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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. iamnotlordvoldemort

    iamnotlordvoldemort Squib

    Oct 26, 2011
    But Voldemort did close the gap, Dumbledore himself, stated quite clearly, in book 6, I think, is the most knowledgeable alive.[/QUOTE]

    That is not a sentence, and certainly not very clear.
  2. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I think Santi should ignore Anarchy.

    I mean, the story is what it is - an exploration of someone turning dark, an exploration of different magics and stuff - something that brings a bit of wonder into our lives.

    I think what Anarchy is looking for is for something that satisfies every single one of his litte itches when it comes to fanfic, and I think that's impossible. There will be something that this fic will fulfill and there will be some thing that this fic won't.

    This just happens to have a huge amount of elements that I (and a whole bunch of DLPers, judging from the response) love. There is a well developed OC. There's an entirely new school of magic built from the ground up that isn't Canadian. There is in depth knowledge of the word motivations.

    So, to an extent, Anarchy's right - the fic attempts to oppose certain cliches, and still bring pleasure to the readers. But there's no harm in that. Cliches are both useful tools and crutches, depending on the quality of the writer. Anti-cliches are the same. In the end, everything is just another iteration of a literary device. So no, I don't think Santi's writing is failing him as you say it is.

    I do disagree with some of the decisions that he's made, but, tbh, I've had enough readers disagree with the directions I take - and (usually), there's a point behind every action.

    There's no convincing you that it's actually your cup of tea - as I said, it is what it is.

    I think that it's a 5-star fic and I am thrilled when it's updated. Keep reading, Anarchy. It might get better.

    /me shrugs.
  3. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
    Personally, I liked the update. Sure, I wanted Harry to compete, but it was mostly out of a desire to see people's reaction to him and, of course, the awesome magic -- but we've been seeing that since the fic started, so that's not lacking.

    Like many others have said, the lack of stronger emotion on Harry's part is suspect, but there's probably a reason for it. (e.g. Hasn't fully sunk in, or something.)

    I understand that a lot of people want something that's incredibly epic, but for me, it's always been about character interaction, cool magic, and Harry's decent into the Dark Arts, along with his "infamy" status.

    So yeah, I'm excited about fourth year. I've enjoyed the story so far, and I've yet to be truly desappointed.
    And yes, Santi's AN had me really pumped up and whatnot.

    Eagerly awaiting the next update.

    New Years, right? Better be. :p
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  4. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    This is the first time that I've really understood the argument/whatever about Harry and the Triwizard in this story. I mean I sort of got it before, but this sort of clarified it for me.

    It's actually a good point. As awesome as this story is, and as much as I enjoy reading it -- Nathan is the "hero" here, since he's saved the philosopher's stone, saved Ginny, killed a Troll and a Basilisk, etc. Harry might be by far the better wizard with both more talent and more power, but Nathan is still the "hero." The series has generally been about, well, Harry being a hero.

    Blazzano addressed it reasonably well a few posts later. I won't repeat everything he said.

    I still think the story is amazing, and I'm all for Santi writing it however he wants to. I'm still pretty sure that whatever happens this year will be suitably epic -- so bring it on!
  5. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    This was unnecessarily harsh, I think. It is true that I like this story less than I did ten chapters ago. It is true that I disagree with the logic (and even premise) of some parts, but I don't presume to know what Santi plans - I've been surprised before. If it doesn't get better but in fact gets worse as you predict (and I fear), I think Santi will be able to afford a refund for what you (and I) paid for this book. :)
  6. Irmin

    Irmin Guest

    Not having Harry rage over his failure is certainly inconsistent. Reread the end of the Nov update and compare Harry's rage and determination to win with his almost total indifference in the face of his public failure. The public fact is key since those witnesses were the reason for his drive. It just doesn't make any sense. It should be crushing.

    The lame plot device with the goblet strikes me as a situation where the author is trying to follow some cookie cutter novel 'build'. I guess it was time for our main character to epically fail due to his own foolishness. Yawn. It was cringe-worthy.

