelligent and I guess Harry himself shows his magical prowess by brewing the potion and the occlumency that is possibly involved with this, not to forget his various attempts beforehand.

    And Harry doing all this right infront of the whole school will be quite a scene.
  9. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Nice snippet. At first I thought that Harry was going to fail to get his name into the Goblet, only to find that Calypso had entered his name without his permission. But it looks like this new plan is going to work.
  10. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    If the Goblet's magic detests all cheating, then this is true. But I think that what Santi was going for - or more specifically, how Santi's Harry thinks it works - is that it doesn't actually work this way.

    Harry believes that the Cup is not judging the "destination" (i.e., cheating to enter), but the journey. And there's no doubt that agreeing to have someone mess with your mind, after trying all manner of other magical means, is a lot more daring and courageous than having a good friend carry the paper over.

    On top of this, he'll also be the one to drop the paper into the Goblet this way. And if there's anything that can put a definitive "daring/courage" stamp on an act of cheating, it's finishing the cheat yourself instead of having a proxy do it.
  11. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Nice snippet. At first I thought that Harry was going to fail to get his name into the Goblet, only to find that Calypso had entered his name without his permission, or that Nathan would be the only minor to be a champion of the Triwizard. However, after reading your new update, I think that this new plan is going to work.

    In the end, Ivan's trick is to count for something positive for Harry.

    Good stuff, The Santi.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  12. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    @Blazzano: Additionally, from what I understand, the Goblet makes decision based what it sees, not based on an "objective" truth with information taken out of nowhere. This is why Harry's belief of being of age can fool it. This is also why it won't see Harry entering as cheating at all - to its knowledge Harry is of age and can enter.
  13. Falcoren

    Falcoren Squib

    Sep 9, 2009
    I dont understand how Victor could put in Calypsos name in the goblet. Shouldnt it be able to see that Victor doesnt think he is putting in his own name and instead that one of a 15 year old.

    I mean if the goblet must be tricked by Harry thinking he is 17 years old shouldnt it also need to be tricked into thinking that Krum put in his own name when he in fact put in both his own and Calypsos.
  14. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    According to the information on which Harry's new plan to circumvent the age line conjured by Dumbledore, the person who gets a scroll in the goblet of fire must be at least 17 years, both in external body and in his mind. The barrier does not record if the person gets a scroll in the Goblet of Fire is the same as filled in the same scroll.

    Thus, Viktor could take the written parchment of Calypso, as when in the fourth book (after a powerful spell Confundus) Barty Crouch Junior managed to put a scroll written by Harry Potter (taken from any essay or test that Harry makes in DADA's class).
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  15. VelleEstPosse

    VelleEstPosse Muggle

    Nov 16, 2010
    If Harry's theory is right, I wonder if the Goblet's ability to sense how the candidates perceive themselves is a new one. Dumbledore may just have added a new layer to an old enchantment i.e. the Goblet was originally enchanted to size the candidate's abilities, determination and inner strength at the moment they put their names inside, and now to also check their age.

    It would explain the 'loophole' in the ward left by Dumbledore in Cannon. Even if someone of an age put the name of a minor inside, they still won't be chosen since the Goblet would not be able to determine the abilities of the person whose name was put in. Though that would bean that the confusion spell BC J. cast on the Goblet should have been powerful enough to 1) make the Goblet choose a fourth champion and 2) make the Goblet choose a champion whose abilities it hadn't judged for itself.

    Anyway, I loved the new update (also, it's my birthday tomorrow so thank you xD). It's always amusing to read Harry's interactions with Nathan and Hermione, Ron and Kira were not in most of the scenes (and judging by Kira's preference of her sixth year friend(s?), I assume her break up with Victor is near) and I liked all the speculation about getting past the ward. Surprisingly, even Calypso was less annoying than usual (sorry, not her biggest fan, to put it mildly), probably because the plot, for once, didn't revolve around her and her secrets.

    Can't wait to see what happens next. We won't complain too much if the next update comes before the time you set, you know.
  16. dragon_emperor_loong

    dragon_emperor_loong Muggle

    Jul 8, 2011
    what i dont get is, why does krum even have to enter the tri-wizard tournament. i know it was explained that the quidditch teams wanted the publicity. and that krum would look like a coward for not entering.

    but what's to prevent krum from entering only harry's or calypso's name into the cup, and simply letting people think he did enter. it's not exactly krum's fault if he wasnt chosen to be champion. this would solve both harry's problem of having to compete against krum for the spot of champion, and it would solve krum's problem of not wanting to compete.
  17. darkendlight

    darkendlight First Year

    May 18, 2007
    Now that Harry suspects that he has a false memory of his detention does anybody think it is possible for him to remove by himself?
  18. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Not at this point no. What I believe Santi has said, or at least implied, is that if Ivan's memory had been noticed and caught in time it could have been removed. But because of Harry's extensive Occulemncy usage it wasn't and the false memory has now completely replaced and destroyed the original memory.
  19. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    I think that the only two contenders are Krum and Harry. Krum could put Harry's name in, but if Dumbledore's right then that will disqualify Harry from the tournament. Then neither Harry nor Krum would be the champion. Then Krum is screwed. Besides, it sounds like Krum's honor is forcing him to enter. He said he would, so Krum is going to enter.
  20. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    The hell is with the people saying that this is a weaker entry than Santi's usual work? I thought it was pretty fantastic myself.

    I like that Harry seemed to think of just about all of the possible ways of getting his name in and stayed up all night trying them to no avail before hitting on something that might work. I like that we got to see some of Nathan, Hermione, and Ron and I liked how they were written. I don't have any real issues with how the Goblet works / seems to work / is said to work -- it's covered in the story, but even they aren't 100% sure how it works, so get over it.

    Good stuff.
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