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HP Fanfic cliche rant thread v4.0 now with more point 0!

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Midknight, Feb 21, 2006.

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  1. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Its one of things I hate most about Harry Potter fanficion.

    Lunarian, nice list of CCS stories in your FF.Net profile. Are all of them on FF.Net? I like Syaoran/Tomoyo myself...
  2. Zero

    Zero Seventh Year

    Dec 5, 2005
    Sailing the bermuda triangle...
    That cliche is similar to the one where Harry goes to heaven and meets his parents, Sirius and anyone who died in the war.

    I mean its nice and all, but Harry isn't the only kid whos ever lost their parents. He aint that special.
  3. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    I have to agree...the dream business is overused. It seems like it has become the standard filler these days.

    About a year ago, the dream stuff was new, even if most authors did go a little over the top in making Harry weep and sob.

    Now, the dreams happen in 3 chapters out of 10, and each dream is at least a page or so long.

    Would you say that Crying!Harry is a cliche? It does happen a lot, what with him sitting and staring out of the window at the typically overcast sky with tears rolling down his face as he whispers "Sirius...i'm so sorry."


    PS: Zero...i cited you in my profile...the link should be in my sig.
  4. Zero

    Zero Seventh Year

    Dec 5, 2005
    Sailing the bermuda triangle...
    Ugh..Crying!Harry, I want to be Normal!Harry, My wand flashed blue so lets go to Dumbledore and ask what the hell is going on!Harry, they all annoy me.
  5. Sepanto

    Sepanto Groundskeeper

    Aug 5, 2005
    I just realised some new pet peeve of mine. Authors who claim to have never seen an idea (Soulmates, Gringots vault the size of ginny's pussy, Emancipation...) before, despite it happening in more than 5 stories in thiers (the authors') favorites list.
  6. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    Similar to meeting Sirius and all in heaven. I have read quite a few where he goes through the veil and meets everyone. Luckily for Harry, he can get back through. Dont know how though
  7. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    LOL Me Hypocrite? That's unpossible!

  8. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    When they say that they make an AU of time goes back or indie!Harry and change only the little things. The major JK stays in his place int his fic.
    It's like:

    "Oh cool I'm in my self past! Now I will change everything!
    After 2 month:
    "Ron we have to save Hermione!!!"
    "Harry she isn't even needs to be saved!!!"
    "But the author doesn't have any new ideas, so he is going rewrite this scene and make me look better then in the cannon!!! I will kill the troll with Avada Kadavra!"
  9. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    I agree...the only ones worth reading are where Harry entirely fucks with the timeline.

    Especially when they have to save Sirius, but don't actually get around to doing it until the very end of third year.

    Imagine what Sirius would feel like..."Damnit, Harry! I was gonna escape tomorrow! You fucked things up, you little shit! That would've been the greatest prank ever!"

    I guess the main reason is that authors can't come up with a decent enough reason why a paradox won't be created.

    Me? Id simply say that the prophecy states that Harry can't die from any reason except Voldemort killing him, so a paradox can't be created to destroy everything. After all, *sarcasm* the power of love [/b]entirely transcends time![/i]
  10. oldmagic

    oldmagic Seventh Year

    Feb 27, 2006
    Canada, Ontario
    you know those kinda stories where harry goes into the past self. i pretty much have a theory about that.

    i mean harry does all that stuff from canon and then he goes to the past. he really fuckes it up, and with this it creates a new timeline. it's totally different from the others. not only you don't change the paste where you come from but the past you changes just created a new one. so it's pretty much an alternate universe.
  11. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Right...new cliche:

    Harry having his Quidditch Ban revoked, and being made the Captain of the team, but saying "Oh, i refused it and gave it to Ron. He's a much better strategist than me, i'm just a seeker."


    "Oh, i refused it. I have too much work to do this year"

    The first is the typical Super!Harry HP/GW story, where he feels so deeply for the penniless family that he gives Ron the Captaincy. Why? He only played for a year, and he's just lucky. He isn't really any good.

    The second is a cliche in some Independant!Harry stories, particularly ones where he rejects it, but has no real agenda of work taht cannot be accomplished at any other time. The author just has him say that for no reason except for sounding cool and making it seem like Harry's actually working his ass off. Then, they write in meaningless conversations and interactions int eh rest of the story that span several hours a day that could have been used to play Quidditch.

    It's not like he's gonna get any more independant by not playing Quidditch.

    WTF? All work and no play makes Harry just the teensiest bit gay...[/i]
  12. Element

    Element Seventh Year

    Jan 20, 2006
    Mmm, I'm not sure. I dislike those a bit, but I do sympathise with them. Canon!Harry is so idiotic, sometimes you just want to literally rewrite her scenes with a better Harry. In the authors case, they do.

    EDIT: I've no problem with Harry offloading the position of Quidditch Captain to Ron in any fic. For two reasons; Ron, despite how much I really don't like the guy (usually), he knows his Quidditch. Honestly, I just don't like it when Harry is suggesting Ron be Quidditch Captain or War General because he is good at Chess. This is annoying. I just simply find it hard to believe that because he is good at chess, he'll be an amazing QC or General. Yes, in Chess, you have to predict the opponent's moves. Yes, in Chess, you have to be strategic. The thing is - I find it hard to believe that our lazy, completely and utterly non-studious, rather stupid Ron will be able to relate Chess to real-life situations.