    We are all going to have to come to terms with the fact that this awesome OC Harry is never going to kick the shit out of lame canon!Harry's challenges. We were all hoping for and expecting this eventual outcome. This new realization takes the entire story down a peg since all of the work in the past sixteen chapters feels for nought. Advanced magic and great character development aside, Harry has to be involved in some epic, penis stroking adventure for me to really be satisfied.
  7. Mathias

    Mathias Squib

    Nov 5, 2010
    Okay, I don't really visit DLP very frequently, but upon seeing a thread link on Patronus, I decided to head on over, and read up on all the chapters that have been posted lately.

    Yes, this fic is great in that it is taking Harry Potter in a direction that hasn't been done before, which is always a treat IMO, but I can't help but be confused with the last two updates. The reason for this is that Dumbledore says Krum would be selected if he put in somebody else's name, which he does for Calypso, and is selected. Why did the Santi not use that as the reasoning? Have Harry actually make it in in time, BUT Krum is chosen as Champion and Harry isn't. That shows that Harry was original and his plan worked, but the Goblet used the reason that was previously mentioned by Dumbledore. That rather conveniently avoids this just too late scenario that is playing out.

    Still, after staying away from DLP for a while, coming to read BWL was def worth the time, and I am hopeful going forward for an actual conflict to accompany the magic Harry has demonstrated.
  8. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Well, if by character interactions the Santi means a hot threesome with Harry, Calypso, and Fleur then I would consider that suitably epic, and I would fall upon my knees begging for forgiveness for questioning his writing prowess.
  9. ST218

    ST218 Squib

    Feb 7, 2011
    Chapter was great, Santi, ignore the haters. Harry had to fail-it was the only option; and he failed in the best way possible, all things considered. It's been enjoyable thus far, so I trust that what you have next will also be entertaining.

    Seriously, I don't mean for this to be an FFNesque praisefest, but all I care about is if I enjoyed what I read and I did, so there you have it.
  10. Corsair

    Corsair First Year

    Nov 4, 2010
    Change of direction was unexpected - and a bit disappointing. To be honest, I just want to see Harry shine at last, and out of tournament it may well not happen.

    Problem is, that Santi studiously avoids creating situation for sole purpose of making main character shine. If something arises out of circumstances, then it arises, but if not, then accomplishments seems to appear and go without much notice. It is one of things I like in this story most, but it is frustrating at times. Last time when I had "Hell yeah, Harry had won" feel was in the first year with space enchantment container. Later, every single one was diminished by something.

    Earth golem - not perfected, and shown only as a step in dark art development. Space enchancement mastery - only as footnote in scene with Calypso and Victor. Incredible control of elemental magic after a duel - only mentioned. Even whole "Harry, destroyer of Grinenvald" article, Harry greatest point of of recognition so far, didn't have really much exposure in his private life. Yes, it was importain point, and yes, reaction of others were revealed. But there was not much interaction between Harry and people around him, that would mention it, and scene where his family finds out was cut short.

    When it comes down to it - consider what level Harry is now, compared to majority of adult population. His skills in charms are definitely better than majority. Enchantment is on professional level. Transfiguration is simillar. In dueling, he can mope floor with anyone not possessing auror training.

    He gained all that, seemingly in background, without showing off. Situation was changing, Harry was developing, but there was very few points where he was demonstrating his superiority. Yes, he was doing it - but such demonstration were not focus of a given scene. It feels more natural this way - and as I mentioned it is for me one of strong sides of a story - but all this means, that being Harry out of tournament results in fewer opportunities to show his skills.

    And I would really like for him to show what he can do, and enjoy seeing jaws drop down in wonder.
  11. Christinathewitch

    Christinathewitch Second Year

    Mar 15, 2011
    Krum was chosen in Calypso's place because she didn't prove herself to be smart, daring etc. by having someone else put her name in (though the fact that the underage participants seem to be judged only by the way they enter themselves and the others are chosen for their character is really unfair).

