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WIP I'm on TV by Bar Calak - Unrated [HP SI]

Discussion in 'Review Board' started by Skeletaure, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I don't have a problem with Baz winning all the time, but I would argue that finishing HP movies is long overdue. If you have a main character that always wins then in my opinion you need to replace the challenges for him with the variety of interactions and settings to make it exciting.
  2. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    I'll echo previous couple of comments - surprisingly interesting read has turned into a turd in the last 20 or so chapters;

    Lately it's been a hazy mosaic of scenes, like an impressionist painting, chasing from one crackish conversation to another, loosely connected by even more wisecracking internal monologue.

    It's all very monotone and exhausting: Bas does X, everyone piles on him, he cracks some metaphors/quips, and everyone else quips back, instead of acknowledging that for last 10 years, Bas had some very sharp if unexpected ideas. Rinse and repeat, piling, wisecracking, quipping.
  3. carbetocinate

    carbetocinate Squib

    Jan 7, 2014
    Yeah I really enjoyed the first few bits (enough to cough up a month of patreon). However (no spoilers) the love interest angle gets in my view incredibly creepy in the last few updates. I don't want to say it's outright grooming but with the context of who Bas is and the other person it feels very grooming-adjacent.

    My month is up and i doubt I'll ever read it going forward. Interesting premise with some good detail and energy in the first few arcs. But I think after he comes of age and the first nanny leaves you can probably call the job a good'un as a reader and move on to something else.
  4. DvorkaM

    DvorkaM Squib

    Apr 23, 2015
    It is charming, mostly feelgood, likely self insert fic.

    There are no real stakes, or if they appear, they tend to resolve by the end of the chapter or the next one.
    The way it is told, MC really feels like Harry Potter in the real world.

    As the story progresses I am kind of missing the time travel shenanigans. Or some overarching plot? At this point it is kind of on cruise control. Good things are happening, jokes are said, celebrity cameo is dropped. It is perfectly servicable, guilty pleasure.

    On the other hand the MC has become a Harry Potteresque character himself and that is fun to read. I mean at this point it feels like one of very rare HP fanfictions that still updates, Ill take it.

    I couldn’t put it down since I found it 4 days ago wanting to know what happens next. I skimmed through some parts, but never got bored.