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Hogwarts Sorting Test

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Methene, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    Oh yes. I figure we put in a joke answer for every one. For example:

    - Stuff yourself with food (Ron)
    - Look it up in an obscure, but unrelated textbook (Hermione)
    - Whine to your Daddy (Malfoy)
    - Play Quidditch while the world goes to shit (Harry).

    And of course we have a ream of Ginslut related answers:

    - Masturbate while holding a picture of your brother.
    - Do a striptease in front of the school
    - Force your boyfriend to drink a glass of your juices
    - Shit all over the old, wizened Headmaster
    - Lick cum out of your mother's vajayjay.
    - Marry into the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter (cheers, Methene)
    - 69 with your Charms Professor
    - Seduce the Caretaker's cat.

    ... I could go on.
  2. Ensiferous

    Ensiferous Squib

    Jan 4, 2008
    It's way too obvious, seriously the questions are so obvious as to which characteristic they promote, that alone makes this test incredibly stupid and a waste of time since you can essentially just dictate where you want to go.

    I remember seeing a proper sorting test somewhere, I can't remember where though, I'll see if I can find it.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2008
  3. lilyqueen777

    lilyqueen777 Banned

    Feb 2, 2008
    in the middle of nowhere...
    I am so glad I didn't pick e then! :D
  4. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    F) Make up a good lie, produce a few tears, and promise to turn it in next class, with the understanding that you'll lose one letter grade. (50% Raven, 25 Sly, 25 Huff)
    G) Skip class - fake an excuse to go to the infirmary, and use the extra time to turn in a Really Good paper. (50% Gryf, 25 Sly, 25 Raven) [A Gryff would have access to the Weasleys and their Excellent reasons to be in the Infirmary, and would be reckless and stupid enough to try WWW inventions.]
    H) Work on the assignment through the Welcoming Feast, skip beginning-of-year party in the Common Room, and sit up all night working on it (using other student's papers and references if you can get them.) (50% Raven, 50% Huff)
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2008
  5. Silent

    Silent Kinky Wench

    Dec 4, 2005
    This quiz is a fun idea. Here, I'll try to help.

    You wake up Monday morning, with just enough time to get to class. Only one problem – you’re actually quite sick.

    a) “Yes! I get to spend Potions in the infirmary!” You go to the infirmary, but go to classes after that, because you’re feeling better. (Hufflepuff 50%, Gryffindor 25%, Ravenclaw 25%)

    b) The class you despise most is partway through the day. You hold out until then, perhaps coughing on a few disliked classmates, until you actually want out. (Slytherin 50%, Gryffindor 25%, Ravenclaw 25%)

    c) You positively cannot stand the thought of being stuck in the infirmary for what might possibly be several hours when you have better things to do, so you go to classes anyway, and see Pomfrey once you have actual free time. (Gryffindor 50%, Hufflepuff 25%, Slytherin 25%)

    d) Missing class is anathema. You down a Pepper-Up potion and go. (Ravenclaw 50%, Gryffindor 25%, Hufflepuff 25%)

    e) You go to the infirmary, timing it so you’re there right before class starts. You make sure everyone knows how terrible you’re feeling. Once there, you exaggerate your illness as much as possible, and make sure you’ll spend the rest of the day in the infirmary – perhaps the day after, too! – resting. (Slytherin 50%, Ravenclaw 25%)

    f) You wouldn’t get sick in the first place. You’ve been careful to take care of your health and ensure you won’t catch anything nasty. (Hufflepuff 50%, Slytherin 25%, Ravenclaw 25%)
  6. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    g) Damn, another trip to the clinic. (Ginny 100%)
  7. Mordac

    Mordac Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Birmingham, England
    Where's the other 25%?
  8. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    You are having recurring nightmares. At least once a week, you wake up shaking and nauseated.

    a) You start taking naps during the day, and try to minimize the time you spend sleeping during the night time. You don't tell anyone that you have a problem. (Sly 50%, Gryf 50%)

    b) You make sleeping potions and keep silencing spells on your bed. Possibly get help from ONE trusted friend.(33% Raven, 33% Sly, 33% Gryf)

    c) You tell your Head of House, and follow the Head's suggestions faithfully (60% Huff, 20% Sly, 20% Raven)

    d) Tell everyone in your dorm, as well as close friends and Head, following Head's suggestions if they seem to be working. (50% Huff, 50% Gryff)

    e) You gut it out, not telling, not trying magical solutions, hoping it'll go away. You follow your regular schedule as much as possible, so no one will notice a change. You try heavy exercise to exhaust yourself. (60% Gryf, 40% Sly)

    f) Instead of visiting the redhead "Hogwarts broomstick" twice a week, up it to two or three times a day. This Will Get Expensive Fast. Find a better solution quickly. (In honour of the Doctor.) (25% Gryff, 25% Huff, 25% Raven, 25% Sly)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2008
  9. Ezryl

    Ezryl Squib

    Feb 11, 2008
    Probably B, if everyone knew about it you never know what they might do D:
  10. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    Banner, I think I love you.:p
  11. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    In Potions class, you see the person seated in front of you is about sabotage one of the other students' potion.

    a) You get the attempted saboteur's attention, and glare at him to warn him to stop it. (50% Sly, 50% Puff)

    b) You get the prospective victim's attention, and let the saboteur know that if he doesn't back off, you'll retaliate. (100% Gryff)

    c) You get the attention of the Professor, trusting him to stop the problem before it gets going. (100% Puff)

    d) You shield yourself and your own bench, and turn for a good view. (50% Raven, 50% Sly)

    e) You wait 'til the object has been thrown at the victim's workbench, and with some fast wandwork, banish it into the pitcher's cauldron. (50% Raven, 50% Gryff)

    f) You redirect the missle so that it falls down Ginny Weasley's cleavage, ripping open the front of her blouse from top to bottom. (25% Raven, 25% Gryff, 25 % Puff, 25% Sly)
  12. Chadrew

    Chadrew Second Year

    Jan 10, 2008
    Haha, sorry to cut in but I got to share this. I did the test and wanted the results, but it kept me asking "one last questions" until finally I registered for the site. I thought they'd give me my results by then, but I got an error message instead, saying something along the lines "We're sorry, but you will have to start the test over because of a server error. You might have found a bug. Maybe".

    Owned :mad:
  13. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    Someone dares you to tickle a dragon.

    A) Is it asleep? (60% Gryf, 20% Raven, 20% Puff)
    B) Sure thing! (100% drunk Gryf)
    C) Will I get points for it? (50% Gryff, 50% Puff)
    D) No! And I'm telling! (50% Sly, 50% Puff)
    E) Will it impress my girlfriend? (25% Sly, 25% Gryf, 25% Raven, 25% Puff)