    Now, how could you use the same reasoning if Harry enters himself via Legillimency done by Calypso?
  12. Jigokuno

    Jigokuno Seventh Year

    Dec 2, 2008

    So instead of being in the TWT for an original reason like having someone mess with his own mind, Santi has decided to have Nathan follow canon Harry's path directly and has Harry avoid any similarities with canon Harry's path even if he does it in an original way. Do I seem to understand you correctly their? If Voldemort had Harry's name put in the Goblet like in canon I would've cried BS. However since Harry came up with an original way of entering the tournament with his own reasons for wanting to enter that are story compliant I really see no reason to avoid it just because canon Harry entered the tournament. In fact that sounds kind of ridiculous to be THAT allergic to canon events to not allow them to intersect under any circumstances.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  13. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    Right you are good sir. Harry is the protagonist and the reader expects him to do impressive things and get recognition for it, but in an adventure story you have to continually ramp up these accomplishments to avoid stagnation. Hence why alot of people are turned off at the prospect of yet another year of Harry being a straight A student who only gets recognition from the top academics of his chosen fields, which are pretty much just a handful of people.

    The other students at Durmstrang were intimidated by his prowess in earlier years but he was still beneath their radar, he still was just a talented younger kid that they felt they could equal if they just had all the professor's support like he did and that on his own he was nothing special. Then Harry went and burnt those fuckers alive and crucio'd the remains while breaking their legs. That was a damn impressive warm-up to what people anticipated as Harry's epic reintroduction to the british wizarding world, only it's not a triumphant return, but a shameful sneaking in through the back door.

    The story kept climbing on the 'adventure-scale' only to now apparently take a sudden nose-dive, Santi has promised an epic 4th year that will not disappoint for quite some time now. I have trouble seeing how he will accomplish that, because I don't see any way to make beating the simplest possible magic that'll let Nathan survive the tasks into Nathan's head impressive at all. Sure there is the long-awaited drama that will unfold once Harry's family and friends realize just how deep into the Dark Arts he has really delved, but that's just window dressing compared to the epic adventure Nathan will be having. A side-show to fill in the gaps between the adventure and excitement.

    I'd gladly have Santi prove me wrong though and will at such a time happily eat my words with a smile on my face, but I doubt it'll happend. I just don't see the epic in having Harry holding his half-wit of a brother up by the shoulders while Nathan gets handed the praise for accomplishments he owes to his brother. No, I just see the stage being set for a repeat of Harry's first term at Hogwarts when all the idiot kids kept badgering him for gossip on Nathan and asking about all the impressive magic Dumbledore taught him.
  14. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    Someone please tell me that this isn't going to become one of those fics where Harry decides Nathan won't survive the tournament so Harry pretends to be him and competes in the tournament. I'm calling it now, but I really hope I'm wrong! I suppose it could be worse though.
  15. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    That was what I was thinking when Dumbledore and Harry were talking about Nathan's chances.
  16. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Nathan is forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament because he is linked to a binding magical contract made ​​when the Goblet of Fire selects him as the champion of a nonexistent fourth school. If Nathan does not compete, he would be hit hard (surely this would start with a serious lack of control of their own magic to reach the point that it disappeared, probably causing him an agonizing death).

    Therefore it would be impossible to a plan where Harry would substitute for Nathan in the Triwizard Tournament.
  17. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    If I remember correctly they're not identical twins. The idea that no one would notice the difference is kind of ridiculous considering that and the fact that Nathan is a mediocre student.
  18. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    Given Dumbledore's opinion on Harry I could even see him sanctioning it, especially when you consider that Dumbledore would consider Nathan to valuable to risk when he has a readily available and willing substitute.
  19. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I am pretty sure they are identical twins. Hermione even thought Harry was Nathan for a while on the Train back for their first Christmas vacation.
  20. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    Does anyone have confirmation on whether or not they are identical. Even if there not appearnce can be changed quite easily. As for the binding magical contract that would present a problem, but I would say that with close blood relative and especially twins that their might be a way to fudge it. Especially considering that the Goblet has already been confunded once. Are we even sure that the contract is even valid, I mean in the original story Dumbledore was using Harry for bait. He wasn't trying to get Harry(now Nathan) out of competing.
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