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WIP Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-King by JoeHundredaire - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by darthdavid, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. PsyckoSama

    PsyckoSama Groundskeeper

    Jan 11, 2006
    About the Illyria/OOC thing and Harry not caring about Luna's death...

    It was hinted in most of season 5 angel that a hell of alot more of Fred survived then you first were lead to believe, and one of the themes in the Buffy-verse was always how tough the human soul is and how it give you your moral center. IMHO they'd probably have had Illyria become more and more human over time.

    Luna, as a Witch, was FAR more powerful than Fred ever was. In fact, Luna's magical core, which could be considered part of her soul, survived it and had to be actively ASSIMILATED WITH. Thusly, I'm thinking the integration between the two is faster and FAR more of Luna remains.

    As for Harry not caring, I'm thinking he sees far far more Luna in Illyria then she'd ever be willing to admit. Luna's not as dead as Illyria would like everyone to believe, she's just... different...
  2. Calen

    Calen Fourth Year

    Nov 8, 2006
    The good old U of K.
    What episode of s5 Angel was it that Fred was taken over by Illyria?
  3. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    It's actually two episodes. in 'A Hole in the World' Fred is infected by Illyria and they try to cure her. Illyria completely takes over in 'Shells', the next episode, and that's where you see the fallout from that. I'd advise watching s5 from beginning to end, however, because there's some backstory involved. My personal favorite Illyria episode is 'Time Bomb'.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon First Year

    Jul 26, 2007
    I disagree. I see the resurgence of Fred in Illyria as a result of Illyria suffering emotional break downs after the lost of Val'ha hanash/power drain and actively channeling Fred's memories/personality. It seemed right after her resurrection, Illyria was the dominate personality and hell bent on the destruction of the world.

    Would Illyria have reacted the same way she did in Not Fade Away if Wesley have died in A hole in the World? I think not, in fact, Illyria didn't seem to care much for Wesley(up until Hamilton stomped her) and had no trouble killing him in Time Bomb.

    Besides, the claim that magic makes ones soul stronger is complete hogwash. HP magic is likely a genetic trait instead of something like 40K where Pyschers are the result of warped souls. If HP magic is part of a person's soul then we would have seen it destroyed, damaged or automatically integrated once Illyria took over Luna.(IE Luna's soul intergrated into Illyia, thus magic would automatically integrated as a part of the soul) The fact that neither happened is contradictory to your claim and the story itself (because it is obvious the author is reliant on the same fuzzy logic).
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2007
  5. Sanctimonius

    Sanctimonius Guest

    This story tottered for me. Interesting idea, and good start that just steadily declined as it got further along. There was no detail or further looks into Illyria's past and Harry seems to be a bit pussy whipped doing everything she says (not that he has a choice) without question of who she was, who defeated her, what magic she knows... catching my drift? Besides, for someone of goddess (the author always calls her a god) status, she still uses words to direct her magic. Fail.

    Essentially an average fic with a shaky, prone to decline 3/5.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2007
  6. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    Illyria isn't a goddess, she's a god-king. Her original shell had no gender, and it's only the body that she's possessing that makes her female. But the thing about her using words to direct her magic is a little bit silly.
  7. Vendo

    Vendo Fourth Year

    Nov 4, 2006
    Especially since she altered time when Spike was testing her powers by just holding out her hand.
  8. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    And yet, more interesting than having her just stand there and then *poof* something happens.

    I'm sure part of the reason she's using incantations is so the reader knows what to expect, particularly if the spell is one that will be used frequently. Like with so many other choices an author makes, it's a trade-off.
  9. Oberon

    Oberon First Year

    Jul 26, 2007
    Not nessisary, he could describe the effect of the spell rather then the process of casting it.
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Yes, he could describe the effects every single time she uses a particular spell. Necessary, no. Better in some cases, yes.
    And what 'process'? If she doesn't need to use an incantation, why would she need to do anything else either? Why wave her wand or even her hand? Couldn't she do it with nothing but a passing thought, or are there certain rules about just how powerful a god is that I haven't been made privy to? When all you need to do is think the spell, then there is no process. Then it comes down to thinking the spell instead of saying it and you're pretty much back where you started anyway and can either write the character thinking the incantation or describe someone's arms being ripped off by an invisible force for the fifteenth time.

    Would reading that be more interesting? Maybe, maybe not, that's one of the trade-offs.

    Some readers like reading lots of descriptive language for that type of thing and some would prefer to read it once and simply rely on the incantation to let them know what's going on during subsequent uses of said spell.

    I have read stories before where the author made up a new spell and then proceeded to use that spell constantly. Every time the character cast it, they described in detail how it peeled the skin off the victim or broke his bones, melted his flesh; whatever. The fact is that it was very annoying. Then again, it was also a symptom of amateurish writing. A better author would have been able to vary the descriptions a bit from use to use but still... it gets old rather quickly.

    It's very nearly a moot point either way, since Illyria basically stated that she liked doing things that way. She IS a god king, after all, and if that's the way she wants to do things, who's really going to question her? It doesn't seem to be impairing her ability to fight. She's already used her powers through Harry from a distance with apparent ease and I'm sure there will be plenty of other displays, which show just how powerful she is, before the story wraps up.

    Perhaps it would better display her godly might if she simply raised an eyebrow at her enemies and they turned to ash but would it be more interesting reading the description of it happening every time she fights or would it be tedious; something you skip over instead of reading because you've read it too many times already?