    And now I've forgotten my second reason - damn long-winded rants. Ah! - Right. If Ron was Quidditch Captain, he should (theoretically but not fanfically) have a lot less free time. This equals less time spent with Harry which really is good for everyone. Harry (obvious reasons), Readers (we don't have to read his mundane dialogue), Author (doesn't have to write mundane dialogue), teachers (Harry's grades go up!), Hermione (less time spent shouting at Ron).

    Its all good folks - just get rid of Ron and the world is perfect. I've figured it all out. Now, where did I leave my knife..?
  13. That_Boy

    That_Boy DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Dec 10, 2005
    Wellingon, New Zealand
    I personally hate it when there is quidditch in stories, I don't mind references etc. to it but having games and stuff in there makes me turn off. And on the Ron as captain note, You see in canon that the boy has obsession with quidditch and spends far too much time on it where Harry doesn't. I wouldn't like to be captain of a sports team because it IS a lot of work even for a normal person and if you have him training then captaincy would seriously eat into that time. Regular practices, Organisation, New Strategies etc.

    I don't like the way either Neville Or Ron are portrayed in a lot of fics. Suddenly Uber!Neville/ Dork!Neville or Jealous!Ron/Git!Ron. They are both unrealistic stereotypes of characters with flaws that are vastly blown out of proportion like ALL characters in most fanfics.
  14. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    Yeah, I really hate it when harry sits on the train and Neville comes in.

    Harry immediatly notices Neville has changed.

    'Hm nev's miraculous development in ability is as good as mine. It must be down to that new wand of his'
    Harry Mused
  15. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Lol, yeah.

    He also notices that Neville isn't chubby anymore, and he seems to have found new confidence, thanks to his summer long affair with Mimbulus Mimbletonia.

    Now, Luna wants his ass. Conveniently, the fact that he has new confidence is easliy forgotten as everything that Luna says makes him blush and babble as before.

    How tragic.
  16. oldmagic

    oldmagic Seventh Year

    Feb 27, 2006
    Canada, Ontario
    that's true but what you are forgetting is how our favorite lazy rather stupid idiot of a guy called ron becaome a prefect. PREFECT, for fucks sakes a freaken prefect in order of the pheonix. what about dean, or samus for goodness sake where is the world going to.
  17. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    ok, here is one.

    "End Chapter...

    Now I will post the next chapter when I get 30 reviews"

    That is the most annoying thing of all time, and whilst some might say it isnt a cliche, it is well overused
  18. cazten

    cazten Slug Club Member

    Nov 22, 2005
    another thing tht gets to me. Every time Harry see
    s his family vualt the first thing said is its full of gold, precious jewls, and weapons.

    the money is ok, they are after all a old family in most cases. The jewls though really get to me. Most authors make it sound as if they have enough jewls to buy half of africa. Usualy saying something along the lines of wall a has galleons, wall B has boxes stacked with jewls.... I can understand maybe having a nice collection of family heirlooms that are extreamly expensive looking, or some uncut stones. But damn hes not the owner of a mining company. Furthermore last i checked theres no mention of precious stones being magical and used for staffs and wands. If your gunna make harry become uber powerful with a staff at least make the focus gem something cool besides a great emeral the size of your fist that doesnt exist.

    Next on the agenda, weapons.... As an old family line i can understand the need for random weapons and assortments of armor, but for christ sake he doesnt need to be able to equip and entire army!!! Once again, it would probly be a better option to have an assortment of very nice signature weapons from his ancestors, but thats about it. I dont see why a person would put a bunch of weapons and armor in thir top security vault unless they were very special, or of great sentimental value.

    One other thing that annoys me but might not actually be classified as a Cliche. Whats with the un-summonable wandholsters, and unbreakable privacy wards, and anti-apparition wards that not even dumbledore can get through?
    If Voldemort can get trough just about every ward in existence besides Hogwarts im sure he and dumbledore can breach harry's little ward on private drive while hes trying to be mr. independant for the first time. In a way i like to compare it to computer hacking. There is no such thing as unhackable. There is no firewall that can block everyone. You can get damn close to unhackable, you can be better than everyone else at the time, but eventually with enough people and someone smart enough it will be hacked. Same deal with wards. Eventually there will be someone powerful enough to break them.
    Im sure voldemort can summon your wands out of their holster when the person who cast the anti-summon charm most likley can never imagine the amount of power the dark lord wields.
  19. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    A new-old cliche:

    Harry harvesting the basilisks corpse.
    At first it was a cool idea and everebody thought that way.
    After a while it become regular thing in Indie\Dark\Evil\Powerful Harry stories.
    Now it's annoying as hell.
  20. cazten

    cazten Slug Club Member

    Nov 22, 2005
    and in most those stories harry is somehow super lucky to have the basilisk be a compatible focus for his "new" wand even though his current one is a feather from the symbol creature for the light and a wood associated with being good.

    And basalik hide is automatically much better than dragon, even though there tons of dragon species.....

    one would think it was harvested long ago. Just becuase there wasnt a scene for it doesnt mean sometime in the backround dumbledore didnt ask harry to help him harvest the remains of one of the most feared and rarest creatures in existence.....
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