    YMMV. I'm not particularly fussed about it either way.
  11. Oberon

    Oberon First Year

    Jul 26, 2007
    Are you serious? Wand waving and incantation is a convention of the HP series, whereas Dumbledore don't always use it and people think his spell casting his cool.

    In this story itself, Dumbles casted a powerful spell without incantation. Why aren't you complaining that being boring? I'm not saying be less descriptive, i'm saying move the focus of the description on the effect rather than doing.

    You didn't see her yelling our martial arts moves in mellee combat did you? Mongoose Strike! I'm sorry, I think I missed that part in AtS.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2007
  12. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    New chapter out.
  13. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Yeah, Dumbledore is one cool cat. I want a long white beard and a complete lack of accountability, too, when I grow up. Anyway, how about something relevant... :rolleyes:

    I believe you mean 'cast', since 'casted' isn't a word. If you'll note, I said I didn't particularly care either way. Anything I said which could be construed as a complaint was in regards to other stories. My post was a reply to the people that were complaining.

    You're not saying much of anything, actually. Frankly, as far as I can tell, you've only written a single complete sentence so far. It was three words long and was a retarded question anyway. Also, though it can't fix your grammar, more is the pity, the spell checker is there for a reason, so do everyone a favor and use it.

    From what I can manage to decipher from your incoherent mumblings, you seem to be under the erroneous impression that I thought you said the author should be less descriptive. Not only are you mistaken on that account, I never actually even contradicted your post. I merely pointed out that either way the author could have handled Illyria's spell casting would have had good points and bad points. I then went on to state some of my personal likes and dislikes with the way such things were handled in other stories.

    What in the fuck are you yammering about? Are you purposely trying to be ignorant or is it merely what happens when you attempt to communicate? Oh well, you get a few consolation points for saying 'martial arts' instead of 'marital arts' like so many lack-witted morons before you.

    The bottom line is, the people complaining about Illyria using incantations don't have a reason to complain anyway. The fact that Illyria is using incantations to perform some of her spells, instead of just making them happen with all her godly might, is because some of Luna's instincts are still influencing her. Luna had to use incantations and so Illyria, since she is residing in Luna's body, is predisposed towards using incantations even though she doesn't need to.

    It's one of a number of instances where the author has pointed out to us that a lot more of Luna's personality got left behind with Illyria than was supposed to. Considering we're only a few chapters in and it's been alluded to quite a few times, I'd say it's a relatively major part of the story (or at least a major part of Illyria's current personality). THAT is why she's saying some of (some, not all of) her spells.

    This was stated right there in the story. Therefore it really has nothing to do with the awesome magnitude of her powers (or lack thereof), and everything to do with showing how much Luna's personality is still influencing her. Therefore, the complaints in regards to her verbal spell casting are moot.
    It's a little tiny bit of added character development; something we don't get enough of in most fan fic. I'd rather celebrate it when an author puts the effort in, rather than find a reason to whine about it.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2007
  14. Oberon

    Oberon First Year

    Jul 26, 2007
    Forget it, you aren't going to change your mind and you damn well isn't going to change mine.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2007
  15. Lord Osiris

    Lord Osiris Auror

    Oct 19, 2005
    The land down under
    Meh couldn't really get into you know? i confess that sure the death of Bella was sad but morbidly funny i just cant seem to get over the raging super chic that in nearly every sense of the word owns HP?! i got to give it 3/5 for mostly the just having to much super duper hardcoreness.
  16. KirijamaScion

    KirijamaScion First Year

    Apr 16, 2007
    I like it so far. Wasn't really much of an Angel fan (show or character) but in any case its not all that heavy into buffyverse specifics more just borrowing some of the history and concepts and of course Illyria.

    Long as I don't see Dawn show up or some such I think it'll be good for a while.
  17. Lincos

    Lincos Professor DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2007
    Liverpool, UK
    Didn't even know it was an angel cross over (never having watched an episode or been interested in it) until I read this thread.

    I liked the story, not to fond of them bringing in the Black Pearl but meh, no Jack Sparrow and the likes.

    What rating I give it doesn't really mater now that its in the library, but I will give it a 4/5 anyway :¬)
  18. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    It actually does matter, as stories archived in the library are subject to removal if the rating is lowered below 3 stars.

    The Black Pearl? Well, I'm glad I stopped following this story then.

    It was quite good in the beginning chapters and showed promise, but didn't seem to be on its way to fulfilling it. The character interaction really got heavy and focused too much on Harry's sexual conquests.

    The epic-o-meter drops whenever Dudley/Dursleys have more than 500 words that don't involve them being tortured to death, and certainly does when Dudley scores with Tonks, and I didn't quite feel quite confident in Voldemort and his cadre being villains capable of challenging Ilyria. Made me wonder if the whole Angel crossover thing was an elaborate introduction into a harem fic, a thought encouraged by his author notes.
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Author took the fic down apparently, thread closed.
  20. Xion

    Xion Robot Overlord Admin

    Apr 3, 2006
    Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-King has been updated with a new chapter.

    Story Stats
    Chapters: 20
    Words: 101,557
    Updated: 2018-10-30 21:43:31 UTC
    Published: 2013-04-19 05:48:35 UTC
    Previously updated: 3 days ago

    Brought to you by Scryer story thread updates.